Hiroyuki UZAWA Kazuhiko TERADA Koyo NITTA
The power consumption of optical network units (ONUs) is a major issue in optical access networks. The downstream buffer is one of the largest power consumers among the functional blocks of an ONU. A cyclic sleep scheme for reducing power has been reported, which periodically powers off not only the downstream buffer but also other components, such as optical transceivers, when the idle period is long. However, when the idle period is short, it cannot power off those components even if the input data rate is low. Therefore, as continuous traffic, such as video, increases, the power-reduction effect decreases. To resolve this issue, we propose another sleep scheme in which the downstream buffer can be partially powered off by cooperative operation with an optical line terminal. Simulation and experimental results indicate that the proposed scheme reduces ONU power consumption without causing frame loss even while the ONU continuously receives traffic and the idle period is short.
This paper proposes a parallel peak cancellation (PC) process for the computational complexity-efficient algorithm called PC with a channel-null constraint (PCCNC) in the adaptive peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) reduction method using the null space in a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel for MIMO-orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signals. By simultaneously adding multiple PC signals to the time-domain transmission signal vector, the required number of iterations of the iterative algorithm is effectively reduced along with the PAPR. We implement a constraint in which the PC signal is transmitted only to the null space in the MIMO channel by beamforming (BF). By doing so the data streams do not experience interference from the PC signal on the receiver side. Since the fast Fourier transform (FFT) and inverse FFT (IFFT) operations at each iteration are not required unlike the previous algorithm and thanks to the newly introduced parallel processing approach, the enhanced PCCNC algorithm reduces the required total computational complexity and number of iterations compared to the previous algorithms while achieving the same throughput-vs.-PAPR performance.
An encoder-decoder (Enc-Dec) model is one of the fundamental architectures in many computer vision applications. One desired property of a trained Enc-Dec model is to feasibly encode (and decode) diverse input patterns. Aiming to obtain such a model, in this paper, we propose a simple method called curiosity-guided fine-tuning (CurioFT), which puts more weight on uncommon input patterns without explicitly knowing their frequency. In an experiment, we evaluated CurioFT in a task of future frame generation with the CUHK Avenue dataset and found that it reduced the mean square error by 7.4% for anomalous scenes, 4.8% for common scenes, and 6.6% in total. Some other experiments with the UCSD dataset further supported the reasonability of the proposed method.
Zhi LIU Yifan SU Shuzhong YANG Mengmeng ZHANG
Cross-component linear model (CCLM) chromaticity prediction is a new technique introduced in Versatile Video Coding (VVC), which utilizes the reconstructed luminance component to predict the chromaticity parts, and can improve the coding performance. However, it increases the coding complexity. In this paper, how to accelerate the chroma intra-prediction process is studied based on texture characteristics. Firstly, two observations have been found through experimental statistics for the process. One is that the choice of the chroma intra-prediction candidate modes is closely related to the texture complexity of the coding unit (CU), and the other is that whether the direct mode (DM) is selected is closely related to the texture similarity between current chromaticity CU and the corresponding luminance CU. Secondly, a fast chroma intra-prediction mode decision algorithm is proposed based on these observations. A modified metric named sum modulus difference (SMD) is introduced to measure the texture complexity of CU and guide the filtering of the irrelevant candidate modes. Meanwhile, the structural similarity index measurement (SSIM) is adopted to help judging the selection of the DM mode. The experimental results show that compared with the reference model VTM8.0, the proposed algorithm can reduce the coding time by 12.92% on average, and increases the BD-rate of Y, U, and V components by only 0.05%, 0.32%, and 0.29% respectively.
Approximate Simultaneous Diagonalization (ASD) is a problem to find a common similarity transformation which approximately diagonalizes a given square-matrix tuple. Many data science problems have been reduced into ASD through ingenious modelling. For ASD, the so-called Jacobi-like methods have been extensively used. However, the methods have no guarantee to suppress the magnitude of off-diagonal entries of the transformed tuple even if the given tuple has an exact common diagonalizer, i.e., the given tuple is simultaneously diagonalizable. In this paper, to establish an alternative powerful strategy for ASD, we present a novel two-step strategy, called Approximate-Then-Diagonalize-Simultaneously (ATDS) algorithm. The ATDS algorithm decomposes ASD into (Step 1) finding a simultaneously diagonalizable tuple near the given one; and (Step 2) finding a common similarity transformation which diagonalizes exactly the tuple obtained in Step 1. The proposed approach to Step 1 is realized by solving a Structured Low-Rank Approximation (SLRA) with Cadzow's algorithm. In Step 2, by exploiting the idea in the constructive proof regarding the conditions for the exact simultaneous diagonalizability, we obtain an exact common diagonalizer of the obtained tuple in Step 1 as a solution for the original ASD. Unlike the Jacobi-like methods, the ATDS algorithm has a guarantee to find an exact common diagonalizer if the given tuple happens to be simultaneously diagonalizable. Numerical experiments show that the ATDS algorithm achieves better performance than the Jacobi-like methods.
A noise-robust and accuracy-enhanced microwave imaging algorithm is presented for microwave ablation monitoring of cancer treatment. The ablation impact of dielectric change can be assessed by microwave inverse scattering analysis, where the dimension and dielectric drop of the ablation zone enable safe ablation monitoring. We focus on the distorted Born iterative method (DBIM), which is applicable to highly heterogeneous and contrasted dielectric profiles. As the reconstruction accuracy and convergence speed of DBIM depend largely on the initial estimate of the dielectric profile or noise level, this study exploits a prior estimate of the DBIM for the pre-ablation state to accelerate the convergence speed and introduces the matched-filter-based noise reduction scheme in the DBIM framework. The two-dimensional finite-difference time-domain numerical test with realistic breast phantoms shows that our method significantly enhances the reconstruction accuracy with a lower computational cost.
The PCHS (Park-Chang-Hong-Seo) algorithm is a varied Karatsuba algorithm (KA) that utilizes a different splitting strategy with no overlap module. Such an algorithm has been applied to develop efficient hybrid GF(2m) multipliers for irreducible trinomials and pentanomials. However, compared with KA-based hybrid multipliers, these multipliers usually match space complexity but require more gates delay. In this paper, we proposed a new design of hybrid multiplier using PCHS algorithm for irreducible all-one polynomial. The proposed scheme skillfully utilizes redundant representation to combine and simplify the subexpressions computation, which result in a significant speedup of the implementation. As a main contribution, the proposed multiplier has exactly the same space and time complexities compared with the KA-based scheme. It is the first time to show that different splitting strategy for KA also can develop the same efficient multiplier.
Haiyang LIU Lianrong MA Hao ZHANG
Let G11 (resp., G12) be the ternary Golay code of length 11 (resp., 12). In this letter, we investigate the separating redundancies of G11 and G12. In particular, we determine the values of sl(G11) for l = 1, 3, 4 and sl(G12) for l = 1, 4, 5, where sl(G11) (resp., sl(G12)) is the l-th separating redundancy of G11 (resp., G12). We also provide lower and upper bounds on s2(G11), s2(G12), and s3(G12).
Various software fault prediction models have been proposed in the past twenty years. Many studies have compared and evaluated existing prediction approaches in order to identify the most effective ones. However, in most cases, such models and techniques provide varying results, and their outcomes do not result in best possible performance across different datasets. This is mainly due to the diverse nature of software development projects, and therefore, there is a risk that the selected models lead to inconsistent results across multiple datasets. In this work, we propose the use of bandit algorithms in cases where the accuracy of the models are inconsistent across multiple datasets. In the experiment discussed in this work, we used four conventional prediction models, tested on three different dataset, and then selected the best possible model dynamically by applying bandit algorithms. We then compared our results with those obtained using majority voting. As a result, Epsilon-greedy with ϵ=0.3 showed the best or second-best prediction performance compared with using only one prediction model and majority voting. Our results showed that bandit algorithms can provide promising outcomes when used in fault prediction.
Event-triggered control is a method that the control input is updated only when a certain condition is satisfied (i.e., an event occurs). In this paper, event-triggered control over a sensor network is studied based on the notion of uniformly ultimate boundedness. Since sensors are located in a distributed way, we consider multiple event-triggering conditions. In uniformly ultimate boundedness, it is guaranteed that if the state reaches a certain set containing the origin, the state stays within this set. Using this notion, the occurrence of events in the neighborhood of the origin is inhibited. First, the simultaneous design problem of a controller and event-triggering conditions is formulated. Next, this problem is reduced to an LMI (linear matrix inequality) optimization problem. Finally, the proposed method is demonstrated by a numerical example.
In this paper, we investigate a model-free design of decentralized event-triggered mechanism for networked control systems (NCSs). The approach aims at simultaneously tuning the optimal parameters for the controller and the event-triggered condition, such that a prescribed cost function can be minimized. To achieve this goal, we employ the Bayesian optimization (BO), which is known to be an automatic tuning framework for finding the optimal solution to the black-box optimization problem. Thanks to its efficient search strategy for the global optimum, the BO allows us to design the event-triggered mechanism with relatively a small number of experimental evaluations. This is particularly suited for NCSs where network resources such as the limited life-time of battery powered devices are limited. Some simulation examples illustrate the effectiveness of the approach.
Hui ZHANG Bin SHENG Pengcheng ZHU
Universal filtered multicarrier (UFMC) systems offer a flexibility of filtering sub-bands with arbitrary bandwidth to suppress out-of-band (OoB) emission, while keeping the orthogonality between subcarriers in one sub-band. Oscillator discrepancies between the transmitter and receiver induce carrier frequency offset (CFO) in practical systems. In this paper, we propose a novel CFO estimation method for UFMC systems that has very low computational complexity and can then be used in practical systems. In order to fully exploit the coherence bandwidth of the channel, the training symbols are designed to have several identical segments in the frequency domain. As a result, the integral part of CFO can be estimated by simply determining the correlation between received signal and the training symbol. Simulation results show that the proposed method can achieve almost the same performance as an existing method and even a better performance in channels that have small decay parameter values. The proposed method can also be used in other multicarrier systems, such as orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM).
This paper considers a distributed subgradient method for online optimization with event-triggered communication over multi-agent networks. At each step, each agent obtains a time-varying private convex cost function. To cooperatively minimize the global cost function, these agents need to communicate each other. The communication with neighbor agents is conducted by the event-triggered method that can reduce the number of communications. We demonstrate that the proposed online algorithm achieves a sublinear regret bound in a dynamic environment with slow dynamics.
Ping ZHAO Jiawei TAO Abdul RAUF Fengde JIA Longting XU
With the development of cloud computing, the Mobile Edge Computing has emerged and attracted widespread attentions. In this paper, we focus on the load balancing in MEC with energy harvesting. We first introduce the load balancing in MEC as a problem of minimizing both the energy consumption and queue redundancy. Thereafter, we adapt such a optimization problem to the Lyapunov algorithm and solve this optimization problem. Finally, extensive simulation results validate that the obtained strategy improves the capabilities of MEC systems.
Kenichi ONO Masateru TSUNODA Akito MONDEN Kenichi MATSUMOTO
When applying estimation methods, the issue of outliers is inevitable. The extent of their influence has not been clarified, though several studies have evaluated outlier elimination methods. It is unclear whether we should always be sensitive to outliers, whether outliers should always be removed before estimation, and what amount of precaution is required for collecting project data. Therefore, the goal of this study is to illustrate a guideline that suggests how sensitively we should handle outliers. In the analysis, we experimentally add outliers to three datasets, to analyze their influence. We modified the percentage of outliers, their extent (e.g., we varied the actual effort from 100 to 200 person-hours when the extent was 100%), the variables including outliers (e.g., adding outliers to function points or effort), and the locations of outliers in a dataset. Next, the effort was estimated using these datasets. We used multiple linear regression analysis and analogy based estimation to estimate the development effort. The experimental results indicate that the influence of outliers on the estimation accuracy is non-trivial when the extent or percentage of outliers is considerable (i.e., 100% and 20%, respectively). In contrast, their influence is negligible when the extent and percentage are small (i.e., 50% and 10%, respectively). Moreover, in some cases, the linear regression analysis was less affected by outliers than analogy based estimation.
To enhance the user's privacy in electronic ID, anonymous credential systems have been researched. In the anonymous credential system, a trusted issuing organization first issues a certificate certifying the user's attributes to a user. Then, in addition to the possession of the certificate, the user can anonymously prove only the necessary attributes. Previously, an anonymous credential system was proposed, where CNF (Conjunctive Normal Form) formulas on attributes can be proved. The advantage is that the attribute proof in the authentication has the constant size for the number of attributes that the user owns and the size of the proved formula. Thus, various expressive logical relations on attributes can be efficiently verified. However, the previous system has a limitation: The proved CNF formulas cannot include any negation. Therefore, in this paper, we propose an anonymous credential system with constant-size attribute proofs such that the user can prove CNF formulas with negations. For the proposed system, we extend the previous accumulator for the limited CNF formulas to verify CNF formulas with negations.
Hayato YAMAKI Hiroaki NISHI Shinobu MIWA Hiroki HONDA
We propose a technique to reduce compulsory misses of packet processing cache (PPC), which largely affects both throughput and energy of core routers. Rather than prefetching data, our technique called response prediction cache (RPC) speculatively stores predicted data in PPC without additional access to the low-throughput and power-consuming memory (i.e., TCAM). RPC predicts the data related to a response flow at the arrival of the corresponding request flow, based on the request-response model of internet communications. Our experimental results with 11 real-network traces show that RPC can reduce the PPC miss rate by 13.4% in upstream and 47.6% in downstream on average when we suppose three-layer PPC. Moreover, we extend RPC to adaptive RPC (A-RPC) that selects the use of RPC in each direction within a core router for further improvement in PPC misses. Finally, we show that A-RPC can achieve 1.38x table-lookup throughput with 74% energy consumption per packet, when compared to conventional PPC.
Hiroyuki OKUDA Nobuto SUGIE Tatsuya SUZUKI Kentaro HARAGUCHI Zibo KANG
Path planning and motion control are fundamental components to realize safe and reliable autonomous driving. The discrimination of the role of these two components, however, is somewhat obscure because of strong mathematical interaction between these two components. This often results in a redundant computation in the implementation. One of attracting idea to overcome this redundancy is a simultaneous path planning and motion control (SPPMC) based on a model predictive control framework. SPPMC finds the optimal control input considering not only the vehicle dynamics but also the various constraints which reflect the physical limitations, safety constraints and so on to achieve the goal of a given behavior. In driving in the real traffic environment, decision making has also strong interaction with planning and control. This is much more emphasized in the case that several tasks are switched in some context to realize higher-level tasks. This paper presents a basic idea to integrate decision making, path planning and motion control which is able to be executed in realtime. In particular, lane-changing behavior together with the decision of its initiation is selected as the target task. The proposed idea is based on the nonlinear model predictive control and appropriate switching of the cost function and constraints in it. As the result, the decision of the initiation, planning, and control of the lane-changing behavior are achieved by solving a single optimization problem under several constraints such as safety. The validity of the proposed method is tested by using a vehicle simulator.
Yukihiro BANDOH Seishi TAKAMURA Hideaki KIMATA
Designing an optimum quantizer can be treated as the optimization problem of finding the quantization indices that minimize the quantization error. One solution to the optimization problem, DP quantization, is based on dynamic programming. Some applications, such as bit-depth scalable codec and tone mapping, require the construction of multiple quantizers with different quantization levels, for example, from 12bit/channel to 10bit/channel and 8bit/channel. Unfortunately, the above mentioned DP quantization optimizes the quantizer for just one quantization level. That is, it is unable to simultaneously optimize multiple quantizers. Therefore, when DP quantization is used to design multiple quantizers, there are many redundant computations in the optimization process. This paper proposes an extended DP quantization with a complexity reduction algorithm for the optimal design of multiple quantizers. Experiments show that the proposed algorithm reduces complexity by 20.8%, on average, compared to conventional DP quantization.
Shanqi PANG Ruining ZHANG Xiao ZHANG
In this work, we introduce notions of quantum frequency arrangements consisting of quantum frequency squares, cubes, hypercubes and a notion of orthogonality between them. We also propose a notion of quantum mixed orthogonal array (QMOA). By using irredundant mixed orthogonal array proposed by Goyeneche et al. we can obtain k-uniform states of heterogeneous systems from quantum frequency arrangements and QMOAs. Furthermore, some examples are presented to illustrate our method.