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We demonstrate heteroepitaxial growth of GaAs/Ge buffer layers for fabricating 1.3-µm range metamorphic InGaAs-based multiple quantum well (MQW) lasers in which the Ge buffer layer is grown using a metal-organic Ge precursor, iso-butyl germane, in a conventional metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy reactor. This enables us to grow Ge and GaAs buffer layers in the same reactor seamlessly. Transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction analyses indicate that dislocations are well confined at the Ge/Si interface. Furthermore, thermal-cycle annealing significantly improves crystalline quality at the GaAs/Ge interface, resulting in higher photoluminescence intensity from the MQWs on the buffer layers.
We have demonstrated switching characteristics in a wavelength switch based on multiple GaInAs/InP quantum wells. It consisted of straight arrayed waveguides with a linearly varying refractive index distribution. The refractive index can be changed via the thermo-optic (TO) effect. Using a Ti/Au thin-film heater to generate the TO effect, we realized four-port switching at four demultiplexed wavelengths. In addition, by changing the structure of the heater from rectangular to triangular, the power consumption for four-port switching was reduced by half.
We have successfully demonstrated a GaInAs/InP multiple quantum well (MQW)-based wavelength switch composed of the straight arrayed waveguide with linearly varying refractive index distribution by changing the refractive index using thermo-optic effect. Since optical path length differences between waveguides in the array were achieved through refractive index differences that were controlled by SiO2 mask design in selective metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE), wavelength demultiplexing, and the output port switching in each wavelength of light by the refractive index change in the array waveguides through the thermo-optic effect were achieved. We have obtained the wavelength switching and the change of transmission spectra in each output ports.
Abdullah AL AMIN Kenji SAKURAI Tomonari SHIODA Masakazu SUGIYAMA Yoshiaki NAKANO
An 8ch, 400 GHz monolithically integrated WDM channel selector featuring an array of quantum well semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOA) and arrayed waveguidegrating demultiplexer is presented. Reduction of fabrication complexity was achieved by using a single step selective area MOVPE to realize the different bandgap profiles for the SOA array and passive region. The selective growth mask dimensions were optimized by simulation. Dry-etching with short bending radii of 200 µm resulted in compact device size of 7 mm2.5 mm. Static channel selection with high ON-OFF ratio of >40 dB was achieved.
Jesse DARJA Melvin J. CHAN Shu-Rong WANG Masakazu SUGIYAMA Yoshiaki NAKANO
Monolithically integrated four-channel distributed feedback (DFB) laser array has been fabricated by metal organic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) selective area growth for 1.55 µm coarse-wavelength division multiplexing (CWDM) systems. Wide-stripe MOVPE selective area growth and electron-beam lithography are used to obtain wide CWDM channel spacing of 20 nm. Compared to hybrid integration of discrete lasers, monolithic integration of laser array on a single substrate greatly simplifies device alignment and packaging process.
Makoto MIYOSHI Masahiro SAKAI Hiroyasu ISHIKAWA Takashi EGAWA Takashi JIMBO Mitsuhiro TANAKA Osamu ODA
For the mass production of GaN-based electronic devices, growth of AlGaN/GaN heterostructures on substrates larger than 100 mm in diameter is indispensable. In this study, we demonstrate the growth of 100-mm-diameter Al0.26Ga0.74N/GaN heterostructures on sapphire substrates by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE). The obtained films have specular surfaces, good crystal quality and good uniformity of alloy composition across the entire 100-mm-diameter epitaxial wafer. The bowing value of the 100-mm-diameter epitaxial wafer on c-face sapphire substrates is about 40 µm. This bowing value seems to be preferable for electronic device fabrication processes. These epitaxial wafers show good electrical properties.
Breakthroughs in crystal growth and conductivity control of nitride semiconductors during last two decades have led to such developments as high-brightness blue and green light-emitting diodes and long-lived violet laser diodes and so on. All of these nitride-based devices are robust and the most environmentally-friendly ones available. They enable us to save tremendous amount of energy and will be key devices in advanced information technology. Further progress in the area of crystal growth and device engineering will open up new frontier devices based on nitride semiconductors. In this paper, the evolution of nitride-based light-emitting devices is reviewed and the key issues, which must be addressed for nitrides to be fully developed, are discussed.
We propose a device called the Waveguide width abruptly EXpanded Spot-Size-Converter integrated Laser Diode (WEX-SSC-LD) that has been designed to improve lasing characteristics by achieving a steep photoluminescence wavelength change along the cavity. The waveguide parameter was optimized by a three-dimensional beam propagation method to reduce mode conversion and absorption losses. The WEX-SSC-LD's showed superior lasing characteristics such as threshold currents of 5.8 mA at 25C and 19 mA at 85C and operation current of 57.5 mA at an output power of 10 mW for 85C. These excellent lasing characteristics were achieved due to the steeper bandgap-energy shift in the SSC section near the LD section side by introducing the WEX-SSC structure as well as the high-quality MQW active layer grown by selective MOVPE and the precisely controlled pn-pn current blocking structure. The coupling loss to normal single-mode fiber was as low as 1.8 dB while maintaining a large coupling tolerance of 1.8 µm. These excellent coupling characteristics are very promising for passively aligned optical modules.
Spot-size-converter integrated semiconductor optical amplifiers have been developed as gate elements for optical switch matrices. An S-shape waveguide has been introduced to prevent re-coupling of unguided light to the output fiber. An angled-facet structure effectively suppressed light reflection at the end facets. Consequently, a high extinction ratio of 70 dB and a high fiber-to-fiber gain of 20 dB were achieved. Sufficient optical coupling characteristics to a flat-ended single-mode fiber with a coupling loss of 3.5 dB were also demonstrated.
Spot-size-converter integrated semiconductor optical amplifiers have been developed as gate elements for optical switch matrices. An S-shape waveguide has been introduced to prevent re-coupling of unguided light to the output fiber. An angled-facet structure effectively suppressed light reflection at the end facets. Consequently, a high extinction ratio of 70 dB and a high fiber-to-fiber gain of 20 dB were achieved. Sufficient optical coupling characteristics to a flat-ended single-mode fiber with a coupling loss of 3.5 dB were also demonstrated.
Masayuki YAMAGUCHI Koji KUDO Hiroyuki YAMAZAKI Masashige ISHIZAKA Tatsuya SASAKI
Different-wavelength distributed feedback laser diodes with integrated modulators (DFB/MODs) are fabricated on a single wafer operate at wavelengths from 1. 52 µm to 1. 59 µm, a range comparable to the expanded Er-doped fiber amplifier gain band. A newly developed field-size-variation electron-beam lithography enables grating pitch to be controlled to within 0. 0012 nm, and narrow-stripe selective metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy is used to control the bandgap wavelength of laser active layers and modulator absorption layers for each channel. The channel spacing of fabricated 40-channel DFB/MODs is 214 GHz in average with a standard deviation of 0. 39 nm. Very uniform lasing and modulating performances are achieved, such as threshold currents about 10 mA and extinction ratios about 20 dB at -2 V in average. These devices have been used to demonstrate 2. 5-Gb/s transmission over 600 km of a normal fiber with a power penalty of less than 1 dB.
Photonic integrated circuits (PICs) are required for future optical communication systems, because various optical components need to be compactly integrated in one-chip configurations with a small number of optical alignment points. Bandgap energy controlled selective metal organic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) is a breakthrough technique for the fabrication of PICs because this technique enables the simultaneous formation of waveguides for various optical components in one-step growth. Directly formed waveguides on a mask-patterned substrate can be obtained without using conventional mesa-etching of the semiconductor layers. The waveguide width is precisely controlled by the mask pattern. Therefore, high device uniformity and yield are expected. Since we proposed and demonstrated this technique in 1991, various PICs have been reported. Using electroabsorption modulator integrated distributed feedback laser diodes, 2.5 Gb/s-550 km transmission experiments have been successfully conducted. Another advantage of the selective MOVPE technique is the capability to form narrow waveguide layers. We have demonstrated a polarization-insensitive semiconductor optical amplifier that consists of a selectively formed narrow (less than 1 µm wide) bulk active layer. For a four-channel array, a chip gain of more than 20 dB and a gain difference between TE and TM inputs of less than 1 dB were obtained. We have also reported an optical switch matrix and an optical transceiver PIC for access optical networks. By using a low-loss optical waveguide, a 0 dB fiber-to-fiber gain for the 14 switch matrix and 0 dBm fiber output power from the 1.3 µm transceiver PIC were obtained. In this paper, the selective MOVPE technique and its applications to various kinds of PICs are discussed.
As a low-cost optical transceiver for access network systems, we propose a new monolithic transceiver photonic integrated circuit (PIC) fabricated by bandgap energy controlled selective metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE). In the PIC, all optical components are monolithically integrated. Thus, the number of optical alignment points is significantly reduced and the assembly costs of the module is decreased compared to those of hybrid modules, that use silica waveguides. Moreover, by using selective MOVPE, extremely low-loss buried heterostructure waveguides can be fabricated without any etching. In-plane bandgap energy control is also possible, allowing the formation of active and passive core layers simultaneously without complicated fabrication. The transceiver PIC showed fiber-coupled output power of more than 1 mW and receiver bandwidth of 7 GHz. Modulation and detection operations at 500 Mb/s were also demonstrated. As a cost effective fabrication technique for monolithic PICs, bandgap energy controlled selective MOVPE is a promising candidate.
A wavelength tunable DBR laser monolithically integrated with an EA-modulator as a WDM system light source was fabricated by selective area MOVPE growth. The lasing wavelength and band-gap energy were simultaneously controlled on the same epitaxial wafer by using a modulated grown thickness of InGaAsP/InGaAsP MQW layers. A wavelength tuning range of 3.5 nm, an output power of 3 mW, and an extinction ratio of 14 dB for 3 V were achieved. The measured 3 dB frequency bandwidth was 2 GHz. No significant change in modulation characteristics were observed when wavelength tuning by injecting the current into the DBR.
We have recently discovered a novel phenomenon for the fabrication of nanostructures. A self-organization phenomenon of a strained InGaAs/AlGaAs system on a GaAs (311)B substrate during metal-organic vapor phase epitaxial growth is described, and nano-scale confinement lasers with self-organized InGaAs quantum disks are mentioned. Low-threshold operation of strained InGaAs quantum disk lasers is achieved under a continuous-wave condition at room temperature. The threshold current is around 20 mA, which is consider-ably lower than that of a reference double-quantum-well laser on a GaAs (100) substrate grown side-by-side. However, the light output versus the driving current exhibits a pronounced tendency towards a saturation compared to that of the (100) quantum well laser. We also discuss new methods using self-organization for nanofabrication to produce high-quality low-dimensional optical devices, considering requirements and the current status for next-generation optical devices.
This paper discusses our newly developed technology for making GaAs/InGaAs/GaAs Tetrahedral-Shaped Recess (TSR) quantum dots. The heterostructures were grown by low-pressure MOVPE in tetrahedral-shaped recesses created on a (111) B oriented GaAs substrate using anisotropic chemical etching. We examined these structures by using cathodoluminescence (CL) measurements, and observed lower energy emissions from the bottoms of, and higher energy emissions from the walls of the TSRs. This suggests carrier confinement at the bottoms with the lowest potential energy. We carried out microanlaysis of the structures by using TEM and EDX, and found an In-rich region that had grown vertically from the bottom of the TSR with a (111)B-like bond configuration. We also measured a smaller diamagnetic shift of the lower energy photoluminecscence (PL) peak in the structure. Based on these results, we have concluded that the quantum dots are formed at the bottoms of TSRs, mainly because of the dependence of InAs composition on the local crystalline structure in this system. We also studied the lateral distribution and vertical alignment of TSR quantum dots by CL and PL measurements respectively. The advantages of TSR quantum dot technology can be summarized as follows: (i) better control in dot positioning in the lateral direction, (ii) realization of dot sizes exceeding limitations posed by lithography, (iii) high uniformity of dot size, and (iv) vertical alignment of quantum dots.
This paper discusses crystal-growth and device-design issues associated with the development of high-performance InP/InGaAs heretostructure bipolar transistors (HBTs). It is shown that a highly Si-doped n+-subcollector in the HBT structure causes anomalous Zn redistribution during metalorganic vapor phase epitaxial (MOVPE) growth. A thermodynamical model of and a useful solution to this big problem are presented. A novel hybrid structure consisting of an abrupt emitter-base heterojunction and a compositionally-graded base is shown to enhance nonequilibrium base transport and thereby increase current gain and cutoff frequency fT. A double-heterostructure bipolar transistor (DHBT) with a step-graded InGaAsP collector can improve collector breakdown behavior without any speed penalty. We also elucidate the effect of emitter size shrinkage on high-frequency performance. Maximum oscillation frequency fmax in excess of 250 GHz is reported.
Mizuhisa NIHEI Naoki HARA Haruyoshi SUEHIRO Shigeru KURODA
We fabricated and investigated HEMTs with nonalloyed ohmic contacts using highly conductive n+-ln0.5Ga0.5 As contact layers. We optimized the growth condition of n+-In0.5 Ga0.5As contact layers by MOVPE. Using WSi/W nonalloyed ohmic electrodes, we fabricated InGaP/InGaAs/GaAs pseudomorphic HEMTs with thermal stability of 500 for 30 minutes. In order to examine the scalability of HEMT devices, we tried to reduce the total size of HEMT devices to 3.2 µm using nonalloyed ohmic electrodes, which is the smallest value as far as we know. We could reduce the nonalloyed ohmic contact length Loh to 0.4 µm without degrading the device characteristics. Reducing the n+-In0.5Ga0.5As contact length LIGA to l µm however, decreased the transconductance gm by about 20%. We found that the scaling of the conventional nonalloyed HEMT structure is limited by LIGA.
Yoshiki SAKUMA Shunich MUTO Naoki YOKOYAMA
We studied the selective epitaxy of GaAs grown by a technique called pulsed-jet epitaxy. Pulsed-jet epitaxy is a kind of atomic layer epitaxy (ALE) based on low-pressure metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy (MOVPE). We compared growth behavior and layers grown by ALE and MOVPE. During ALE we supplied trimethylgallium (TMGa) and arsine (AsH3) alternately; however, during MOVPE we supplied TMGa and AsH3 simultaneously. At a growth temperature of 500, we obtained a better growth selectivity using ALE than using MOVPE. The lateral thickness profile of the ALE-grown GaAs layer at the edge of SiO2 mask was uniform. In contrast, the MOVPE growth rate was enhanced near the mask edge. Using ALE, we selectively grew GaAs epilayers even at mask openings with submicron widths. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the ALE selectively grown structures had an uniform thickness profile, though the facets surrounding the structures depended on the orientation of mask stripes. After MOVPE, however, the (001) surface of the deposited layer was not flat because of the additional lateral diffusion of the growth species from the gas phase and/or the mask surface and some crystal facets. The experimental results show that, using ALE, we can control the shape of selectively grown structures. Selective epitaxy by ALE is a promising technique for fabricating low-dimensional quantum effect devices.