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  • An Analysis of an Optical Fiber with Two Inhomogeneous Sector Holes by Circular Fourier Expansion Method

    Shinichi FURUKAWA  Wataru SATOU  Takashi HINATA  Nao SHIMIZU  

    PAPER-Optical Fibers

    E91-C No:1

    In this paper, a fiber with two inhomogeneous sector holes around the core is proposed, and propagation characteristics of polarization maintaining region and single-polarization region are numerically analyzed by circular Fourier expansion method. In each case of the single-polarization region and the polarization maintaining region, a fiber is designed so as to satisfy the zero total dispersion at wavelength of 1.55 µm. Then, the single-polarization bandwidth for the single-polarization region and the modal birefringence for the polarization maintaining region are examined as the specific characteristics in each region. In addition, the power concentrating into the core region and distributions of Poynting vector is also discussed.

  • Novel Uniform Asymptotic Solutions for the Back Scattering of a Whispering Gallery Mode by a Cylindrically Curved Conducting Sheet

    Toshihide AJIKI  Toyohiko ISHIHARA  

    PAPER-High-Frequency Asymptotic Methods

    E91-C No:1

    We have derived the novel extended UTD (Uniform Geometrical Theory of Diffraction) solution and the novel modified UTD solution for the back scattering of an incident whispering gallery (WG) mode on the edge of a cylindrically curved conducting sheet. By comparing with the reference solution obtained from the integral representation of the scattered field by integrating numerically along the integration path, we have confirmed the validity and the utility of the novel asymptotic solutions proposed in the present study. It is shown that the extended UTD solution can be connected smoothly to the modified UTD solution on the geometrical boundary separating the edge-diffracted ray and the surface-diffracted ray.

  • Multi-Level Confined Error Diffusion Algorithm for Flat Panel Display

    JunHak LEE  Takahiko HORIUCHI  Shoji TOMINAGA  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E91-D No:1

    The reduction of a structural pattern at specific gray levels or at the special condition of image data has mainly been discussed in digital halftone methods. This problem is more severe in some flat panel displays because their black levels typically are brighter than other displays blocks. The authors proposed an advanced confined error diffusion (ACED) algorithm which was a well-organized halftone algorithm for flat panel devices. In this paper, we extend the ACED algorithm to the multi-level systems, which are capable of displaying more than 2 levels. Our extension has two merits for the hardware implementation. First, it can be processed in real time using the look-up table based method. The second one is the flexibility of selecting the used gray level. This paper discusses the performance of the proposed algorithms with experimental results for natural test images.

  • Real-Time Point-Based Rendering Using Visibility Map

    Byeong-Seok SHIN  Dong-Ryeol OH  Daniel KANG  

    PAPER-Computer Graphics

    E91-D No:1

    Because of its simplicity and intuitive approach, point-based rendering has been a very popular research area. Recent approaches have focused on hardware-accelerated techniques. By applying a deferred shading scheme, both high-quality images and high-performance rendering have been achieved. However, previous methods showed problems related to depth-based visibility computation. We propose an extended point-based rendering method using a visibility map. In our method we employ a distance-based visibility technique (replacing depth-based visibility), an averaged position map and an adaptive fragment processing scheme, resulting in more accurate and improved image quality, as well as improved rendering performance.

  • A Novel Photonic Crystal Fiber Design for Large Effective Area and High Negative Dispersion

    Nguyen Hoang HAI  Yoshinori NAMIHIRA  Feroza BEGUM  Shubi F. KAIJAGE  Tatsuya KINJO  S.M. Abdur RAZZAK  Nianyu ZOU  


    E91-C No:1

    In this paper, we propose and demonstrate a novel type of PCF that has two cladding layers with Ge rods at the center core. We numerically show that it is possible to design a single mode PCF with large effective area greater than 200 µm2 over the whole wavelength above 1.2 µm. The proposed large mode area PCF (LMA-PCF) exhibits a high negative dispersion coefficient from -186 to -158 [ps/(nm-km)] in all wavelengths ranging from 1.2 µm to 1.8 µm. Effective single mode operation of LMA-PCF is confimed for the entire band of interest.

  • Distributed PMD Compensation Experiment Using Polarizers

    Hiroyuki TODA  Masaki NARA  Masayuki MATSUMOTO  Daniele ALZETTA  

    LETTER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E90-B No:12

    We experimentally demonstrated polarization-mode dispersion (PMD) compensation by distributing polarizers with only 1 degree of freedom (DOF) along the transmission line. The average power penalty was measured to be 0.4 dB by inserting four compensators, where average differential group delay was 47% of bit period.

  • Image Adaptive Incremental Subfield Coding for Plasma Display Panels

    Myung Jin PARK  Hyoun Soo PARK  Young Hwan KIM  


    E90-C No:11

    In this letter, we propose a new approach to incremental coding of the subfield codes for plasma display panels (PDPs). The proposed approach suppresses the halftone noise of the PDPs, while completely eliminating false contour noise, as do existing incremental subfield codes, by selecting an optimal incremental subfield code adaptively for a given input image. The proposed method maps the problem of selecting the optimal incremental subfield code onto a special-case shortest path problem. Results of experiment using 109 sample images illustrated that the proposed method improved the average peak signal-to-noise ratio by 4.4-6.2 dB in halftone noise compared with existing incremental subfield coding methods.

  • "Front Drive" Display Structure for Color Electronic Paper Using Fully Transparent Amorphous Oxide TFT Array

    Manabu ITO  Masato KON  Chihiro MIYAZAKI  Noriaki IKEDA  Mamoru ISHIZAKI  Yoshiko UGAJIN  Norimasa SEKINE  


    E90-C No:11

    We demonstrate a novel display structure for color electronic paper for the first time. Fully transparent amorphous oxide TFT array is directly deposited onto color filter array and combined with E Ink Imaging Film. Taking advantage of the transparent property of the oxide TFT, the color filter and TFT array are positioned at the viewing side of the display. This novel "Front Drive" display structure facilitates the alignment of the color filter and TFT dramatically.

  • Evaluation of Information Leakage from PC Displays Using Spectrum Analyzers

    Toshihide TOSAKA  Yukio YAMANAKA  Kaori FUKUNAGA  Ryo ISHIKAWA  Mitsuo HATTORI  

    LETTER-Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)

    E90-B No:11

    To evaluate whether electromagnetic disturbances that leak from PC displays contain information or not, we need to reconstruct the information from the measured disturbance. This requires a special receiver, and not all test houses have a special receiver. In this paper, we propose performing the evaluation with the spectrum analyzers commonly used for EMI measurement. First, we select a spectrum that containing the frequency component of the vertical sync signal using a spectrum analyzer (SA1). Then, we measure the video output of SA1 using another spectrum analyzer (SA2) and evaluate the disturbance from the frequency component of the horizontal sync signal.

  • Improvement of Measurement Method for Luminance Distribution of Electron Beam Spot in Color Display Tubes

    Naoki SHIRAMATSU  


    E90-C No:11

    A method for measuring the luminance distribution of an electron beam spot was described, which is fundamental to evaluate the resolution of a color display tube. First, to achieve high sensitivity and wide dynamic range identical to those of visual inspection, we proposed the use of an ICCD camera for imaging and two levels of sensitivity. With that method, we were able to measure the luminance distribution of an electron beam spot over a range of currents that extends from the extremely weak cathode current region to large current that correspond to the peak luminance. Specifically, we were able to measure the entire distribution shape from the base to the peak for beam spots in the cathode current range from 20 µA to 300 µA, while compensating the absolute luminance level. Second, a reconstruction algorithm of entire beam distribution from the shape of the masked part of the beam was also proposed, in which shift error is compensated to reduce the variance in measurement results caused by jitter noise in the conventional image processing method. That algorithm improves the reproducibility of repeated measurements. Specifically, a function for estimating the actual shift from the first-order moment of the image was incorporated into the spot shape reconstruction algorithm, resulting in a reduction of the standard deviation for repeated measurements of the horizontal beam spot diameter at 5% intensity from 0.02 mm to 0.005 mm.

  • Design of a Decagonal Photonic Crystal Fiber for Ultra-Flattened Chromatic Dispersion

    S. M. Abdur RAZZAK  Yoshinori NAMIHIRA  Feroza BEGUM  Shubi KAIJAGE  Nguyen Hoang HAI  Nianyu ZOU  


    E90-C No:11

    This paper describes near-zero ultra-flattened chromatic dispersion and low confinement loss that can be achieved from a decagonal photonic crystal fiber (D-PCF). The finite difference method with anisotropic perfectly matched boundary layer (PML) is used for the numerical analysis. It is demonstrated that it is possible to design a four-ring D-PCF with ultra-flattened dispersion of 0 0.69 ps/(nm-km) in a 1.30 to 1.75 µm wavelength range and 0 0.22 ps/(nm-km) in a 1.35 to 1.65 µm wavelength range with very low confinement losses of order 0.0011 dB/km. The proposed D-PCF shows promising dispersion tolerance.

  • 10 Gb/s WDM Transmission at 1064 and 1550 nm over 24 km Photonic Crystal Fiber with Negative Power Penalties

    Kenji KUROKAWA  Kyozo TSUJIKAWA  Katsusuke TAJIMA  Kazuhide NAKAJIMA  Izumi SANKAWA  

    PAPER-Optical Fiber for Communications

    E90-B No:10

    We achieved the first 10 Gb/s WDM transmission at 1064 and 1550 nm over 24 km of photonic crystal fiber (PCF). We confirmed an improvement in the bit error rate (BER) performance after the transmission, namely "negative power penalties" of -0.5 and -0.3 dB at 1064 and 1550 nm, respectively. Our experimental result and theoretical estimation revealed that the signal degradation induced by the chromatic dispersion can be effectively suppressed by employing the pre-chirp technique with a conventional Z-cut lithium niobate (LN) modulator. We also show theoretically that we can expect to realize 10 Gb/s transmission over a 24 km PCF with negligible BER degradation in the 1060 to 1600 nm wavelength range by using the pre-chirp technique.

  • A Novel Defected Elliptical Pore Photonic Crystal Fiber with Ultra-Flattened Dispersion and Low Confinement Losses

    Nguyen Hoang HAI  Yoshinori NAMIHIRA  Feroza BEGUM  Shubi KAIJAGE  S.M. Abdur RAZZAK  Tatsuya KINJO  Nianyu ZOU  


    E90-C No:8

    This paper reports a novel design in Photonic Crystal Fibers (PCFs) with nearly zero ultra-flattened dispersion characteristics. We describe the chromatic dispersion controllability taking non-uniform air hole structures into consideration. Through optimizing non-uniform air hole structures, the ultra-flattened zero dispersion PCFs can be efficiently designed. We show numerically that the proposed non-uniform air cladding structures successfully archive flat dispersion characteristics as well as extremely low confinement losses. As an example, the proposed PCF with flattened dispersion of 0.27 ps/(nmkm) from 1.5 µm to 1.8 µm wavelength with confinement losses of less than 10-11 dB/m. Finally, we point out that full controllability of the chromatic dispersion and confinement losses, along with the fabrication technique, are the main advantages of the proposed PCF structure.

  • Simulation Study of Effect of Dispersions on Recording Performances in Perpendicular Magnetic Recording Media

    Naoki HONDA  Kazuhiro OUCHI  


    E90-C No:8

    Effect of dispersions of medium parameters and structure on the recording performance was systematically investigated. Moderately increased M-H loop slope is effective for obtaining higher thermal stability, smaller saturation fields, and higher resolution. It was found that the most influential factor is the dispersion in anisotropy field, Hk. Small Hk dispersion reduced the noise when exchange coupled media were used. Reduced grain size and a stacked structure of the media were expected to give a restricted gain in the signal to noise ratio.

  • Linear Dispersion Codes with Limited Feedback

    Dan DENG  Jin-kang ZHU  Ling QIU  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E90-B No:7

    LDCs system with finite-rate error-free feedback is proposed in this letter. The optimal transmission codeword is selected at the receiver and the codeword index is sent to the transmitter. A simple random search algorithm is introduced for codebook generation. Moreover, the max-min singular value criterion is adopted for codeword selection. Simulation results showed that, with only 3-4 feedback bits, the low-complexity Zero-Forcing receiver can approach the Maximum-Likelihood (ML) performance.

  • A Novel Non-contact Capacitive Probe for Common-Mode Voltage Measurement

    Ryuichi KOBAYASHI  Yoshiharu HIROSHIMA  Hidenori ITO  Hiroyuki FURUYA  Mitsuo HATTORI  Yasuhiko TADA  

    PAPER-Measurement and Immunity

    E90-B No:6

    This paper describes a capacitive voltage probe (CVP) that can measure a common-mode voltage on a cable without touching its conductor. This CVP has two coaxial electrodes: the inner electrode works as a voltage pickup and the outer one shields the inner electrode. These electrodes separate into two parts for clamping to the cable. Using a high input impedance circuit, this probe measures the common-mode voltage by detecting the voltage difference between the two electrodes. The probe characteristics are evaluated by measuring its linearity and frequency response. The results show that this probe has a dynamic range of 100 dB and flat frequency response from 10 kHz to 30 MHz. Deviations in sensitivity due to the position of the clamped cable in the inner electrode and to differences in the cable radius are evaluated theoretically and experimentally. The results indicate that the influence of the cable position can be calibrated. Finally, measured data obtained using both an impedance stabilizing network (ISN) and a CVP are compared to confirm the validity of the CVP. The results show that data measured by the CVP closely agreed with that obtained by the ISN. Therefore, the CVP is useful for EMC measurements to evaluate common-mode disturbances.

  • Acoustic Field Analysis of Surface Acoustic Wave Dispersive Delay Lines Using Inclined Chirp IDT

    Koichiro MISU  Koji IBATA  Shusou WADAKA  Takao CHIBA  Minoru K. KUROSAWA  


    E90-A No:5

    Acoustic field analysis results of surface acoustic wave dispersive delay lines using inclined chirp IDTs on a Y-Z LiNbO3 substrate are described. The calculated results are compared with optical measurements. The angular spectrum of the plane wave method is applied to calculation of the acoustic fields considering the anisotropy of the SAW velocity by using the polynomial approximation. Acoustic field propagating along the Z-axis of the substrate, which is the main beam excited by the inclined chirp IDT, shows asymmetric distribution between the +Z and -Z directions. Furthermore the SAW beam propagating in a slanted direction with an angle of +18 from the Z axis to the X-axis is observed. It is described that the SAW beam propagating in a slanted direction is the first side lobe excited by the inclined chirp IDT. The acoustic field shows asymmetric distribution along the X-axis because of the asymmetric structure of the inclined chirp IDT. Finally, acoustic field of a two-IDT connected structure which consists of the same IDTs electrically connected in series is presented. The acoustic field of the two-IDT connected structure is calculated to be superposed onto the calculated result of the acoustic field exited by one IDT on the calculated result shifted along the X-axis. Two SAW beams excited by IDTs are observed. The distributions of the SAW beams are not in parallel. The calculated results show good agreement with the optical measurement results.

  • Novel Square Photonic Crystal Fibers with Ultra-Flattened Chromatic Dispersion and Low Confinement Losses

    Feroza BEGUM  Yoshinori NAMIHIRA  S.M. Abdur RAZZAK  Nianyu ZOU  


    E90-C No:3

    This study proposes a novel structure of index-guiding square photonic crystal fibers (SPCF) having simultaneously ultra-flattened chromatic dispersion characteristics and low confinement losses in a wide wavelength range. The finite difference method (FDM) with anisotropic perfectly matched layers (PMLs) is used to analyze the various properties of square PCF. The findings reveal that it is possible to design five-ring PCFs with a flattened negative chromatic dispersion of 0-1.5 ps/( in a wavelength range of 1.27 µm to 1.7 µm and a flattened chromatic dispersion of 01.15 ps/( in a wavelength range of 1.25 µm to 1.61 µm. Simultaneously it also exhibited that the confinement losses are less than 10-9 dB/m and 10-10 dB/m in the wavelength range of 1.25 µm to 1.7 µm.

  • X-Ray Detection Using Superconducting Tunnel Junction Shaped Normal-Distribution-Function

    Tohru TAINO  Tomohiro NISHIHARA  Koichi HOSHINO  Hiroaki MYOREN  Hiromi SATO  Hirohiko M. SHIMIZU  Susumu TAKADA  


    E90-C No:3

    A normal-distribution-function-shaped superconducting tunnel junction (NDF-STJ) which consists of Nb/Al-AlOx/Al/Nb has been fabricated as an X-ray detector. Current - voltage characteristics were measured at 0.4 K using three kinds of STJs, which have the dispersion parameters σ of 0.25, 0.45 and 0.75. These STJs showed very low subgap leakage current of about 5 nA. By irradiating with 5.9 keV X-rays, we obtained the spectrum of these NDF-STJs. They showed good energy resolution with small magnetic fields of below 3 mT, which is about one-tenth of those for conventional-shaped STJs.

  • Switching-Wavelength Pulsed Source and Its Applications in Parallel Processing of High-Speed Signals

    Chester SHU  Ka-Lun LEE  Mable P. FOK  


    E90-C No:2

    We report the generation of time- and wavelength-interleaved optical pulses using the principle of sub-harmonic pulse gating in a dispersion-managed fiber cavity. The pulsed source has been applied to the processing of electrical and optical signals including analog-to-digital conversion, wavelength multicast, and serial-to-parallel optical data conversion.


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