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[Keyword] distortion(248hit)


  • An L-Band High Efficiency and Low Distortion Multi-Stage Amplifier Using Self Phase Distortion Compensation Technique

    Yukio IKEDA  Kazutomi MORI  Shintaro SHINJO  Fumimasa KITABAYASHI  Akira OHTA  Tadashi TAKAGI  Osami ISHIDA  


    E85-C No:12

    An L-Band high efficiency and low distortion multi-stage amplifier using self phase distortion compensation technique is presented. In this amplifier, the bias condition of the driver-stage transistor is tuned to compensate the phase distortion of the power-stage transistor, and the load and source impedances of the driver-stage and power-stage transistors are optimized to achieve the maximum efficiency with a specified adjacent channel leakage power (ACP) for multi-stage amplifier. The developed amplifier achieves a power added efficiency (Eadd) of 42.8% and an output power (Pout) of 26.8 dBm with an ACP of -38 dBc at 1.95 GHz for wide-band code-division multiple-access (W-CDMA) cellular phones.

  • High Power Density and Low Distortion InGaP Channel FETs with Field-Modulating Plate

    Akio WAKEJIMA  Kazuki OTA  Kohji MATSUNAGA  Masaaki KUZUHARA  


    E85-C No:12

    This paper describes high power density and low distortion characteristics of a novel InGaP channel field-modulating plate FET (InGaP FP-FET) under high voltage operation of over 50 V. The developed InGaP FP-FET exhibited an extremely high breakdown voltage of 100 V with an impact ionization coefficient about 103 times smaller than that of GaAs. These superior breakdown characteristics indicate that the InGaP FP-FET is one of the most desirable device structures for high-voltage high-power operation. The InGaP FP-FET delivered an output power density of 1.6 W/mm at 1.95 GHz operated at a drain bias voltage of 55 V. As power operation moves from class A to class AB, both 3rd-order intermodulation distortion (IM3) and power-added efficiency (PAE) at higher output-power region were improved, resulting from a suppressed gate leakage current near the power saturation point. These results promise that the developed InGaP FP-FET is suited for applications in which both high efficiency and low distortion are required.

  • A Highly Linearized MMIC Amplifier Using a Combination of a Newly Developed LD-FET and D-FET Simultaneously Fabricated with a Self-Alignment/Selective Ion-Implantation Process



    E85-C No:12

    We propose linearization techniques for MMIC amplifiers. The key points of these techniques are increased linearity of a newly-developed low-distortion MESFET (LD-FET) and maximized IP3 by combining the LD-FET with a high-gain depletion-mode MESFET (D-FET) with no increase in power consumption. The LD-FET is characterized by its unique channel dopant-profile prepared by a buried p-type ion-implantation and double n-type ion-implantations with high- and low-acceleration energies. This FET achieves flatter behavior in terms of mutual conductance (gm) compared with conventional MESFETs irrespective of changes in the gate bias voltage (Vgs). A self-alignment/selective ion-implantation process enables the LD-FET and D-FET to be fabricated simultaneously. This process encourages IP3 maximization of the multi-stage amplifier by appropriately combining the advantages of the two differently characterized MESFETs. We fabricated and tested a highly linearized two-stage MMIC amplifier utilizing the proposed techniques, and found that its third-order intermodulation ratio (IMR) performance was 8.7 dB better than that of conventional MMIC amplifiers at an input signal level of -20 dBm with no increase in current dissipation. The configuration constructed by using the proposed techniques equivalently reduces the current dissipation of the second stage to 1/2.72 times that of the conventional configuration, which requires a 2.72 times larger D-FET at the second stage to obtain an 8.7-dB IMR improvement. Furthermore, we were able to improve the IMR by 3.5 dB by optimizing the gate bias conditions for the LD-FET. These results confirm the validity of the proposed techniques.

  • Harmonic Distortion Suppression Technique for Varactor-Loaded Parasitic Radiator Antennas

    Qing HAN  Keizo INAGAKI  Kyouichi IIGUSA  Robert SCHLUB  Takashi OHIRA  Masami AKAIKE  


    E85-C No:12

    Harmonic distortions of a recently developed lightweight film-type ESPAR (Electronically Steerable Passive Array Radiator) antenna are investigated experimentally. These distortions arise from the nonlinearity of the varactor diodes that are directly integrated with the parasitic radiator elements to control the antenna's radiation pattern. A reactive-near-field measurement technique that employs low-interference probes in an ultra-small anechoic box is used to reduce experimental time and cost. An anti-series varactor pair is introduced and compared with the conventional single varactor. Consequently, an ESPAR antenna equipped with the anti-series varactor pair exhibits remarkable suppression of nonlinear distortion. In particular, the second- and the third-order harmonic is reduced by approximately 20 dB and 12 dB from the level of a single varactor type ESPAR antenna, respectively.

  • A High Efficiency Bias Condition Optimized Feedforward Power Amplifier with a Series Diode Linearizer

    Kenichi HORIGUCHI  Masatoshi NAKAYAMA  Yuji SAKAI  Kazuyuki TOTANI  Haruyasu SENDA  Yukio IKEDA  Tadashi TAKAGI  Osami ISHIDA  


    E85-C No:12

    A high efficiency feedforward power amplifier (FFPA) with a series diode linearizer for cellular base stations is presented. In order to achieve the highest overall efficiency of an FFPA, an improved pre-distortion diode linearizer has been used and the bias condition of the main amplifier has been optimized. The optimum bias condition has been derived from the overall efficiency analysis of the FFPA with a pre-distortion linearizer. From measured overall performances of the FFPA, efficiency enhancement of the series diode linearizer has been verified. The developed FFPA achieved the efficiency of 10% and output power of 45.6 dBm at 10 MHz offset Adjacent Channel leakage Power Ratio (ACPR) -50 dBc under Wide-band Code-Division Multiple-Access (W-CDMA) modulated 2 carriers signal. This design method can be also used to optimize the source and load impedances condition of the main amplifier FET.

  • An RF-Band Adaptive Predistorter Power Amplifier

    Yoshitaka SETO  Shinji MIZUTA  Yoshihiko AKAIWA  


    E85-B No:12

    A basestation power amplifier requires high linearity and stable operation for common amplification of a multiplexed wideband signal. Nonlinearity compensation techniques with the feedforward or predistorter are useful for this purpose. This paper presents a predistortion amplifier with automatic control at RF band for application at a basestation. In this method, the predistorter distorts an RF input signal by referring to a look-up table (LUT) corresponding to the input power. Out-of-band radiation power are directly monitored at IF band to determine the LUT. A DSP with an iterative algorithm updates the content of the LUT to minimize the out-of-band radiation power. Computer simulation experiment is carried out. The use of this proposed method promises a highly linear wideband and high power-efficiency amplifier.

  • Numerical Analysis of Nonlinear Distortion Generated from a Single Varactor and an Anti-Series Varactor Pair

    Masami AKAIKE  Takashi OHIRA  Keizo INAGAKI  Qing HAN  


    E85-C No:12

    Higher-order harmonics and distortions generated by nonlinearity of capacitance-voltage characteristic of a single varactor and an anti-series-connected varactor pair are analyzed and compared. The effect of linear and parabolic terms of nonlinearity to harmonics outputs and distortions is discussed. It is shown that an anti-series-connected varactor pair has a completely suppressed linear term and reduced parabolic term. The advantage of an anti-series-connected varactor pair is theoretically explained.

  • Data Rate Maximization under Joint Energy and DOS Constraints in Multichannel Communications

    Chih-Tsung HUNG  Kuen-Tsair LAY  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories

    E85-B No:11

    In this paper, three algorithms are proposed for rate maximization (RM) of transmitted data in multichannel (MC) communications, subject to joint constraints on available energy budget and tolerable degradation of service (DOS). Altogether referred to as the RM algorithms, they consist of the EADRM, the DADRM, and the fDADRM algorithms. Based on the rate-distortion optimization theory, closed-form expressions for optimally distributing the energy (for EADRM) or DOS (for DADRM and fDADRM ) among the subchannels (SC's) are derived, when the bit allocation is pre-specified. The specification of bit allocations is achieved by the use of the so-called eligible bit allocation matrix (EBAM), which is a function of the total data rate and the number of SC's. A greedy approach is adopted, where the total data rate is kept on raising until the relevant constraints can no longer be satisfied. While all three RM algorithms essentially generate identical maximum data rates, the fDADRM algorithm is much faster than the other two in computation. As compared to the result achievable by a single-channel communication scheme, the RM algorithms produce a much higher data rate for spectrally shaped channels.

  • Study on the Conduction Mechanism of Organic Light-Emitting Diode Using One-Dimensional Discontinuous Model

    Takuya OGAWA  Don-Chan CHO  Kazue KANEKO  Tatsuo MORI  Teruyoshi MIZUTANI  

    PAPER-Electronic Devices

    E85-C No:6

    We proposed the conduction mechanism of organic light-emitting diode (OLED) using a one-dimensional discontinuous model. We assumed that each emitting molecule corresponds to a hopping site according to the actual charge transfer between adjacent molecules. Both carrier mobility of Alq3 and barrier heights for each carrier were derived from experimental data. We calculate transient behavior of carrier, field, and exciton distribution. Both carrier injections assumed the Schottky injection. In the previous results, when we assumed that calculated current density fit the experimental one in the current density field curve, calculated light-emission intensity did not fit the experimental one in the light-emission field curve. Furthermore, the slope of the calculated light emission-field curve is too small to fit the experimental one. In the previous study, hopping distance was assumed to be 1 nm. In this study, it is assumed to be 1.7 nm. We consider that field dependence of electron injection is too weak to explain only the Schottky emission. When the electron injection is assumed to be both Schottky emission and Fowler-Nordheim emission calculated light-emission field as well as the current-density field curves were fit to the curve of each experimental characteristics.

  • An Information-Spectrum Approach to Rate-Distortion Function with Side Information

    Ken-ichi IWATA  Jun MURAMATSU  

    PAPER-Information Theory

    E85-A No:6

    Wyner and Ziv considered the rate-distortion function for source coding with side information at the decoder (we call the Wyner-Ziv problem). In this paper we show an information-spectrum approach to the Wyner-Ziv problem for general class of nonstationary and/or nonergodic sources with side information at the decoder, where the distortion measure is arbitrary and may be nonadditive. We show that a general formula for the rate-distortion function of the Wyner-Ziv problem for general sources with the maximum distortion criterion under fixed-length coding by using the information spectrum approach.

  • Low-Distortion Waveform Synthesis with Josephson Junction Arrays

    Samuel P. BENZ  Fred L. WALLS  Paul D. DRESSELHAUS  Charles J. BURROUGHS  

    INVITED PAPER-Digital Devices and Their Applications

    E85-C No:3

    We present measurements of kilohertz and megahertz sine waves synthesized using a Josephson arbitrary waveform synthesizer. A 4.8 kHz sine wave synthesized using an ac-coupled bias technique is shown to have a stable 121 mV peak voltage and harmonic distortion 101 dB below the fundamental (-101 dBc (carrier)). We also present results of our first phase-noise measurement. A 5.0 MHz sine wave was found to have distortion 33 dB lower than the same signal synthesized using a semiconductor digital code generator. The white-noise floor of the Josephson synthesized signal is -132 dBc/Hz and is limited by the noise floor of the preamplifier.

  • Linear Electroabsorption Modulation for Radio on Fiber Systems

    Sang-Kook HAN  Duk-Ho JEON  Hyun-Do JUNG  

    PAPER-Optical Transmission Radio on Fiber

    E85-C No:3

    Two novel linearization processes in electro-absorption-modulator (EAM) are proposed and demonstrated. These two modulation schemes are used to compensate the nonlinear component of the EAM by controlling the DC bias voltages of the each EAM separately. The simulations on the nonlinearity of EAM and linearization process are performed in both time and frequency domains. From a serially cascaded modulation simulation, a reduction of 16 dB in IMD3, 45 dB in IMD5 and the following increase of 15 dB in linear dynamic rage (LDR) are achieved. In dual-parallel modulation experiment at 8 GHz, a reduction of 23 dB in IMD3 and the following increase of 15.1 dB in LDR of are achieved compared to those of a single EAM operation.

  • Modelling and Design of a Broadband Predistortion Circuit for Radio-over-Fibre Systems


    PAPER-Optical Transmission Radio on Fiber

    E85-C No:3

    To the aim of developing industrializable low-cost electronic techniques for the compensation of non-linearities in Radio-over-Fibre networks, a semiconductor laser circuit model and a predistortion circuit configuration have been implemented and simulated. The CAD procedure illustrated indicates the steps to obtain a broadband compensation (0.4-2 GHz) of both second- and third-order distortions.

  • Radial Distortion Snakes

    Sing Bing KANG  


    E84-D No:12

    In this paper, we address the problem of recovering the camera radial distortion coefficients from one image. The approach that we propose uses a special kind of snakes called radial distortion snakes. Radial distortion snakes behave like conventional deformable contours, except that their behavior are globally connected via a consistent model of image radial distortion. Experiments show that radial distortion snakes are more robust and accurate than conventional snakes and manual point selection.

  • Design of Optical Video Transmission System for Fiber to the Home Employing Super Wide-Band FM Modulation Scheme

    Yoshikazu ISHII  Katsuya ODA  Kazuhiro NOJIMA  Hiroaki ASANO  Hidehiko NEGISHI  Seiho KITAJI  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission

    E84-B No:11

    In this paper, we present a design for an optical video transmission system employing a super wide-band FM modulation scheme. We focus on the design of optical transmitters and receivers, especially a wide-band electrical-to-optical converter and optical-to-electrical converter. With this system, it is important to develop optical and microwave devices which have a wide frequency response combined with flat group delay characteristics in order to improve the quality of the video signals after transmission. We also analyze theoretically the hybrid transmission capacity of AM analog video signals and 64QAM signals for digital video and data, and show the FM modulation parameters needed to realize high quality transmission. An experimental evaluation shows that our designed optical transmitter and receiver achieve high quality for the various channel plans for AM/64QAM hybrid transmission. The system has high received optical sensitivity and a wide optical dynamic range, allowing it to distribute analog video, digital video, and Internet data to many users over a wide area.

  • InGaP-Channel Field Effect Transistors with High Breakdown Voltage

    Naoki HARA  Yasuhiro NAKASHA  Toshihide KIKKAWA  Kazukiyo JOSHIN  Yuu WATANABE  Hitoshi TANAKA  Masahiko TAKIKAWA  

    INVITED PAPER-Hetero-FETs & Their Integrated Circuits

    E84-C No:10

    We have developed InGaP-channel field effect transistors (FETs) with high breakdown voltages that can be fabricated by using conventional GaAs FET fabrication processes. The buffer and barrier layers were also optimized for the realization of high-voltage operation. The InGaP-channel FET has an extremely high on-state drain-to-source breakdown voltage of over 40 V, and a gate-to-drain breakdown voltage of 55 V. This enabled high-voltage large-signal operation at 40 V. The third-order intermodulation distortion of the InGaP channel FETs was 10-20 dB lower than that of an equivalent GaAs-channel FET, due to the high operating voltage.

  • Analysis of a Neural Detector Based on Self-Organizing Map in a 16 QAM System

    Hua LIN  Xiaoqiu WANG  Jianming LU  Takashi YAHAGI  

    PAPER-Communication Devices/Circuits

    E84-B No:9

    A signal suffers from nonlinear, linear, and additive distortion when transmitted through a channel. Linear equalizers are commonly used in receivers to compensate for linear channel distortion. As an alternative, novel equalizer structures utilizing neural computation have been developed for compensating for nonlinear channel distortion. In this paper, we propose a neural detector based on self-organizing map (SOM) in a 16 QAM system. The proposed scheme uses the SOM algorithm and symbol-by-symbol detector to form a neural detector, and it adapts well to the changing channel conditions, including nonlinear distortions because of the topology-preserving property of the SOM algorithm. According to the theoretical analysis and computer simulation results, the proposed scheme is shown to have better performance than traditional linear equalizer when facing with nonlinear distortion.

  • Nonlinear Analysis of Multiple Ion-Implanted GaAs FETs Using Volterra Series Approach

    Shigeru YANAGAWA  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E84-C No:9

    A nonlinear Volterra-series analysis of multiple ion-implanted GaAs FETs is given that relates carrier profile parameters of ion-implantation to nonlinear rf characteristics of a FET. Expressions for nonlinear coefficients of transconductance are derived from drain current-voltage characteristics of a multiple ion-implanted FET. Nonlinear transfer functions (NLTFs) are then obtained using Volterra series approach. Using these NLTFs third-order intermodulation distortion and power gain are explicitly given. A good agreement has been found between the calculation and the measurement for a medium power GaAs FET with a total gate width of 800 µm operated at 10-dB back off, verifying the usefulness of the present analysis.

  • A Method for Compensation of Image Distortion with Image Registration Technique

    Toru TAMAKI  Tsuyoshi YAMAMURA  Noboru OHNISHI  


    E84-D No:8

    We propose a method for compensating distortion of image by calibrating intrinsic camera parameters by image registration which does not need point-to-point correspondence. The proposed method divides the registration between a calibration pattern and a distorted image observed by a camera into two steps. The first step is the straightforward registration from the pattern in order to correct the displacement due to projection. The second step is the backward registration from the observed image for compensating the distortion of the image. Both of the steps use Gauss-Newton method, a nonlinear optimization technique, to minimize residuals of intensities so that the pattern and the observed image become the same. Experimental results show the usefulness of the proposed method. Finally we discuss the convergence of the proposed method which consists of the two registration steps.

  • Improved Fingerprint Matching by Distortion Removal

    Andrew W. SENIOR  Ruud M. BOLLE  


    E84-D No:7

    Fingerprint recognition is a well-researched problem, and there are several highly accurate systems commercially available. However, this biometric technology still suffers from problems with the handling of bad quality prints. Recent research has begun to tackle the problems of poor quality data. This paper takes a new approach to one problem besetting fingerprints--that of distortion. Previous attempts have been made to ensure that acquired prints are not distorted, but the novel approach presented here corrects distortions in fingerprints that have already been acquired. This correction is a completely automatic and unsupervised operation. The distortion modelling and correction are explained, and results are presented demonstrating significant improvements in matching accuracy through the application of the technique.


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