IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications

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Advance publication (published online immediately after acceptance)

Volume E98-B No.7  (Publication Date:2015/07/01)

    Special Section on Electromagnetic Compatibility Technology in Conjunction with Main Topics of EMC'14/Tokyo
  • FOREWORD Open Access

    Osami WADA  


  • Evaluation of Impact on Digital Radio Systems by Measuring Amplitude Probability Distribution of Interfering Noise Open Access




    This paper presents a method for evaluating the maximum bit error probability (BEP) of a digital communication system subjected to interference by measuring the amplitude probability distribution (APD) of the interfering noise. Necessary conditions for the BEP evaluation are clarified both for the APD measuring receiver and the communication receiver considered. A method of defining emission limits is presented in terms of APD so that the worst BEP of a communication system does not exceed a required permissible value. The methods provide a theoretical basis for a wide variety of applications such as emission requirements in compliance testing, dynamic spectrum allocations, characterization of an electromagnetic environment for introducing new radio systems, and evaluation of intra-system interference.

  • Quasistatic Approximation for Exposure Assessment of Wireless Power Transfer Open Access

    Ilkka LAAKSO  Takuya SHIMAMOTO  Akimasa HIRATA  Mauro FELIZIANI  



    Magnetic resonant coupling between two coils allows effective wireless transfer of power over distances in the range of tens of centimeters to a few meters. The strong resonant magnetic field also extends to the immediate surroundings of the power transfer system. When a user or bystander is exposed to this magnetic field, electric fields are induced in the body. For the purposes of human and product safety, it is necessary to evaluate whether these fields satisfy the human exposure limits specified in international guidelines and standards. This work investigates the effectiveness of the quasistatic approximation for computational modeling human exposure to the magnetic fields of wireless power transfer systems. It is shown that, when valid, this approximation can greatly reduce the computational requirements of the assessment of human exposure. Using the quasistatic modeling approach, we present an example of the assessment of human exposure to the non-uniform magnetic field of a realistic WPT system for wireless charging of an electric vehicle battery, and propose a coupling factor for practical determination of compliance with the international exposure standards.

  • Dosimetry and Verification for 6-GHz Whole-Body Non-Constraint Exposure of Rats Using Reverberation Chamber

    Jingjing SHI  Jerdvisanop CHAKAROTHAI  Jianqing WANG  Kanako WAKE  Soichi WATANABE  Osamu FUJIWARA  



    With the rapid increase of various uses of wireless communications in modern life, the high microwave and millimeter wave frequency bands are attracting much attention. However, the existing databases on above 6GHz radio-frequency (RF) electromagnetic (EM) field exposure of biological bodies are obviously insufficient. An in-vivo research project on local and whole-body exposure of rats to RF-EM fields above 6GHz was started in Japan in 2013. This study aims to perform a dosimetric design for the whole-body-average specific absorption rates (WBA-SARs) of unconstrained rats exposed to 6GHz RF-EM fields in a reverberation chamber (RC). The required input power into the RC is clarified using a two-step evaluation method in order to achieve a target exposure level in rats. The two-step method, which incorporates the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) numerical solutions with electric field measurements in an RC exposure system, is used as an evaluation method to determine the whole-body exposure level in the rats. In order to verify the validity of the two-step method, we use S-parameter measurements inside the RC to experimentally derive the WBA-SARs with rat-equivalent phantoms and then compare those with the FDTD-calculated ones. It was shown that the difference between the two-step method and the S-parameter measurements is within 1.63dB, which reveals the validity and usefulness of the two-step technique.

  • Variability of Specific Absorption Rate of Human Body for Various Configurations of Tablet Computer in Vicinity of Abdomen

    Akihiro TATENO  Tomoaki NAGAOKA  Kazuyuki SAITO  Soichi WATANABE  Masaharu TAKAHASHI  Koichi ITO  



    With the development and diverse use of wireless radio terminals, it is necessary to estimate the specific absorption rate (SAR) of the human body from such devices under various exposure situations. In particular, tablet computers may be used for a long time while placed near the abdomen. There has been insufficient evaluation of the SAR for the human body from tablet computers. Therefore, we investigated the SAR of various configurations of a commercial tablet computer using a numerical model with the anatomical structures of Japanese males and females, respectively. We find that the 10-g-averaged SAR of the tablet computer is strongly altered by the tablet's orientation, i.e., from -7.3dB to -22.6dB. When the tablet computer is moved parallel to the height direction, the relative standard deviations of the 10-g averaged SAR for the male and female models are within 40%. In addition, those for the different tilts of the computer are within 20%. The fluctuations of the 10-g-averaged SAR for the seated human models are within ±1.5dB in all cases.

  • Investigation of Electromagnetic Noise Coupling in a Board with a Digital-RF Mixed IC by Measurement and Analysis

    Kenta TSUKAMOTO  Mizuki IWANAMI  Eiji HANKUI  



    In this paper the amplitude probability distribution (APD) measurement method is applied to evaluate noise coupling to an antenna on an evaluation board that uses mixed RF and digital signals of an IC. We analytically investigate noise coupling path to the antenna where the correlation coefficient matches the APD curve of the evaluation board. Moreover, in order to verify the analysis results, the noise coupling path in the board is evaluated by measurements involving In-phase/Quadrature (I/Q) signals as well as electromagnetic simulations. As a result, we demonstrate that APD method is effective in evaluating a degree of noise coupling from an IC to multiple antennas on the board, and confirm that the intensity of noise coupling to each antenna is affected greatly by the board layout patterns.

  • Suppression of Mode Conversion by Using Tightly Coupled Asymmetrically Tapered Bend in Differential Lines

    Yoshitaka TOYOTA  Shohei KAN  Kengo IOKIBE  



    In this paper, we propose a tightly coupled asymmetrically tapered bend to suppress differential-to-common mode conversion caused by bend discontinuity in a pair of differential lines. Tightly coupled symmetrically tapered bends have been so far proposed to suppress the mode conversion by decreasing the path difference in the bend. This approach makes the path difference shorter so that the differential lines are coupled more tightly but the path difference of twice the sum of the line width and the line separation still remains. To suppress the remaining path difference, this paper introduces the use of asymmetric tapers. In addition, two-section tapers are applied to reduce differential-mode reflection increased by the tapers and hence improve differential-mode propagation. A full-wave simulation of a right-angled bend demonstrates that the forward differential-to-common mode conversion is decreased by almost 30 dB compared to the symmetrically tapered bend and that the differential-mode reflection coefficient is reduced to the same amount as that of the classic bend. Also, the generality of the proposed bend structure is discussed.

  • Forward Wave Analysis of PCB Power Supply Planes above 1GHz

    Umberto PAOLETTI  Yasumaro KOMIYA  Takashi SUGA  Hideki OSAKA  



    Power supply noise generated by integrated circuits is one of the major sources of electromagnetic radiation from printed circuit boards (PCB). The reduction of power supply noise can be realized by means of devices that bypass the current among power supply planes, such as bypass capacitors and ground vias. In the present work, the effect of current bypass devices on the far field radiation from multilayer PCBs is represented in terms of the ratio between the far field after and before their introduction, and it is estimated by means of the power transported by the ‘radiation effective forward wave’ in infinite power supply planes. This approach is computationally very efficient and yelds improved EMC designs for power supply planes in realistic PCBs, for example by selecting the position of stitching ground vias. The results are confirmed by a comparison with commercial tools. Forward wave analysis can be used also to study the vertical distribution of the power supply noise in multilayer PCBs. This allows to understand some important noise propagation mechanisms that are related to power and signal integrity as well, and to take low-cost countermeasures at early stage of PCB design.

  • Combined MTL-Fullwave Statistical Approach for Fast Estimation of Radiated Immunity of Spacecraft Cable Assemblies Involving Multipair Bundles

    Flavia GRASSI  Giordano SPADACINI  Sergio A. PIGNARI  Filippo MARLIANI  



    In this work, a computationally-efficient modeling approach is developed to predict the electromagnetic noise induced in the terminal units of random bundles of twisted-wire pairs mounted onboard spacecraft. The proposed model combines the results of a preliminary fullwave simulation, aimed at evaluating the electromagnetic field inside the space vehicle's metallic body, with a stochastic model of a random bundle, based on multiconductor transmission line (MTL) theory. Model assessment versus measurement data obtained characterizing real wiring harness in a full-scale satellite mock-up demonstrates the large sensitivity (up to 40 decibels) of the induced noise levels to different bundle configurations, and corroborates the effectiveness of the proposed simplified modeling strategy for estimating the modal noise voltages induced in the terminal units.

  • Modeling of Bulk Current Injection Setup for Automotive Immunity Test Using Electromagnetic Analysis

    Yosuke KONDO  Masato IZUMICHI  Kei SHIMAKURA  Osami WADA  



    This paper provides a method based on electromagnetic (EM) analysis to predict conducted currents in the bulk current injection (BCI) test system for automotive components. The BCI test system is comprised of an injection probe, equipment under test (EUT), line impedance stabilization networks (LISNs), wires and an electric load. All components are modeled in full-wave EM analysis. The EM model of the injection probe enables us to handle multi wires. By using the transmission line theory, the BCI setup model is divided into several parts in order to reduce the calculation time. The proposed method is applied to an actual BCI setup of an automotive component and the simulated common mode currents at the input terminals of EUT have a good accuracy in the frequency range of 1-400MHz. The model separation reduces the calculation time to only several hours.

  • Characteristics of Small Gap Discharge Events and Their EMI Effects

    Masamitsu HONDA  Satoshi ISOFUKU  



    This paper shows that the induced peak voltage on the short monopole antenna by the EM field radiated from a small gap discharge when the gap width was experimentally changed from 10 to 360µm was not directly proportional to the discharge voltage between the gap. It was found that the 10mm short monopole antenna induced peak voltage had a peak value between 40 and 60µm gap width.

  • Classification of Electromagnetic Radiation Source Models Based on Directivity with the Method of Machine Learning

    Zhuo LIU  Dan SHI  Yougang GAO  Junjian BI  Zhiliang TAN  Jingjing SHI  



    This paper presents a new way to classify different radiation sources by the parameter of directivity, which is a characteristic parameter of electromagnetic radiation sources. The parameter can be determined from measurements of the electric field intensity radiating in all directions in space. We develop three basic antenna models, which are for 3GHz operation, and set 125,000 groups of cube receiving arrays along the main lobe of their radiation patterns to receive the data of far field electric intensity in groups. Then the Back Propagation (BP) neural network and the Support Vector Machine (SVM) method are adopted to analyze training data set, and build and test the classification model. Owing to the powerful nonlinear simulation ability, the SVM method offers higher classification accuracy than the BP neural network in noise environment. At last, the classification model is comprehensively evaluated in three aspects, which are capability of noise immunity, F1 measure and the normalization method.

  • Reflection and Transmission Characteristics of Laminated Structures Consisting a Dipole Array Sheet and a Wire Grid and Dielectric Layer

    Shinichiro YAMAMOTO  Kenichi HATAKEYAMA  Takanori TSUTAOKA  



    This paper proposes reflection and transmission control panels using artificially designed materials. As the artificially designed material, finite- and infinite-length metal wire array sheets are used here. Laminated structures consisting of the metal wire array sheets and dielectric material are proposed. Reflection and transmission characteristics of these structures can be controlled by changing the metal wire parameters such as wire length, spacing gaps between the wires, and the dielectric material's thickness and relative permittivity. The reflection and transmission characteristics of the laminated structures are evaluated by measurements in free space and by transmission line theory.

  • Electromagnetic Analysis against Public-Key Cryptographic Software on Embedded OS

    Hajime UNO  Sho ENDO  Naofumi HOMMA  Yu-ichi HAYASHI  Takafumi AOKI  



    Electromagnetic analysis (EMA) against public-key cryptographic software on an embedded OS is presented in this paper. First, we propose a method for finding an observation point for EMA, where the EM radiation caused by cryptographic operations can be observed with low noise. The basic idea is to find specific EM radiation patterns produced by cryptographic operations given specific input pattern. During the operations, we scan the surface of the target device(s) with a micro magnetic probe. The scan is optimized in advanced using another compatible device that has the same central processing unit (CPU) and OS as the target device. We demonstrate the validity of the proposed EMAs through some EMA experiments with two types of RSA software on an embedded OS platform. The two types of RSA software have different implementations for modular multiplication algorithms: one is a typical and ready-made implementation using BigInteger class on Java standard library, and another is a custom-made implementation based on the Montgomery multiplication algorithm. We conduct experiments of chosen-message EMA using our scanning method, and show such EMAs successfully reveal the secret key of RSA software even under the noisy condition of the embedded OS platform. We also discuss some countermeasures against the above EMAs.

  • Regular Section
  • Survey of Transmission Methods and Efficiency Using MIMO Technologies for Wireless LAN Systems Open Access

    Takefumi HIRAGURI  Kentaro NISHIMORI  



    Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) transmission is attracting interest for increasing the transmission rates of wireless systems. This paper surveys MIMO transmission technology from the viewpoints of transmission methods, access control schemes, and total transmission efficiency. We consider wireless local area networks (WLAN) systems that use MIMO technology; moreover, we focus on multiuser MIMO (MU-MIMO) technology, which will be introduced in next-generation WLAN systems such as IEEE802.11ac. This paper explains the differences in the detailed access control procedures for MIMO and MU-MIMO transmission, including channel state information (CSI) acquisition. Furthermore, the issues related to CSI feedback and solutions are also discussed. Related works on the medium access control (MAC) protocol in MIMO/MU-MIMO transmission are introduced. In addition, the throughput performance using MIMO/MU-MIMO transmission is evaluated considering an IEEE802.11ac-based WLAN system. From the numerical evaluation, it is shown that the overhead due to CSI feedback from the user terminals to the base station causes a decrease in the throughput. We verified that implicit beamforming, which eliminates CSI feedback, is effective for solving this issue.

  • New p-ary Sequence Families of Period ${ rac{p^n -1}{2}}$ with Good Correlation Property Using Two Decimated m-Sequences

    Chang-Min CHO  Ji-Youp KIM  Jong-Seon NO  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications


    In this paper, for an odd prime p and i=0,1, we investigate the cross-correlation between two decimated sequences, s(2t+i) and s(dt), where s(t) is a p-ary m-sequence of period pn-1. Here we consider two cases of ${d}$, ${d= rac{(p^m +1)^2}{2} }$ with ${n=2m}$, ${p^m equiv 1 pmod{4}}$ and ${d= rac{(p^m +1)^2}{p^e + 1}}$ with n=2m and odd m/e. The value distribution of the cross-correlation function for each case is completely determined. Also, by using these decimated sequences, two new p-ary sequence families of period ${ rac{p^n -1}{2}}$ with good correlation property are constructed.

  • Efficient Construction of Order-Preserving Encryption Using Pseudo Random Function

    Nam-Su JHO  Ku-Young CHANG  Do-Won HONG  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications


    Order-Preserving Encryption (OPE) is an encryption system that preserves the numerical (or alphabetical) order of plaintexts. Since many operations of communications and databases are based on order relations of data (plaintexts), OPE is regarded as a core technique for various applications. However, the intrinsic property of OPE makes constructing an efficient and secure OPE system hard to achieve. In particular, OPE can guarantee only limited security compared to general encryption systems. Only a few results on OPE systems were presented, and no theoretical research based on provable security has been presented until recently. Lately, some approaches have been suggested. However, every known result is unsatisfactory for formalizing the provable security of OPE systems. In this paper, we propose a new OPE system that employs only a simple pseudorandom number function, and therefore has an advantage for practical usage.

  • End-to-End Delay Analysis for IEEE 802.11 String-Topology Multi-Hop Networks

    Kosuke SANADA  Jin SHI  Nobuyoshi KOMURO  Hiroo SEKIYA  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications


    String-topology multi-hop network is often selected as an analysis object because it is one of the fundamental network topologies. The purpose of this paper is to establish expression for end-to-end delay for IEEE 802.11 string-topology multi-hop networks. For obtaining the analytical expression, the effects of frame collisions and carrier-sensing effect from other nodes under the non-saturated condition are obtained for each node in the network. For expressing the properties in non-saturated condition, a new parameter, which is frame-existence probability, is defined. The end-to-end delay of a string-topology multi-hop network can be derived as the sum of the transmission delays in the network flow. The analytical predictions agree with simulation results well, which show validity of the obtained analytical expressions.

  • Modeling Wireless Sensor Network Based on Non-Volatile Cellular Automata

    Qin YU  Wei JIANG  Supeng LENG  Yuming MAO  



    In this paper, we propose a modeling approach for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) that is based on non-volatile two-dimensional cellular automata (CA) and analyze the space-time dynamics of a WSN based on the proposed model. We introduce the fourth circuit element with memory function — memristor into the cells of CA to model a non-volatile CA and employ the non-volatile CA in modeling a WSN. A state transition method is designed to implement the synchronous updates of the states between the central sensor nodes and its neighbors which might behave asynchronously in sending messages to the central one. Therefore, the energy consumption in sensor nodes can be reduced by lessening the amount of exchanged information. Simulations demonstrate that the energy consumption of a WSN can be reduced greatly based on the proposed model and the lifetime of the whole network can be increased.

  • Investigation on a Multi-Band Inverted-F Antenna Sharing Only One Shorting Strip among Multiple Branch Elements

    Tuan Hung NGUYEN  Takashi OKI  Hiroshi SATO  Yoshio KOYANAGI  Hisashi MORISHITA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation


    This paper presents the detailed investigations on a simple multi-band method that allows inverted-F antennas (IFAs) to achieve good impedance matching in many different frequency bands. The impressive simplicity of the method arises from its sharing of a shorting strip among multiple branch elements to simultaneously generate independent resonant modes at arbitrary frequencies. Our simulation and measurement results clarify that, by adjusting the number of branch elements and their lengths, it is very easy to control both the total number of resonant modes and the position of each resonant frequency with impedance matching improved concurrently by adjusting properly the distance ds between the feeding and shorting points. The effectiveness of the multi-band method is verified in antenna miniaturization designs, not only in the case of handset antenna, but also in the design upon an infinite ground plane. Antenna performance and operation principles of proposed multi-band models in each case are analyzed and discussed in detail.

  • Parameter Estimation of Coherently Distributed Noncircular Signals

    Xuemin YANG  Zhi ZHENG  Guangjun LI  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation


    In this paper, a new parameter estimator for coherently distributed (CD) noncircular (NC) signals is proposed, and can estimate both the central direction-of-arrivals (DOAs) and the angular spreads. It can also be considered as an extended version of the generalized Capon method by using both covariance matrix and an elliptic covariance matrix. The central DOAs and angular spreads are obtained by two-dimensional spectrum-peak searching. Numerical examples illustrate that the proposed method can estimate the central DOAs and the angular spreads when the number of signals is greater than the number of sensors. The proposed method also offers better performance than the methods against which it is compared.

  • New Numerical Target SAR Values and an Optimized Flat Phantom for SAR Validation Tests in the 150MHz Band

    Dong-Geun CHOI  Ki-Hwea KIM  Jaehoon CHOI  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation


    New target specific absorption rate (SAR) values, calculated using a proposed reference dipole antenna and the reference flat phantom, are presented for an SAR validation test at 150MHz. The reference flat phantom recommended by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standard for 150MHz requires a significant amount of liquid owing to its large size. We conduct a numerical analysis in order to reduce the size of the flat phantom. The optimum size of the flat phantom is 780 (L1) × 540 (W) × 200 (H)mm3, which is approximately a 64% reduction in volume compared to the reference flat phantom. The length of the reference dipole antenna required for the optimized flat phantom (extrapolated from the reference values at 300MHz) becomes 760mm. The calculated and measured return losses (S11) of the antenna at 150MHz are 24.1dB and 22dB, respectively. The calculated and measured results for the return loss of the dipole antenna agree well and satisfy the IEC standard (> 20dB). The target SAR values derived from the numerical analysis are 1.08W/kg for 1g of tissue and 0.77W/kg for 10g of tissue for an SAR validation test at 150MHz.

  • WSN-HaDaS: A Cross-Layer Handoff Management Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks, a Practical Approach to Mobility


    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies


    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have been proposed for monitoring vital signs of patients at home. This scenario requires inter-cell mobility; however, WSNs are not designed to support this characteristic. In this paper we propose a cross-layer protocol to manage the handoff, called WSN-HaDaS (Handoff aware of Data Sending), which operates in the transport layer and medium access control (MAC) sub-layer based on an interaction between the layers (transport and MAC). This protocol interacts with a sending data mechanism (like TCP protocol) to notify the beginning or ending of the handoff process; therefore, the mechanism can stop or resume data sending, respectively. Therefore, WSN-HaDaS prevents packet loss during the handoff process. WSN-HaDaS comprises two main processes to manage mobility: Monitoring Handoff Trigger (MHT) and Handoff Execution Process (HEP); they are responsible for generating the handoff warning messages and executing the handoff process, respectively. Therefore, MHT delay and HEP delay are used as the key performance metrics. To evaluate the proposal, we use a physical test-bed in an indoor environment with the intention of obtaining practical results. The results demonstrate that the proposed protocol performs the handoff process with less delay than the selected reference work. They also show that WSN-HaDaS is an appropriate solution to provide inter-cell mobility in WSNs. Furthermore, we demonstrate the possibility of embedding the WSN-HaDaS in devices with limited resources using the IEEE 802.1.5.4 standard.

  • Throughput Maximization for Wireless Relay Systems with AMC and HARQ

    Wei-Shun LIAO  Po-Hung LIU  Hsuan-Jung SU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies


    With the development of wireless technologies, wireless relay systems have become a popular topic. To design practical wireless relay systems, link adaptation is an important technique. Because there are both broadcast and multiple access channels in wireless relay systems, link adaptation is difficult to design and hence the optimal throughput is hard to achieve. In this study, a novel method is proposed to maximize the system throughput of wireless relay systems by utilizing the most popular link adaptation methods, adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) and hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ). The proposed method utilizes the characteristics and operations of AMC and HARQ to adaptively adjust the thresholds for selecting modulation and coding scheme (MCS) to be used. Thus the system can keep tracking the optimal values of the thresholds. Therefore, the system throughput can be maximized. We set up simulations for different relay environment settings, such as different relay HARQ protocols, placements, and multiplexing schemes, to verify the capability of the proposed method. The simulation results show that, compared to the existing method, the proposed method indeed improves system throughput under a variety of relay settings and can be easily applied to different system platforms.

  • Inter-Cell Interference Coordination Method Based on Coordinated Inter-Cell Interference Power Control in Uplink

    Kenichi HIGUCHI  Yoshiko SAITO  Seigo NAKAO  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies


    We propose an inter-cell interference coordination (ICIC) method that employs inter-cell coordinated transmission power control (TPC) based on inter-cell interference power in addition to conventional received signal power-based TPC in the cellular uplink. We assume orthogonal multiple-access as is used in 3GPP LTE. In the proposed method, an ICIC effect similar to that for conventional fractional frequency reuse (FFR) is obtained. This is achieved by coordinating the allowable inter-cell interference power level at the appropriate frequency blocks within the system bandwidth among neighboring cells in a semi-static manner. Different from conventional FFR, since all users within a cell can access all the frequency blocks, the reduction in multiuser diversity gain is abated. Computer simulation results show that the proposed method enhances both the cell-edge and average user throughput simultaneously compared to conventional universal frequency reuse (UFR) and FFR.

  • Centralized Inter-Cell Interference Coordination Using Multi-Band 3D Beam-Switching in Cellular Networks

    Hiroyuki SEKI  Fumiyuki ADACHI  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies


    The deployment of small cells is one of the most effective means to cope with the traffic explosion of cellular mobile systems. However, a small cell system increases the inter-cell interference, which limits the capacity and degrades the cell-edge user throughput. Inter-cell interference coordination (ICIC), such as fractional frequency reuse (FFR), is a well-known scheme that autonomously mitigates inter-cell interference. In the Long Term Evolution (LTE)-Advanced, the three-dimensional (3D) beamforming, which combines conventional horizontal beamforming and vertical beamforming, has been gaining increasing attention. This paper proposes a novel centralized ICIC scheme that controls the direction of narrow 3D beam for each frequency band of each base station. The centralized controller collects information from the base stations and calculates sub-optimum combinations of narrow beams so as to maximize the proportional fair (PF) utility of all users. This paper describes the throughput of the new centralized ICIC scheme as evaluated by computer simulations and shows it has a significant gain in both average user throughput and cell-edge user throughput compared with the conventional ICIC scheme. This paper also investigates the feasibility of the scheme by assessing its throughput performance in a realistic deployment scenario.

  • Optimization of Discovery Period for Peer Device Discovery in Cellular-Assisted D2D Communication Systems

    Minjoong RIM  Gyuhak YEO  Seungyeob CHAE  Chung G. KANG  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies


    One of the most important processes in cellular-assisted device-to-device (D2D) communications is device discovery, which decides whether two devices are located close to each other. The discovery process is performed by devices periodically transmitting discovery signals so that neighbor devices can receive them to recognize their proximate physical presence. While a fixed set of discovery parameters are used regardless of devices in most of the existing works, discovery periods are not necessarily the same for all devices, as they can be set differently depending on their channel conditions and operational environments, e.g., the mobile speeds. In this paper, we present an optimization framework to determine the discovery periods for individual devices in cellular-assisted D2D communication systems. We consider two different types of optimization problems, taking the different user velocities into account: minimizing the average number of undiscovered device pairs, and minimizing the number of discovery signal transmissions while maintaining the average number of undiscovered device pairs for each device less than a pre-specified threshold. We present analytical and simulation results to demonstrate that short discovery periods can be beneficial to high-mobility devices, while longer discovery periods are allowed for devices with lower velocities.

  • Delayed Correlation Based Signal Detection Scheme with Filter Bank for OFDM Signal

    Hiroyuki ODANI  Shoya UCHIDA  Ryo TAKAI  Yukitoshi SANADA  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies


    Delayed correlation has been used to detect orthogonal frequency division multiplexing symbols with cyclic prefix in spectrum sensing. Because of the frequency offset, the outputs of the delayed correlation do not lie only on the real axis of a complex plane. Therefore, the absolute value of the outputs of the delayed correlation is employed. Furthermore, with the use of a filter bank, the number of the outputs of the delayed correlators increases and the averaging over the outputs decreases the noise variance. This paper proposes a new delayed correlation scheme that uses a filter bank and employs the absolute of the outputs of delayed correlation. The proposed scheme improves the probability of detection as the number of the branches of the delayed correlators increases. In the case of 6 branches, the proposed scheme reduces the required sample energy by 1dB the probability of detection of 0.9.

  • Accurate Coherent Change Detection Method Based on Pauli Decomposition for Fully Polarimetric SAR Imagery

    Ryo OYAMA  Shouhei KIDERA  Tetsuo KIRIMOTO  



    Microwave imaging techniques, particularly for synthetic aperture radar (SAR), produce high-resolution terrain surface images regardless of the weather conditions. Focusing on a feature of complex SAR images, coherent change detection (CCD) approaches have been developed in recent decades that can detect invisible changes in the same regions by applying phase interferometry to pairs of complex SAR images. On the other hand, various techniques of polarimetric SAR (PolSAR) image analysis have been developed, since fully polarimetric data often include valuable information that cannot be obtained from single polarimetric observations. According to this background, various coherent change detection methods based on fully polarimetric data have been proposed. However, the detection accuracies of these methods often degrade in low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) situations due to the lower signal levels of cross-polarized components compared with those of co-polarized ones. To overcome the problem mentioned above, this paper proposes a novel CCD method by introducing the Pauli decomposition and the weighting of component with their respective SNR. The experimental data obtained in anechoic chamber show that the proposed method significantly enhances the performance of the receiver operation characteristic (ROC) compared with that obtained by a conventional approach.

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