Author Search Result

[Author] Masaya MIYAHARA(29hit)


  • The Effects of Switch Resistances on Pipelined ADC Performances and the Optimization for the Settling Time

    Masaya MIYAHARA  Akira MATSUZAWA  


    E90-C No:6

    In this paper, we discuss the effects of switch resistances on the step response of switched-capacitor (SC) circuits, especially multiplying digital-to-analog converters (MDACs) in pipelined analog-to-digital converters. Theory and simulation results reveal that the settling time of MDACs can be decreased by optimizing the switch resistances. This switch resistance optimization does not only effectively increase the speed of single-bit MDACs, but also of multi-bit MDACs. Moreover, multi-bit MDACs are faster than the single-bit MDACs when slewing occurs during the step response. With such an optimization, the response of the switch will be improved by up to 50%.

  • A Low-Noise High-Dynamic Range Charge Sensitive Amplifier for Gas Particle Detector Pixel Readout LSIs

    Fei LI  Masaya MIYAHARA  Akira MATSUZAWA  


    E96-C No:6

    Recent attempts to directly combine CMOS pixel readout chips with modern gas detectors open the possibility to fully take advantage of gas detectors. Those conventional readout LSIs designed for hybrid semiconductor detectors show some issues when applied to gas detectors. Several new proposed readout LSIs can improve the time and the charge measurement precision. However, the widely used basic charge sensitive amplifier (CSA) has an almost fixed dynamic range. There is a trade-off between the charge measurement resolution and the detectable input charge range. This paper presents a method to apply the folding integration technique to a basic CSA. As a result, the detectable input charge dynamic range is expanded while maintaining all the key merits of a basic CSA. Although folding integration technique has already been successfully applied in CMOS image sensors, the working conditions and the signal characteristics are quite different for pixel readout LSIs for gas particle detectors. The related issues of the folding CSA for pixel readout LSIs, including the charge error due to finite gain of the preamplifier, the calibration method of charge error, and the dynamic range expanding efficiency, are addressed and analyzed. As a design example, this paper also demonstrates the application of the folding integration technique to a Qpix readout chip. This improves the charge measurement resolution and expands the detectable input dynamic range while maintaining all the key features. Calculations with SPICE simulations show that the dynamic range can be improved by 12 dB while the charge measurement resolution is improved by 10 times. The charge error during the folding operation can be corrected to less than 0.5%, which is sufficient for large input charge measurement.

  • A 7-bit 1-GS/s Flash ADC with Background Calibration



    E97-C No:4

    A 7bit 1GS/s flash ADC using two bit active interpolation and background offset calibration is proposed and tested. It achieves background calibration using 36 pre-amplifiers with 139 comparators. To cancel the offset, two pre-amplifiers and 12 comparators are set to offline in turn while the others are operating. A two bit active interpolation design and an offset cancellation scheme are implemented in the latch stage. The interpolation and background calibration significantly reduce analog input signal as well as reference voltage load. Fabricated with the 90nm CMOS process, the proposed ADC consumes 95mW under a 1.2V power supply.

  • An All-Digital Reconfigurable Time-Domain ADC for Low-Voltage Sensor Interface in 65nm CMOS Technology

    Yu HOU  Takamoto WATANABE  Masaya MIYAHARA  Akira MATSUZAWA  


    E98-A No:2

    An all-digital time-domain ADC, abbreviated as TAD, is presented in this paper. All-digital structure is intrinsically compatible with the scaling of CMOS technology, and can satisfy the great demand of miniaturized and low-voltage sensor interface. The proposed TAD uses an inverter-based Ring-Delay-Line (RDL) to transform the input signal from voltage domain to time domain. The voltage-modulated time information is then digitized by a composite architecture namely “4-Clock-Edge-Shift Construction” (4CKES). TAD features superior voltage sensitivity and 1st-order noise shaping, which can significantly simplify the power-hungry pre-conditioning circuits. Reconfigurable resolution can be easily achieved by applying different sampling rates. A TAD prototype is fabricated in 65nm CMOS, and consumes a small area of 0.016mm2. It achieves a voltage resolution of 82.7µV/LSB at 10MS/s and 1.96µV/LSB at 200kS/s in a narrow input range of 0.1Vpp, merely under 0.6V supply. The highest SNR of TAD prototype is 61.36dB in 20kHz bandwidth at 10MS/s. This paper also analyzes the nonideal effects of TAD and discusses the potential solutions. As the principal drawback, nonlinearity of TAD can be compensated by the differential-setup and digital calibration.

  • Sub-Picosecond Resolution and High-Precision TDC for ADPLLs Using Charge Pump and SAR-ADC

    Zule XU  Seungjong LEE  Masaya MIYAHARA  Akira MATSUZAWA  


    E98-A No:2

    We present a time-to-digital converter (TDC) achieving sub-picosecond resolution and high precision for all-digital phase-locked-loops (ADPLLs). The basic idea is using a charge pump to translate time interval into charge, and a successive-approximation-register-analog-to-digital converter (SAR-ADC) to quantize the charge. With this less complex configuration, high resolution, high precision, low power, and small area can be achieved all together. We analyzed the noise contribution from the charge pump and describe detailed design and implementation for sizing the capacitor and transistors, with the awareness of noise and linearity. The analysis demonstrates the proposed TDC capable of sub-picosecond resolution and high precision. Two prototype chips were fabricated in 65nm CMOS with 0.06mm2, and 0.018mm2 core areas, respectively. The achieved resolutions are 0.84ps and 0.80ps, in 8-bit and 10-bit range, respectively. The measured single-shot-precisions range from 0.22 to 0.6ps, and from 0.66 to 1.04ps, respectively, showing consistent trends with the analysis. Compared with state-of-the-arts, best performance balance has been achieved.

  • A 12-bit Interpolated Pipeline ADC Using Body Voltage Controlled Amplifier

    Hyunui LEE  Masaya MIYAHARA  Akira MATSUZAWA  

    PAPER-Circuit Design

    E96-A No:12

    This paper presents a 12-bit interpolated pipeline analog to digital converter (ADC) using body voltage controlled amplifier for current biasing and common mode feedback (CMFB). The proposed body voltage control method allows the amplifier to achieve small power consumption and large output swing. The proposed amplifier has a power consumption lower than 15.6mW, almost half of the folded cascode amplifier satisfying 12-bit, 400MS/s ADC operation. Moreover, the proposed amplifier secures 600mV output swing, which is one drain source voltage (VDS) wider compared with the telescopic amplifier. The 12-bit interpolated pipeline ADC using the proposed amplifier is fabricated in a 1P9M 90nm CMOS technology with a 1.2V supply voltage. The ADC achieves an effective number of bit (ENOB) of about 10-bit at 300MS/s and an figure of merit (FoM) of 0.2pJ/conv. when the frequency of the input signal is sufficiently low.

  • High Resolution Mixed-Domain Delta-Sigma Time-to-Digital Converter Using Compensated Charge-Pump Integrator

    Anugerah FIRDAUZI  Zule XU  Masaya MIYAHARA  Akira MATSUZAWA  


    E100-C No:6

    This paper presents a high resolution mixed-domain Delta-Sigma (ΔΣ) time-to-digital converter (TDC) which utilizes a charge pump as time-to-voltage converter, a low resolution SAR ADC as quantizer, and a pair of delay-line digital-to-time converters to form a negative feedback. By never resetting the sampling capacitor of the charge-pump, an integrator is realized and first order noise shaping can be achieved. However, since the integrating capacitor is never cleared, this circuit is prone to charge-sharing issue during input sampling which can degrade TDC's performance. To deal with this issue, a compensation circuit consists of another pair of sampling capacitors and charge-pumps with doubled current is proposed. This TDC is designed and simulated in 65 nm CMOS technology and can operate at 200 MHz sampling frequency. For 2.5 MHz bandwidth, simulation shows that this TDC achieves 66.4 dB SNDR and 295 fsrms integrated noise for ±1 ns input range. The proposed TDC consumes 1.78 mW power that translates to FoM of 208 fJ/conv.

  • An Analysis on a Dynamic Amplifier and Calibration Methods for a Pseudo-Differential Dynamic Comparator

    Daehwa PAIK  Masaya MIYAHARA  Akira MATSUZAWA  


    E95-A No:2

    This paper analyzes a pseudo-differential dynamic comparator with a dynamic pre-amplifier. The transient gain of a dynamic pre-amplifier is derived and applied to equations of the thermal noise and the regeneration time of a comparator. This analysis enhances understanding of the roles of transistor's parameters in pre-amplifier's gain. Based on the calculated gain, two calibration methods are also analyzed. One is calibration of a load capacitance and the other is calibration of a bypass current. The analysis helps designers' estimation for the accuracy of calibration, dead-zone of a comparator with a calibration circuit, and the influence of PVT variation. The analyzed comparator uses 90-nm CMOS technology as an example and each estimation is compared with simulation results.

  • Fully Passive Noise Shaping Techniques in a Charge-Redistribution SAR ADC

    Zhijie CHEN  Masaya MIYAHARA  Akira MATSUZAWA  


    E99-C No:6

    This paper analyzes three passive noise shaping techniques in a SAR ADC. These passive noise shaping techniques can realize 1st and 2nd order noise shaping. These proposed opamp-less noise shaping techniques are realized by charge-redistribution. This means that the proposals maintain the basic architecture and operation principle of a charge-redistribution SAR ADC. Since the proposed techniques work in a passive mode, the proposals have high power efficiency. Meanwhile, the proposed noise shaping SAR ADCs are robust to feature size scaling and power supply reduction. Flicker noise is not introduced into the ADC by passive noise shaping techniques. Therefore, no additional calibration techniques for flicker noise are required. The noise shaping effects of the 1st and 2nd order noise shaping are verified by behavioral simulation results. The relationship between resolution improvement and oversampling rate is also explored in this paper.

  • A 10-bit 6.8-GS/s Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer Employing Complementary Dual-Phase Latch-Based Architecture



    E99-C No:10

    This paper introduces a novel Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer based on Complementary Dual-Phase Latch-Based sequencing method. Compared to conventional Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer using Flip-Flop as synchronizing element, the proposed architecture allows to double the data sampling rate while trading-off area and Power Efficiency. Digital domain modulations can be easily implemented by using a Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer. However, due to performance limitations, CMOS-based applications have been almost exclusively restricted to VHF, UHF and L bands. This work aims to increase the operation speed and extend the applicability of this technology to Multi-band Multi-standard wireless systems operating up to 2.7 GHz. The design features a 24 bits pipelined Phase Accumulator and a 14x10 bits Phase to Amplitude Converter. The Phase to Amplitude Converter module is compressed by using Quarter Wave Symmetry technique and is entirely made up of combinational logic inserted into 12 Complementary Dual-Phase Latch-Based pipeline stages. The logic is represented in the form of Sum of Product terms obtained from a 14x10 bits sinusoidal Look-Up-Table. The proposed Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer is designed and simulated based on 65nm CMOS standard-cell technology. A maximum data sampling rate of 6.8 GS/s is expected. Estimated Spurious Free Dynamic Range and Power Efficiency are 61 dBc and 22 mW/(GS/s) respectively.

  • Synthesis and Automatic Layout of Resistive Digital-to-Analog Converter Based on Mixed-Signal Slice Cell

    Mitsutoshi SUGAWARA  Kenji MORI  Zule XU  Masaya MIYAHARA  Kenichi OKADA  Akira MATSUZAWA  


    E99-A No:12

    We propose a synthesis and automatic layout method for mixed-signal circuits with high regularity. As the first step of this research, a resistive digital-to-analog converter (RDAC) is presented. With a size calculation routine, the area of this RDAC is minimized while satisfying the required matching precision without any optimization loops. We propose to partition the design into slices comprising of both analog and digital cells. These cells are programmed to be synthesized as similar as custom P-Cells based on the calculation above, and automatically laid out to form one slice cell. To synthesize digital circuits, without using digital standard cell library, we propose a versatile unit digital block consisting of 8 transistors. With one or several blocks, the transistors' interconnections are programmed in the units to realize various logic gates. By using this block, the slice shapes are aligned so that the layout space in between the slices are minimized. The proposed mixed-signal slice-based partition facilitates the place-and-route of the whole RDAC. The post-layout simulation shows that the generated 9-bit RDAC achieves 1GHz sampling frequency, -0.11/0.09 and -0.30/0.75 DNL and INL, respectively, 3.57mW power consumption, and 0.0038mm2 active area.

  • A Quick Startup Low-Power Hybrid Crystal Oscillator for IoT Applications

    Masaya MIYAHARA  Zule XU  Takehito ISHII  Noritoshi KIMURA  


    E106-C No:10

    In this paper, we propose a hybrid crystal oscillator which achieves both quick startup and low steady-state power consumption. At startup, a large negative resistance is realized by configuring a Pierce oscillating circuit with a multi-stage inverter amplifier, resulting in high-speed startup. During steady-state oscillation, the oscillator is reconfigured as a class-C complementary Colpitts circuit for low power consumption and low phase noise. Prototype chips were fabricated in 65nm CMOS process technology. With Pierce-type configuration, the measured startup time and startup energy of the oscillator are reduced to 1/11 and 1/5, respectively, compared with the one without Pierce-type configuration. The power consumption during steady oscillation is 30 µW.

  • Injection Locked Charge-Pump PLL with a Replica of the Ring Oscillator

    Jeonghoon HAN  Masaya MIYAHARA  Akira MATSUZAWA  


    E97-C No:4

    This paper derives a maximum lock range of an injection locked ring oscillator in a direct injection method and presents an injection locked charge-pump phase-locked loop (CPPLL) with a replica of a ring oscillator. The proposed injection-locked PLL separates the injection-locked VCO from the continuous phase-tracking loop of the PLL such that can provide stable lock-state maintenance and tolerance to temperature and supply voltage variation. The measurement results show that the proposed injection-locked PLL can be tolerable to voltage variation of 11.2% in supply voltage of 1.2V. In-band noises of the injection-locked oscillator at offset frequencies of 10kHz and 100kHz are -108.2dBc/Hz and -114.6dBc/Hz, respectively.

  • A Wide Bandwidth Current Mode Filter Technique Using High Power Efficiency Current Amplifiers with Complementary Input



    E100-C No:6

    60GHz wireless communication requires analog baseband circuits having a bandwidth of about 1GHz. This paper presents a wide bandwidth current-mode low pass filter technique which involves current amplifiers, resistors and capacitors. The proposed current-mode filter is obtained by replacing an integrator employing an op-amp with another integrator employing a current amplifier. With the low input impedance current amplifier having little variation of the input impedance, the proposed filter is expected to improve linearity and power efficiency. The proposed current amplifier which employs super source follower topology with complementary input is suitable for the filter because of its class AB operation. Although simulation results shows the conventional current amplifier which employs super source follower topology without the complementary input has 12Ω variation and 30Ω input impedance, the proposed current amplifier has 1Ω variation and 21Ω input impedance. A fourth order 1GHz bandwidth filter which involves the proposed current amplifiers is designed in a 65nm CMOS technology. The filter can achieve IIP3 of 1.3dBV and noise of 0.6mVrms with power consumption of 13mW under supply voltage of 1.2V according to simulation results with layout parasitic extraction models. Active area of the filter is 380μm×170μm.

  • A 72.4dB-SNDR 20MHz-Bandwidth Continuous-Time ΔΣ ADC with High-Linearity Gm-Cells



    E101-C No:4

    A continuous-time (CT) ΔΣ analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is a high resolution, wide-bandwidth ADC. A Gm-C filter is suitable for low power consumption and its frequency characteristics for a loop filter of the ADC. However, in practice, distortion generated in the Gm-C filter degrades the SNDR of the ADC, therefore a high-linearity Gm-cell with low power consumption is needed. A flipped voltage follower (FVF) Gm-cell is also used as a high-linearity Gm-cell, but distortion is caused by variation of drain-source voltage of its input transistors. In this paper, a new high-linearity Gm-cell is proposed for the CT ΔΣ ADC in order to address this problem. A proposed topology is a combination of a FVF and a cascode topology. The inserted transistors in the proposed Gm-cell behave as cascode transistors, therefore the drain-source voltage variation of the input transistor and a PMOS transistor for current source which causes distortion is suppressed. Simulation results show the proposed Gm-cell can realize the same linearity as the conventional Gm-cell with reducing 36% power consumption. A 20MHz-bandwidth CT ΔΣ ADC employing the proposed Gm-cells achieves SNDR of 72.4dB with power consumption of 6.8mW. Active area and FoM of the ADC are, respectively, 250μm × 220μm and 50fJ/conv.-step in 65nm CMOS process.

  • A Performance Model for the Design of Pipelined ADCs with Consideration of Overdrive Voltage and Slewing

    Masaya MIYAHARA  Akira MATSUZAWA  


    E91-A No:2

    This paper proposes a performance model for design of pipelined analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). This model includes the effect of overdrive voltage on the transistor, slewing of the operational amplifier, multi-bit structure of multiplying digital to analog converter (MDAC) and technology scaling. The conversion frequency of ADC is improved by choosing the optimum overdrive voltage of the transistor, an important consideration at smaller design rules. Moreover, multi-bit MDACs are faster than the single-bit MDACs when slewing occurs during the step response. The performance model of pipelined ADC shown in this paper is attractive for the optimization of the ADC's performances.

  • Design of CMOS Low-Noise Analog Circuits for Particle Detector Pixel Readout LSIs

    Fei LI  Masaya MIYAHARA  Akira MATSUZAWA  


    E96-C No:4

    This paper describes the analysis and design of low-noise analog circuits for a new architecture readout LSI, Qpix. In contrast to conventional readout LSIs using TOT method, Qpix measures deposited charge directly as well as time information. A preamplifier with a two-stage op amp and current-copy output buffers is proposed to realize these functions. This preamplifier is configured to implement a charge sensitive amplifier (CSA) and a trans-impedance amplifier (TIA). Design issues related to CSA are analyzed, which includes gain requirement of the op amp, stability and compensation of the two-stage cascode op amp, noise performance estimation, requirement for the resolution of the ADC and time response. The offset calibration method in the TIA to improve the charge detecting sensitivity is also presented. Also, some design principles for these analog circuits are presented. In order to verify the theoretical analysis, a 400-pixel high speed readout LSI: Qpix v.1 has been designed and fabricated in 180 nm CMOS process. Calculations and SPICE simulations show that the total output noise is about 0.31 mV (rms) at the output of the CSA and the offset voltage is less than 4 mV at the output of the TIA. These are attractive performances for experimental particle detector using Qpix v.1 chip as its readout LSI.

  • An 8-Bit 600-MSps Flash ADC Using Interpolating and Background Self-Calibrating Techniques

    Daehwa PAIK  Yusuke ASADA  Masaya MIYAHARA  Akira MATSUZAWA  


    E93-A No:2

    This paper describes a flash ADC using interpolation (IP) and cyclic background self-calibrating techniques. The proposed IP technique that is cascade of capacitor IP and gate IP with dynamic double-tail latched comparator reduces non-linearity, power consumption, and occupied area. The cyclic background self-calibrating technique periodically suppresses offset mismatch voltages caused by static fluctuation and dynamic fluctuation due to temperature and supply voltage changes. The ADC has been fabricated in 90-nm 1P10M CMOS technology. Experimental results show that the ADC achieves SNDR of 6.07 bits without calibration and 6.74 bits with calibration up to 500 MHz input signal at sampling rate of 600 MSps. It dissipates 98.5 mW on 1.2-V supply. FoM is 1.54 pJ/conv.

  • A 6 bit, 7 mW, 700 MS/s Subranging ADC Using CDAC and Gate-Weighted Interpolation

    Hyunui LEE  Yusuke ASADA  Masaya MIYAHARA  Akira MATSUZAWA  


    E96-A No:2

    A 6-bit, 7 mW, 700 MS/s subranging ADC using Capacitive DAC (CDAC) and gate-weighted interpolation fabricated in 90 nm CMOS technology is demonstrated. CDACs are used as a reference selection circuit instead of resistive DACs (RDAC) for reducing settling time and power dissipation. A gate-weighted interpolation scheme is also incorporated to the comparators, to reduce the circuit components, power dissipation and mismatch of conversion stages. By virtue of recent technology scaling, an interpolation can be realized in the saturation region with small error. A digital offset calibration technique using capacitor reduces comparator's offset voltage from 10 mV to 1.5 mV per sigma. Experimental results show that the proposed ADC achieves a SNDR of 34 dB with calibration and FoM is 250 fJ/conv., which is very attractive as an embedded IP for low power SoCs.

  • A Circuit Technique for Enhancing Gain of Complementary Input Operational Amplifier with High Power Efficiency

    Tohru KANEKO  Masaya MIYAHARA  Akira MATSUZAWA  


    E98-C No:4

    Negative feedback technique employing high DC gain operational amplifier (op-amp) is one of the most important techniques in analog circuit design. However, high DC gain op-amp is difficult to realize in scaled technology due to a decrease of intrinsic gain. In this paper, high DC gain op-amp using common-gate topology with high power efficiency is proposed. To achieve high DC gain, large output impedance is required but input transistors' drain conductance decreases output impedance of conventional topology such as folded cascode topology with complementary input. This is because bias current of the output side transistors is not separated from the bias current of the input transistors. On the other hand, proposed circuit can suppress a degradation of output impedance by inserting common-gate topology between input and output side. This architecture separates bias current of the input transistors from that of the output side, and hence the effect of the drain conductance of input transistors is reduced. As the result, proposed circuit can increase DC gain about 10,dB compared with the folded cascode topology with complementary input in 65,nm CMOS process. Moreover, power consumption can be reduced because input NMOS and PMOS share bias current. According to the simulation results, for the same power consumption, in the proposed circuit gain-bandwidth product (GBW) is improved by approximately 30% and noise is also reduced in comparison to the conventional topology.


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