IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications

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Advance publication (published online immediately after acceptance)

Volume E99-B No.3  (Publication Date:2016/03/01)

    Special Section on Information and Communication Technology for Healthcare and Medical Applications in Conjunction with Main Topics of ISMICT2015
  • FOREWORD Open Access

    Masaru SUGIMACHI  


  • Real-Time Vital Monitoring for Persons during Exercises — Solutions and Challenges — Open Access

    Shinsuke HARA  Hiroyuki OKUHATA  Takashi KAWABATA  Hajime NAKAMURA  Hiroyuki YOMO  



    In the field of education such as elementary and middle schools, teachers want to take care of schoolchildren during physical trainings and after-school club activities. On the other hand, in the field of sports such as professional and national-level sports, physical or technical trainers want to manage the health, physical and physiological conditions of athletes during exercise trainings in the grounds. In this way, it is required to monitor vital signs for persons during exercises, however, there are several technical problems to be solved in its realization. In this paper, we present the importance and necessity of vital monitoring for persons during exercises, and to make it possible periodically, reliably and in real-time, we present the solutions which we have so far worked out and point out remaining technical challenges in terms of vital/physical sensing, wireless transmission and human interface.

  • The Current State of Digital Healthcare towards Medical Application Open Access

    Toru WATSUJI  



    Infrastructures for the evaluation of the state of health of individuals using a standardized communication network consisting of advanced instruments and subsequent data analysis have been developed. Here we report that this developed infrastructure has been tested in the field in 100 houses and involving almost 300 users. The communication protocol part of this infrastructure has been standardized as IEEE 11073-20601. Continua Health Alliance, an international not-for-profit industry organization which has nearly 230 member companies, has adopted this IEEE 11073-20601 to establish an ecosystem of interoperable personal connected health systems that empower individuals and organizations to better manage their health and wellness. Currently nearly 100 Continua certified products are available in public including smartphone.

  • Interference Cancellation for Intra and Inter UWB Systems Using Modified Hermite Polynomials Based Orthogonal Matched Filter

    Takumi KOBAYASHI  Chika SUGIMOTO  Ryuji KOHNO  



    Ultra-wideband (UWB) communications is used for medical information communication technology (MICT) as a dependable and safe communication technology in recent years. On the other hand, there are existing various UWB systems that are not used for MICT. Generally, these UWB systems use almost the same frequency band. Therefore, they interfere to each other in general transmission channel environment. In our previous work, a novel UWB pulse shape modulation using modified Hermite pulse is proposed as a multiple user access scheme. In this paper, we propose a mitigation method for inter-user interference and inter-system interference using combination of orthogonal pulse shape modulation and orthogonal matched filter (OMF) detector. The purposes of our system are to detect all signals of users in the same UWB system and to reduce the unknown interference from other UWB systems at the same time. This paper provides performance evaluation results based on both of analytical and numerical evaluation. Simulation results show that the proposed system can detect the signals that were transmitted from the same UWB system using orthogonal pulse set, while the proposed system can reduce the interference from unknown UWB systems at the same time. The theoretical analysis is expected that noise tolerance of our proposal will be deteriorated in the additive Gaussian noise channel in comparison with the conventional matched filter. It is confirmed that the numerical evaluation illustrates such noise tolerance equivalent to the theoretical analysis result.

  • Performance Evaluation on GA-Based Localization for Wireless Capsule Endoscope Using Scattered Electric Fields

    Taiki IIDA  Daisuke ANZAI  Jianqing WANG  



    To improve the performance of capsule endoscope, it is important to add location information to the image data obtained by the capsule endoscope. There is a disadvantage that a lot of existing localization techniques require to measure channel model parameters in advance. To avoid such a troublesome pre-measurement, this paper pays attention to capsule endoscope localization based on an electromagnetic imaging technology which can estimate not only the location but also the internal structure of a human body. However, the electromagnetic imaging with high resolution has huge computational complexity, which should prevent us from carrying out real-time localization. To ensure the accurate real-time localization system without pre-measured model parameters, we apply genetic algorithm (GA) into the electromagnetic imaging-based localization method. Furthermore, we evaluate the proposed GA-based method in terms of the simulation time and the location estimation accuracy compared to the conventional methods. In addition, we show that the proposed GA-based method can perform more accurately than the other conventional methods, and also, much less computational complexity of the proposed method can be accomplished than a greedy algorithm-based method.

  • Photoplethysmography Measurement Algorithm for a Smartphone Camera

    Sangjoon LEE  Chul Geun PARK  Kuk Won KO  



    In this study, we propose a method for measuring a photoplethysmograph using a complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor image sensor (CMOS) or smartphone camera for the adaptation of a mobile health (m-health) services. The proposed algorithm consists of six procedures. Before measuring the photoplethysmograph, the human fingertip must make contact with the smartphone camera lens and turn on the camera light. The first procedure converts the red-green-blue (RGB) to a gray image from a camera image, Then, region of interest (ROI) must be detected from the obtained image. The third procedure calculates the baseline level to reduce direct current (DC) offset effect, before extracting the photoplethysmograph from the camera image. The baseline is filtered, and the last step oversamples the resulting baseline filtered data using cubic spline interpolation. The proposed algorithm has been tested on six people using CMOS image sensors of several smartphones, which can effectively acquire a PPG signal in any situation. We believe that the proposed algorithm could easily be adapted into any m-health system that used a CMOS image sensor.

  • Human Motion Classification Using Radio Signal Strength in WBAN

    Sukhumarn ARCHASANTISUK  Takahiro AOYAGI  Tero UUSITUPA  Minseok KIM  Jun-ichi TAKADA  



    In this paper, a novel approach of a human motion classification system in wireless body area network (WBAN) using received radio signal strength was developed. This method enables us to classify human motions in WBAN using only the radio signal strength during communication without additional tools such as an accelerometer. The proposed human motion classification system has a potential to be used for improving communication quality in WBAN as well as recording daily-life activities for self-awareness tool. To construct the classification system, a numerical simulation was used to generate WBAN propagation channel in various motions at frequency band of 403.5MHz and 2.45GHz. In the classification system, a feature vector representing a characteristic of human motions was computed from time-series received signal levels. The proposed human motion classification using the radio signal strength based on WBAN simulation can classify 3-5 human motions with the accuracy rate of 63.8-95.7 percent, and it can classify the human motions regardless of frequency band. In order to confirm that the human motion classification using radio signal strength can be used in practice, the applicability of the classification system was evaluated by WBAN measurement data.

  • Regular Section
  • Massive MIMO Technologies and Challenges towards 5G Open Access

    Haralabos PAPADOPOULOS  Chenwei WANG  Ozgun BURSALIOGLU  Xiaolin HOU  Yoshihisa KISHIYAMA  

    INVITED SURVEY PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies


    Massive MIMO is widely recognized as an essential technology for 5G. Together with newly allocated spectrum (bandwidth) and network densification (small cells), it is expected to play a key role in coping with the ongoing explosion in data-traffic demand and services. Compared to 4G MIMO technologies, massive MIMO can offer large gains in cell spectral efficiency, which, in combination with small cells and additional bandwidth, can translate into vast gains in throughput per unit area. We briefly overview the most promising TDD and FDD operation modes for massive MIMO, and discuss their potential benefits and challenges considering operation over different tiers and frequency bands. TDD operation is naturally suited to massive MIMO and can offer “massive MIMO” gains, with simple in-cell processing, low overheads and low end-to-end latencies. We also briefly describe some important massive MIMO activities towards 5G, including standardization efforts, system development and experimental trials.

  • Fan-Out Devices Suppressed Mode Field Diameter Change for Multi-Core Fibers

    Masatoshi TANAKA  Masayoshi HACHIWAKA  Hirokazu TANIGUCHI  

    PAPER-Optical Fiber for Communications


    Fan-in/fan-out devices are necessary for the construction of multi-core fiber communication systems. A fan-out device using a capillary is proposed and made by connecting a tapered fiber bundle and a multi-core fiber. The tapered fiber bundle is elongated so that the core arrangement and the mode field diameter (MFD) of single-core fibers agree with those of the multi-core fiber. Suppressing the MFD change is necessary to reduce the coupling loss of the fan-out device. While elongating the fiber bundle, the MFD decreases at the beginning until the core reaches a certain core diameter, and then it begins to increase. We suppress the MFD change of the fan-out device by using this phenomenon. The average insertion loss at both ends of a multi-core fiber was approximately 1.6dB when the fabricated fan-in/fan-out devices were connected to the multi-core fiber.

  • 6-Year of Broadband Performance in Korea: A View from the User's Experience

    Yeonhee LEE  Youngseok LEE  

    PAPER-Optical Fiber for Communications


    The widespread use and increasing popularity of broadband service has prompted a focus on the measurement and analysis of its empirical performance in recent studies. The worldwide view of broadband performance has been examined over the short term with, but research in this area has not yet provided a long-term evolutionary insight on how DSL, Cable, and Fiber access technologies have influenced on user experience. In this study, we present 6 years of measurement results, from 2006 to 2011, of broadband performance with fast developing broadband networks in Korea. With 57% Fiber penetration in 2011, our data consist of a total of 29M test records and 10M subscribers. Over the 6 years, we have observed a 2.9-fold improvement in download speed (57Mbps), 2.8-fold increase in upload speed (38Mbps), and 0.7-fold decrease in latency due to the high penetration rate of Fiber broadband service and the advanced Cable modem technology. In addition, we carried out longitudinal analysis of various aspects of services, providers, regions, and cost-performance. We believe that the evolutionary Korean broadband measurement results can shed light on how high-speed access technologies are substantially enhancing on end-to-end performance.

  • Nonlinear-Error-Free Optical Quantization Using Dense Spectral Slicing

    Takahiro KODAMA  Ryosuke MATSUMOTO  Akihiro MARUTA  Tsuyoshi KONISHI  Ken-ichi KITAYAMA  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications


    We numerically and experimentally demonstrate for the first time a novel all-optical quantization technique using dense spectral slicing with a specially designed arrayed waveguide grating for orthogonal frequency division multiplexed signals. By using a mode-locked laser diode with low jitter, the quantization technique can be achieved a high-speed and low-jitter operation. Both numerical and experimental results confirm the feasibility of 10 GSample/s, completely linear 3-bit step quantization for photonic analog to digital conversion. This optical quantization technique will be beneficial for ultra-high-speed optical communication using digital signal processing.

  • On the Outage Performance of Decode-and-Forward Opportunistic Mobile Relaying with Direct Link

    Hui TIAN  Kui XU  Youyun XU  Xiaochen XIA  



    In this paper, we investigate the effect of outdated channel state information (CSI) on decode-and-forward opportunistic mobile relaying networks with direct link (DL) between source node and destination node. Relay selection schemes with different levels of CSI are considered: 1) only outdated CSI is available during the relay selection procedure; 2) not only outdated CSI but also second-order statistics information are available in relay selection process. Three relay selection schemes are proposed based on the two levels of outdated CSI. Closed-form expressions of the outage probability are derived for the proposed relay selection schemes. Meanwhile, the asymptotic behavior and the achievable diversity of three relay selection schemes are analyzed. Finally, simulation results are presented to verify our analytical results.

  • Efficient Geometric Routing in Large-Scale Complex Networks with Low-Cost Node Design




    The growth of the size of the routing tables limits the scalability of the conventional IP routing. As scalable routing schemes for large-scale networks are highly demanded, this paper proposes and evaluates an efficient geometric routing scheme and related low-cost node design applicable to large-scale networks. The approach guarantees that greedy forwarding on derived coordinates will result in successful packet delivery to every destination in the network by relying on coordinates deduced from a spanning tree of the network. The efficiency of the proposed scheme is measured in terms of routing quality (stretch) and size of the coordinates. The cost of the proposed router is quantified in terms of area complexity of the hardware design and all the evaluations involve comparison with a state-of-the-art approach with virtual coordinates in the hyperbolic plane. Extensive simulations assess the proposal in large topologies consisting of up to 100K nodes. Experiments show that the scheme has stretch properties comparable to geometric routing in the hyperbolic plane, while enabling a more efficient hardware design, and scaling considerably better in terms of storage requirements for coordinate representation. These attractive properties make the scheme promising for routing in large networks.

  • Two-Way Cognitive DF Relaying in WSNs with Practical RF Energy Harvesting Node

    Dang Khoa NGUYEN  Hiroshi OCHI  



    This work presents the exact outage performance and throughput of two-way cognitive decode-and-forward relaying wireless sensor networks with realistic transceiver relay. The relay is a self-powered wireless node that harvests radio frequency energy from the transmitted signals. We consider four configurations of a network with formed by combining two bidirectional relaying protocols (multiple access broadcast protocol and time division broadcast protocol), and two power transfer policies (dual-source energy transfer and single-fixed-source energy transfer). Based on our analysis, we provide practical insights into the impact of transceiver hardware impairments on the network performance, such as the fundamental capacity ceiling of the network with various configurations that cannot be exceeded by increasing transmit power given a fixed transmission rate and the transceiver selection strategy for the network nodes that can optimize the implementation cost and performance tradeoff.

  • A Novel Resonator Design for Q Factor Improvement Using Tightly-Coupled Parallel Coils in Coupled Magnetic Resonance Wireless Power Transfer

    Cheng YANG  Koichi TSUNEKAWA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation


    This study proposes a novel resonator design that uses tightly coupled parallel coils to improve the quality factor (Q factor) in coupled magnetic resonance wireless power transfer. Depending on the characteristics of the tightly coupled parallel-connected coils, the proposed resonator can offer significantly reduced resistance with very little self-inductance loss. A double-layer spiral coil structure is used for resonator design and evaluating its characteristics. Measured results show that a resonator consisting of two identical, tightly coupled parallel double-layer spiral coils can match the Q factor of a conventional double-layer spiral coil with the same number of turns, even though its equivalent resistance is approximately 75% less. Moreover, the system power transfer performance of the resonator was measured under the impedance matching condition. To further reduce the resistance, we propose another resonator comprising of three parallel and tightly coupled double-layer spiral coils, and measure its equivalent resistance characteristics for different wire gap sizes.

  • Connector Model for Use in Common-Mode Antenna Model Used to Estimate Radiation from Printed Circuit Boards with Board-to-Board Connector

    Yuri WAKADUKI  Tetsushi WATANABE  Yoshitaka TOYOTA  Kengo IOKIBE  Liuji R. KOGA  Osami WADA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)


    A connector model expressed as an inductance is proposed for use in a previously reported common-mode antenna model. The common-mode antenna model is an equivalent model for estimating only common-mode radiation from a printed circuit board (PCB) more quickly and with less computational resources than a calculation method that fully divides the entire structure of the PCB into elemental cells, such as narrow signal traces and thin dielectric layers. Although the common-mode antenna model can estimate the amount of radiation on the basis of the pin configuration of the connector between two PCBs, the calculation results do not show the peak frequency shift in the radiation spectrum when there is a change in the pin configuration. A previous study suggested that the frequency shift depends on the total inductance of the connector, which led to the development of the connector model reported here, which takes into account the effective inductance of the connector. The common-mode antenna model with the developed connector model accurately simulates the peak frequency shift caused by a change in the connector pin configuration. The results agree well with measured spectra (error of 3 dB).

  • An Efficient Selection Method of a Transmitted OFDM Signal Sequence for Various SLM Schemes

    Kee-Hoon KIM  Hyun-Seung JOO  Jong-Seon NO  Dong-Joon SHIN  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies


    Many selected mapping (SLM) schemes have been proposed to reduce the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signal sequences. In this paper, an efficient selection (ES) method of the OFDM signal sequence with minimum PAPR among many alternative OFDM signal sequences is proposed; it supports various SLM schemes. Utilizing the fact that OFDM signal components can be sequentially generated in many SLM schemes, the generation and PAPR observation of the OFDM signal sequence are processed concurrently. While the u-th alternative OFDM signal components are being generated, by applying the proposed ES method, the generation of that alternative OFDM signal components can be interrupted (or stopped) according to the selection criteria of the best OFDM signal sequence in the considered SLM scheme. Such interruption substantially reduces the average computational complexity of SLM schemes without degradation of PAPR reduction performance, which is confirmed by analytical and numerical results. Note that the proposed method is not an isolated SLM scheme but a subsidiary method which can be easily adopted in many SLM schemes in order to further reduce the computational complexity of considered SLM schemes.

  • Power Allocation for Secondary Users in Relay Assisted Multi-Band Underlay Cognitive Radio Network

    Wenhao JIANG  Wenjiang FENG  Shaoxiang GU  Yuxiang LIU  Zhiming WANG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies


    In this paper, we study the power allocation problem in a relay assisted multi-band underlay cognitive radio network. Such a network allows unlicensed users (secondary users) to access the spectrum bands under a transmission power constraint. Due to the concave increasing property of logarithm function, it is not always wise for secondary users to expend all the transmission power in one band if their aim is to maximize achievable data rate. In particular, we study a scenario where two secondary users and a half-duplexing relay exist with two available bands. The two users choose different bands for direct data transmission and use the other band for relay transmission. By properly allocating the power on two bands, each user may be able to increase its total achievable data rate while satisfying the power constraint. We formulate the power allocation problem as a non-cooperative game and investigate its Nash equilibria. We prove the power allocation game is a supermodular game and that Nash equilibria exist. We further find the best response function of users and propose a best response update algorithm to solve the corresponding dynamic game. Numerical results show the overall performance in terms of achievable rates is improved through our proposed transmission scheme and power allocation algorithm. Our proposed algorithm also shows satisfactory performance in terms of convergence speed.

  • Pseudo Distance for Trellis Coded Modulation in Overloaded MIMO OFDM with Sphere Decoding

    Ilmiawan SHUBHI  Yukitoshi SANADA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies


    Efficient detection schemes for an overloaded multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system have been investigated recently. The literature shows that trellis coded modulation (TCM) is able to enhance a system's capability to separate signal streams in the detection process of MIMO systems. However, the computational complexity remains high as a maximum likelihood detection (MLD) algorithm is used in the scheme. Thus, a sphere decoding (SD) algorithm with a pseudo distance (PD) is proposed in this paper. The PD maintains the coding gain advantage of the TCM by keeping some potential paths connected unlike conventional SD which truncates them. It is shown that the proposed scheme can reduce the number of distance calculations by about 98% for the transmission of 3 signal streams. In addition, the proposed scheme improves the performance by about 2dB at the bit error rate of 10-2.

  • OSIC Scheme Based on Combined Post-Processing SINR for MIMO Systems with Retransmission

    Sangjoon PARK  Sooyong CHOI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies


    An ordered successive interference cancellation (OSIC) scheme based on combined post-processing signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (PSINR) is proposed for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems with retransmission. For the OSIC procedures at the current transmission round, instead of reusing the PSINRs and decision statistics calculated for the previous transmission rounds, the proposed OSIC scheme newly calculates the combined PSINRs and combined decision statistics from the available receive signal vectors and channel matrices at every retransmission. Therefore, the proposed OSIC scheme utilizes all receive signal vectors and channel matrices obtained up to the current transmission round during the OSIC procedures. A low-complexity version of the proposed OSIC scheme is also proposed, and the low-complexity version recalculates the combined PSINRs and combined decision statistics from part of the available receive signal vectors and channel matrices. Simulation results verify that the proposed schemes achieve significantly better error performance than existing OSIC schemes based on the detection and combining process for MIMO systems with retransmission.

  • A Cell Searching Technique without Double Counting for a Mobile Station with Multiple Antenna Arrays in Millimeter Wave Cellular Communication Systems

    In Su KIM  Hae-In PARK  Won Young YANG  Yong Soo CHO  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies


    This paper deals with a beamforming and cell ID detection technique for a mobile station (MS) with multiple antenna arrays in millimeter wave (mm-wave) cellular communication systems. Multiple antenna arrays, required to cover the entire space around the MS, can be used to estimate the direction of arrivals (DoAs) and cell IDs, form beams in the direction of DoAs, select a serving cell in a cooperative manner, and improve BER performance by signal combining. However, a signal may enter the overlapped region formed by two adjacent arrays in the MS, resulting in a double-counting problem during the cell searching period. In this paper, a beamforming and cell detection technique without double-counting is proposed to handle this problem, and they are evaluated by simulation in a simple scenario of an mm-wave cellular system with spatial channel model (SCM).

  • Effective Data Collection Scheme by Mobile Agent over Wireless Sensor Network

    Takaaki SUETSUGU  Takayuki TORIKAI  Hiroshi FURUKAWA  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies


    In tree-based wireless sensor networks (WSNs), multihop sensor nodes require a longer time frame to send sensed data to a sink node as the number of hops increases. The time taken for delivery of sensed data becomes a critical issue when a large WSN is deployed. This paper proposes a new data collection scheme with rapid data delivery that utilizes the so-called mobile agent technique. The proposed scheme achieves high data collection efficiency while not relying on route optimization unlike conventional data collection techniques. Simulation results show that the larger the size or the maximum hops of the network, the more effective the proposed scheme becomes. Effectiveness of the proposed scheme is also confirmed through field experiments with actual sensor devices.

  • A Moving Source Localization Method Using TDOA, FDOA and Doppler Rate Measurements

    Dexiu HU  Zhen HUANG  Xi CHEN  Jianhua LU  



    This paper proposes a moving source localization method that combines TDOA, FDOA and doppler rate measurements. First, the observation equations are linearized by introducing nuisance variables and an initial solution of all the variables is acquired using the weighted least squares method. Then, the Taylor expression and gradient method is applied to eliminate the correlation between the elements in the initial solution and obtain the final estimation of the source position and velocity. The proposed method achieves CRLB derived using TDOA, FDOA and doppler rate and is much more accurate than the conventional TDOA/FDOA based method. In addition, it can avoid the rank-deficiency problem and is more robust than the conventional method. Simulations are conducted to examine the algorithm's performance and compare it with conventional TDOA/FDOA based method.

  • Chunk Size Aware Buffer-Based Algorithm to Improve Viewing Experience in Dynamic HTTP Streaming

    Waqas ur RAHMAN  Kwangsue CHUNG  

    PAPER-Multimedia Systems for Communications


    In this paper we propose an adaptive bitrate (ABR) algorithm that selects the video rates by observing and controlling the playback buffer. In a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) adaptive streaming session, buffer dynamics largely depend on the chunk sizes. First, we present the algorithm that selects the next video rates based on the current buffer level, while considering the upcoming chunk sizes. We aim to exploit the variation of chunk sizes of a variable bitrate (VBR) encoded video to optimize the tradeoff between the video rate and buffer underflow events while keeping a low frequency of video rate changes. To evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm, we consider three scenarios: (i) the video flow does not compete with any cross traffic, (ii) the video flow shares the bottleneck link with competing TCP traffic, and (iii) two HTTP clients share the bottleneck. We show that the proposed algorithm selects a high playback video rate and avoids unnecessary rebuffering while keeping a low frequency of video rate changes. Furthermore, we show that the proposed algorithm changes the video quality gradually to guarantee the user's viewing experience.

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