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[Keyword] distortion(248hit)


  • The Achievable Rate-Distortion Region for Distributed Source Coding with One Distortion Criterion and Correlated Messages

    Suhan CHOI  Hichan MOON  

    LETTER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E95-B No:9

    In this letter, distributed source coding with one distortion criterion and correlated messages is considered. This problem can be regarded as “Berger-Yeung problem with correlated messages”. It corresponds to the source coding part of the graph-based framework for transmission of a pair of correlated sources over the multiple-access channel where one is lossless and the other is lossy. As a result, the achievable rate-distortion region for this problem is provided. A rigorous proof of both achievability and converse part is also given.

  • Early Termination of CU Encoding to Reduce HEVC Complexity

    Ryeong-hee GWEON  Yung-Lyul LEE  


    E95-A No:7

    The next generation video coding standard HEVC shows high coding performance compared with the H.264/AVC standard, but the computational complexity of the HEVC encoder (HM3.0) is significantly higher. In this letter, the early termination of the CU encoding algorithm is proposed to reduce the computational complexity in the HEVC encoder. The proposed method reduces the encoder complexity by 58.7%, while maintaining the same level of coding efficiency.

  • A Direct Inter-Mode Selection Algorithm for P-Frames in Fast H.264/AVC Transcoding

    Bin SONG  Haixiao LIU  Hao QIN  Jie QIN  

    PAPER-Multimedia Systems for Communications

    E95-B No:6

    A direct inter-mode selection algorithm for P-frames in fast homogeneous H.264/AVC bit-rate reduction transcoding is proposed in this paper. To achieve the direct inter-mode selection, we firstly develop a low-complexity distortion estimation method for fast transcoding, in which the distortion is directly calculated from the decoded residual together with the reference frames. We also present a linear estimation method to approximate the coding rate. With the estimated distortion and rate, the rate-distortion cost can be easily computed in the transcoder. In our algorithm, a method based on the normalized rate difference of P-frames (RP) is used to detect the high motion scene. To achieve fast transcoding, only for the P-frames with RP larger than a threshold, the rate-distortion optimized (RDO) mode decision is performed; meanwhile, the average cost of each inter-mode (ACM) is calculated. Then for the subsequent frames transcoding, the optimal coding mode can be directly selected using the estimated cost and the ACM threshold. Experiments show that the proposed method can significantly simplify the complex RDO mode decision, and achieve transcoding time reductions of up to 62% with small loss of rate-distortion performance.

  • Automatic IQ Imbalance Compensation Technique for Quadrature Modulator by Single-Tone Testing

    Minseok KIM  Yohei KONISHI  Jun-ichi TAKADA  Boxin GAO  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E95-B No:5

    This letter proposes an automatic IQ imbalance compensation technique for quadrature modulators by means of spectrum measurement of RF signal using a spectrum analyzer. The analyzer feeds back only magnitude information of the frequency spectrum of the signal. To realize IQ imbalance compensation, the conventional method of steepest descent is modified; the descent direction is empirically determined and a variable step-size is introduced for accelerating convergence. The experimental results for a four-channel transmitter operating at 11 GHz are presented for verification.

  • Third-Harmonic Envelope Feedback Method for High-Efficiency Linear Power Amplifiers

    Shoichi OSHIMA  Mamoru UGAJIN  Mitsuru HARADA  


    E95-C No:4

    A new low-power feedback structure for a power amplifier (PA) reduces signal distortion while keeping the power efficiency of the PA high. The feedback structure injects the envelope of the third-order harmonics into the input signal. In adopting this method for a class-A amplifier, we obtain over 10% higher efficiency while maintaining the same adjacent channel power ratio (ACPR). The power consumption of additional circuit is 200 µW.

  • Adaptive Predistortion Using Cubic Spline Nonlinearity Based Hammerstein Modeling

    Xiaofang WU  Jianghong SHI  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E95-A No:2

    In this paper, a new Hammerstein predistorter modeling for power amplifier (PA) linearization is proposed. The key feature of the model is that the cubic splines, instead of conventional high-order polynomials, are utilized as the static nonlinearities due to the fact that the splines are able to represent hard nonlinearities accurately and circumvent the numerical instability problem simultaneously. Furthermore, according to the amplifier's AM/AM and AM/PM characteristics, real-valued cubic spline functions are utilized to compensate the nonlinear distortion of the amplifier and the following finite impulse response (FIR) filters are utilized to eliminate the memory effects of the amplifier. In addition, the identification algorithm of the Hammerstein predistorter is discussed. The predistorter is implemented on the indirect learning architecture, and the separable nonlinear least squares (SNLS) Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is adopted for the sake that the separation method reduces the dimension of the nonlinear search space and thus greatly simplifies the identification procedure. However, the convergence performance of the iterative SNLS algorithm is sensitive to the initial estimation. Therefore an effective normalization strategy is presented to solve this problem. Simulation experiments were carried out on a single-carrier WCDMA signal. Results show that compared to the conventional polynomial predistorters, the proposed Hammerstein predistorter has a higher linearization performance when the PA is near saturation and has a comparable linearization performance when the PA is mildly nonlinear. Furthermore, the proposed predistorter is numerically more stable in all input back-off cases. The results also demonstrate the validity of the convergence scheme.

  • A Low Distortion 3rd-Order Continuous-Time Delta-Sigma Modulator for a Worldwide Digital TV-Receiver



    E95-A No:2

    This paper presents a low distortion 3rd-order continuous-time delta-sigma modulator for a worldwide digital TV-receiver whose peak SNDR is 69.8 dB and SNR is 70.2 dB under 1 V power supply. To enhance SNDR performance, the mechanisms to occur harmonic distortions at feedback current-steering DAC and flash ADC have been analyzed. A low power tuning system using RC-relaxation oscillator has been developed in order to achieve high yield against PVT variations. A 3rd-order modulator with modified single opamp resonator contributes to cost reduction by realizing a very compact circuit. Reduction schemes of the distortions enabled the modulator to achieve FOM of 0.18 pJ/conv-step.

  • Noise Canceling Balun-LNA with Enhanced IIP2 and IIP3 for Digital TV Applications

    Saeed SAEEDI  Mojtaba ATARODI  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E95-C No:1

    An inductorless low noise amplifier (LNA) with active balun for digital TV (DTV) applications is presented. The LNA exploits a noise cancellation technique which allows for simultaneous wide-band impedance matching and low noise design. The matching and amplifier stages in the LNA topology perform single-ended to differential signal conversion with balanced output. The second and third-order nonlinearity of the individual amplifiers as well as the distortion caused by the interaction between the stages are suppressed to achieve high IIP2 and IIP3. A method for intrinsic cancellation of the second-order interaction is employed to reduce the dependence of the IIP3 on the frequency spacing between the interfering signals in the two-tone test of DTV tuners. Fabricated in a 0.18 µm CMOS technology, the LNA core size is 0.21 mm2. Measurements show that the LNA IIP3 and IIP2 are +12 dBm and +21 dBm, respectively. The IIP3 variation is less than 5 dB in the 10 MHz to 200 MHz frequency spacing range. A voltage gain of 14.5 dB and a noise figure below 4 dB are achieved in a frequency range from 100 MHz to 1 GHz. The LNA consumes 11 mA from a 1.8 V supply voltage.

  • Wideband Inductor-Less Linear LNA Using Post Distortion Technique

    Amir AMIRABADI  Mahmoud KAMAREI  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E94-A No:8

    In this paper a third-order inter-modulation cancellation technique using Pre-Post-Distortion is proposed to design a wideband high linear low-power LNA in deep submicron. The IM3 cancellation is achieved by post-distorting signal inversely after it is pre- distorted in the input trans-conductance stage during amplification process. The operating frequency range of the LNA is 800 MHz–5 GHz. The proposed technique increases input-referred third-order intercept point (IIP3) and input 1 dB Compression point (P-1 dB) to 12–25 dBm and -1.18 dBm, respectively. Post layout simulation results show a noise figure (NF) of 4.1–4.5 dB, gain of 13.7–13.9 dB and S11 lower than -13 dB while consumes 8 mA from 1.2 V supply. The LNA is designed in a 65 nm standard CMOS technology. The layout schematic shows that the LNA occupies 0.150.11 mm2 of silicon area.

  • A Predistortion Diode Linearizer Technique with Automatic Average Power Bias Control for a Class-F GaN HEMT Power Amplifier

    Akihiro ANDO  Yoichiro TAKAYAMA  Tsuyoshi YOSHIDA  Ryo ISHIKAWA  Kazuhiko HONJO  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E94-C No:7

    A novel predistortion technique using an automatic average-power bias controlled diode is proposed to compensate the complicated nonlinear characteristics of a microwave class-F power amplifier using an AlGaN/GaN HEMT. The optimum value for diode bias voltage is automatically set according to detected input average RF power level. A high-efficiency 1.9 GHz class-F GaN HEMT power amplifier with the automatic average-power bias control (ABC) diode linearizer achieves an improved third order inter-modulation distortion (IMD3) of better than -45 dBc at a smaller than 6 dB output power back-off from a saturated output power of 27 dBm, without changing drain efficiency. The adjacent channel leakage power ratio (ACPR) for 1.9 GHz W-CDMA signals is below -40 dBc at output power levels of smaller than 20 dBm for the class-F power amplifier.

  • Robust Fractional Order Memory Polynomial Based Pre-Distorter

    Bo AI  Zhang-Dui ZHONG  Bo LI  Lin-hua MA  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E94-B No:7

    In this paper, a robust fractional order memory polynomial pre-distorter with two novel schemes to conduct digital base-band power amplifier pre-distortion is proposed. For the first scheme, fractional order terms are included in the conventional memory polynomial containing the odd and even order polynomial terms, which is called Scheme One. The second scheme, called Scheme Two, simply replaces even order polynomial terms with fractional order polynomial terms to improve the linear performance of power amplifiers. The mathematical expressions for these two schemes are derived. The computer simulations and numerical analysis show that, compared with the conventional pre-distortion methods, 11 dB and 8.5 dB more out-of-band suppression gain can be obtained by Scheme One and Scheme Two, respectively. Corresponding FPGA realization shows that the two schemes are cost-effective in terms of hardware resources.

  • Design and Performance of Intergate-Channel-Connected Multi-Gate pHEMT for Antenna Switch

    Shigeki KOYA  Takashi OGAWA  Hiroyuki TAKAZAWA  Akishige NAKAJIMA  Shinya OSAKABE  Yasushi SHIGENO  


    E94-C No:6

    Conventional multi-gate pseudomorphic high-electron-mobility transistors (pHEMTs) in the off-state generate larger distortion than single-gate pHEMTs in RF switch applications. To reduce the distortion, the intergate region of multi-gate pHEMTs must be connected to the source and drain with resistors to be biased at the same DC voltage. The intergate region of multi-gate pHEMTs is too small to have an external electrical contact, so intergate-channel-connected pHEMTs (IGCC-pHEMTs) have been developed. IGCC-pHEMTs have a meander gate structure, where one side of the gate is connected to a metal wire layer, and the other is applied for an intergate region contact that does not widen the distance between the gates. A single-pole double-throw (SPDT) switch with IGCC-pHEMTs was fabricated by using a standard 0.5 µm InGaAs pHEMT process. A SPDT switch with IGCC-pHEMTs is confirmed to have almost same small-signal properties and generate lower distortions.

  • Linearization Ability Evaluation for Loudspeaker Systems Using Dynamic Distortion Measurement

    Shoichi KITAGAWA  Yoshinobu KAJIKAWA  

    LETTER-Engineering Acoustics

    E94-A No:2

    In this letter, the compensation ability of nonlinear distortions for loudspeaker systems is demonstrated using dynamic distortion measurement. Two linearization methods using a Volterra filter and a Mirror filter are compared. The conventional evaluation utilizes swept multi-sinusoidal waves. However, it is unsatisfactory because wideband signals such as those of music and voices are usually applied to loudspeaker systems. Hence, the authours use dynamic distortion measurement employing a white noise. Experimental results show that the two linearization methods can effectively reduce nonlinear distortions for wideband signals.

  • Lossy Coding of Binary Sources with Short Linear Codes

    Misako KOTANI  Motohiko ISAKA  

    LETTER-Source Coding

    E93-A No:11

    This letter treats lossy source coding of binary sources with short linear block codes. It is numerically shown that very simple basis-reprocessing approach yields good rate-distortion performance with manageable computational complexity for small block lengths. The result for code lengths up to 100 outperforms the message-passing based encoding for low-density codes which are several times longer.

  • Gaussian Zig-Zag Source Coding Problem

    Yasutada OOHAMA  

    PAPER-Source Coding

    E93-A No:11

    In 1997, the author considered the separate coding system for two correlated memoryless Gaussian sources and squared distortion measures and determined the rate distortion region in a case where one source plays a role of the partial side information at the decoder. The above source coding system can be extended to a certain class of source network with several decoders, where each decoder has at most one full or partial side information. This class of source network is called the one-helps-one system. In this paper we consider a source network belonging to this class for correlated memoryless Gaussian sources and squared distortion measures. This source network was posed and investigated by Korner and Marton and was called the zig-zag source network. They studied the zig-zag source network in the case of discrete memoryless multiple sources. In this paper we study the zig-zag source network in the case of correlated memoryless Gaussian sources and square distortion. We determine the rate distortion region in a case where sources have a certain correlation property.

  • Waveform Distortion and Transmission Gain on Ultra Wideband Impulse Radio

    Sathaporn PROMWONG  Pichaya SUPANAKOON  Jun-ichi TAKADA  

    PAPER-Radio Systems

    E93-B No:10

    A waveform of an ultra wideband impulse radio (UWB-IR) system can be extremely distorted through a channel even for free-space transmission because of antenna dispersion. This highly degrades the link budget performance. Therefore, the understand of antenna characteristics, which effects on waveform distortion, is necessary. This paper studies the waveform distortion due to antenna in free space transmission in UWB-IR system. The link budget is usually evaluated by using the Friis' transmission formula. However, it is not directly applicable to the UWB-IR transmission system. The link budget evaluation formula attended from conventional Friis' transmission formula that takes into account the transmitted waveform, its distortion due to the antennas, the channel and the correlation receiver is proposed. Since the antenna is significant pulse-shaping filters in UWB-IR system, the example kind of the log-periodic dipole antenna (LPDA) is experimentally examined, especially focused on the effect of the template waveforms.

  • Electromagnetic Interference Analysis Based on Total Harmonic Distortion Measurement in 900 MHz Cordless Telephones

    Jeung geun PARK  Che young KIM  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)

    E93-B No:9

    In this paper a new electromagnetic (EM) interference analysis is proposed using the total harmonic distortion (THD) measurement of the audio signal by the 900 MHz cordless telephones. The cordless telephone network in 900 MHz was built up to be weak in EM interference. 400 and 800 Hz of the sine-wave signal were used in transmitter (TX) system, and the receiver (RX) system was exposed to the EM interference. The THD value varies as the level of the exposed EM interference changes. The model of the cordless telephone also affects the THD value. By using fluctuation of the THD value depending on the amount of the exposure, the threshold value of the interference electric field strength was derived. Based on the derived threshold value of the electric field strength, validity of the regulation value for low power radio devices by CISPR 22 [CLASS B] and FCC is discussed.

  • A Novel Predistorter Design for Nonlinear Power Amplifier with Memory Effects in OFDM Communication Systems Using Orthogonal Polynomials

    Yitao ZHANG  Kiyomichi ARAKI  


    E93-C No:7

    Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signals have high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) and cause large nonlinear distortions in power amplifiers (PAs). Memory effects in PAs also become no longer ignorable for the wide bandwidth of OFDM signals. Digital baseband predistorter is a highly efficient technique to compensate the nonlinear distortions. But it usually has many parameters and takes long time to converge. This paper presents a novel predistorter design using a set of orthogonal polynomials to increase the convergence speed and the compensation quality. Because OFDM signals are approximately complex Gaussian distributed, the complex Hermite polynomials which have a closed-form expression can be used as a set of orthogonal polynomials for OFDM signals. A differential envelope model is adopted in the predistorter design to compensate nonlinear PAs with memory effects. This model is superior to other predistorter models in parameter number to calculate. We inspect the proposed predistorter performance by using an OFDM signal referred to the IEEE 802.11a WLAN standard. Simulation results show that the proposed predistorter is efficient in compensating memory PAs. It is also demonstrated that the proposal acquires a faster convergence speed and a better compensation effect than conventional predistorters.

  • Distortion Compensation for Thermal Memory Effect on InGaP/GaAs HBT Amplifier by Inserting RC-Ladder Circuit in Base Bias Circuit

    Ryo ISHIKAWA  Junichi KIMURA  Yukio TAKAHASHI  Kazuhiko HONJO  


    E93-C No:7

    An inter-modulation distortion (IMD) compensation method for thermal memory effect using a multistage RC-ladder circuit has been proposed. The IMD caused by the thermal memory effect on an InGaP/GaAs HBT amplifier was compensated for by inserting a multistage RC-ladder circuit in the base bias circuit of the amplifier. Since heat flux owing to self-heating in the transistor can be approximated with a multistage thermal RC-ladder circuit, the canceling of IMD by an additional electrical memory effect generated from the RC-ladder circuit is predicted. The memory effects cause asymmetrical characteristics between upper and lower IMD. The IMD caused by the memory effects is expressed as a vector sum of each origin. By adjusting an electrical reactance characteristic for sub-harmonics affected by the thermal memory effect in the amplifier circuit, the asymmetric characteristic is symmetrized. The parameters of the RC-ladder circuit were estimated so that the adjusted electrical reactance characteristic is reproduced in simulation. A fabricated InGaP/GaAs HBT amplifier with the thermal memory effect compensation circuit exhibited a symmetrized and suppressed IMD characteristics.

  • A Wideband Digital Predistorter for a Doherty Power Amplifier Using a Direct Learning Memory Effect Filter

    Kenichi HORIGUCHI  Naoko MATSUNAGA  Kazuhisa YAMAUCHI  Ryoji HAYASHI  Moriyasu MIYAZAKI  Toshio NOJIMA  


    E93-C No:7

    This paper presents a digital predistorter with a wideband memory effect compensator for a Doherty power amplifier (PA). A simple memory-predistortion model, which consists of a look-up-table (LUT) and an adaptive filter equalizing memory effects, and a new memory effect estimation algorithm using a direct-learning architecture are proposed. The proposed estimation algorithm has an advantage that a transfer function of a feedback circuit does not affect the learning process. The predistorter is implemented in a field programmable gate array (FPGA) and a digital signal processor (DSP). The transmitter has achieved distortion level of -50.8 dBr at signal bandwidth away from the carrier, and PA module efficiency of 24% with output power of 43 dBm at 2595 MHz under a 20 MHz-bandwidth orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signal using laterally diffused metal oxide semiconductor (LDMOS) FETs.


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