This paper presents a response time acceleration technique in a high-gain capacitive-feedback frontend amplifier (FA) for high output impedance sensors. Using an auxiliary amplifier as a unity-gain buffer, a sample-and-hold capacitor which is used for band-limiting and sampling the FA output is driven at the beginning of the transient response to make the response faster and then it is re-charged directly by the FA output. A condition and parameters for the response time acceleration using this technique while maintaining the noise level unaffected are discussed. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the response time can be less than half of the case without the acceleration technique for the specified settling error of less than 0.5%.
Yen-Ching CHANG Liang-Hwa CHEN Li-Chun LAI Chun-Ming CHANG
Discrete-Time fractional Brownian motion (DFBM) and its increment process, called discrete-time fractional Gaussian noise (DFGN), are usually used to describe natural and biomedical phenomena. These two processes are dominated by one parameter, called the Hurst exponent, which needs to be estimated in order to capture the characteristics of physical signals. In the previous work, a variance estimator for estimating the Hurst exponent directly via DFBM was provided, and it didn't consider point selection for linear regression. Since physical signals often appear to be DFGN-type, not DFBM-type, it is imperative to first transform DFGN into DFBM in real applications. In this paper, we show that the variance estimator possesses another form, which can be estimated directly via the autocorrelation functions of DFGN. The above extra procedure of transforming DFGN into DFBM can thus be avoided. On the other hand, the point selection for linear regression is also considered. Experimental results show that 4-point linear regression is almost optimal in most cases. Therefore, our proposed variance estimator is more efficient and accurate than the original one mentioned above. Besides, it is also superior to AR and MA methods in speed and accuracy.
In this letter, we consider a control problem of a chain of integrators by output feedback under sensor noise. First, we introduce a measurement output feedback controller which drives all states and output of the considered system to arbitrarily small bounds. Then, we suggest a measurement output feedback controller coupled with a switching gain-scaling factor in order to improve the transient response and retain the same arbitrarily small ultimate bounds as well. An example is given to show the advantage of the proposed control method.
Kimikazu SANO Munehiko NAGATANI Miwa MUTOH Koichi MURATA
This paper is a report on a high ESD breakdown-voltage InP HBT transimpedance amplifier IC for optical video distribution systems. To make ESD breakdown-voltage higher, we designed ESD protection circuits integrated in the TIA IC using base-collector/base-emitter diodes of InP HBTs and resistors. These components for ESD protection circuits have already existed in the employed InP HBT IC process, so no process modifications were needed. Furthermore, to meet requirements for use in optical video distribution systems, we studied circuit design techniques to obtain a good input-output linearity and a low-noise characteristic. Fabricated InP HBT TIA IC exhibited high human-body-model ESD breakdown voltages (±1000 V for power supply terminals, ±200 V for high-speed input/output terminals), good input-output linearity (less than 2.9-% duty-cycle-distortion), and low noise characteristic (10.7 pA/ averaged input-referred noise current density) with a -3-dB-down higher frequency of 6.9 GHz. To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first literature describing InP ICs with high ESD-breakdown voltages.
Chul Bum KIM Doo Hyung WOO Hee Chul LEE
This paper presents a novel CMOS readout circuit for satellite infrared time delay and integration (TDI) arrays. An integrate-while-read method is adopted, and a dead-pixel-elimination circuit for solving a critical problem of the TDI scheme is integrated within a chip. In addition, an adaptive charge capacity control method is proposed to improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for low-temperature targets. The readout circuit was fabricated with a 0.35-µm CMOS process for a 5004 mid-wavelength infrared (MWIR) HgCdTe detector array. Using the circuit, a 90% background-limited infrared photodetection (BLIP) is satisfied over a wide input range (∼200–330 K), and the SNR is improved by 11 dB for the target temperature of 200 K.
Reduction of the intensity noise in semiconductor lasers is an important subject for the higher performance of an application. Simultaneous usage of the superposition of high frequency current and the electric negative feedback loop was proposed to suppress the noise for the higher power operation of semiconductor lasers. Effective noise reduction of more than 25 dB with 80 mW operation was experimentally demonstrated.
A novel delta-sigma modulator that employs a non-uniform quantizer whose spacing is adjusted by reference to the statistical properties of the input signal is proposed. The proposed delta-sigma modulator has less quantization noise compared to the one that uses a uniform quantizer with the same number of output values. With respect to the quantizer on its own, Lloyd proposed a non-uniform quantizer that is best for minimizing the average quantization noise power. The applicable condition of the method is that the statistical properties of the input signal, the probability density, are given. However, the procedure cannot be directly applied to the quantizer in the delta-sigma modulator because it jeopardizes the modulator's stability. In this paper, a procedure is proposed that determine the spacing of the quantizer with avoiding instability. Simulation results show that the proposed method reduces quantization noise by up to 3.8 dB and 2.8 dB with the input signal having a PAPR of 16 dB and 12 dB, respectively, compared to the one employing a uniform quantizer. Two alternative types of probability density function (PDF) are used in the proposed method for the calculation of the output values. One is the PDF of the input signal to the delta-sigma modulator and the other is an approximated PDF of the input signal to the quantizer inside the delta-sigma modulator. Both approaches are evaluated to find that the latter gives lower quantization noise.
In this paper, we present a speech enhancement technique based on the ambient noise classification that incorporates the Gaussian mixture model (GMM). The principal parameters of the statistical model-based speech enhancement algorithm such as the weighting parameter in the decision-directed (DD) method and the long-term smoothing parameter of the noise estimation, are set according to the classified context to ensure best performance under each noise. For real-time context awareness, the noise classification is performed on a frame-by-frame basis using the GMM with the soft decision framework. The speech absence probability (SAP) is used in detecting the speech absence periods and updating the likelihood of the GMM.
This paper shows a new pulse swallow programmable frequency divider with the division step size of 0.5. To realize the division step size of 0.5 by a conventional pulse swallow method, we propose a parallel dual modulus prescaler with the division ratio of P and P + 0.5. It consists of simple circuit elements and has an advantage over the conventional dual modulus prescaler with the division step size of 0.5 in high frequency operation. The proposed parallel dual modulus prescaler with the division ratio 8 and 8.5 is implemented in the 0.13-µm CMOS technology. The proposed architecture achieves 7 times higher frequency operation than the conventional one theoretically. It is verified the functions over 5 GHz.
Lechang LIU Takayasu SAKURAI Makoto TAKAMIYA
A 315 MHz power-gated ultra low power transceiver for wireless sensor network is developed in 40 nm CMOS. The developed transceiver features an injection-locked frequency multiplier for carrier generation and a power-gated low noise amplifier with current second-reuse technique for receiver front-end. The injection-locked frequency multiplier implements frequency multiplication by edge-combining and thereby achieves 11 µW power consumption at 315 MHz. The proposed low noise amplifier achieves the lowest power consumption of 8.4 µW with 7.9 dB noise figure and 20.5 dB gain in state-of-the-art designs.
This paper presents an ADPLL using a hierarchical TDC composed of a 4fLO DCO followed by a divide-by-4 circuit and three stages of known phase interpolators. We derived simple design requirements for ensuring precision of the phase interpolator. The proposed architecture provides immunity to PVT and local variations, which allows calibration-free operation, as well as sub-inverter delay resolution contributing to good in-band phase noise performance. Also the hierarchical TDC makes it possible to employ a selective activation scheme for power saving. Measured performances demonstrate the above advantages and the in-band phase noise reaches -104 dBc/Hz. It is fabricated in a 65 nm CMOS process and the active area is 0.18 mm2.
Shang CAI Yeming XIAO Jielin PAN Qingwei ZHAO Yonghong YAN
Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) are the most popular acoustic features used in automatic speech recognition (ASR), mainly because the coefficients capture the most useful information of the speech and fit well with the assumptions used in hidden Markov models. As is well known, MFCCs already employ several principles which have known counterparts in the peripheral properties of human hearing: decoupling across frequency, mel-warping of the frequency axis, log-compression of energy, etc. It is natural to introduce more mechanisms in the auditory periphery to improve the noise robustness of MFCC. In this paper, a k-nearest neighbors based frequency masking filter is proposed to reduce the audibility of spectra valleys which are sensitive to noise. Besides, Moore and Glasberg's critical band equivalent rectangular bandwidth (ERB) expression is utilized to determine the filter bandwidth. Furthermore, a new bandpass infinite impulse response (IIR) filter is proposed to imitate the temporal masking phenomenon of the human auditory system. These three auditory perceptual mechanisms are combined with the standard MFCC algorithm in order to investigate their effects on ASR performance, and a revised MFCC extraction scheme is presented. Recognition performances with the standard MFCC, RASTA perceptual linear prediction (RASTA-PLP) and the proposed feature extraction scheme are evaluated on a medium-vocabulary isolated-word recognition task and a more complex large vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR) task. Experimental results show that consistent robustness against background noise is achieved on these two tasks, and the proposed method outperforms both the standard MFCC and RASTA-PLP.
A simple DFT-based noise variance estimator for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing access (OFDMA) systems is proposed. The conventional DFT-based estimator differentiates the channel impulse response and noise in the time domain. However, for partial frequency response, its time domain signal will leak to all taps due to the windowing effect. The noise and channel leakage power become mixed. In order to accurately derive the noise power, we propose a novel symmetric extension method to reduce the channel leakage power. This method is based on the improved signal continuity at the boundaries introduced by symmetric extension. Numerical results show that the normalized mean square error (NMSE) of our proposed method is significantly lower than that of the conventional DFT method.
This paper presents a new type of electromagnetic interference (EMI) measurement system. An EMI Camera LSI (EMcam) with a 124 on-chip 25050 µm2 loop antenna matrix in 65 nm CMOS is developed. EMcam achieves both the 2D electric scanning and 60 µm-level spatial precision. The down-conversion architecture increases the bandwidth of EMcam and enables the measurement of EMI spectrum up to 3.3 GHz. The shared IF-block scheme is proposed to relax both the increase of power and area penalty, which are inherent issues of the matrix measurement. The power and the area are reduced by 74% and 73%, respectively. EMI measurement with the smallest 3212 µm2 antenna to date is also demonstrated.
We present a new framework of the data-reusing (DR) adaptive algorithms by incorporating a constraint on noise, referred to as a noise constraint. The motivation behind this work is that the use of the statistical knowledge of the channel noise can contribute toward improving the convergence performance of an adaptive filter in identifying a noisy linear finite impulse response (FIR) channel. By incorporating the noise constraint into the cost function of the DR adaptive algorithms, the noise constrained DR (NC-DR) adaptive algorithms are derived. Experimental results clearly indicate their superior performance over the conventional DR ones.
Yusuke WACHI Toshiyuki NAGASAKU Hiroshi KONDOH
An amplitude-redistribution technique – which improves phase-noise performance of millimeter (mm)-wave and quasi mm-wave cross-coupled VCOs by controlling the distribution of voltage swings on the oscillator nodes – is proposed. A 28-GHz VCO, fabricated in 0.13-µm CMOS technology, uses this technique and demonstrates low phase-noise performance of -112.9-dBc/Hz at 1-MHz offset and FOMT of -187.4-dBc/Hz, which is the highest FOMT so far reported in regard to CMOS VCOs operating above 25 GHz.
This paper proposes a wide-band noise reduction method using a zero phase (ZP) signal which is defined as the IDFT of a spectral amplitude. When a speech signal has periodicity in a short observation, the corresponding ZP signal becomes also periodic. On the other hand, when a noise spectral amplitude is approximately flat, its ZP signal takes nonzero values only around the origin. Hence, when a periodic speech signal is embedded in a flat spectral noise in an analysis frame, its ZP signal becomes a periodic signal except around the origin. In the proposed noise reduction method, we replace the ZP signal around the origin with the ZP signal in the second or latter period. Then, we get an estimated speech ZP signal. The major advantages of this method are that it can reduce not only stationary wide-band noises but also non-stationary wide-band noises and does not require a prior estimation of the noise spectral amplitude. Simulation results show that the proposed noise reduction method improves the SNR more than 5 dB for a tunnel noise and 13 dB for a clap noise in a low SNR environment.
In this paper, a Schmitt Trigger based 10T SRAM (ST 10T SRAM) cell with the vertical MOSFET is proposed for low supply voltage operation, and its impacts on cell size, stability and speed performance are investigated. The proposed ST 10T SRAM cell with the vertical MOSFET achieves smaller cell size than the ST 10T SRAM cell with the conventional planar MOSFET. Moreover, the proposed SRAM cell realizes large and constant static noise margin (SNM) against bottom node resistance of the vertical MOSFET without any architectural changes from the present 6T SRAM architecture. The proposed SRAM cell also suppresses the degradation of the read time of the ST 10T SRAM cell due to the back-bias effect free characteristic of the vertical MOSFET. The proposed ST 10T SRAM cell with the vertical MOSFET is a superior SRAM cell for low supply voltage operation with a small cell size, stable operation, and fast speed performance with the present 6T SRAM architecture.
Jinmyoung KIM Toru NAKURA Hidehiro TAKATA Koichiro ISHIBASHI Makoto IKEDA Kunihiro ASADA
Switched parasitic capacitors of sleep blocks with a tri-mode power gating structure are implemented to reduce on-chip resonant supply noise in 1.2 V, 65 nm standard CMOS process. The tri-mode power gating structure makes it possible to store charge into the parasitic capacitance of the power gated blocks. The proposed method achieves 53.1% and 57.9% noise reduction for wake-up noise and 130 MHz periodic supply noise, respectively. It also realizes noise cancelling without discharging time before using parasitic capacitors of sleep blocks, and shows 8.4x boost of the effective capacitance value with 2.1% chip area overhead. The proposed method can save the chip area for reducing resonant supply noise more effectively.
As MOS transistors are scaled down, the impact of randomly placed discrete charge (impurity atoms, traps and surface states) on device characteristics rapidly increases. Significant variability caused by random dopant fluctuation (RDF) is a direct result of this, which urges the adoption of new device architectures (ultra-thin body SOI FETs and FinFETs) which do not use impurity for body doping. Variability caused by traps and surface states, such as random telegraph noise (RTN), though less significant than RDF today, will soon be a major problem. The increased complexity of such residual-charge-induced variability due to non-Gaussian and time-dependent behavior will necessitate new approaches for variation-aware design.