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  • Implementation of Multimode-Multilevel Block Truncation Coding for LCD Overdrive

    Taegeun OH  Sanghoon LEE  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E95-A No:5

    The Liquid-crystal display (LCD) overdrive technique has been utilized to reduce motion blur on a display via a reduction in the response time. However, to measure the variation of the pixel amplitudes, it is necessary to store the previous frame using a large frame memory. To downscale the frame memory, block truncation coding (BTC) is commonly employed due to the simplicity of its implementation, even if some visual artifacts may occur for image blocks with high frequency components. In this paper, we present a multimode-multilevel BTC (MBTC) technique that improves performance while maintaining simplicity. To improve the visual quality, we uniquely determine the quantization level and coding mode of each block according to the distribution of the luminance and chrominance amplitudes. For a compression ratio of 6:1, the proposed method demonstrates higher coding efficiency and overdrive performance by up to 3.81 dB in the PSNR compared to other methods.

  • Optimizing a Virtual Re-Convergence System to Reduce Visual Fatigue in Stereoscopic Camera

    Jae Gon KIM  Jun-Dong CHO  

    PAPER-Image Processing

    E95-D No:5

    In this paper, we propose an optimized virtual re-convergence system especially to reduce the visual fatigue caused by binocular stereoscopy. Our unique idea to reduce visual fatigue is to utilize the virtual re-convergence based on the optimized disparity-map that contains more depth information in the negative disparity area than in the positive area. Therefore, our system facilitates a unique search-range scheme, especially for negative disparity exploration. In addition, we used a dedicated method, using a so-called Global-Shift Value (GSV), which are the total shift values of each image in stereoscopy to converge a main object that can mostly affect visual fatigue. The experimental result, which is a subjective assessment by participants, shows that the proposed method makes stereoscopy significantly comfortable and attractive to view than existing methods.

  • Automatic Determination of the Appropriate Number of Clusters for Multispectral Image Data


    PAPER-Image Processing

    E95-D No:5

    Nowadays, clustering is a popular tool for exploratory data analysis, with one technique being K-means clustering. Determining the appropriate number of clusters is a significant problem in K-means clustering because the results of the k-means technique depend on different numbers of clusters. Automatic determination of the appropriate number of clusters in a K-means clustering application is often needed in advance as an input parameter to the K-means algorithm. We propose a new method for automatic determination of the appropriate number of clusters using an extended co-occurrence matrix technique called a tri-co-occurrence matrix technique for multispectral imagery in the pre-clustering steps. The proposed method was tested using a dataset from a known number of clusters. The experimental results were compared with ground truth images and evaluated in terms of accuracy, with the numerical result of the tri-co-occurrence providing an accuracy of 84.86%. The results from the tests confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed method in finding the appropriate number of clusters and were compared with the original co-occurrence matrix technique and other algorithms.

  • A Cost-Effective Energy-Recovering Sustain Driving Circuit for ac Plasma Display Panels

    Jae Kwang LIM  Heung-Sik TAE  Byungcho CHOI  Seok Gi KIM  

    PAPER-Electronic Displays

    E95-C No:2

    A new sustain driving circuit, featuring an energy-recovering function with simple structure and minimal component count, is proposed as a cost-effective solution for driving plasma display panels during the sustaining period. Compared with existing solutions, the proposed circuit reduces the number of semiconductor switches and reactive circuit components without compromising the circuit performance and gas-discharging characteristics. In addition, the proposed circuit utilizes the harness wire as an inductive circuit component, thereby further simplifying the circuit structure. The performance of the proposed circuit is confirmed with a 42-inch plasma display panel.

  • A New Recovery Mechanism in Superscalar Microprocessors by Recovering Critical Misprediction

    Jiongyao YE  Yu WAN  Takahiro WATANABE  

    PAPER-High-Level Synthesis and System-Level Design

    E94-A No:12

    Current trends in modern out-of-order processors involve implementing deeper pipelines and a large instruction window to achieve high performance, which lead to the penalty of the branch misprediction recovery being a critical factor in overall processor performance. Multi path execution is proposed to reduce this penalty by executing both paths following a branch, simultaneously. However, there are some drawbacks in this mechanism, such as design complexity caused by processing both paths after a branch and performance degradation due to hardware resource competition between two paths. In this paper, we propose a new recovery mechanism, called Recovery Critical Misprediction (RCM), to reduce the penalty of branch misprediction recovery. The mechanism uses a small trace cache to save the decoded instructions from the alternative path following a branch. Then, during the subsequent predictions, the trace cache is accessed. If there is a hit, the processor forks the second path of this branch at the renamed stage so that the design complexity in the fetch stage and decode stage is alleviated. The most contribution of this paper is that our proposed mechanism employs critical path prediction to identify the branches that will be most harmful if mispredicted. Only the critical branch can save its alternative path into the trace cache, which not only increases the usefulness of a limited size of trace cache but also avoids the performance degradation caused by the forked non-critical branch. Experimental results employing SPECint 2000 benchmark show that a processor with our proposed RCM improves IPC value by 10.05% compared with a conventional processor.

  • Compression of Dynamic 3D Meshes and Progressive Displaying

    Bin-Shyan JONG  Chi-Kang KAO  Juin-Ling TSENG  Tsong-Wuu LIN  

    PAPER-Computer Graphics

    E94-D No:11

    This paper introduces a new dynamic 3D mesh representation that provides 3D animation support of progressive display and drastically reduces the amount of storage space required for 3D animation. The primary purpose of progressive display is to allow viewers to get animation as quickly as possible, rather than having to wait until all data has been downloaded. In other words, this method allows for the simultaneous transmission and playing of 3D animation. Experiments show that coarser 3D animation could be reconstructed with as little as 150 KB of data transferred. Using the sustained transmission of refined operators, viewers feel that resolution approaches that of the original animation. The methods used in this study are based on a compression technique commonly used in 3D animation - clustered principle component analysis, using the linearly independent rules of principle components, so that animation can be stored using smaller amounts of data. This method can be coupled with streaming technology to reconstruct animation through iterative updating. Each principle component is a portion of the streaming data to be stored and transmitted after compression, as well as a refined operator during the animation update process. This paper considers errors and rate-distortion optimization, and introduces weighted progressive transmitting (WPT), using refined sequences from optimized principle components, so that each refinement yields an increase in quality. In other words, with identical data size, this method allows each principle component to reduce allowable error and provide the highest quality 3D animation.

  • Adaptive Push-Pull Protocols for P2P-Based Video Streaming

    Duhwan JO  Sumi HELAL  Eunsam KIM  Wonjun LEE  Choonhwa LEE  


    E94-B No:10

    This paper presents novel hybrid push-pull protocols for peer-to-peer video streaming. Our approaches intend to reap the best of push- and pull-based schemes by adaptively switching back and forth between the two modes according to video chunk distributions. The efficacy of the proposed protocols is validated through an evaluation study that demonstrates substantial performance gains.

  • Numerical Simulation of Air Flow through Glottis during Very Weak Whisper Sound Production

    Makoto OTANI  Tatsuya HIRAHARA  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E94-A No:9

    A non-audible murmur (NAM), a very weak whisper sound produced without vocal fold vibration, has been researched in the development of a silent-speech communication tool for functional speech disorders as well as human-to-human/machine interfaces with inaudible voice input. The NAM can be detected using a specially designed microphone, called a NAM microphone, attached to the neck. However, the detected NAM signal has a low signal-to-noise ratio and severely suppressed high-frequency component. To improve NAM clarity, the mechanism of a NAM production must be clarified. In this work, an air flow through a glottis in the vocal tract was numerically simulated using computational fluid dynamics and vocal tract shape models that are obtained by a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan for whispered voice production with various strengths, i.e. strong, weak, and very weak. For a very weak whispering during the MRI scan, subjects were trained, just before the scanning, to produce the very weak whispered voice, or the NAM. The numerical results show that a weak vorticity flow occurs in the supraglottal region even during a very weak whisper production; such vorticity flow provide aeroacoustic sources for a very weak whispering, i.e. NAM, as in an ordinary whispering.

  • Study on Address Discharge Characteristics by Changing Ramp-Down Voltage in AC PDPs

    Joon-Yub KIM  Yeon Tae JEONG  Byung-Gwon CHO  

    BRIEF PAPER-Electronic Displays

    E94-C No:9

    The address discharge characteristics formed when an address pulse is applied in AC plasma display panels are investigated by changing the ramp-down voltage during the reset period. The address discharge time lag can be reduced when the difference between the ramp-down voltage and the scan-low voltage is set at a high value during the ramp-down period because the loss of the wall charges accumulated between the scan (Y) and address (A) electrodes during the reset period is minimized. In addition, the voltage applied to the X electrode during the ramp-down period can prevent the voltage margin from reduction even though applying high voltage difference on the Y electrodes.

  • Reduction of Computational Cost of POC-Based Methods for Displacement Estimation in Old Film Sequences

    Xiaoyong ZHANG  Masahide ABE  Masayuki KAWAMATA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E94-A No:7

    This paper proposes a new method that reduces the computational cost of the phase-only correlation (POC)-based methods for displacement estimation in old film sequences. Conventional POC-based methods calculate all the points of the POC and only use the highest peak of the POC and its neighboring points to estimate the displacement with subpixel accuracy. Our proposed method reduces the computational cost by calculating the POC in a small region, instead of all the points of the POC. The proposed method combines a displacement pre-estimation with a modified inverse discrete Fourier transform (IDFT). The displacement pre-estimation uses the 1-D POCs of frame projections to pre-estimate the displacement with pixel accuracy and chooses a small region in the POC including the desired points for displacement estimation. The modified IDFT is then used to calculate the points in this small region for displacement estimation. Experimental results show that use of the proposed method can effectively reduce the computational cost of the POC-based methods without compromising the accuracy.

  • SigProbe: An Efficient End-to-End Bandwidth Measurement Technique Utilizing the Path Signatures and Graphical Analyses

    Jin Cheol KIM  Younghee LEE  


    E94-B No:4

    Internet group-based application layer services such as the overlay networks and P2P systems can benefit from end-to-end network status information. An efficient and accurate bandwidth measurement technique plays an important role in acquiring this information. We propose an end-to-end bottleneck link capacity measurement technique that utilizes path signatures combined with graphical analyses. This feature reduces the probe overhead and decreases the convergence time. We used ns-2 simulations and actual Internet measurements, which resulted in a high level of accuracy and a short probe time with low overhead.

  • Psychological Effects of Ambient Illumination Control and Illumination Layout While Viewing Various Video Images

    Takuya IWANAMI  Ayano KIKUCHI  Keita HIRAI  Toshiya NAKAGUCHI  Norimichi TSUMURA  Yoichi MIYAKE  


    E94-A No:2

    Recently enhancing the visual experience of the user has been a new trend for TV displays. This trend comes from the fact that changes of ambient illuminations while viewing a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) significantly affect human impressions. However, psychological effects caused by the combination of displayed video image and ambient illuminations have not been investigated. In the present research, we clarify the relationship between ambient illuminations and psychological effects while viewing video image displayed on the LCD by using a questionnaire based semantic differential (SD) method and a factor analysis method. Six kinds of video images were displayed under different colors and layouts of illumination conditions and rated by 15 observers. According to the analysis, it became clear that the illumination control around the LCD with displayed video image, the feeling of 'activity' and 'evaluating' were rated higher than the feeling of fluorescent ceiling condition. In particular, simultaneous illumination control around the display and the ceiling enhanced the feeling of 'activity,' and 'evaluating' with keeping 'comfort.' Moreover, the feeling of 'activity' under the illumination control around the LCD and the ceiling condition while viewing music video image was rated clearly higher than that with natural scene video image.

  • The Firing Squad Synchronization Problems for Number Patterns on a Seven-Segment Display and Segment Arrays

    Kazuya YAMASHITA  Mitsuru SAKAI  Sadaki HIROSE  Yasuaki NISHITANI  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E93-D No:12

    The Firing Squad Synchronization Problem (FSSP), one of the most well-known problems related to cellular automata, was originally proposed by Myhill in 1957 and became famous through the work of Moore [1]. The first solution to this problem was given by Minsky and McCarthy [2] and a minimal time solution was given by Goto [3]. A significant amount of research has also dealt with variants of this problem. In this paper, from a theoretical interest, we will extend this problem to number patterns on a seven-segment display. Some of these problems can be generalized as the FSSP for some special trees called segment trees. The FSSP for segment trees can be reduced to a FSSP for a one-dimensional array divided evenly by joint cells that we call segment array. We will give algorithms to solve the FSSPs for this segment array and other number patterns, respectively. Moreover, we will clarify the minimal time to solve these problems and show that there exists no such solution.

  • Spectrophotometer Calibration by a Double Integrating Sphere Reference Light Source and Display Panel Measurement Using Dark Sphere Open Access

    Tatsuhiko MATSUMOTO  Shigeo KUBOTA  Tsutomu SHIMURA  Shuichi HAGA  Takehiro NAKATSUE  Junichi OHSAKO  


    E93-C No:11

    We succeeded to develop a reference light source in the range of very low luminance using a double integrating sphere system, and calibrated a commercial spectrophotometer below 110-5 cd/m2 levels, which is 1/100 lower than the specified limit for measurement. And we improved measurements in the ultra low luminance range of displays using the calibrated commercial spectrophotometer and a dark sphere to suppress the influence of the surround.

  • Error-Resilient 3-D Wavelet Video Coding with Duplicated Lowest Sub-Band Coefficients and Two-Step Error Concealment Method

    Sunmi KIM  Hirokazu TANAKA  Takahiro OGAWA  Miki HASEYAMA  


    E93-A No:11

    In this paper, we propose a two-step error concealment algorithm based on an error resilient three-dimensional discrete wavelet transform (3-D DWT) video coding scheme. The proposed scheme consists of an error-resilient encoder duplicating the lowest sub-band bit-streams for dispersive grouped frames and an error concealment decoder. The error concealment method of this decoder is decomposed of two steps, the first step is replacement of erroneous coefficients in the lowest sub-band by the duplicated coefficients, and the second step is interpolation of the missing wavelet coefficients by minimum mean square error (MMSE) estimation. The proposed scheme can achieve robust transmission over unreliable channels. Experimental results provide performance comparisons in terms of peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and demonstrate increased performances compared to state-of-the-art error concealment schemes.

  • Calibrating Coordinates of a Tabletop Display with a Reflex in Eye-Hand Coordination

    Makio ISHIHARA  Yukio ISHIHARA  

    LETTER-Human-computer Interaction

    E93-D No:10

    This manuscript introduces a pointing interface for a tabletop display with a reflex in eye-hand coordination. The reflex is a natural response to inconsistency between kinetic information of a mouse and visual feedback of the mouse cursor. The reflex yields information on which side the user sees the screen from, so that the screen coordinates are aligned with the user's position.

  • Empirical Dispersion Formula of the Conductor-Backed Coplanar Waveguide with Via Holes

    Jung Han CHOI  

    LETTER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E93-C No:9

    An empirical dispersion formula is proposed and experimentally verified considering higher order modes of the conductor-backed coplanar waveguide with via holes. For this purpose, an effective dielectric constant is extracted up to 100 GHz from measured S-parameters. By fitting the extracted data, an empirical equation is extracted. The simulation of the Gaussian pulse transmission and the comparison results with the modeling data validate the reported expression.

  • Tiny Feel: A New Miniature Tactile Module Using Elastic and Electromagnetic Force for Mobile Devices

    Tae-Heon YANG  Sang-Youn KIM  Wayne J. BOOK  Dong-Soo KWON  

    PAPER-Human-computer Interaction

    E93-D No:8

    For tactile feedback in mobile devices, the size and the power consumption of tactile modules are the dominant factors. Thus, vibration motors have been widely used in mobile devices to provide tactile sensation. However, the vibration motor cannot sufficiently generate a great amount of tactile sensation because the magnitude and the frequency of the vibration motor are coupled. For the generation of a wide variety of tactile sensations, this paper presents a new tactile actuator that incorporates a solenoid, a permanent magnet and an elastic spring. The feedback force in this actuator is generated by elastic and electromagnetic force. This paper also proposes a tiny tactile module with the proposed actuators. To construct a tiny tactile module, the contactor gap of the module is minimized without decreasing the contactor stroke, the output force, and the working frequency. The elastic springs of the actuators are separated into several layers to minimize the contactor gap without decreasing the performance of the tactile module. Experiments were conducted to investigate each contactor output force as well as the frequency response of the proposed tactile module. Each contactor of the tactile module can generate enough output force to stimulate human mechanoreceptors. As the contactors are actuated in a wide range of frequency, the proposed tactile module can generate various tactile sensations. Moreover, the size of the proposed tactile module is small enough to be embedded it into a mobile device, and its power consumption is low. Therefore, the proposed tactile actuator and module have good potential in many interactive mobile devices.

  • Dispersion, High-Frequency and Power Characteristics of AlN/GaN Metal Insulator Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors with in-situ MOCVD Deposited Si3N4

    Sanghyun SEO  Eunjung CHO  Giorgi AROSHVILI  Chong JIN  Dimitris PAVLIDIS  Laurence CONSIDINE  

    PAPER-GaN-based Devices

    E93-C No:8

    The paper presents a systematic study of in-situ passivated AlN/GaN Metal Insulator Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MISFETs) with submicron gates. DC, high frequency small signal, large signal and low frequency dispersion effects are reported. The DC characteristics are analyzed in conjunction with the power performance of the device at high frequencies. Studies of the low frequency characteristics are presented and the results are compared with those of AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs). Small signal measurements showed a current gain cutoff frequency and maximum oscillation frequency of 49.9 GHz and 102.3 GHz respectively. The overall characteristics of the device include a peak current density of 335 mA/mm, peak extrinsic transconductance of 130 mS/mm, a maximum output power density of 533 mW/mm with peak power added efficiency (P.A.E.) of 41.3% and linear gain of 17 dB. The maximum frequency dispersion of transconductance and output resistance of the fabricated MISFETs is 20% and 21% respectively.

  • Tile-Image Merging and Delivering for Virtual Camera Services on Tiled-Display for Real-Time Remote Collaboration

    Giseok CHOE  Jongho NANG  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E93-D No:7

    The tiled-display system has been used as a Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) environment, in which multiple local (and/or remote) participants cooperate using some shared applications whose outputs are displayed on a large-scale and high-resolution tiled-display, which is controlled by a cluster of PC's, one PC per display. In order to make the collaboration effective, each remote participant should be aware of all CSCW activities on the titled display system in real-time. This paper presents a capturing and delivering mechanism of all activities on titled-display system to remote participants in real-time. In the proposed mechanism, the screen images of all PC's are periodically captured and delivered to the Merging Server that maintains separate buffers to store the captured images from the PCs. The mechanism selects one tile image from each buffer, merges the images to make a screen shot of the whole tiled-display, clips a Region of Interest (ROI), compresses and streams it to remote participants in real-time. A technical challenge in the proposed mechanism is how to select a set of tile images, one from each buffer, for merging so that the tile images displayed at the same time on the tiled-display can be properly merged together. This paper presents three selection algorithms; a sequential selection algorithm, a capturing time based algorithm, and a capturing time and visual consistency based algorithm. It also proposes a mechanism of providing several virtual cameras on tiled-display system to remote participants by concurrently clipping several different ROI's from the same merged tiled-display images, and delivering them after compressing with video encoders requested by the remote participants. By interactively changing and resizing his/her own ROI, a remote participant can check the activities on the tiled-display effectively. Experiments on a 32 tiled-display system show that the proposed merging algorithm can build a tiled-display image stream synchronously, and the ROI-based clipping and delivering mechanism can provide individual views on the tiled-display system to multiple remote participants in real-time.


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