Integrated InP polarization converters based on half-ridge structure are studied numerically. We demonstrate that the fabrication tolerance of the half-ridge structure can be extended significantly by introducing a slope at the ridge side and optimizing the thickness of the residual InGaAsP layer. High polarization conversion over 90% is achieved with the broad range of the waveguide width from 705 to 915~nm, corresponding to a factor-of-two or larger improvement in the fabrication tolerance compared with that of the conventional polarization converters. Finally we present a simple fabrication procedure of this newly proposed structure, where the thickness of the residual InGaAsP layer is controlled precisely by using a thin etch-stop layer.
Chemical sensors are one of the oldest fields of research closely related to the semiconductor technology. From the Ion-Sensitive Field-Effect Transistors (ISFET) in the 70's, through Micro-Electro-Mechanical-System (MEMS) sensors from the end of the 80's, chemical sensors are combining in the 90's MEMS technology with LSI intelligence to devise more selective, sensitive and autonomous devices to analyse complex mixtures. A brief history of chemical sensors from the ISFET to the nowadays LSI integrated sensors is first detailed. Then the states-of-the-art of LSI integrated chemical sensors and their wide range of applications are discussed. Finally the authors propose a brand-new usage of integrated wireless MEMS sensors for remote surveillance of chemical substances, such as food-industry or pharmaceutical products, that are stored in closed environment like a bottle, for a long period. In such environment, in-situ analyse is necessary, and electrical cables, for energy supply or data transfer, cannot be used. Thanks to integrated MEMS, an autonomous long-term in-situ quality deterioration tracking system is possible.
We present an 88 wavelength-routing switch (WRS) that monolithically integrates tunable wavelength converters (TWCs) and an 88 arrayed-waveguide grating. The TWC consists of a double-ring-resonator tunable laser (DRR TL) allowing rapid and stable switching and a semiconductor-optical-amplifier-based optical gate. Two different types of dry-etched mirrors form the laser cavity of the DRR TL, which enable integration of the optical components of the WRS on a single chip. The monolithic WRS performed 18 high-speed wavelength routing of a non-return-to-zero signal at 10 Gbit/s. The switching operation was demonstrated by simultaneously using two adjacent TWCs.
Masatake HANGAI Kazuhiko NAKAHARA Mamiko YAMAGUCHI Morishige HIEDA
High-power protection switch utilizing a new stub/line selectable configuration is presented. By employing the proposed circuit topology, the insertion loss at receiving mode and the power handling capability at transmitting mode can be independently designed. Therefore, the proposed circuit is able to achieve low insertion loss at receiving mode while keeping high-power performance at transmitting mode. To verify this methodology, MMIC switch has been fabricated in Ka-band. The circuit has achieved the insertion loss of 2 dB, the isolation of 25 dB, and the power handling capability of 40 dBm at 5% bandwidth.
Po-Hung CHEN Min-Chiao CHEN Chun-Lin KO Chung-Yu WU
A direct-conversion receiver integrated with the CMOS subharmonic frequency tripler (SFT) for V-band applications is designed, fabricated and measured using 0.13-µm CMOS technology. The receiver consists of a low-noise amplifier, a down-conversion mixer, an output buffer, and an SFT. A fully differential SFT is introduced to relax the requirements on the design of the frequency synthesizer. Thus, the operational frequency of the frequency synthesizer in the proposed receiver is only 20 GHz. The fabricated receiver has a maximum conversion gain of 19.4 dB, a minimum single-side band noise figure of 10.2 dB, the input-referred 1-dB compression point of -20 dBm and the input third order inter-modulation intercept point of -8.3 dB. It draws only 15.8 mA from a 1.2-V power supply with a total chip area of 0.794 mm0.794 mm. As a result, it is feasible to apply the proposed receiver in low-power wireless transceiver in the V-band applications.
Eunil CHO Sungho LEE Jaejun LEE Sangwook NAM
This paper presents a design of a monolithic transformer using bond wires. The proposed transformer structure has several advantages such as high power handling and high efficiency. It shows that the measured insertion loss at the 1.9 GHz range is -1.54 dB (70%), which is higher than the spiral transformer of the same size. Also, it shows a phase error of less than 1 degree.
Three miniaturized lumped-element power dividers with a filtering function for use in quadrature mixers are described. Simulation results showed that they can be miniaturized, as compared to conventional ones with open/short stubs, while maintaining the filter characteristics. A fabricated 0.95-GHz 0power divider with a filtering function had a chip size about half that of a conventional lumped-element one. Its insertion loss at 0.950.05 GHz was 4.00.1 dB.
Structural defect-free GaPN and InGaPN layers were grown on a Si (100) substrate. Light emitting diodes (LEDs) and Si metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs), which are elemental devices for optoelectronic integrated circuits(OEICs), were monolithically integrated in a single chip with a Si layer and an InGaPN/GaPN double hetereostructure layer grown on a Si substrate. The developed process flow was based on a conventional MOSFET process flow. It was confirmed that light emission from the LED was modulated by switching the MOSFET. The growth and fabrication process technologies are effective in the realization of monolithic OEICs.
This paper describes two different types of GaAs-HBT compatible, base-collector diode 0/20-dB step attenuators--diode-linearizer type and harmonics-trap type--for 3.5-GHz-band wireless applications. The two attenuators use an AC-coupled, stacked type diode switch topology featuring high power handling capability with low bias current operation. Compared to a conventional diode switch topology, this topology can improve the capability of more than 6 dB with the same bias current. In addition, successful incorporation of a shunt diode linearizer and second- and third-harmonic traps into the attenuators gives the IM3 distortion improvement of more than 7 dB in the high power ranging from 16 dBm to 18 dBm even in the 20-dB attenuation mode when IM3 distortion levels are basically easy to degrade. Measurement results show that both the attenuators are capable of delivering power handling capability (P0.2 dB) of more than 18 dBm with IM3 levels of less than -35 dBc at an 18-dBm input power while drawing low bias currents of 3.8 mA and 6.8 mA in the thru and attenuation modes from 0/5-V complementary supplies. Measured insertion losses of the linearizer-type and harmonics-trap type attenuators in the thru mode are as low as 1.4 dB and 2.5 dB, respectively.
The uni-traveling-carrier photodiode (UTC-PD) is an innovative PD that has a unique operation mode in which only electrons act as the active carriers, resulting in ultrafast response and high electrical output power at the same time. This paper describes the features of the UTC-PD and its excellent performance. In addition, UTC-PD-based optoelectronic devices integrated with various elements, such as passive and active devices, are presented. These devices are promising for various applications, such as millimeter- and submillimeter-wave generation up to the terahertz range and ultrafast optical signal processing at data rates of up to 320 Gbit/s.
Xueliang SONG Naoki FUTAKUCHI Daisuke MIYASHITA Foo Cheong YIT Yoshiaki NAKANO
We achieved first dynamic all-optical signal processing with a bandgap-engineered MZI SOA all-optical switch. The wide-gap Selective Area Growth (SAG) technique was used to provide multi-bandgap materials with a single step epitaxy. The maximum photoluminescence (PL) peak shift obtained between the active region and the passive region was 192 nm. The static current switching with the fabricated switch indicated a large carrier induced refractive index change; up to 14 π phase shift was obtained with 60 mA injection in the SOA. The carrier recovery time of the SOA for obtaining a phase shift of π was estimated to be 250-300 ps. A clear eye pattern was obtained in 2.5 Gbps all-optical wavelength conversion. This is the first all-optical wavelength conversion demonstration with a bandgap-engineered PIC with either selective area growth or quantum-well intermixing techniques.
Motokazu YAMADA Yukio NARUKAWA Hiroto TAMAKI Yoshinori MURAZAKI Takashi MUKAI
In search of suitable white-LED for general illumination, we fabricated various types of white-LEDs using different methods. As the first method, we used the multichip method in which multiple emitters were mounted in one package. This type showed a good general color-rendering index (Ra) = 90 by the optimizing the emission wavelength of each LED chip. However, the electric driving circuitry was too complex for use in general illumination. Secondly, we used a monolithic white-LED by using the multicolor emitting multiple-quantum well (MQW) for the active layers, which consisted of quantum wells (QWs) with different In compositions. A high Ra = 80.1 was obtained in the three-color-emitting white-LED but the luminous efficacy (ηL) was only 8.11 lm/W. As the third method, we used the color conversion method using phosphors. We fabricated a white-LED which consisted of a near-UV-LED chip and blue/yellow phosphors in order to improve the luminous efficacy of the white-LED under high forward-bias current. At 100 mA, the luminous flux (IL) was estimated to be 7.6 lm. However, this white-LED degraded quickly, because the epoxy resin used for package was the general purpose one and deteriorated under the UV-light from the n-UV-LED. Next, we improved the Ra and ηL of a traditional white-LED which consisted of blue-LED chip and yellow phosphor. In order to improve the Ra, we added a newly developed red phosphor. We obtained a Ra = 87.7 at low-color-temperature. Then, in order to improve the efficiency of the white-LED, we improved the extraction efficiency (ηEX) of the blue-LED by using a patterned sapphire substrate and a high reflection Rh-mesh-patterned p-electrode. Then, we obtained a 62.0 lm/W at 20 mA. As a result, we concluded that the color conversion method of using a blue-LED for general illumination has advantages in efficiency, color-rendering, cost and lifetime. It also has simpler electric driving circuitry.
In KIM Byung-Kwon KANG Yu-Dong BAE Byeonghoon PARK Sang-Moon LEE Young Hyun KIM Dong-Hoon JANG
We demonstrated the transmission over 80 km at 10 Gb/s by using the amplifier and electroabsorption-modulator integrated laser diode. Tilt-facet antireflection window is implemented, inside of which a monitor photodiode is monolithically integrated for accurate power regulation. To better control the amplifier-input power and to reduce the feedback of the amplified spontaneous emission, an attenuator is incorporated by means of the inner-window. By amplifying the modulated signal and compensating modulator-chirp by gain-saturation in the amplifier, high power optical transmission is achieved from a device with -10 dB attenuation at total laser and amplifier currents of 200 mA.
Man Long HER Kun Ying LIN Yi Chyun CHIOU Chih Yuan HSIEH
In this study, an improved heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) active mixer is designed and fabricated. The HBT MMIC active mixer that is integrated with a low-noise amplifier (LNA) and active power adder can not only achieve high isolation, but can also dispense with one active component and reduce power consumption at the same time. Measurement results show that the conversion gain, LO-RF isolation, and double sideband noise figure (DSB-NF) of the proposed mixer are 22 dB, 40 dB, and 7 dB, respectively.
Morishige HIEDA Kenichi MIYAGUCHI Hitoshi KURUSU Hiroshi IKEMATSU Yoshitada IYAMA Tadashi TAKAGI Osami ISHIDA
A compact Ku-band 5-bit monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) phase shifter has been demonstrated. The total gate width of switching FETs and the total inductance of spiral inductors are proposed as the figures of merit for compactness. The phase shifter uses the T-type and PI-type high-pass filter (HPF)/band-pass filter (BPF) circuits in which FET "off"-state capacitances are incorporated as the filter elements. According to the figures of merit, the T-type is selected for 90-degree phase shift circuit and the PI-type is selected for the 45-degree phase shift circuit. The fabricated 5-bit phase shifter performs average insertion loss of 5.6 dB and RMS phase shift error of 3.77 degrees with die size of 1.65 mm 0.76 mm (1.25 mm2) in Ku-band.
Kenichi MIYAGUCHI Morishige HIEDA Yukinobu TARUI Mikio HATAMOTO Koh KANAYA Yoshitada IYAMA Tadashi TAKAGI Osami ISHIDA
A C-Ku band 5-bit MMIC phase shifter using optimized reflective series/parallel LC circuits is presented. The proposed circuit has frequency independent characteristics in the case of 180 phase shift, ideally. Also, an ultra-broad-band circuit design theory for the 180 optimized reflective circuit has derived, which gives optimum characteristics compromising between loss and phase shift error. The fabricated 5-bit MMIC phase shifter with SPDT switch has successfully demonstrated a typical insertion loss of 9.4 dB 1.4 dB, and a maximum RMS phase shift error of 7 over the 6 to 18 GHz band. The measured results validate the proposed design theory of the phase shifter.
A review of the basic passive components available in mixed-signal silicon IC technologies for applications up to millimetre-wave frequencies is presented. These include: inductors, capacitors, resistors, and quasi-distributed devices such as transmission lines and transformers. Applications for these devices range from resonant tanks to impedance matching, phase shifting and feedback networks. Device physics and electrical models of these passives are reviewed along with their physical layout, verification data from computer simulation, and experimental characterization. The emphasis is on lumped-element equivalents for linear and non-linear circuit design of wireless and wireline circuits in silicon VLSI technologies.
Angle-multiplexed holography using four-wave mixing (4WM) was demonstrated with a monolithic photorefractive carbazole trimer. We measured the diffraction efficiency as a function of incident angle of the read beam. The cross-talk was almost negligible at the Bragg angle mismatch of 1. Two figure images were recorded with the different incident angle of the reference beam in the photorefractive carbazole trimer film, and were read out independently by illuminating with the read beam which counter-propagated to the corresponding reference beam.
Kiyoto TAKAHATA Yoshifumi MURAMOTO Seiji FUKUSHIMA Tomofumi FURUTA Tetsuichiro OHNO Tadao ISHIBASHI Hiroshi ITO
A uni-traveling-carrier refracting-facet photodiode, a short-stab bias circuit, and a patch antenna are monolithically integrated to make a compact and low-cost photonic millimeter-wave emitter for fiber-radio applications. The device emits the maximum effective radiation power of 173 dBm at 60 GHz including a directive gain of the patch antenna.
Optical disk systems have been used in a wide range of applications and the performance of these systems has been improving rapidly. The optical integration is one of the important technologies of the progress of the optical pickup head in the system. It can make the optical pickup head miniature, light sized, ease to assemble, cost reduced and reliable during long time operation. In this paper, at first, merits and features of the optical integration for optical disk systems are briefly reviewed. Then, our activities on the development of the various hybrid-integrated optical devices, "Laser Couplers" are reported. Especially, the most recent results on the "Two-wavelength-beam Laser Coupler," are described in detail. It has two-wavelength laser emission/detection functions and easily realizes an ultimate solution of the optical pickup head for the DVD/CD system, now being used in "PlayStaion2. " To simplify the structure and the fabrication of this device, a new monolithic-integrated two-wavelength laser diode, called a visible and infrared laser diode, has been developed, which can be easily fabricated using only two steps of metal organic chemical vapor deposition. The structures and characteristics of this device are reported. Lastly, other recent technologies of the optical integration, including monolithically integration, near field optics and so on, are reviewed.