To accomplish an efficient test pattern generation, the isomorphism identification algorithm and the pseudo dominator identification algorithm are developed which are used to identify redundant faults efficiently. Results show that test pattern generation using these algorithms is very efficient.
Youbean KIM Kicheol KIM Incheol KIM Hyunwook SON Sungho KANG
This paper presents a new low power BIST TPG scheme for reducing scan transitions. It uses a transition freezing and melting method which is implemented of the transition freezing block and a MUX. When random test patterns are generated from an LFSR, transitions of those patterns satisfy pseudo-random Gaussian distribution. The proposed technique freezes transitions of patterns using a freezing value. Experimental results show that the proposed BIST TPG schemes can reduce average power reduction by about 60% without performance loss and peak power by about 30% in ISCAS'89 benchmark circuits.
Hong-Sik KIM Yong-Chun KIM Sungho KANG
This paper presents a DFT controller called as a TCU (Test Control Unit), which considerably improves the efficiency of the instruction-based functional test. Internal program/data buses are completely controllable and observable by the TCU during the test cycle. Diverse test modes of the TCU can increase the test efficiency and also provide complete access to program/data memories for functional test.
HyunJin KIM Hong-Sik KIM Jung-Hee LEE Jin-Ho AHN Sungho KANG
This paper proposes a hardware-based parallel pattern matching engine using a memory-based bit-split string matcher architecture. The proposed bit-split string matcher separates the transition table from the state table, so that state transitions towards the initial state are not stored. Therefore, total memory requirements can be minimized.
Hyeonuk SON Incheol KIM Sang-Goog LEE Jin-Ho AHN Jeong-Do KIM Sungho KANG
This paper proposes a built-in self-test (BIST) scheme for noise-tolerant testing of a digital-to-analogue converter (DAC). The proposed BIST calculates the differences in output voltages between a DAC and test modules. These differences are used as the inputs of an integrator that determines integral nonlinearity (INL). The proposed method has an advantage of random noise cancelation and achieves a higher test accuracy than do the conventional BIST methods. The simulation results show high standard noise-immunity and fault coverage for the proposed method.