A Wiener-based inpainting quality prediction method is presented in this paper. The proposed method is the first method that can predict inpainting quality both before and after the intensities have become missing even if their inpainting methods are unknown. Thus, when the target image does not include any missing areas, the proposed method estimates the importance of intensities for all pixels, and then we can know which areas should not be removed. Interestingly, since this measure can be also derived in the same manner for its corrupted image already including missing areas, the expected difficulty in reconstruction of these missing pixels is predicted, i.e., we can know which missing areas can be successfully reconstructed. The proposed method focuses on expected errors derived from the Wiener filter, which enables least-squares reconstruction, to predict the inpainting quality. The greatest advantage of the proposed method is that the same inpainting quality prediction scheme can be used in the above two different situations, and their results have common trends. Experimental results show that the inpainting quality predicted by the proposed method can be successfully used as a universal quality measure.
Authors previously studied the degradation of electrical contacts under the condition of various external micro-oscillations. They also developed a micro-sliding mechanism (MSM2), which causes micro-sliding and is driven by a piezoelectric actuator and elastic hinges. Using the mechanism, experimental results were obtained on the minimal sliding amplitude (MSA) required to make the electrical resistance fluctuate under various conditions. In this paper, to develop a more realistic model of input waveform than the previous one, Ts/2 is set as the rising or falling time, Tc as the flat time, and τ/2 as the duration in a sliding period T (0.25 s) of the input waveform. Using the Duhamel's integral method and an optimization method, the physical parameters of natural angular frequency ω0 (12000 s-1), damping ratio ζ (0.05), and rising and falling time Ts (1.3 or 1.2 ms) are obtained. Using the parameters and the MSA, the total acceleration of the input TA (=f(t)) and the displacement of the output x(t) are also obtained using the Fourier series expansion method. The waveforms x(t) and the experimental results are similar to each other. If the effective mass m, which is defined as that of the movable parts in the MSM2, is 0.1 kg, each total force TF (=2mTA) is estimated from TA and m. By the TF, the cases for 0.3 N/pin as frictional force or in impulsive as input waveform are more serious than the others. It is essential for the safety and the confidence of electrical contacts to evaluate the input waveform and the frictional force. The ringing waveforms of the output displacements x(t) are calculated at smaller values of Ts (1.0, 0.5, and 0.0 ms) than the above values (1.3 or 1.2 ms). When Ts is slightly changed from 1.3 or 1.2 ms to 1.0 ms, the ringing amplitude is doubled. For the degradation of electrical contacts, it is essential that Ts is reduced in a rectangular and impulsive input. Finally, a very simple wear model comprising three stages (I, II, and III) is introduced in this paper. Because Ts is much shorter in a rectangular or impulsive input than in a sinusoidal input, it is considered that the former more easily causes wear than the latter owing to a larger frictional force. Taking the adhesive wear in Stages I and III into consideration, the wear is expected to be more severe in the case of small damped oscillations owing to the ringing phenomenon.
For some applications, it has been known that stochastic computing (SC) has many potential advantages compared with conventional computation on binary radix encoding. Thus, there has been proposed many design methodologies to realize SCs. Recently, a general design method to realize SC operations by designing Boolean circuits (functions) has been proposed. As a central part of the method, we need to design a logic circuit such that its output becomes 1 with a certain desired probability with respect to random inputs. Also, to realize an SC arithmetic operation with a constant value, in some situations we need to prepare a random bit-stream that becomes 1 with a desired probability from a set of predetermined physical random sources. We call such a bit-stream as a stochastic number (SN). We can utilize the above-mentioned previous method to prepare stochastic numbers by designing Boolean circuits. The method assumes all the random sources become 1 with the same probability 1/2. In this paper, we investigate a different framework where we can prepare different probabilities of each stochastic number in the physical random sources. Then, this paper presents the necessary and sufficient condition of given random inputs in order to produce a stochastic number with a given specified precision. Based on the condition, we can propose a method to generate a stochastic number by using the minimum number of random inputs. Indeed our method uses much less number of inputs than the previous method, and our preliminary experiment shows that the generated circuits by our method also tend to be smaller than the ones by the previous method.
60GHz wireless communication requires analog baseband circuits having a bandwidth of about 1GHz. This paper presents a wide bandwidth current-mode low pass filter technique which involves current amplifiers, resistors and capacitors. The proposed current-mode filter is obtained by replacing an integrator employing an op-amp with another integrator employing a current amplifier. With the low input impedance current amplifier having little variation of the input impedance, the proposed filter is expected to improve linearity and power efficiency. The proposed current amplifier which employs super source follower topology with complementary input is suitable for the filter because of its class AB operation. Although simulation results shows the conventional current amplifier which employs super source follower topology without the complementary input has 12Ω variation and 30Ω input impedance, the proposed current amplifier has 1Ω variation and 21Ω input impedance. A fourth order 1GHz bandwidth filter which involves the proposed current amplifiers is designed in a 65nm CMOS technology. The filter can achieve IIP3 of 1.3dBV and noise of 0.6mVrms with power consumption of 13mW under supply voltage of 1.2V according to simulation results with layout parasitic extraction models. Active area of the filter is 380μm×170μm.
Thanh Tung VU Ha Hoang KHA Osamu MUTA Mohamed RIHAN
In heterogenous networks (HetNets), the deployment of small cells with the reuse of limited frequency resources to improve the spectral efficiency results in cross- and co-tier interference. In addition, the excessive power usage in such networks is also a critical problem. In this paper, we propose precoding and postcoding schemes to tackle interference and energy efficiency (EE) challenges in the two-tier downlink multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) HetNets. We propose transmission strategies based on hierarchical partial coordination (HPC) of the macro cell and small cells to reduce channel state information (CSI) exchange and guarantee the quality of service (QoS) in the upper tier with any change of network deployment in the lower tier. We employ the interference alignment (IA) scheme to cancel cross- and co-tier interference. Additionally, to maximize the EE, power allocation schemes in each tier are proposed based on a combination of Dinkelbach's method and the bisection searching approach. To investigate insights on the optimization problem, a theoretical analysis on the relationship between the maximum achievable EE and the transmit power is derived. Simulation results prove the superior EE performance of the proposed EE maximization scheme over the sum rate maximization approach and confirm the validity of our theoretical findings.
Masaru SATO Yoshitaka NIIDA Toshihide SUZUKI Yasuhiro NAKASHA Yoichi KAWANO Taisuke IWAI Naoki HARA Kazukiyo JOSHIN
We report on robust and low-power-consumption InP- and GaN-HEMT Low-Noise-Amplifiers (LNAs) operating in Q-band frequency range. A multi-stage common-gate (CG) amplifier with current reuse topology was used. To improve the survivability of the CG amplifier, we introduced a feedback resistor at the gate bias feed. The design technique was adapted to InP- and GaN-HEMT LNAs. The 75nm gate length InP HEMT LNA exhibited a gain of 18dB and a noise figure (NF) of 3dB from 33 to 50GHz. The DC power consumption was 16mW. The Robustness of the InP HEMT LNA was tested by injecting a millimeter-wave input power of 13dBm for 10 minutes. No degradation in a small signal gain was observed. The fabricated 0.12µm gate length GaN HEMT LNA exhibited a gain of 15dB and an NF of 3.2dB from 35 to 42GHz. The DC power consumption was 280mW. The LNA survived until an input power of 28dBm.
Hiroshi KUBO Takuma YAMAGISHI Toshiki MORI
This paper proposes performance improvement schemes for non-coherent multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communication systems employing per transmit antenna differential mapping (PADM). PADM is one form of differential space-time coding (DSTC), which generates an independent differentially encoded sequence for each of the multiple transmit antennas by means of space-time coding and mapping. The features of the proposed schemes are as follows: 1) it employs an asymmetric space-time mapping instead of the conventional symmetric space-time mapping in order to lower the required signal to noise power ratio (SNR) for maintaining the bit error rate (BER) performance; 2) it employs an analytically derived branch metric criterion based on channel prediction for per-survivor processing (PSP) in order to track fast time-varying channels. Finally, computer simulation results confirm that the proposed schemes improve the required SNR by around 1dB and can track at the maximum Doppler frequency normalized by symbol rate of 5%.
Zedong XIE Xihong CHEN Xiaopeng LIU Lunsheng XUE Yu ZHAO
The impact of intersymbol interference (ISI) on single carrier frequency domain equalization with multiple input multiple output (MIMO-SCFDE) systems is severe. Most existing channel equalization methods fail to solve it completely. In this paper, given the disadvantages of the error propagation and the gap from matched filter bound (MFB), we creatively introduce a decision feedback equalizer with frequency-domain bidirectional noise prediction (DFE-FDBiNP) to tackle intersymbol interference (ISI) in MIMO-SCFDE systems. The equalizer has two-part equalizer, that is the normal mode and the time-reversal mode decision feedback equalization with noise prediction (DFE-NP). Equal-gain combining is used to realize a greatly simplified and low complexity diversity combining. Analysis and simulation results validate the improved performance of the proposed method in quasi-static frequency-selective fading MIMO channel for a typical urban environment.
In this paper, we study the achievable degrees of freedom (DoF) of a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) multi-way relay channel with asymmetric message set that models the scenario of the two-way communication between a base station and multiple users through a relay. Under the assumption of delayed channel state information at transmitters (CSIT), we propose an amplify-and-forward relaying scheme based on the scheme proposed by Maddah-Ali and Tse to support signal space alignment, so that the available dimensions of the signal spaces at the relay and the users can be efficiently utilized. The proposed scheme outperforms the traditional one-way scheme from the perspective of DoF, and is useful to relieve the communication bottleneck caused by the asymmetric traffic load inherent in cellular networks.
Hideki YAGI Yoshihiro YONEDA Mitsuru EKAWA Hajime SHOJI
This paper reports dual-polarization In-phase and Quadrature (DP-IQ) modulators and photodetectors integrated with the 90° hybrid using InP-based monolithic integration technologies for 100/200Gb/s coherent transmission. The DP-IQ modulator was monolithically integrated with the Mach-Zehnder modulator array consisting of deep-ridge waveguides formed through dry etching and benzocyclobutene planarization processes. This DP-IQ modulator exhibited the low half-wavelength voltage (Vπ=1.5V) and the wide 3-dB bandwidth (f3dB > 28GHz). The photodetector monolithically integrated with the 90° hybrid consisting of multimode interference structures was realized by the butt-joint regrowth. A responsivity including total loss of 7.9dB in the waveguide was as high as 0.155A/W at a wavelength of 1550nm, and responsivity imbalance of the In-phase and Quadrature channels was less than ±0.5dB over the C-band. In addition, the low dark current (less than 500pA up to 85°C @ -3.0V) and the stable operation in the accelerated aging test (test condition: -5V at 175°C) over 5,000h were successfully achieved for the p-i-n-photodiode array with a buried heterostructure formed through the selective embedding regrowth. Finally, a receiver responsivity including intrinsic loss of 3dB in the polarization beam splitter was higher than 0.070A/W at a wavelength of 1550nm through the integration of the spot-size converter, and demodulation of 128Gb/s DP-QPSK and 224Gb/s DP-16QAM modulated signals was demonstrated for the compact coherent receiver using this photodetector integrated with the 90° hybrid. Therefore, we indicated that these InP-based monolithically integrated photonic devices are very useful for 100/200Gb/s pluggable coherent transceivers.
Hiroaki TANAKA Ayako KOTANI Katsuyoshi NISHI Yurie IRIBE Koji OGURI
Driving safety related innovations received increasing interest from automotive industry. We performed an experiment to observe what situations are related to the secured feelings drivers feel when they drive, and found out that drivers need to have four to seven seconds to react possible collision when they operate onboard Human Machine Interface (HMI) devices and check display devices. We explored the distance of semantic space to see what factors of HMI interaction lead to the secured feeling in that time period, and extracted 32 types of factors that lead to the secured feelings. Furthermore, in the process of investigating the semantic space distance, the indicators relating to the secured feelings obtained in the prior studies were further determined to be ‘The layout of the operation device is the same as the driver's image' and ‘The driver can use the word he uses every day to give instructions’ in this time period.’, which were more concrete factors of the secured feelings.
Kai-Feng XIA Bin WU Tao XIONG Tian-Chun YE Cheng-Ying CHEN
In this paper, a hardware efficient design methodology for a configurable-point multiple-stream pipeline FFT processor is presented. We first compared the memory and arithmetic components of different pipeline FFT architectures, and obtained the conclusion that MDF architecture is more hardware efficient than MDC for the overall processor. Then, in order to reduce the computational complexity, a binary-tree representation was adopted to analyze the decomposition algorithm. Consequently, the coefficient multiplications are minimized among all the decomposition probabilities. In addition, an efficient output reorder circuit was designed for the multiple-stream architecture. An 128∼2048 point 4-stream FFT processor in LTE system was designed in SMIC 55nm technology for evaluation. It owns 1.09mm2 core area with 82.6mW power consumption at 122.88MHz clock frequency.
Faster-than-Nyquist (FTN) signaling is investigated for quasi-static flat fading massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. In FTN signaling, pulse trains are sent at a symbol rate higher than the Nyquist rate to increase the transmission rate. As a result, inter-symbol interference occurs inevitably for flat fading channels. This paper assesses the information-theoretically achievable rate of MIMO FTN signaling based on the optimum joint equalization and multiuser detection. The replica method developed in statistical physics is used to evaluate the achievable rate in the large-system limit, where the dimensions of input and output signals tend to infinity at the same rate. An analytical expression of the achievable rate is derived for general modulation schemes in the large-system limit. It is shown that FTN signaling does not improve the channel capacity of massive MIMO systems, and that FTN signaling with quadrature phase-shift keying achieves the channel capacity for all signal-to-noise ratios as the symbol period tends to zero.
Kai ZHANG Hongyi YU Yunpeng HU Zhixiang SHEN Siyu TAO
Reliable wireless communication often requires accurate knowledge of the underlying multipath channels. Numerous measurement campaigns have shown that physical multipath channels tend to exhibit a sparse structure. Conventional blind channel identification (BCI) strategies such as the least squares, which are known to be optimal under the assumption of rich multipath channels, are ill-suited to exploiting the inherent sparse nature of multipath channels. Recently, l1-norm regularized least-squares-type approaches have been proposed to address this problem with a single parameter governing all coefficients, which is equivalent to maximum a posteriori probability estimation with a Laplacian prior for the channel coefficients. Since Laplace prior is not conjugate to the Gaussian likelihood, no closed form of Bayesian inference is possible. Following a different approach, this paper deals with blind channel identification of a single-input multiple-output (SIMO) system based on sparse Bayesian learning (SBL). The inherent sparse nature of wireless multipath channels is exploited by incorporating a transformative cross relation formulation into a general Bayesian framework, in which the filter coefficients are governed by independent scalar parameters. A fast iterative Bayesian inference method is then applied to the proposed model for obtaining sparse solutions, which completely eliminates the need for computationally costly parameter fine tuning, which is necessary in the l1-norm regularization method. Simulation results are provided to demonstrate the superior effectiveness of the proposed channel estimation algorithm over the conventional least squares (LS) scheme as well as the l1-norm regularization method. It is shown that the proposed algorithm exhibits superior estimation performance compared to both LS and l1-norm regularization methods.
This paper presents a wide-input-voltage-range and high-efficiency boost converter that is assisted by a transformer-based oscillator. The oscillator can provide a sufficient amount of power to drive a following switched-inductor boost converter at low voltages. Moreover, it adopts a novel amplitude-regulation circuit (ARC) without using high power-consuming protective devices to suppress the expansion of the oscillation amplitude at high input voltages. Therefore, it can avoid over-voltage problems without sacrificing the power efficiency. Additionally, a power-down circuit (PDC) is implemented to turn off the oscillator, when the boost converter can be driven by its own output power, thus, eliminating the power consumption by the oscillator and improving the power efficiency. We implemented the ARC and the PDC with discrete components rather than one-chip integration for the proof of concept. The experimental results showed that the proposed circuit became possible to operate from an input voltage of 60mV to 3V while maintaining high peak efficiency up to 92%. To the best of our knowledge, this converter provides a wider input range in comparison with the previously-published converters. We are convinced that the proposed approach by inserting an appropriate start-up circuit in a commercial converter will be effective for rapid design proposals in order to respond promptly to customer needs as Internet of things (IoT) devices with energy harvester.
This paper considers the behavior of a master-slave system of two coupled piecewise constant spiking oscillators (PWCSOs). The master of this system exhibits chaos and outputs a chaotic sequence of spikes, which are used as input to the slave. The slave exhibits a periodic-like trajectory (PLT) that is chaotic but that appears to be periodic in the phase plane. We theoretically investigate the generating region of the PLT in the parameter space. Using a test circuit, we confirm the typical phenomena of this coupled system.
Namsik YOO Jong-Hyen BAEK Kyungchun LEE
In this paper, an iterative robust minimum-mean square error (MMSE) receiver for space-time block coding (STBC) is proposed to mitigate the performance degradations caused by channel state information (CSI) errors. The proposed scheme estimates an instantaneous covariance matrix of the effective noise, which includes additive white Gaussian noise and the effect of CSI errors. For this estimation, multiple solution candidate vectors are selected based on the distances between the MMSE estimate of the solution and the constellation points, and their a-posteriori probabilities are utilized to execute the estimation of the covariance matrix. To improve the estimation accuracy, the estimated covariance matrix is updated iteratively. Simulation results show that proposed robust receiver achieves substantial performance gains in terms of bit error rates as compared to conventional receiver schemes under CSI errors.
This paper is a sequel to [4] in which the system is generalized by including unknown time-varying delays in both states and input. Regarding the controller, the design of adaptive gain is simplified by including only x1 and u whereas full states are used in [4]. Moreover, it is shown that the proposed controller is also applicable to a class of upper triangular nonlinear systems. An example is given for illustration.
Authors have studied degradation phenomenon on electrical contacts under the influences of an external micro-oscillation. A new micro-sliding mechanism 2 (MSM2) has developed, which provides micro-sliding driven by a piezo-electric actuator and elastic hinges. The experimental results are obtained on “minimal sliding amplitudes” to make resistances fluctuate on electrical contacts under some conditions which are three types of inputwaveform (sinusoidal, rectangular, and impulsive) and three levels of frictional force (1.6, 1.0, and 0.3 N/pin) by using the MSM2. The dynamical characteristics are discussed under the conditions. The simple theoretical model on the input signal and the output of the mechanism is built and the theoretical expressions from the model are obtained. A natural angular frequency (ω0=12600[s-1]) and a damping ratio (ζ=0.03[-]) are evaluated using experimental dynamical responses. The waveforms of inputs and outputs are obtained and the characteristics between inputs and outputs are also obtained on the theoretical model using the above. The maximal gain between the input and the output in rectangular or impulsive (24.4) is much larger than that (0.0) in sinusoidal. The difference on the output-accelerations between in sinusoidal and in rectangular (impulsive) is discussed. It is shown that it is possible to cause the degradation phenomenon in sinusoidal only when the output displacement are enlarged. It is also shown that it is possible to cause the phenomenon in rectangular or in impulsive, in addition to the above, when the external force has sharper rising and falling waveforms even if the displacement and the frequency of the force is small. The difference on the output-amplitudes between in rectangular and in impulsive is discussed. It is not clear that there is the difference between the effect in rectangular and that in impulsive. It is indicated that it is necessary to discuss the other causes, for instance, another dynamical, thermal, and chemical process.
Shunsuke KOSHITA Masahide ABE Masayuki KAWAMATA Takaaki OHNARI Tomoyuki KAWASAKI Shogo MIURA
This letter presents a simple and explicit formulation of non-unique Wiener filters associated with the linear predictor for processing of sinusoids. It was shown in the literature that, if the input signal consists of only sinusoids and does not include a white noise, the input autocorrelation matrix in the Wiener-Hopf equation becomes rank-deficient and thus the Wiener filter is not uniquely determined. In this letter we deal with this rank-deficient problem and present a mathematical description of non-unique Wiener filters in a simple and explicit form. This description is directly obtained from the tap number, the frequency of sinusoid, and the delay parameter. We derive this result by means of the elementary row operations on the augmented matrix given by the Wiener-Hopf equation. We also show that the conventional Wiener filter for noisy input signal is included as a special case of our description.