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[Keyword] CAD(177hit)


  • Novel Optoelectronic Networks Using Cascaded Optical Intensity Modulation Links for Frequency Multiplexing and Mixing.

    Yoshinori NAKASUGA  Kohji HORIKAWA  Hiroyo OGAWA  

    PAPER-System Applications

    E79-C No:1

    A new configuration is proposed for an optoelectronic network (OEN) using microwave frequency mixing and multiplexing. The mn OEN consists of m optical sources, m-parallel n-stage cascaded optical intensity modulators, and m-photodetectors. The mn OEN matrix is theoretically discussed, and 12, 22 and 33 OENs are analyzed in detail. The 22 OEN, which mixes and multiplexes microwaves, is further investigated and the theoretical prediction derived from OEN equations is experimentally confirmed.

  • Validation of UDL/I Test Suites and UDL/I Simulation/Synthesis Environment

    Hiroyuki KANBARA  Satoshi YOKOTA  


    E78-A No:12

    UDL/I test suites and UDL/I Simulation/Synthesis Environment had been developed separately in parallel. Both were designed from syntax and semantics definition of UDL/I Language Reference Manual. Through test of the UDL/I Simulation/Synthesis Environment using the UDL/I test suites, quality of the test suites and the environment had been improved. Finally all the testing result matched with expected one. It was validated that both the test suites and the environment followed UDL/I language specification.

  • High-Resolution Determination of Transit Time of Ultrasound in a Thin Layer in Pulse-Echo Method

    Tomohisa KIMURA  Hiroshi KANAI  Noriyoshi CHUBACHI  


    E78-A No:12

    In this paper we propose a new method for removing the characteristic of the piezoelectric transducer from the received signal in the pulse-echo method so that the time resolution in the determination of transit time of ultrasound in a thin layer is increased. The total characteristic of the pulse-echo system is described by cascade of distributed-constant systems for the ultrasonic transducer, matching layer, and acoustic medium. The input impedance is estimated by the inverse matrix of the cascade system and the voltage signal at the electrical port. From the inverse Fourier transform of input impedance, the transit time in a thin layer object is accurately determined with high time resolution. The principle of the method is confirmed by simulation experiments.

  • Automatic Transistor-Level Performance Fault Tracing by Successive Circuit Extraction from CAD Layout Data for VLSI in the CAD-Linked EB Test System

    Katsuyoshi MIURA  Koji NAKAMAE  hiromu FUJIOKA  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E78-C No:11

    An automatic transistor-level performance fault tracing method is proposed which is applicable to the case where only CAD layout data is available in the CAD-linked electron beam test system. The technique uses an integrated algorithm that combines a previously proposed transistor-level fault tracing algorithm and a successive circuit extraction from CAD layout data. An expansion of the algorithm to the fault tracing in a combined focused ion beam and electron beam test system which enables us to measure signals on the interconnections in the lower layers is also described. An application of the technique to a CMOS model layout with about 100 transistors shows its validity.

  • Linear Systems Analysis of Blood Clotting System

    Hirohumi HIRAYAMA  Kiyono YOSHII  Hidetomo OJIMA  Norikazu KAWAI  Shintaro GOTOH  Yuzo FUKUYAMA  

    LETTER-Systems and Control

    E78-A No:10

    The controllability and the stability of the blood clotting system are examined with the linear system analysis. The dynamic behavior of the clotting system consisting of a cascade of ten proteolytic reactions of the clotting factors with multiple positive feed back and feed forward loops is represented by the rate equations in a system of non linear ordinary differential equations with 35 variables. The time courses of concentration change in every factor are revealed by numerical integration of the rate equations. Linearization of the rate equations based on the dynamic behavior of the chemical species relevant to the nonlinear terms leads to the linear systems analysis of the clotting system to clarify the essential features of blood coagulation. It follows from the analysis that the clotting system is uncontrollable regardless of changes in any system parameters and control input and that all the chemical species of the system are uncontrollable so that the sequential reactions in the cascade proceed irreversibly, once they are activated. More over by the analysis of the eigen values, the clotting reaction as a total system was shown to be unstable which was insensitive to changes in the system parameters. These characteristic natures of clotting system must be derived in the sequential cascade reaction pattern and the inherent multiple positive feed back and feed forward regulation.

  • Synergistic Power/Area Optimization with Transistor Sizing and Wire Length Minimization

    Masaaki YAMADA  Sachiko KUROSAWA  Reiko NOJIMA  Naohito KOJIMA  Takashi MITSUHASHI  Nobuyuki GOTO  


    E78-C No:4

    The paper ptoposes a method to synthesize low-power control-logic modules by combining transistor-size optimization and transistor layout. Transistor sizing and layout work synergistically to achieve power/area optimization. Transistor size minimization provides more spaces for layout to be compacted. Layout compaction results in shorter wire length (i.e. smaller load capacitance), which allows transistors to become smaller. The details of transistor sizing and layout compaction are also described. When applied to circuits with up to 10,000 transistors, the optimizer reduced the average transistor size to one eighth while maintaining the same delay. The power dissipation is cut to half even when wiring capacitances are dominant.

  • A Global Router for Analog Function Blocks Based on the Branch-and-Bound Algorithm

    Tadanao TSUBOTA  Masahiro KAWAKITA  Takahiro WATANABE  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E78-A No:3

    The main aim of device-level global routing is to obtain high-performance detailed routing under various layout constraints. This paper deals with global routing for analog function blocks. For analog LSIs, especially for those operating at high frequency, various layout constraints are specified prior to routing. Those constrainsts must be completely satisfied to achieve the required circuit performance. However, they are sometimes too hard to be solved by any heuristic method even if a problem is small in size. Thus, we propose a method based on the branch-and-bound algorithm, which can generate all possible solutions to find the best one. Unfortunately, the method tends to take a large amount of processing time. In order to defeat the drawbacks by accelerating the process, constraints are classified into two groups: constraints on single nets and constraints between two nets. Therefore our method consists of two parts: in the first part only constraints on single nets are processed and in the second part only constraints between two nets are processed. The method is efficient because many possible routes that violate layout constraints are rejected immediately in each part. This makes it possible to construct a smaller search tree and to reduce processing time. Additionally this idea, all nets processed in the second phase are sorted in the proper order to reduce the number of edges in the search tree. This saves much processing time, too. Experimental results show that our method can find a good global route for hard layout constraints in practical processing time, and also show that it is superior to the well-known simulated annealing method both in quality of solutions and in processing time.

  • A Hybrid Hierarchical Global Router for Multi-Layer VLSI's

    Masayuki HAYASHI  Shuji TSUKIYAMA  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E78-A No:3

    In this paper, we propose a hybrid hierarchical global router for multi-layer VLSI's, which executes routing and layering simultaneously. This novel approach, a hybrid hierarchical global router, is a combination of a topdown and a bottomup hierarchical routers, and may be one of interesting routing techniques. We also show experimental results, which demonstrate the superiority of the hybrid hierarchical approach. This approach may have many possibilities to be used in a various fields.

  • The Effect of Internal Parasitic Capacitances in Series-Connected MOS Structure

    Sang Heon LEE  Song Bai PARK  Kyu Ho PARK  

    LETTER-VLSI Design Technology

    E78-A No:1

    A simple method is presented to calculate the parasitic capacitance effect in the propagation delay of series-connected MOS (SCM) structures. This method divides SCM circuits into two parts and accurately calculates the contribution of each part to the difference from the delay without parasitic capacitances.

  • A Fast Vectorized Maze Routing Algorithm on a Supercomputer

    Yoshio MIKI  


    E77-A No:12

    This paper presents a fast and practical routing algorithm implemented on a supercomputer. In previously reported work, routing has been accelerated by executing the maze algorithm on parallel processing elements. However, although many parallel algorithms and special architectures have been introduced, practical aspects have not been addressed. We therefore present a novel approach that uses a vector processor as a routing accelerator and a wavefront control algorithm in order to avoid the wasteful searches that often occur in industrial routing problems. Experimental results that show the performance of a supercomputer using these algorithms is equivalent to over 1800 VAXMIPS, the fastest yet reported for routing accelerators. Results with industrial data also prove the validity of our approach.

  • The Concept of Tool-Based Direct Deformation Method for Networked Cooperative CAD Interface

    Juli YAMASHITA  Hiroshi YOKOI  Yukio FUKUI  Makoto SHIMOJO  


    E77-D No:12

    This paper proposes the concept of Tool-Based Direct Deformation Method (TB-DDM) which supports networked CAD (Computer Aided Design) systems with virtual reality technologies. TB-DDM allows designers to sculpt free forms directly with tools; each tool has its deforming characteristics, such as, the area and the shape of deformation. TB-DDM's direct deformation interface is independent of form representations because the system automatically calculates appropriate deformation according to its form representation when a tool pushes" a form. The deformation with TB-DDM is concisely described by the initial shape, types of tools, and thier loci; the description enables cooperative CAD systems with narrow bandwidth network to share design process rapidly and to distribute computational load.

  • An Improved Adaptive Notch Filter for Detection of Multiple Sinusoids

    Shotaro NISHIMURA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E77-A No:6

    In this paper, a new structure which is useful for the detection of multiple sinusoids is presented. The proposed structure is based on the direct form second-order IIR notch filter using simplified adaptive algorithm. It has been shown that the convergence characteristics of the proposed structure are much improved compared with the previously proposed structure. A cascaded adaptive notch filter using the proposed second-order section is also shown. It takes multiple sinusoids corrupted by white Gaussian noise and produces the individual sinusoids at each of the outputs. The results of computer simulation are shown which confirm the theoretical prediction.

  • Matching of DUT Interconnection Pattern with CAD Layout in CAD-Linked Electron Beam Test System

    Koji NAKAMAE  Ryo NAKAGAKI  Katsuyoshi MIURA  Hiromu FUJIOKA  


    E77-C No:4

    Precise matching of the SEM (secondary electron microscope) image of the DUT (device under test) interconnection pattern with the CAD layout is required in the CAD-linked electron beam test system. We propose the point pattern matching method that utilizes a corner pattern in the CAD layout. In the method, a corner pattern which consists of a small number of pixels is derived by taking into account the design rules of VLSIs. By using the corner pattern as a template, the matching points of the template are sought in both the SEM image and CAD layout. Then, the point image obtained from the SEM image of DUT is matched with that from the CAD layout. Even if the number of points obtained in the DUT pattern is different from that in the CAD layout due to the influence of noise present in the SEM image of the DUT pattern, the point matching method would be successful. The method is applied to nonpassivated and passivated LSIs. Even for the passivated LSI where the contrast in the SEM image is mainly determined by voltage contrast, matching is successful. The computing time of the proposed method is found to be shortened by a factor of 4 to 10 compared with that in a conventional correlation coefficient method.

  • Experimental Appraisal of Linear and Quadratic Objective Functions Effect on Force Directed Method for Analog Placement

    Imbaby I.MAHMOUD  Koji ASAKURA  Takashi NISHIBU  Tatsuo OHTSUKI  

    LETTER-Computer Aided Design (CAD)

    E77-A No:4

    This paper advocates the use of linear objective function in analytic analog placement. The role of linear and quadratic objctive functions in the behavior and results of an analog placement algorithm based on the force directed method is discussed. Experimental results for a MCNC benchmark circuit and another one from text books are shown to demonstrate the effect of a linear and a quadratic objective function on the analog constraint satisfaction and CPU time. By introducing linear objective function to the algorithm, we obtain better placements in terms of analog constraint satisfaction and computation cost than in case of conventional quadratic objective function.

  • Efficient Dynamic Fault Imaging by Fully Utilizing CAD Data in CAD-Linked Electron Beam Test System

    Koji NAKAMAE  Hirohisa TANAKA  Hideharu KUBOTA  Hiromu FUJITA  


    E77-C No:4

    A method to improve the efficiency of dynamic fault imaging (DFI) by fully utilizing the CAD data in the CAD-linked electron beam test system is proposed. In the method, in order to shorten the long acquisition time of the stroboscopic voltage contrast images over the whole area of the chip during the entire test cycle, only the area and phase (time) required for fault tracing are selected by utilizing the CAD data. Furthermore, image processing techniques are combined with the method to improve the efficiency of the DFI. In particular, the signal averaging technique is used in order to improve the signal-to-noise ratio in the stroboscopic images where all voltage information data on the equipotential electrode recognized by the CAD layout data are averaged. This enables us to reduce the acquisition time of images. Moreover, the experimental system is set up so that the image processing can be performed in parallel with the acquisition of the stroboscopic images. The proposed method is applied to part of a 2k-transistor block of a nonpassivated CMOS LSI where a marginal fault is detected. The result shows that the method is an efficient approach to the fully automatic fault diagnosis in the CAD-linked electron beam test system. The proposed method could improve the efficiency of the conventional DFI by a factor of more than 1000.

  • Wire Length Expressions for Analytical Placement Approach

    Shoichiro YAMADA  Masahiro KASAI  

    LETTER-Computer Aided Design (CAD)

    E77-A No:4

    This paper deals with the wire length expressions using differentiable nonlinear functions, as a result they can be used in analytical placement methods. These expressions can be applicable to clique, bipartite-graph, and half-perimeter net models, and quadratic and Manhattan metrics to estimate the wire lengths.

  • LSI Failure Analysis with CAD-Linked Electron Beam Test System and Its Cost Evaluation

    Hiromu FUJIOKA  Koji NAKAMAE  


    E77-C No:4

    Following a discussion of various testing methods used in the electron beam (EB) test system, new waveform-based and image-based approaches in the CAD-linked electron beam (EB) test system are proposed. A waveform-based automatic tracing algorithm of the transistor-level performance faults is first discussed. Then, the method to improve the efficiency of an image-based method called dynamic fault imaging (DFI) by fully utilizing the CAD data is described. Third, the VLSI development cost is analyzed by using the fault models that make possible to take into consideration the effect of new testing technologies such as EB testing and focused ion beam (FIB) microfabrication. Finally, the future prospects are discussed.

  • A Unified Model for the Simulation of Small-Geometry Devices


    PAPER-Device Modeling

    E77-C No:2

    In this paper, the formulation of unified transport model is reviewed along with its implementation in a three-dimensional device simulator. The model features an accurate description of the energy exchange among electrons, holes and lattice, and is therefore suitable for self-consistently simulating thermal effects and non-stationary phenomena, as well as their possible interactions. Despite the model complexity, it is shown that the computational effort required for its solution is reasonably close to more conventional approaches. Application examples are also given, in which both unipolar and bipolar devices are simulated, discussing the relative importance of different phenomena and highlighting the simultaneous occurrence of carrier and lattice heating.

  • A Hierarchical Global Router for Mscro-Block-Embedded Sea-of-Gates

    Mototaka KURIBAYASHI  Masaaki YAMADA  Takashi MITSUHASHI  Nobuyuki GOTO  


    E76-A No:10

    A fast and efficient heuristic hierarchical global router for Sea-of-Gates(SOG) with embedded macro-blocks is described. The key point in the method is carry out a new optimal domain decomposition scheduling at every hierarchical level. This scheduling is intended to avoid macro-block-through wirings and to reduce wiring congestion near macro-blocks which may occur at lower levels. The new global router yielded superior results compared with previous hierarchical routers and a non-hierarchical maze router by evaluating with several actual SOG circuits including a 300K gate master chip and benchmark data supplied from MCNC. Overflows were reduced to one-half or one-quarter for macro-block embedded data compared with previous hierarchical routers. Concerning the running time, the router remarkably outperformed the non-hierarchical maze router, which took more than 390 times longer time for the tested large data.

  • A Hardware Accelerator for Design-Rule Checking in a Bit-Mapping CAD System

    Cong-Kha PHAM  Katsufusa SHONO  


    E76-A No:10

    A hardware accelerator for a raster-based design-rule checking called BITDRC for a bit-mapping CAD system is described. BITDRC is a special-purpose hardware accelerator which performs design-rule checking for the Manhattan layout style VLSI circuis, much faster than the software checking which belonged to the bit-mapping CAD system before. The bit-mapping CAD system had effectively been developed for both of educational and VLSI design purposes, and just needs only a personal computer as a compact working environment. The proposed hardware architecture is rather simply and characterized by the bit-mapping CAD system where it works on. The hardware architecture and checking algorithm have been confirmed by implementing a bread-board prototype using discrete components. As a result, the processing time of BITDRC is speeded up as much as 500 times faster than the original software and takes only 4 seconds for checking every rule on a(15001500) grids layout pattern. BITDRC performs the error checking together with the data scanning that makes it can be as an on-line design-rule checker for the bit-mapping CAD system. Finally, the physical layout of BITDRC has been designed using a conventional CMOS technology.


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