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[Keyword] BS(927hit)


  • A 1.55-µm Waveband Optical Absorption Characterization of an Electro-Absorption Device with a Highly Stacked InAs/InGaAlAs Quantum Dot Structure

    Naokatsu YAMAMOTO  Kouichi AKAHANE  Toshimasa UMEZAWA  Tetsuya KAWANISHI  

    BRIEF PAPER-MWP Device and Application

    E98-C No:8

    A quantum dot (QD) electro-absorption device was successfully developed with a highly stacked InAs/InGaAlAs QD structure. A 1.55-µm waveband electro-absorption effect and a quantum confined Stark effect of approximately 22 meV under the application of a 214-kV/cm reverse bias electric field are clearly observed in the developed QD device.

  • Dual-Polarization RCS Reduction of X-Band Antenna Using Switchable Reflector

    Shinya KITAGAWA  Ryosuke SUGA  Kiyomichi ARAKI  Osamu HASHIMOTO  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E98-C No:7

    Vertical- and horizontal-polarization RCS of a dipole antenna was reduced using a switchable reflector. The switchable reflector can switch reflection level for the vertical-polarization and have absorption for the horizontal-polarization. The reflection level of the reflector for the vertical-polarization can be switched using pin diodes and the reflection for the horizontal-polarization can be reduced using resistor on the surface. The switchable reflector was designed to operate at 9 GHz and fabricated. The vertical-polarized reflection coefficient was switched -28 dB with OFF-state diodes and -0.7 dB with ON-state diodes, and horizontal-polarized one was less than -18 dB at 9 GHz. The reflector with ON-state diodes was applied to an antenna reflector of a dipole antenna and comparable radiation pattern to that with a metal reflector was obtained at 9 GHz. Moreover the reflector with OFF-state diodes was applied to the reflector of the dipole antenna and the RCS of the dipole antenna was reduced 18 dB for the vertical-polarization and 16 dB for the horizontal-polarization. Therefore the designed switchable reflector can contribute to antenna RCS reduction for dual-polarization at the operating frequency without degrading antenna performance.

  • Dosimetry and Verification for 6-GHz Whole-Body Non-Constraint Exposure of Rats Using Reverberation Chamber

    Jingjing SHI  Jerdvisanop CHAKAROTHAI  Jianqing WANG  Kanako WAKE  Soichi WATANABE  Osamu FUJIWARA  


    E98-B No:7

    With the rapid increase of various uses of wireless communications in modern life, the high microwave and millimeter wave frequency bands are attracting much attention. However, the existing databases on above 6GHz radio-frequency (RF) electromagnetic (EM) field exposure of biological bodies are obviously insufficient. An in-vivo research project on local and whole-body exposure of rats to RF-EM fields above 6GHz was started in Japan in 2013. This study aims to perform a dosimetric design for the whole-body-average specific absorption rates (WBA-SARs) of unconstrained rats exposed to 6GHz RF-EM fields in a reverberation chamber (RC). The required input power into the RC is clarified using a two-step evaluation method in order to achieve a target exposure level in rats. The two-step method, which incorporates the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) numerical solutions with electric field measurements in an RC exposure system, is used as an evaluation method to determine the whole-body exposure level in the rats. In order to verify the validity of the two-step method, we use S-parameter measurements inside the RC to experimentally derive the WBA-SARs with rat-equivalent phantoms and then compare those with the FDTD-calculated ones. It was shown that the difference between the two-step method and the S-parameter measurements is within 1.63dB, which reveals the validity and usefulness of the two-step technique.

  • Variability of Specific Absorption Rate of Human Body for Various Configurations of Tablet Computer in Vicinity of Abdomen

    Akihiro TATENO  Tomoaki NAGAOKA  Kazuyuki SAITO  Soichi WATANABE  Masaharu TAKAHASHI  Koichi ITO  


    E98-B No:7

    With the development and diverse use of wireless radio terminals, it is necessary to estimate the specific absorption rate (SAR) of the human body from such devices under various exposure situations. In particular, tablet computers may be used for a long time while placed near the abdomen. There has been insufficient evaluation of the SAR for the human body from tablet computers. Therefore, we investigated the SAR of various configurations of a commercial tablet computer using a numerical model with the anatomical structures of Japanese males and females, respectively. We find that the 10-g-averaged SAR of the tablet computer is strongly altered by the tablet's orientation, i.e., from -7.3dB to -22.6dB. When the tablet computer is moved parallel to the height direction, the relative standard deviations of the 10-g averaged SAR for the male and female models are within 40%. In addition, those for the different tilts of the computer are within 20%. The fluctuations of the 10-g-averaged SAR for the seated human models are within ±1.5dB in all cases.

  • Rejection of the Position Dependent Disturbance Torque of Motor System with Slowly Varying Parameters and Time Delays

    Daesung JUNG  Youngjun YOO  Sangchul WON  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E98-A No:7

    This paper proposes an updating state dependent disturbance observer (USDDOB) to reject position dependent disturbances when parameters vary slowly, and input and output are time-delayed. To reject the effects of resultant slowly-varying position dependent disturbances, the USDDOB uses the control method of the state dependent disturbance observer (SDDOB) and time-invariance approximation. The USDDOB and a main proportional integral (PI) controller constitute a robust controller. Simulations and experiments using a 1-degree-of-freedom (1-DOF) tilted planar robot show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Development of Wireless Systems for Disaster Recovery Operations Open Access

    Takashi HIROSE  Fusao NUNO  Masashi NAKATSUGAWA  


    E98-C No:7

    This paper presents wireless systems for use in disaster recovery operations. The Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011 reinforced the importance of communications in, to, and between disaster areas as lifelines. It also revealed that conventional wireless systems used for disaster recovery need to be renovated to cope with technological changes and to provide their services with easier operations. To address this need we have developed new systems, which include a relay wireless system, subscriber wireless systems, business radio systems, and satellite communication systems. They will be chosen and used depending on the situations in disaster areas as well as on the required services.

  • A Participating Fine-Grained Cloud Computing Platform with In-Network Guidance

    Kento NISHII  Yosuke TANIGAWA  Hideki TODE  


    E98-B No:6

    What should be the ultimate form of the cloud computing environment? The solution should have two important features; “Fine-Granularity” and “Participation.” To realize an attractive and feasible solution with these features, we propose a “participating fine-grained cloud computing platform” that a large number of personal or small-company resource suppliers participate in, configure and provide cloud computing on. This enables users to be supplied with smaller units of resources such as computing, memory, content, and applications, in comparison with the traditional Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Furthermore, to search for nearby resources efficiently among the many available on the platform, we also propose Resource Breadcrumbs (RBC) as a key technology of our proposed platform to provide in-network guidance capability autonomously for users' queries. RBC allows supplier-nodes to distribute guidance information directed to themselves with dedicated control messages; in addition, the information can be logged along the trail of message from supplier to user. With this distributed information, users can to autonomously locate nearby resources. Distributed management also reduces computational load on the central database and enables a participating fine-grained cloud platform at lower cost.

  • Adding Robustness to Cascade Control of DC Motor Velocity via Disturbance Observers

    In Hyuk KIM  Young Ik SON  

    LETTER-Systems and Control

    E98-A No:6

    Since the conventional cascade controller for electric motor drives requires accurate information about the system parameters and load conditions to achieve a desired performance, this paper presents a new practical control structure to improve the robust performance against parameter uncertainties. Two first-order disturbance observers (DOB) are incorporated with the cascade structure, to preserve the nominal performance. The analysis of the robust performance of the DOB is presented by using the singular perturbation theory. Simulation results suggest that the proposed controller can be used effectively as an additional compensator to the conventional cascade scheme.

  • Tomlinson-Harashima Precoding with Substream Permutations Based on the Bit Rate Maximization for Single-User MIMO Systems

    Shigenori KINJO  Shuichi OHNO  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E98-A No:5

    In this paper, we propose a zero-forcing (ZF) Tomlinson-Harashima precoding (THP) with substream permutations based on the bit rate maximization for single-user MIMO (SU-MIMO) systems. We study the effect of substream permutations on the ZF-THP SU-MIMO systems, when the mean squared error (MSE) and the bit rate are adopted for the selection of the permutation matrix as criteria. Based on our analysis, we propose a method to increase the bit rate by substream permutations, and derive QR and Cholesky decomposition-based algorithms which realize the proposed method. Furthermore, to improve the error rate performance, we apply zero transmission to subchannels with low signal-to-noise ratios. Numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed THP MIMO system.

  • Room Temperature Atomic Layer Deposition of Gallium Oxide Investigated by IR Absorption Spectroscopy

    P. Pungboon PANSILA  Kensaku KANOMATA  Bashir AHMMAD  Shigeru KUBOTA  Fumihiko HIROSE  


    E98-C No:5

    Gallium oxide is expected as a channel material for thin film transistors. In the conventional technologies, gallium oxide has been tried to be fabricated by atomic layer deposition (ALD) at high temperatures from 100--450$^{circ}$C, although the room-temperature (RT) growth has not been developed. In this work, we developed the RT ALD of gallium oxide by using a remote plasma technique. We studied trimethylgallium (TMG) adsorption and its oxidization on gallium oxide surfaces at RT by infrared absorption spectroscopy (IRAS). Based on the adsorption and oxidization characteristics, we designed the room temperature ALD of Ga$_{2}$O$_{3}$. The IRAS indicated that TMG adsorbs on the gallium oxide surface by consuming the adsorption sites of surface hydroxyl groups even at RT and the remote plasma-excited water and oxygen vapor is effective in oxidizing the TMG adsorbed surface and regeneration of the adsorption sites for TMG. We successfully prepared Ga$_{2}$O$_{3}$ films on Si substrates at RT with a growth per cycle of 0.055,nm/cycle.

  • Nitrogen Adsorption of Si(100) Surface by Plasma Excited Ammonia

    P. Pungboon PANSILA  Kensaku KANOMATA  Bashir AHMMAD  Shigeru KUBOTA  Fumihiko HIROSE  


    E98-C No:5

    Nitrogen adsorption on thermally cleaned Si(100) surfaces by pure and plasma excited NH$_{3}$ is investigated by extit{in situ} IR absorption spectroscopy and ex-situ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy with various temperatures from RT (25$^{circ}$C) to 800$^{circ}$C and with a treatment time of 5,min. The nitrogen coverage after the treatment varies according to the treatment temperature for both pure and plasma excited NH$_{3}$. In case of the pure NH$_{3}$, the nitrogen coverage is saturated as low as 0.13--0.25 mono layer (ML) while the growth of the nitride film commenced at 550$^{circ}$C. For the plasma excited NH$_{3}$, the saturation coverage was measured at 0.54,ML at RT and it remained unincreased from RT to 550$^{circ}$C. This indicates that the plasma excited NH$_{3}$ enhances the nitrogen adsorption near at RT. It is found that main species of N is Si$_{2}=$ NH in case of the plasma excited NH$_{3}$ at RT while the pure NH$_{3}$ treatment gives rise to the Si--NH$_{2}$ passivation with Si--H at RT. We discuss the mechanism of the nitrogen adsorption on Si(100) surfaces with the plasma excited NH$_{3}$ in comparison with the study on the pure NH$_{3}$ treatment.

  • Techniques for Measuring Business Process Based on Business Values

    Jihyun LEE  Sungwon KANG  

    PAPER-Office Information Systems, e-Business Modeling

    E98-D No:4

    The ultimate purpose of a business process is to promote business values. Thus, any process that fails to enhance or promote business values should be improved or adjusted so that business values can be achieved. Therefore an organization should have the capability of confirming whether a business value is achieved; furthermore, in order to cope with the changes of business environment, it should be able to define the necessary measures on the basis of business values. This paper proposes techniques for measuring a business process based on business values, which can be used to monitor and control business activities focusing on the attainment of business values. To show the feasibility of the techniques, we compare their monitoring and controlling capabilities with those of the current fulfillment process of a company. The results show that the proposed techniques are effective in linking business values to relevant processes and integrating each measurement result in accordance with the management level.

  • Robust Visual Tracking Using Sparse Discriminative Graph Embedding

    Jidong ZHAO  Jingjing LI  Ke LU  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E98-D No:4

    For robust visual tracking, the main challenges of a subspace representation model can be attributed to the difficulty in handling various appearances of the target object. Traditional subspace learning tracking algorithms neglected the discriminative correlation between different multi-view target samples and the effectiveness of sparse subspace learning. For learning a better subspace representation model, we designed a discriminative graph to model both the labeled target samples with various appearances and the updated foreground and background samples, which are selected using an incremental updating scheme. The proposed discriminative graph structure not only can explicitly capture multi-modal intraclass correlations within labeled samples but also can obtain a balance between within-class local manifold and global discriminative information from foreground and background samples. Based on the discriminative graph, we achieved a sparse embedding by using L2,1-norm, which is incorporated to select relevant features and learn transformation in a unified framework. In a tracking procedure, the subspace learning is embedded into a Bayesian inference framework using compound motion estimation and a discriminative observation model, which significantly makes localization effective and accurate. Experiments on several videos have demonstrated that the proposed algorithm is robust for dealing with various appearances, especially in dynamically changing and clutter situations, and has better performance than alternatives reported in the recent literature.

  • Response of a Superconducting Transition-Edge Sensor Microcalorimeter with a Mushroom-shaped Absorber to L X-rays Emitted by Transuranium Elements Open Access

    Keisuke MAEHATA  Makoto MAEDA  Naoko IYOMOTO  Kenji ISHIBASHI  Keisuke NAKAMURA  Katsunori AOKI  Koji TAKASAKI  Kazuhisa MITSUDA  Keiichi TANAKA  


    E98-C No:3

    A four-pixel-array superconducting transition-edge sensor (TES) microcalorimeter with a mushroom-shaped absorber was fabricated for the energy dispersive spectroscopy performed on a transmission electron microscope. The TES consists of a bilayer of Au/Ti with either a 50-nm or 120-nm thickness. The absorber of 5.0,$mu$m thick is made from a Au layer and its stem is deposited in the center of the TES surface. A Ta$_{2}$O$_{5}$ insulating layer of 100-nm thickness is inserted between the overhang region of the absorber and the TES surface. A selected pixel of the TES microcalorimeter was operated for the detection of Np L X-rays emitted from an $^{241}$Am source. A response of the TES microcalorimeter to L X-rays was obtained by analyzing detection signal pulses with using the optimal filter method. An energy resolution was obtained to be 33,eV of the full width at half maximum value at 17.751,keV of Np L$_{eta 1}$ considering its natural width of 13.4,eV. Response to L X-rays emitted from a mixture source of $^{238}$Pu, $^{239}$Pu and $^{241}$Am was obtained by operating the selected pixel of the TES microcalorimeter. Major L X-ray peaks of progeny elements of $alpha$ decay of Pu and Am isotopes were clearly identified in the obtained energy spectrum. The experimental results demonstrated the separation of $^{241}$Am and plutonium isotopes by L X-ray spectroscopy.

  • Blind Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation Based on Weighted Subspace Projection Approach for Interleaved OFDMA Uplink

    Ann-Chen CHANG  Chih-Chang SHEN  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E98-A No:3

    This letter deals with the carrier frequency offsets (CFO) estimation problem for orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) uplink systems. Combined with centro-symmetric (CS) trimmed autocorrelation matrix and weighting subspace projection, the proposed estimator has better estimate performance than MVDR, MUSIC, CS-MUSIC, and ESPRIT estimators, especially in relatively less of OFDMA blocks and low SNR situations. Simulation results are presented to verify the efficiency of the proposed estimator.

  • A Practical Two-Step Friction Determination for Motion Control Using LuGre Model

    In Hyuk KIM  Young Ik SON  

    LETTER-Systems and Control

    E98-A No:3

    In order to improve the motion control performance, a new friction determination method, using the LuGre model, is proposed. The model parameters are determined by performing two-step closed-loop experiments using a proportional-integral observer (PIO). The PIO is also used to develop a robust motion controller to deal with additional uncertainties including the effect of the inaccurate estimation of the friction. The experimental results reveal improved performance compared to that of a single-PIO-based controller.

  • Development of Array Detectors with Three-Dimensional Structure toward 1000 Pixels of Superconducting Tunnel Junctions

    Go FUJII  Masahiro UKIBE  Shigetomo SHIKI  Masataka OHKUBO  


    E98-C No:3

    Superconducting tunnel junction (STJ) array detectors can exhibit excellent performance with respect to energy resolution, detection efficiency, and counting rate in the soft X-ray energy range, by which those excellent properties STJ array detectors are well suited for detecting X-rays at synchrotron radiation facilities. However, in order to achieve a high throughput analysis for trace impurity elements such as dopants in structural or functional materials, the sensitive area of STJ array detectors should be further enlarged up to more than 10 times larger by increasing the pixel number in array detectors. In this work, for a large STJ-pixel number of up to 1000 within a 10,mm- square compact chip, we have introduced three-dimensional (3D) structure by embedding a wiring layer in a SiO$_{2}$ isolation layer underneath a base electrode layer of STJs. The 3D structure is necessary for close-packed STJ arrangement, avoiding overlay of lead wiring, which is common in conventional two-dimensional layout. The fabricated STJ showed excellent current-voltage characteristics having low subgap currents less than 2,nA, which are the same as those of conventional STJs. An STJ pixel has an energy resolution of 31,eV (FWHM) for C-K$alpha $ (277,eV).

  • Thermal Annealing Effect on Optical Absorption Spectra of Poly(3-hexylthiophene):Unmodified-C60 Composites

    Kazuya TADA  


    E98-C No:2

    The combination of a halogen-free solvent 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene and unmodified fullerene potentially provides a way to develop environmentally-friendly and cost-effective solution-processed organic photocells. In this paper, the thermal annealing effect on the optical absorption spectra in poly(3-hexylthiophene):unmodified-C$_{60}$ composites with various compositions is reported. It is found that the onset temperature of the absorption spectrum change is higher in the composites with higher fullerene content. It is speculated that strong interaction between the polymer main chain and C$_{60}$ tends to suppress the reorientation of polymer main chains in a composite with high C$_{60}$ content.

  • Efficient DFA on SPN-Based Block Ciphers and Its Application to the LED Block Cipher

    Rei UENO  Naofumi HOMMA  Takafumi AOKI  


    E98-A No:1

    This paper presents an efficient method for differential fault analysis (DFA) on substitution-permutation network (SPN)-based block ciphers. A combination of a permutation cancellation and an algebraic key filtering technique makes it possible to reduce the computational cost of key filtering significantly and therefore perform DFAs with new fault models injected at an earlier round, which defeats conventional countermeasures duplicating or recalculating the rounds of interest. In this paper, we apply the proposed DFA to the LED block cipher. Whereas existing DFAs employ fault models injected at the 30th round, the proposed DFA first employs a fault model injected at the 29th round. We demonstrate that the proposed DFA can obtain the key candidates with only one pair of correct and faulty ciphertexts in about 2.1h even from the 29th round fault model and the resulting key space is reduced to 24.04

  • Protection and Utilization of Privacy Information via Sensing Open Access



    E98-D No:1

    Our society has been getting more privacy-sensitive. Diverse information is given by users to information and communications technology (ICT) systems such as IC cards benefiting them. The information is stored as so-called big data, and there is concern over privacy violation. Visual information such as images and videos is also considered privacy-sensitive. The growing deployment of surveillance cameras and social network services has caused a privacy problem of information given from various sensors. To protect privacy of subjects presented in visual information, their face or figure is processed by means of pixelization or blurring. As image analysis technologies have made considerable progress, many attempts to automatically process flexible privacy protection have been made since 2000, and utilization of privacy information under some restrictions has been taken into account in recent years. This paper addresses the recent progress of privacy protection for visual information, showing our research projects: PriSurv, Digital Diorama (DD), and Mobile Privacy Protection (MPP). Furthermore, we discuss Harmonized Information Field (HIFI) for appropriate utilization of protected privacy information in a specific area.


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