Kanta SUZUKI Yoshihide KATO Shigeki MATSUBARA
This paper provides a new method to correct annotation errors in a treebank. The previous error correction method constructs a pseudo parallel corpus where incorrect partial parse trees are paired with correct ones, and extracts error correction rules from the parallel corpus. By applying these rules to a treebank, the method corrects errors. However, this method does not achieve wide coverage of error correction. To achieve wide coverage, our method adopts a different approach. In our method, we consider that if an infrequent pattern can be transformed to a frequent one, then it is an annotation error pattern. Based on a tree mining technique, our method seeks such infrequent tree patterns, and constructs error correction rules each of which consists of an infrequent pattern and a corresponding frequent pattern. We conducted an experiment using the Penn Treebank. We obtained 1,987 rules which are not constructed by the previous method, and the rules achieved good precision.
This paper investigates open-loop Stackelberg games for a class of stochastic systems with multiple players. First, the necessary conditions for the existence of an open-loop Stackelberg strategy set are established using the stochastic maximum principle. Such conditions can be represented as solvability conditions for cross-coupled forward-backward stochastic differential equations (CFBSDEs). Second, in order to obtain the open-loop strategy set, a computational algorithm based on a four-step scheme is developed. A numerical example is then demonstrated to show the validity of the proposed method.
Huan HAO Huali WANG Naveed ur REHMAN Liang CHEN Hui TIAN
An improved multivariate wavelet denoising algorithm combined with subspace and principal component analysis is presented in this paper. The key element is deriving an optimal orthogonal matrix that can project the multivariate observation signal to a signal subspace from observation space. Univariate wavelet shrinkage operator is then applied to the projected signals channel-wise resulting in the improvement of the output SNR. Finally, principal component analysis is performed on the denoised signal in the observation space to further improve the denoising performance. Experimental results based on synthesized and real world ECG data verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
Social Media has already become a new arena of our lives and involved different aspects of our social presence. Users' personal information and activities on social media presumably reveal their personal interests, which offer great opportunities for many e-commerce applications. In this paper, we propose a principled latent variable model to infer user consumption preferences at the category level (e.g. inferring what categories of products a user would like to buy). Our model naturally links users' published content and following relations on microblogs with their consumption behaviors on e-commerce websites. Experimental results show our model outperforms the state-of-the-art methods significantly in inferring a new user's consumption preference. Our model can also learn meaningful consumption-specific topics automatically.
Lingyun XIANG Xinhui WANG Chunfang YANG Peng LIU
In order to prevent the synonym substitution breaking the balance among frequencies of synonyms and improve the statistical undetectability, this paper proposed a novel linguistic steganography based on synonym run-length encoding. Firstly, taking the relative word frequency into account, the synonyms appeared in the text are digitized into binary values and expressed in the form of runs. Then, message are embedded into the parities of runs' lengths by self-adaptively making a positive or negative synonym transformation on boundary elements of two adjacent runs, while preserving the number of relative high and low frequency synonyms to reduce the embedding distortion. Experimental results have shown that the proposed synonym run-length encoding based linguistic steganographic algorithm makes fewer changes on the statistical characteristics of cover texts than other algorithms, and enhances the capability of anti-steganalysis.
In this paper, the performance of a vehicle information sharing (VIS) system for an intersection collision warning system (ICWS) is analyzed. The on-board unit (OBU) of the ICWS sharing obstacle detection sensor information (ICWS-ODSI) is mounted on a vehicle, and it obtains information about the surrounding vehicles, such as their position and velocity, by its in-vehicle obstacle detection sensors. These information are shared with other vehicles via an intervehicle communication network. In this analysis, a T-junction is assumed as the road environment for the theoretical analysis of the VIS performance in terms of the mean of entire vehicle information acquiring probability (MEVIAP). The MEVIAP on OBU penetration rate indicated that the ICWS-ODSI is superior to the conventional VIS system that only shares its own individual driving information via an intervehicle communication network. Furthermore, the MEVIAP on the sensing range of the ICWS-ODSI is analyzed, and it was found that the ISO15623 sensor used for the forward vehicle collision warning system becomes a candidate for the in-vehicle detection sensor of ICWS-ODSI.
Enhancing the performance of low-temperature (LT) polycrystalline-silicon (poly-Si) thin-film transistors (TFTs) requires high-quality poly-Si films. One of the authors (A.H.) has already demonstrated a continuous-wave (CW) laser lateral crystallization (CLC) method to improve the crystalline quality of thin poly-Si films, using a diode-pumped solid-state CW laser. Another candidate method to increase the on-current and decrease the subthreshold swing (s.s.) is the use of a high-k gate stack. In this paper, we discuss the performance of top-gate CLC LT poly-Si TFTs with sputtering metal/hafnium oxide (HfO2) gate stacks on nonalkaline glass substrates. A mobility of 180 cm2/Vs is obtained for n-ch TFTs, which is considerably higher than those of previously reported n-ch LT poly-Si TFTs with high-k gate stacks; it is, however, lower than the one obtained with a plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposited SiO2 gate stack. For p-ch TFTs, a mobility of 92 cm2/Vs and an s.s. of 98 mV/dec were obtained. This s.s. value is smaller than the ones of the previously reported p-ch LT poly-Si TFTs with high-k gate stacks. The evaluation of a fabricated complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor inverter showed a switching threshold voltage of 0.8 V and a gain of 38 at an input voltage of 2.0 V; moreover, full swing inverter operation was successfully confirmed at the low input voltage of 1.0 V. This shows the feasibility of CLC LT poly-Si TFTs with a sputtered HfO2 gate dielectric on nonalkaline glass substrates.
Ken-ichi IWATA Mitsuharu ARIMURA
A generalization of compression via substring enumeration (CSE) for k-th order Markov sources with a finite alphabet is proposed, and an upper bound of the codeword length of the proposed method is presented. We analyze the worst case maximum redundancy of CSE for k-th order Markov sources with a finite alphabet. The compression ratio of the proposed method asymptotically converges to the optimal one for k-th order Markov sources with a finite alphabet if the length n of a source string tends to infinity.
We developed flexible LC devices using coat-debond polyimide substrates with a low birefringence and etched post spacers, and clarified that flexible LCDs using post spacers with small spacer distance have a high flexibility without degradation of the image quality. This result ensured the feasibility of flexible LCDs using coat-debond method.
We have proposed composite films composed of a molecular-aligned polymer and liquid crystal (LC) for substrate-free liquid crystal displays with high-contrast images. We successfully controlled the molecular alignment of the LC and formed molecular-aligned LC droplets in the polymer by controlling the fluidity of the LC/monomer mixture and the curing rate of the monomer.
This paper presents an innovative fabrication process for a planar circuits at millimeter-wave frequency. Screen printing technology provides low cost and high performance coplanar waveguides (CPW) lines in planar devices operated at millimeter-wave frequency up to 110GHz. Printed transmission lines provide low insertion losses of 0.30dB/mm at 110GHz and small return loss like as impedance standard lines. In the paper, Multiline Thru-Reflect-Line (TRL) calibration was also demonstrated by using the impedance standard substrates (ISS) fabricated by screen printing. Regarding calibration capability validation, verification devices were measured and compare the results to the result obtained by the TRL calibration using commercial ISS. The comparison results obtained by calibration of screen printing ISS are almost the same as results measured based on conventional ISS technology.
We investigate a phased array-fed dual reflector antenna applying one-dimensional beam-scanning of the center-fed type, using an elliptical aperture to provide wide area observation. The distinguishing feature of this antenna is its elliptical aperture shape, in which the aperture diameter differs between the forward satellite direction and the cross-section orthogonal to it. The shape in the plane of the forward satellite direction, which does not have a beam-scanning function, is a ring-focus Cassegrain antenna, and the shape in the plane orthogonal to that, which does have a beam-scanning function, is an imaging reflector antenna. This paper describes issues which arose during design of the elliptical aperture shape and how they were solved, and presents design results using elliptical aperture dimensions of 1600 mm × 600 mm, in which the beam width differs by more than two times in the orthogonal cross-section. The effectiveness of the antenna was verified by fabricating a prototype antenna based on the design results. Measurement results confirmed that an aperture efficiency of 50% or more could be achieved, and that a different beam width was obtained in the orthogonal plane in accordance with design values.
Kazuhisa YAMADA Akihiro NAKAO Yasusi KANADA Yoshinori SAIDA Koichiro AMEMIYA Yuki MINAMI
We introduce the design and deployment of the latest version of the VNode infrastructure, VNode-i. We present new extended VNode-i functions that offer high performance and provide convenient deep programmability to network developers. We extend resource abstraction to the transport network and achieve highly precise slice measurement for resource elasticity. We achieve precise resource isolation for VNode-i. We achieve coexistence of high performance and programmability. We also enhance AGW functions. In addition, we extend network virtualization from the core network to edge networks and terminals. In evaluation experiments, we deploy the enhanced VNode-i on the JGN-X testbed and evaluate its performance. We successfully create international federation slices across VNode-i, GENI, and Fed4FIRE. We also present experimental results on video streaming on a federated slice across VNode-i and GENI. Testbed experiments confirm the practicality of the enhanced VNode-i.
Shinya KITAGAWA Ryosuke SUGA Osamu HASHIMOTO Kiyomichi ARAKI
Radar cross section (RCS) of a patch array antenna is reduced using a switchable absorption/transmission surface. The switchable surface performs as between a radar absorber and transmission surface using diodes at 9GHz. The switchable surface was applied to the radome of a patch array and its radiation pattern and RCS reduction were evaluated. The gain and the radiation pattern with the radome was equivalent to that without the radome. The RCS reduction with the radome was 25dB compared to that without the radome.
Kaida DONG Jingyan MO Yuhong HE Zhewang MA Xuexia YANG
A compact millimeter-wave three-pole dual-band bandpass filter (BPF) by using substrate-integrated waveguide (SIW) dual-mode cavities is developed in this paper. The proposed filter consists of three SIW dual-mode cavities, in which the TE201 and TE102 modes are used to form two passbands. The center frequencies of the two passbands can be readily changed by varying the lengths and/or widths of the SIW cavities. Meanwhile three transmission zeros are produced with appropriate design of the input and output of the SIW cavities, which increase significantly the isolation between the two passbands and their roll-off rate of attenuations. The dual-band BPF filter is designed, fabricated and measured. The measured center frequencies of the two passbands are 26.75GHz and 31.55GHz, respectively. The 3dB-passbands are 26.35-27.15GHz (3%) and 31.29-31.81GHz (1.6%), respectively, with maximum insertion loss of 2.64dB and 4.2dB, respectively, and return loss larger than 12dB in both passbands. A good agreement between the simulated and measured filter characteristics is obtained.
Zhitao XU Jun XU Shuai LIU Yaping ZHANG
In this paper, a novel multilayer substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) four-way out-of-phase power divider is proposed. It is realized by 3D mode coupling, on multilayer substrates. The structure consists of vertical Y-junction, lateral T-junction of SIW and lateral Y-junction of half-mode SIW. The advantages of the proposed structure are its low cost and ease of fabrication. Also, it can be integrated easily with other planar circuits such as microstrip circuits. An experimental circuit is designed and fabricated using the traditional printed circuit board technology. The simulated and measured results show that the return loss of the input port is above 15 dB over 8 to 11.8 GHz and transmissions are about -7.6±1.6 dB in the passband. It is expected that the proposed the proposed power divider will play an important role in the future integration of compact multilayer SIW circuits and systems.
An extended harmonic disturbance observer is designed for speed (or position) sensorless current control of DC motor subject to a biased sinusoidal disturbance and parameter uncertainties. The proposed method does not require the information on the mechanical part of the motor equation. Theoretical analysis via the singular perturbation theory is performed to verify that the feedforward compensation using the estimation can improve the robust transient performance of the closed-loop system. A stability condition is derived against parameter uncertainties. Comparative experimental results validate the robustness of the proposed method against the uncertainties.
In this paper, the system identification problem from the high-dimensional input and output is considered. If the relationship between the features extracted from the data is represented as a linear time-invariant dynamical system, the input-output manifold learning method has shown to be a powerful tool for solving such a system identification problem. However, in the previous study, the system is assumed to be initially relaxed because the transfer function model is used for system representation. This assumption may not hold in several tasks. To handle the initially non-relaxed system, we propose the alternative approach of the input-output manifold learning with state space model for the system representation. The effectiveness of our proposed method is confirmed by experiments with synthetic data and motion capture data of human-human conversation.
Connection Service Providers (CSP) are wishing to increase their Return on Investment (ROI) by utilizing the data assets generated by tracking subscriber behaviors. This results in the ability to apply personalized policies, monitor and control the service traffic to subscribers and gain more revenue through the usage of subscriber data with ad networks. In this paper, a system is proposed to monitor and analyze the Internet access of the subscribers of a regional SP in order to classify the subscribers into interest categories from the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) categories. The study employs the categorization engine to build category vectors for all individuals using Internet services through the subscription. The proposal makes it easy to detect changes in the interests of individuals/subscribers over time.
Ho Kyoung LEE Changjoong KIM Seo Weon HEO
Coordinate interleaved orthogonal design (CIOD) using four transmit antennas provides full diversity, full rate (FDFR) properties with low decoding complexity. However, the constellation expansion due to the coordinate interleaving of the rotated constellation results in peak to average power ratio (PAPR) increase. In this paper, we propose two signal constellation design methods which have low PAPR. In the first method we propose a signal constellation by properly selecting the signal points among the expanded square QAM constellation points, based on the co-prime interleaving of the first coordinate signal. We design a regular interleaving pattern so that the coordinate distance product (CPD) after the interleaving becomes large to get the additional coding gain. In the other method we propose a novel constellation with low PAPR based on the clipping of the rotated square QAM constellation. Our proposed signal constellations show much lower PAPR than the ordinary rotated QAM constellations for CIOD.