A new structure of the electro-optic modulator to compensate the third-order intermodulation distortion (IMD3) is introduced. The modulator includes two Mach-Zehnder modulators (MZMs) operating with frequency chirp and the two modulated outputs are combined with an adequate phase difference. We revealed by theoretical analysis and numerical calculations that the IMD3 components in the receiver output could be selectively suppressed when the two MZMs operate with chirp parameters of opposite signs to each other. Spectral power of the IMD3 components in the proposed modulator was more than 15dB lower than that in a normal Mach-Zehnder modulator at modulation index between 0.15π and 0.25π rad. The IMD3 compensation properties of the proposed modulator was experimentally confirmed by using a dual parallel Mach-Zehnder modulator (DPMZM) structure. We designed and fabricated the modulator with the single-chip structure and the single-input operation by integrating with 180° hybrid coupler on the modulator substrate. Modulation signals were applied to each modulation electrode by the 180° hybrid coupler to set the chirp parameters of two MZMs of the DPMZM. The properties of the fabricated modulator were measured by using 10GHz two-tone signals. The performance of the IMD3 compensation agreed with that in the calculation. It was confirmed that the IMD3 compensation could be realized even by the fabricated modulator structure.
This paper presents analysis results of the intermodulation distortion (IMD) components compensation conditions for dual-band feed-forward power amplifier (FFPA) when inputting dual-band signals simultaneously. The signal cancellation loop and distortion cancellation loop of the dual-band FFPA have frequency selective adjustment paths which consist of filter and vector regulator. The filter selects the desired frequency component and suppresses the undesired frequency component in the desired frequency selective adjustment path. The vector regulators repeatedly adjust the amplitude and phase values of the composite components for the desired and suppressed undesired frequency components. In this configuration, the cancellation levels of the signal cancellation loop and distortion cancellation loop are depending on the amplitude and phase errors of the vector regulator. The analysis results show that the amplitude and phase errors of the desired frequency component almost become independent that of the undesired frequency component in a weak non-linearity condition, when the isolation between the desired band and the undesired band given by the filter is more than 40 dB. The amplitude errors of the desired frequency component are dependent on that of the undesired frequency component in a strong non-linear conditions when the isolation level sets as above. A 1-W-class signal cancellation loop and 20-W-class FFPA are fabricated for 1.7-GHz and 2.1-GHz bands simultaneous operation. The experimental results show that the analysis results are suitable in the experimental conditions. From these investigations, the analysis results can provide a commercially available dual-band FFPA. To our best knowledge, this is first analysis results for the dual-band FFPA.
Radio over Fiber (RoF) is a promising solution for providing wireless access services. Heterogeneous radio signals are transferred via an optical fiber link using an analog transmission technique. When the RoF and the radio frequency (RF) devices have a nonlinear characteristic, these will create the intermodulation products (IMPs) in the system and generate the intermodulation distortion (IMD). In this paper, the IMD interference in the uplink RF signals from the coupling effect between the downlink and the uplink antennas has been addressed. We propose a method using the dynamic channel allocation (DCA) algorithm with the predistortion (PD) technique to improve the throughput performance of the multi-channel RoF system. The carrier to distortion plus noise power ratio (CDNR) is evaluated for all channel allocation combinations; then the best channel combination is assigned as a set of active channels to minimize the effect of IMD. The results show that the DCA with PD has the lowest IMD and obtains a better throughput performance.
Keisuke KATO Fumitaka ABE Kazuyuki WAKABAYASHI Chuan GAO Takafumi YAMADA Haruo KOBAYASHI Osamu KOBAYASHI Kiichi NIITSU
This paper describes algorithms for generating low intermodulation-distortion (IMD) two-tone sinewaves, for such as communication application ADC testing, using an arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) or a multi-bit ΣΔ DAC inside an SoC. The nonlinearity of the DAC generates distortion components, and we propose here eight methods to precompensate for the IMD using DSP algorithms and produce low-IMD two-tone signals. Theoretical analysis, simulation, and experimental results all demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.
Akihiro ANDO Yoichiro TAKAYAMA Tsuyoshi YOSHIDA Ryo ISHIKAWA Kazuhiko HONJO
A novel predistortion technique using an automatic average-power bias controlled diode is proposed to compensate the complicated nonlinear characteristics of a microwave class-F power amplifier using an AlGaN/GaN HEMT. The optimum value for diode bias voltage is automatically set according to detected input average RF power level. A high-efficiency 1.9 GHz class-F GaN HEMT power amplifier with the automatic average-power bias control (ABC) diode linearizer achieves an improved third order inter-modulation distortion (IMD3) of better than -45 dBc at a smaller than 6 dB output power back-off from a saturated output power of 27 dBm, without changing drain efficiency. The adjacent channel leakage power ratio (ACPR) for 1.9 GHz W-CDMA signals is below -40 dBc at output power levels of smaller than 20 dBm for the class-F power amplifier.
Chang-Soon CHOI Yozo SHOJI Hiroki OHTA
We present a 60-GHz wireless through-repeater system based on self-heterodyne transmission scheme with the potential to optimize the carrier-to-interference and noise ratio (CINR) performance according to the transmission distance. The phase-noise degradation through a 60-GHz repeater link is not a serious concern when we employ the self-heterodyne transmission scheme. Multichannel interferences caused by third-order intermodulation distortions are efficiently suppressed by setting a high power ratio of LO carrier to RF signals in the self-heterodyne transmission. However, this high power ratio results in a lower carrier-to-noise ratio (CNR) and becomes unsuitable for improving link performance if the transmission distance increases. In order to facilitate a solution, we propose and make an embodiment of 60 GHz self-heterodyne transmitters that provide flexible control over the power ratio of LO to RF in a range of 10 dB ranges. With them, we successfully demonstrate terrestrial digital broadcasting signals on five channels and optimize their performance for wireless through-repeater applications.
We propose a new band selective stop filter construction to decrease the out of band intermodulation distortion (IMD) noise generated in the transmitting power amplifier. Suppression of IMD noise directly improves the adjacent channel leakage power ratio (ACLR). A high-temperature superconducting (HTS) device with extremely high-Q performance with very small hybrid IC pattern would make it possible to implement the proposed filter construction as a practical device. To confirm the effectiveness of the HTS reaction-type filter (HTS-RTF) in improving ACLR, investigations based on both experiments and numerical analyses are carried out. The structure of a 5-GHz split open-ring resonator is investigated; its targets include high-unload Q-factor, low current densities, and low radiation. A designed 5-GHz HTS-RTF with 4 MHz suppression bandwidth and more than 40 dB MHz-1 sharp skirt is fabricated and experimentally investigated. The measured ACLR values are improved by a maximum of 12.8 dB and are constant up to the passband signal power of 40 dBm. In addition, to examine the power efficiency improvement offered by noise suppression of the HTS-RTF, numerical analyses based on measured results of gallium nitride HEMT power amplifier characteristics are conducted. The analyzed results shows the drain efficiency of the amplifier can be improved to 44.2% of the amplifier with the filter from the 15.7% of the without filter.
This paper describes two different types of GaAs-HBT compatible, base-collector diode 0/20-dB step attenuators--diode-linearizer type and harmonics-trap type--for 3.5-GHz-band wireless applications. The two attenuators use an AC-coupled, stacked type diode switch topology featuring high power handling capability with low bias current operation. Compared to a conventional diode switch topology, this topology can improve the capability of more than 6 dB with the same bias current. In addition, successful incorporation of a shunt diode linearizer and second- and third-harmonic traps into the attenuators gives the IM3 distortion improvement of more than 7 dB in the high power ranging from 16 dBm to 18 dBm even in the 20-dB attenuation mode when IM3 distortion levels are basically easy to degrade. Measurement results show that both the attenuators are capable of delivering power handling capability (P0.2 dB) of more than 18 dBm with IM3 levels of less than -35 dBc at an 18-dBm input power while drawing low bias currents of 3.8 mA and 6.8 mA in the thru and attenuation modes from 0/5-V complementary supplies. Measured insertion losses of the linearizer-type and harmonics-trap type attenuators in the thru mode are as low as 1.4 dB and 2.5 dB, respectively.
Toshifumi NAKATANI Koichi OGAWA
A new method of cancellation of IM3 using current feedback has been proposed for a multi-stage RFIC amplifier. In order to cancel the IM3 present in an output signal of the amplifier, the IIP3 level and IM3 phase of the amplifier are adjusted by means of feedback circuit techniques, so that the target specification is satisfied. By estimating the IIP3 level and IM3 phase variations for two states in situations with and without feedback possessing linear factors, the parameters of a feedback circuit can be calculated. To confirm the validity of the method, we have investigated two approaches; one including an analytical approach to designing a two-stage feedback amplifier, achieving an IIP3 level improvement of 14.8 dB. The other method involves the fabrication of single-stage amplifiers with and without feedback, operating at 850 MHz, both of which were designed as an integrated circuit using a 0.18 µm SiGe BiCMOS process. The fabricated IC's were tested using a load-pull measurement system, and a good agreement between the estimated and measured IIP3 level and IM3 phase variations has been achieved. Further studies show that the error in these variations, as estimated by the method, has been found to be less than 1.5 dB and 15 degrees, respectively, when the load admittance at 1701 MHz was greater than 1/50 S.
Daisuke TAKASE Tomoaki OHTSUKI
We propose optical wireless multiple-input multiple-output (OMIMO) communications to achieve high speed transmission with a compact transmitter and receiver. In OMIMO, by using zero forcing (ZF), minimum mean square error (MMSE) or other detection techniques, we can eliminate the interference from the other optical transmit antennas. In this paper, we employ ZF as the detection technique. We analyze the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) and the bit error rate (BER) of the proposed OMIMO with a linear array and a square array of optical transmit and receive antennas, where we employ subcarrier multiplexing (SCM) for each optical transmit antenna. Note that the proposed OMIMO is applicable to other arrangements of optical transmit and receive antennas. We show that the proposed OMIMO system can realize MIMO multiplexing and achieve high speed transmission by correctly aligning the optical transmit and receive antennas and the transmitter semiangle.
Dongsu KIM James Stevenson KENNEY
This paper investigates intermodultation distortion in ferroelectric phase shifters depending on bias voltage. Two analog phase shifters based on barium-strontium-titantate (BST) coated sapphire substrates have been fabricated with interdigital capacitors (IDCs) which have 2 and 4 µm spacing between adjacent fingers. In case of the phase shifter with 4 µm-spaced IDCs, a phase shift of more than 121was obtained with a maximum insertion loss of 1.8 dB from 2.4 to 2.5 GHz over a bias voltage range of 0-140 V. The phase shifter with 2 µm-spaced IDCs exhibited a phase shift of more than 135with a maximum insertion loss of 2.37 dB in the same frequency range. In this case, a bias voltage of 80 V was used. Using 2 and 4 µm-spaced phase shifters, a third-order intermodulation (IM3) measurement was carried out with a two-tone cancellation setup to investigate nonlinearity, resulting in an input third-order intercept point (IIP3) of about 30.5 dBm and 38.5 dBm, respectively.
K.R. Shankar KUMAR Ananthanarayanan CHOCKALINGAM
While a multicarrier approach of achieving frequency diversity performs well in the presence of partial-band interference, it suffers from the effects of intermodulation distortion (IMD) due to power amplifier (PA) nonlinearity. On the other hand, transmit diversity using multiple transmit antennas has the benefit of no IMD effects, but can suffer from a larger performance degradation due to partial-band interference (e.g., jamming or narrowband signals in a overlay system) compared to the multicarrier approach. Hence, hybrid diversity schemes which use both multicarrier as well as multiple transmit antennas are of interest. Techniques to suppress IMD effects in such hybrid diversity schemes are important. In this paper, we propose and evaluate the performance of a minimum mean square error (MMSE) receiver to suppress the intermodulation distortion in a coded multicarrier multiple transmit antenna (P transmit antennas) DS-CDMA system with M subcarriers on each transmit antenna, for both BPSK and QPSK modulation. The system uses rate-1/M convolutional coding, interleaving and space-time coding. We compare the performance of a (M = 4,P = 2) scheme and a (M = 2,P = 4) scheme, both having the same diversity order. We show that the proposed MMSE receiver effectively suppresses the IMD effects, thus enabling to retain better antijamming capability without much loss in performance due to IMD effects.
Yutaka HIROSE Yoshito IKEDA Motonori ISHII Tomohiro MURATA Kaoru INOUE Tsuyoshi TANAKA Hiroyasu ISHIKAWA Takashi EGAWA Takashi JIMBO
We present ultra low noise- and wide dynamic range performances of an AlGaN/GaN heterostructure FET (HFET). An HFET fabricated on a high quality epitaxial layers grown on a semi-insulating SiC substrate exhibited impressively low minimum noise figure (NF min ) of 0.4 dB with 16 dB associated gain at 2 GHz. The low NF (near NF min ) operation was possible in a wide drain bias voltage range, i.e. from 3 V to 15 V. At the same time, the device showed low distortion character as indicated by the high third order input intercept point (IIP3), +13 dBm. The excellent characteristics are attributed to three major factors: (1) high quality epitaxial layers that realized a high transconductance and very low buffer leakage current; (2) excellent device isolation made by selective thermal oxidation; (3) ultra low gate leakage current realized by Pd based gate. The results demonstrate that the AlGaN/GaN HFET is a strong candidate for front-end LNAs in various mobile communication systems where both the low noise and the wide dynamic range are required.
An 18 GHz-band Microwave Monolithic Integrated Circuit (MMIC) diode linearizer using a parallel capacitor with a bias feed resistance is presented. The newly employed parallel capacitor is able to control gain and phase deviations of the linearizer. This implies that the gain deviation of the linearizer can be controlled without changing the phase deviation. The presented linearizer can compensate the distortion of an amplifier sufficiently. The operation principle of the linearizer with the parallel capacitor is investigated. It is clarified that the gain deviation can be adjusted without changing the phase deviation by using the parallel capacitor. Two variable gain buffer amplifiers and the core part of the linearizer which consists of a diode, a bias feed resistor, and a capacitor are fabricated on the MMIC chip. The amplifiers cancel the frequency dependence of the core part of the linearizer to improve bandwidth of the MMIC. Further, the amplifiers contribute to earn low reflection and compensate insertion loss of the linearizer. The MMIC chip is size of 2.5 mm 1 mm. The linearizer has demonstrated improvement of 3rd Inter-Modulation Distortion (IMD3) of 12 dB at 18 GHz and improvement of more than 6 dB between 17.8 GHz and 18.6 GHz.
An optical FM system using an optical FM LD (laser diode) and an optical frequency discriminator (OFD), in which a nonlinear compensation scheme based on the interaction between its nonlinearities can minimize intermodulation distortion. This paper theoretically investigates the minimization influence for 3rd plus 5th order intermodulation distortion power for an optical FM radio-on-fiber system. The carrier to noise-plus-distortion power ratio (CNDR) is theoretically analyzed in employing the OFD whose transmission characteristic is controlled by a phase shifter. The results show that the designed receiver can achieve higher CNDR in the application of multicarrier transmission.
This paper presents a practical implementation scheme of the variable gain amplifier (VGA) using a Cds photo coupler (Cds PC) as a variable resister at the feedback loop. The fundamental design policies of IF amplifier stage in superheterodyne receiver were described. We demonstrated the VGA's experimental results. The results indicated the excellent IIP3 of +25 dBm achieved by a gain of 15 dB, and the reasonable thermal stability and variable gain range. Third-order intermodulation distortion (IMD3) comparison between the proposed VGA and conventional PIN diode attenuation type VGA was evaluated and the result indicated that the proposed VGA surpassed the PIN VGA. The proposed VGA was practically fabricated in 455 kHz IF amplifier stage for an airborne VHF communication receiver in order to improve the large signal handling capability to eliminate numerous interferences resulting from the collocated airborne VHF communication systems on the aircraft.
This paper describes high power density and low distortion characteristics of a novel InGaP channel field-modulating plate FET (InGaP FP-FET) under high voltage operation of over 50 V. The developed InGaP FP-FET exhibited an extremely high breakdown voltage of 100 V with an impact ionization coefficient about 103 times smaller than that of GaAs. These superior breakdown characteristics indicate that the InGaP FP-FET is one of the most desirable device structures for high-voltage high-power operation. The InGaP FP-FET delivered an output power density of 1.6 W/mm at 1.95 GHz operated at a drain bias voltage of 55 V. As power operation moves from class A to class AB, both 3rd-order intermodulation distortion (IM3) and power-added efficiency (PAE) at higher output-power region were improved, resulting from a suppressed gate leakage current near the power saturation point. These results promise that the developed InGaP FP-FET is suited for applications in which both high efficiency and low distortion are required.
Sang-Kook HAN Duk-Ho JEON Hyun-Do JUNG
Two novel linearization processes in electro-absorption-modulator (EAM) are proposed and demonstrated. These two modulation schemes are used to compensate the nonlinear component of the EAM by controlling the DC bias voltages of the each EAM separately. The simulations on the nonlinearity of EAM and linearization process are performed in both time and frequency domains. From a serially cascaded modulation simulation, a reduction of 16 dB in IMD3, 45 dB in IMD5 and the following increase of 15 dB in linear dynamic rage (LDR) are achieved. In dual-parallel modulation experiment at 8 GHz, a reduction of 23 dB in IMD3 and the following increase of 15.1 dB in LDR of are achieved compared to those of a single EAM operation.
A nonlinear Volterra-series analysis of multiple ion-implanted GaAs FETs is given that relates carrier profile parameters of ion-implantation to nonlinear rf characteristics of a FET. Expressions for nonlinear coefficients of transconductance are derived from drain current-voltage characteristics of a multiple ion-implanted FET. Nonlinear transfer functions (NLTFs) are then obtained using Volterra series approach. Using these NLTFs third-order intermodulation distortion and power gain are explicitly given. A good agreement has been found between the calculation and the measurement for a medium power GaAs FET with a total gate width of 800 µm operated at 10-dB back off, verifying the usefulness of the present analysis.
This paper proposes a nonlinear distortion suppression scheme for optical direct FM Radio-on-Fiber system. This scheme uses the interaction between the nonlinearities of DFM-LD and OFD to suppress a 3rd order intermodulation distortion. We theoretically analyze the carrier to noise-plus-distortion ratio (CNDR) and show a controlling method in the MZI type OFD to realize the proposed suppression scheme.