Chihiro IKUTA Yoko UWATE Yoshifumi NISHIO
In this study, we propose a multi-layer perceptron with a glial network which is inspired from the features of glias in the brain. All glias in the proposed network generate independent oscillations, and the oscillations propagate through the glial network with attenuation. We apply the proposed network to the two-spiral problem. Computer simulations show that the proposed network gains a better performance than the conventional multi-layer perceptron.
Takahiro AOYAGI Minseok KIM Jun-ichi TAKADA Kiyoshi HAMAGUCHI Ryuji KOHNO
In this paper, we performed six human movement simulation by a commercial software (Poser7). We performed FDTD simulations for body area network propagation with one transmitter and six receivers. Received amplitudes were calculated for every time frame of 1/30 s interval. We also demonstrated a polarization diversity effectiveness for dynamic wearable body area network propagation.
Tien HUU VU Supavadee ARAMVITH Yoshikazu MIYANAGA
In this paper, we propose an error resilience scheme for wireless video coding based on adaptive flexible macroblock ordering (FMO) and intra refresh. An FMO explicit map is generated frame-by-frame by using prior information. This information involves estimated locations of guard and burst sections in the channel and estimated effect of error propagation (EEP) from the previous frame to the current frame. In addition, the role of the current frame in propagating an error to the next frame is also considered. A suitable intra refresh rate which is adaptive to the channel state is used to reduce the dependence between frames and thus can stop the EEP. The results in experiments show that the proposed method gains some improvements in terms of peak signal-to-noise rate (PSNR) as compared with some other methods that have not considered the channel condition and the error propagation in generating an FMO map.
A novel signaling scheme is proposed for iterative channel estimation and data decoding in fast fading channels. The basic idea is to bias the occurrence probability of transmitted symbols. A priori information about the bias is utilized for channel estimation. The bias-based scheme is constructed as a serially concatenated code, in which a convolutional code and a biased nonlinear block code are used as the outer and inner codes, respectively. This construction allows the receiver to estimate channel state information (CSI) efficiently. The proposed scheme is numerically shown to outperform conventional pilot-based schemes in terms of spectral efficiency for moderately fast fading channels.
Yuya ONO Takuichi HIRANO Kenichi OKADA Jiro HIROKAWA Makoto ANDO
In this paper we present eigenmode analysis of the propagation constant for a microstrip line with dummy fills on a Si CMOS substrate. The effect of dummy fills is not negligible, particularly in the millimeter-wave band, although it has been ignored below frequencies of a few GHz. The propagation constant of a microstrip line with a periodic structure on a Si CMOS substrate is analyzed by eigenmode analysis for one period of the line. The calculated propagation constant and characteristic impedance were compared with measured values for a chip fabricated by the 0.18 µm CMOS process. The agreement between the analysis and measurement was very good. The dependence of loss on the arrangement of dummy fills was also investigated by eigenmode analysis. It was found that the transmission loss becomes large when dummy fills are arranged at places where the electromagnetic field is strong.
This paper presents a Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) propagation model for independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) channels in the mixture of none-Line-of-Sight (NLOS) and Line-of-Sight (LOS) environments. The derived model enables to evaluate the system statistical characteristics of Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (SNR) for MIMO transmission based on Maximal Ratio Combing (MRC). An application example applying the model in 22 configuration to ITS Inter-Vehicle Communication (IVC) system is introduced. We clarify the effectiveness of the proposed model by comparisons of both computer simulations and measurement results of a field experiment. We also use the model to show the better performance of SNR when applying MIMO to IVC system than SISO and SIMO.
This paper discusses the possibility of deploying a short-range cognitive radio (secondary communication system) within the service area of a primary system. Although the secondary system interferes with the primary system, there are certain locations in the service area of the primary system where the cognitive radio can reuse the frequency of the primary system without causing harmful interference to it and being disturbed by the primary system. These locations are referred to as having a spatial opportunity for communications in the secondary system, since it can reuse the frequency of the primary system. Simulation results indicate that the antenna gain, beamwidth, and propagation path loss greatly affect the spatial opportunity of frequency reuse for the secondary users. The results show that spatial spectrum reuse can be significantly increased when the primary system users are equipped with directional antennas. An important component in this study is the heterogeneous path loss model, i.e., the path loss model within the primary system is different from the model used to calculate the interference between the primary and the secondary systems. Our results show that the propagation models corresponding to the actual antenna heights in the primary/secondary system can largely impact the possibilities for spectrum reuse by the cognitive radios.
We propose a novel and efficient approach for tracking 2D articulated human body parts. In our approach, the human body is modeled by a graphical model where each part is represented by a node and the relationship between a pair of adjacent parts is indicated by an edge in the graph. Various approaches have been proposed to solve such problems, but efficiency is still a vital problem. We present a new Quick Shift Belief Propagation (QSBP) based approach which benefits from Quick Shift, a simple and efficient mode seeking method, in a part based belief propagation model. The unique aspect of this model is its ability to efficiently discover modes of the underlying marginal probability distribution while preserving the accuracy. This gives QSBP a significant advantage over approaches like Belief Propagation (BP) and Mean Shift Belief Propagation (MSBP). Moreover, we demonstrate the use of QSBP with an action based model; this provides additional advantages of handling self-occlusion and further reducing the search space. We present qualitative and quantitative analysis of the proposed approach with encouraging results.
Four-wave mixing (FWM) compensation using digital coherent detection is experimentally demonstrated. Two lights and the induced FWM components are combined with phase-locked local oscillator lights and received individually. The received signals are combined electrically and the signal-to-FWM crosstalk ratio is improved to more than 30 dB by backward propagation.
Inter-vehicle communication (IVC) system using 700 MHz band to prevent car crashes has been proposed recently. In this paper, we first apply the FDTD method to the analyses of propagation characteristics at an intersection for IVC. We investigate the propagation characteristics considering the electrical conductivities, thickness and windows of building wall and pedestrians. As a result, it is shown that the electrical conductivities and thickness of building wall have a slight influence. In contrast, windows and pedestrians have a great influence on the propagation characteristics. Furthermore, the azimuth delay profiles are obtained by using the MUSIC algorithm.
This paper presents an efficient ray-launching method for 2D indoor propagation problem, by including crucial multiple reflection effect inside wall. We here focus on the derivation of the reflected and transmitted ray solutions at/through wall when a magnetic source is located in the indoor environment. An efficient approximation, which is called collective ray approximation, is carried out to bundle or collect the internal multiple reflected rays into the primary one. It is resultantly confirmed from the detailed numerical experiments that the derived collective ray solutions can be confidently effective when the internal reflections strongly contribute to the propagation characteristic in the propagation environment, regardless of angle of the incidence.
Jianxin LIAO Cheng ZHANG Tonghong LI Xiaomin ZHU
To reduce the inaccuracy caused by inappropriate time window, we propose two probabilistic fault localization schemes based on the idea of "extending time window." The global window extension algorithm (GWE) uses a window extension strategy for all candidate faults, while the on-demand window extension algorithm (OWE) uses the extended window only for a small set of faults when necessary. Both algorithms can increase the metric values of actual faults and thus improve the accuracy of fault localization. Simulation results show that both schemes perform better than existing algorithms. Furthermore, OWE performs better than GWE at the cost of a bit more computing time.
In this paper, we have derived a novel integral representation for the ground wave propagation over land-to-sea mixed-paths by applying the Helmholtz-Kirchhoff integral theorem. By using the method of stationary phase applicable uniformly as the stationary phase point approaches the endpoint of the integral, we have derived the asymptotic solution for the scattered fields consisting of the first-order and the second-order diffraction terms. We show that the asymptotic solution thus derived agrees with the asymptotic solution derived by applying the aperture field method (AFM) and the method of stationary phase. We have confirmed the validity and the utility of the novel integral representation and its asymptotic solution by comparing with the widely used mixed-path theorem and the experimental measurement performed in Kanto area and Tokyo bay.
This paper describes ultra wideband (UWB) radio propagation measurements and modeling for wireless body area network (WBAN) applications in different environments. Several propagation measurement campaigns and associated modelings were carried out in either a radio anechoic chamber or a specific room type; however, dependence of the radio propagation on surrounding environments was not studied. Multipaths (mainly reflected from floor, ceiling, and walls) highly depend on the environment. To address this problem, radio propagation around the human body was measured in a radio anechoic chamber and four different-sized rooms. Parameters in a conventional loss model derived from the measurements were found to significantly diverge and depend on room volume and line-of-sight (LOS)/non-LOS (NLOS) cases. A modified model considering the impact of room volume has been proposed for the LOS/NLOS cases. Different propagation mechanisms were discussed along with parameter derivation. Probability distributions for the UWB propagation losses were also examined.
For decoding non-binary low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes, logarithm-domain sum-product (Log-SP) algorithms were proposed for reducing quantization effects of SP algorithm in conjunction with FFT. Since FFT is not applicable in the logarithm domain, the computations required at check nodes in the Log-SP algorithms are computationally intensive. What is worth, check nodes usually have higher degree than variable nodes. As a result, most of the time for decoding is used for check node computations, which leads to a bottleneck effect. In this paper, we propose a Log-SP algorithm in the Fourier domain. With this algorithm, the role of variable nodes and check nodes are switched. The intensive computations are spread over lower-degree variable nodes, which can be efficiently calculated in parallel. Furthermore, we develop a fast calculation method for the estimated bits and syndromes in the Fourier domain.
For optimization problems with irregular and complex multimodal landscapes, Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (EDAs) suffer from the drawback of premature convergence similar to other evolutionary algorithms. In this paper, we propose an adaptive niching EDA based on Affinity Propagation (AP) clustering analysis. The AP clustering is used to adaptively partition the niches and mine the searching information from the evolution process. The obtained information is successfully utilized to improve the EDA performance by using a balance niching searching strategy. Two different categories of optimization problems are used to evaluate the proposed adaptive niching EDA. The first one is solving three benchmark functional multimodal optimization problems by a continuous EDA based on single Gaussian probabilistic model; the other one is solving a real complicated discrete EDA optimization problem, the HP model protein folding based on k-order Markov probabilistic model. Simulation results show that the proposed adaptive niching EDA is an efficient method.
This paper describes a spatial fading emulator based on Clarke's model that can evaluate spatial correlation characteristics between signals received by handset antennas including human-body effect under emulated multipath propagation environments. The proposed model is composed of scatterers, phase-shifters and attenuators. The scatterers are located at equal intervals on the circumference of a circle. Phase shifters and attenuators in a control circuit are used to control the phase and amplitude of each wave radiated from the scatterers in order to emulate multi-path propagation environments, such as Rayleigh or Nakagami-Rice distribution, to be generated at their center. In this paper, the maximum distance between receiving antennas that could be used to evaluate spatial correlation characteristics between antennas was investigated experimentally. The measurement results show that 15 scatterers with a radius of 1.5 m are sufficient to evaluate spatial correlation characteristics within the branch separation of 1.7 λ when parallel dipole antennas are used as receiving antennas.
This letter proposes extended single parity check product codes and presents their empirical performances on a Gaussian channel by belief propagation (BP) decoding algorithm. The simulation results show that the codes can achieve close-to-capacity performance in high coding rate. The code of length 9603 and of rate 0.96 is only 0.77 dB away from the Shannon limit for a BER of 10-5.
This paper is concerned with the packet transmission scheduling problem for repeating all-to-all broadcasts in Underwater Sensor Networks (USN) in which there are n nodes in a transmission range. All-to-all communication is one of the most dense communication patterns. It is assumed that each node has the same size packet. Unlike the terrestrial scenarios, the propagation time in underwater communications is not negligible. We define all-to-all broadcast as the one where every node transmits packets to all the other nodes in the network except itself. So, there are in total n(n - 1) packets to be transmitted for an all-to-all broadcast. The optimal transmission scheduling is to schedule in a way that all packets can be transmitted within the minimum time. In this paper, we propose an efficient packet transmission scheduling algorithm for underwater acoustic communications using the property of long propagation delay.
Maido-1 satellite was launched on 23 January 2009. The satellite carries the radio-frequency payload, Broadband Measurement of Waveform for VHF Lightning Impulses (VHF sensor), for research on lightning discharges. The final goal of our research is to locate sources of impulsive VHF radiation from lightning discharges and constantly monitor lightning activity from space. Maido-1 satellite has the aim of proving the functions of the sensor in space and to study the radio propagation characteristics of the ionosphere. Through the operation/observation for 5 months, more than 10,000 VHF signals have been recorded. The locations where VHF signals are detected and the examples of the received waveforms are presented in this paper. We discuss the regional dependency of the received signals.