IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications

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Advance publication (published online immediately after acceptance)

Volume E86-B No.9  (Publication Date:2003/09/01)

    Regular Section
  • All-to-All Broadcast in Broadcast-and-Select WDM Networks with Tunable Devices of Limited Tuning Ranges

    Hongsik CHOI  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission


    In this paper, we consider the all-to-all broadcast problem in optical broadcast star networks using Wavelength Division Multiplexing. Our network model assumes that receivers are fixed-tuned and transmitters are tunable such that optical lasers assigned to transmitters have limited access to the network bandwidth; hence, each node must be equipped with multiple optical lasers and/or multiple optical filters in order to maintain a single-hop network. This paper is primarily concerned with single-hop networks, in which each node is assigned a single optical filter. Lower bounds are first established on the number of lasers per each node and the minimum schedule length, and a schedule achieving the minimum schedule length is presented. The results are applicable to arbitrary tuning delays, arbitrary numbers of wavelength channels, and optical lasers' arbitrary tuning ranges. Network models with optical devices having limited tuning ranges have not yet been considered in connection with transmission schedules, and this is the first work in this new direction.

  • Sensitivity Analysis of Fast Frequency Hopping Multiple Access Systems due to the Frequency Offset under Rician Fading

    Jeungmin JOO  Chiho LEE  Sungdon MOON  Yeomin YOON  Kiseon KIM  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology


    In order to investigate the sensitivity of fast frequency hopping-multiple access (FFH-MA) systems due to the frequency offset under Rician fading, we evaluate the bit error rate (BER) performance of the FFH-MA system using noncoherent M-ary frequency shift keying (FSK) with the hard decision decoding and the majority logic decision. Numerical results show that for satisfying the BER performance of 10-5 at a given normalized frequency offset of 0.2, the additional signal to noise ratio (SNR) of about 4 dB is required with the 8-ary FSK signaling compared to the case of the perfect frequency synchronization. While the frequency offset increases at a given SNR, the BER is more severely degraded, and subsequently, the BER performance is saturated at the normalized frequency offset of 0.5 regardless of fading environments. For the SNRs of more than 15 dB, the threshold level of the receiver suffering from normalized frequency offsets of less than 0.4 should be larger than that of the perfectly frequency synchronized receiver.

  • Signal Space Whitening MLSE with a Multibeam Adaptive Array

    Akihito HANAKI  Takeo OHGANE  Yasutaka OGAWA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology


    Cochannel interference and multipath propagation reduce the performance of mobile communication systems. Multi-input MLSE with whitening processing can mitigate the influence of the interference and provide path diversity gain. In conventional considerations, however, the required complexity rapidly rises with the number of array elements. In this paper, we propose multi-input MLSE that whitens error signals in the signal space by using a multibeam adaptive array. This scheme can reduce the computational load of multi-input MLSE than the conventional type when using a large-element array. The results of an analysis show that the proposed type is equivalent to conventional one in the sense of the metric and provides less computational complexity.

  • A Low-Complexity Multi-User CDMA Receiver with Blind Channel Estimation and Partially Adaptive MAI Suppression

    Gau-Joe LIN  Ta-Sung LEE  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology


    A low complexity multi-user receiver with blind channel estimation and multiple access interference (MAI) suppression is proposed for a CDMA system under multipath fading and frequency offset. The design of the receiver involves the following procedure. First, a method of joint MAI suppression and channel estimation is developed based on the generalized sidelobe canceller (GSC) technique. In particular, channel estimates are obtained blindly in the form of the effective composite signature vectors (CSV) of the users. Second, a low-complexity partially adaptive (PA) realization of the receiver is proposed which incorporates reduced-rank processing based on the information of multi-user CSV's. By a judiciously designed decorrelating procedure, a new PA receiver is obtained with a much lower complexity. Finally, pilot symbols assisted frequency offset estimation and channel gain compensation give the estimate of users' symbols. Further performance enhancement is achieved by a decision aided scheme in which the signal is reconstructed and subtracted from the receiver input data, leading to significantly faster convergence. The proposed receiver is shown to be robust to multipath fading and frequency offset, and achieves nearly the same performance of the optimal maximum SINR and MMSE receivers with a much lower overhead for pilot symbols.

  • Capacity of a Phase Noise Channel and Its Effect on Turbo Trellis-Coded Modulation with High-Order QAM Signals

    Tadashi MINOWA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology


    We present the channel capacity, specifically the mutual information, of an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel in the presence of phase noise, and investigate the effect of phase noise impairment on powerful error-correcting codes (ECCs) that normally operate in low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regions. This channel-induced impairment is common in digital coherent transmission systems and is caused by imperfect carrier tracking of the phase error detector for coherent demodulation. It is shown through semi-analytical derivation that decreasing the information rate from its ideal capacity to an information rate lower than its inherent capacity significantly mitigates the impairment caused by phase noise, and that operating systems in the low SNR region also lessen the phase noise impairment by transforming typical phase noise behavior into Gaussian-like behavior. We also demonstrate by computer simulation using turbo-trellis coded modulation (TTCM) with high-order quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) signals that the use of capacity-approaching codes (CACs) makes transmission systems invulnerable to phase noise. To verify the effect of CACs on phase noise, simulation results of TTCM are also compared to that of trellis-coded modulation (TCM), which is used as an example of a conventional ECC operating at a relatively high SNR.

  • Uplink Packet Transmission Control for Asymmetric Traffic in CDMA/Shared-TDD Cellular Packet Communications

    Kazuo MORI  Tomotaka NAGAOSA  Hideo KOBAYASHI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology


    A shared-TDD scheme has been proposed for accommodation of asymmetric communications between uplink and downlink traffic. The application of shared-TDD scheme to CDMA cellular systems causes inter-link interference because CDMA cellular systems use the same frequency band for all cells. This paper proposes a transmission control scheme for uplink packets to relieve the effect of inter-link interference in CDMA/shared-TDD cellular packet systems. In the proposed scheme, mobile stations select transmission slots based on their location and the status of slot allocations in own and the adjacent cells. Computer simulations show that the proposed scheme relieves the effect of inter-link interference, and thus improves the downlink transmission efficiency.

  • Design Criteria for Phase Sequences in Selected Mapping

    Naoto OHKUBO  Tomoaki OHTSUKI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology


    We propose design criteria for phase sequences in Selected Mapping (SLM): the average and variance of peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of the phase sequences themselves. We evaluate the effects of SLM with some phase sequences for reducing the PAPR of multicarrier code division multiple access (MC-CDMA). We show that our design criteria are effective for designing phase sequences in SLM. We also show that SLM is more effective than partial transmit sequences (PTS) for reducing the PAPR of MC-CDMA at the same amount of side information.

  • Peak Power Reduction for MC-CDMA Using Cluster Assigned Code Selection

    Takeo FUJII  Masao NAKAGAWA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology


    MC-CDMA has attracted significant attention as a downlink communication method for fourth generation mobile communication systems. However, MC-CDMA has a peak power problem, similarly to other nonspread multicarrier systems. In this paper, we propose a novel peak power reduction technique for MC-CDMA using code selection at the transmitter. In the proposed system, the transmitter selects the code shift pattern from plural pre-assigned code shift patterns in each cluster to minimize the output peak power of downlink signals. The proposed technique can achieve the blind code detection of transmitting codes at the receiver. However, the detection performance degrades if the number of users is extremely large or extremely small. Therefore, in this paper, a code detection error recovery technique is also considered.

  • Pilot Channel Aided Channel Estimation for Coherent Multicarrier DS CDMA

    Hyung-Kun PARK  Rodger E. ZIEMER  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology


    In this paper, we evaluate the performance of pilot channel-aided channel estimation for multicarrier direct-sequence (DS) code division multiple access (CDMA) communication system as proposed by Kondo and Milstein . We consider a multicarrier DS-CDMA system with different number of pilot and data channels. We investigate the optimum number of pilot channels for various coherence bandwidths and different number of subchannels. Keeping the total transmit bandwidth fixed, an optimum number of total subchannels and pilot channels exists under specific channel environment and transmitted energy. As the number of pilot channels increases, more accurate channel estimation is possible but the number of data channels decreases resulting a smaller diversity gain. We show that there is a tradeoff between the number of pilot channels and data subchannels, thereby requiring differing numbers of optimum pilot channels according to channel conditions.

  • An OSIC Based Reduced-Rank MIMO Equalizer Using Conjugate Gradient Algorithm

    Chung-Lien HO  Gau-Joe LIN  Ta-Sung LEE  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology


    A reduced complexity multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) equalizer with ordered successive interference cancellation (OSIC) is proposed for combating intersymbol interference (ISI) and cochannel interference (CCI) over frequency-selective multipath channels. It is developed as a reduced-rank realization of the conventional MMSE decision feedback equalizer (DFE). In particular, the MMSE weight vectors at each stage of OSIC are computed based on the generalized sidelobe canceller (GSC) technique and reduced-rank processing is incorporated by using the conjugate gradient (CG) algorithm for reduced complexity implementation. The CG algorithm leads to a best low-rank representation of the GSC blocking matrix via an iterative procedure, which in turn gives a reduced-rank equalizer weight vector achieving the best compromise between ISI and CCI suppression. With the dominating interference successfully cancelled at each stage of OSIC, the number of iterations required for the convergence of the CG algorithm decreases accordingly for the desired signal. Computer simulations demonstrate that the proposed reduced-rank MIMO DFE can achieve nearly the same performance as the full-rank MIMO MMSE DFE with an effective rank much lower than the dimension of the signal-plus-interference subspace.

  • Blind Estimation of Symbol Timing and Carrier Frequency Offset in Time-Varying Multipath Channels for OFDM Systems

    Tiejun LV  Qun WAN  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology


    In this paper, a novel algorithm is presented for blind estimation of the symbol timing and frequency offset for OFDM systems. Time-varying frequency-selective Rayleigh fading multipath channel is considered, which is characterized by the power delay profile and time-varying scattering function and has high reliability for real-world mobile environment. The estimators exploit the intrinsic structures of OFDM signals and rely on the second-order moment rather than the probability distribution function of the received signals. They are totally optimum in sense of minimum mean-square-error and can be implemented easily. In addition, we have presented an improved approach which not only preserves the merits of previously proposed method, but also makes the estimation range of the frequency offset cover the entire subcarrier spacing of OFDM signals and the timing estimator be independent of the frequency offset.

  • A Random Inquiry Procedure Using Bluetooth

    Cheolgi KIM  Joongsoo MA  Joonwon LEE  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Radio Communications


    We expect that most cellular phones and notebook computers will have Bluetooth in the near future. Many convenient applications will flourish. An example is exchanging multi-media electronic name cards using cellular phones. Today, most people carry a cellular phone. If the user interface can be made as simple as handing out a printed business card, the electronic cards exchanged over Bluetooth would make printed ones obsolete. However the current Bluetooth specification is not adquate to support short peer-to-peer transactions requiring symmectric user interface and fast response time. Connection establishment can take more than 10 s and two devices must start in an asymmetric manner. In this paper, we propose a random inquiry procedure tailored for name card exchange. It allows a symmectric user interface, and device discovery completes within 280 ms with probability 0.999. With this performance, it then becomes practical to provide a hot button on cellular phones that users will simply press to exchange electronic name cards.

  • Modeling and Performance Analysis of the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Satellite Channel

    Kuo-Hsiung TSENG  Cheng-Ying YANG  

    PAPER-Satellite and Space Communications


    Bit error rate estimation of the LEO satellite channel is presented. Since it could hardly be expressed the bit error rate under the practical degradation factors in a closed form, the method to predict the bit error rate using the known moments of the degradation factors is employed. The numerical example in this analysis is provided, especially, under the effects of Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier (TWTA) nonlinearity, fading effect and intersymbol interference (ISI). Under Ricean fading channel model, in the LEO environment, the result shows the system performance is worse and couldn't be used for voice communication when the LEO satellite is located at a lower elevation angle (EL). Besides, the degradation of the effect of ISI is more prominent when the LEO satellite is located at a higher EL.

  • Two-Stage Dynamic Uplink Channel and Slot Assignment for GPRS

    Yu-Ching HSU  Ying-Dar LIN  Mei-Yan CHIANG  



    General packet radio service (GPRS) uses a two-stage mechanism to allocate uplink radio resource to mobile stations (MSs). In stage-1, the base station (BS) assigns several packet data channels (PDCHs) to an MS. Furthermore, a PDCH may be assigned to multiple MSs. In stage-2, therefore, the BS selects one of the multiplexed MSs in a PDCH to use the radio resource. In this paper, maintaining a load balance between PDCHs in stage-1 is examined and several selection schemes to lower the mis-selection rate in stage-2 are proposed. From our simulation results, the cost deduced from the poor load balancing and selection schemes render a lower system throughput and a non-negligible increase in packet queuing delay. Among the various stage-2 selection policies, round robin with linearly-accumulated adjustment (RRLAA) has the lowest mis-selection rate and outperforms the one without any heuristic by up to 50%.

  • A Computationally Efficient Energy-Aware Multicast Tree Recovery Algorithm for Ad Hoc Network

    Jim M. NG  Sadagopan SRIDHARAN  Chor Ping LOW  



    Multicasting is an efficient communication tool for use in multi-point applications such as conferencing and information distribution. In ad hoc networks, node mobility causes frequent changes of network topology, and re-construction of the multicast tree in an efficient and effective manner becomes a critical issues. In case of link breakage, most of the multicast tree construction protocols available presently require either a total re-build of the tree or to reconnect a disjoined node back to the multicast tree via the shortest path which may disrupt the optimising factors, such as energy consumption, delay or cost, used in the building of the original tree. In this paper, we introduce a computationally efficient recovery algorithm which will also minimise the power consumption on the tree.

  • Optimum Design of Broadband Multisection Coupled-Line Couplers with Arbitrary Coupling and Impedance Matching

    Homayoon ORAIZI  Gholam-Reza GABARANZAD GHADIM  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation


    In this paper the method of least squares is employed to design an axially symmetric contradirectional multisection coupled - line coupler together with the impedance matching of real generator and load impedances. An error function is constructed for the required coupling (C) based on the squared magnitude of the ratio of the coupler voltage to that at the incident port. Another algorithm based on the reflected and transmitted wave amplitudes is developed by the method of least squares for the design of a coupled - line coupler with impedance matching of different input and output complex impedances and arbitrary coupling and length. The error functions are minimized to determine the coupler geometry, namely the normalized strip conductor widths (u=w/h) and separation (g=s/h) and the coupler length, where h is the substrate thickness. A procedure is presented to provide the initial values of u and g. The computer implementation of the proposed method shows that a proper coupler design is possible for any given coupler length. This is particularly interesting where space limitations impose contraints on the coupler length. The results are favorably compared with available computer simulation softwares.

  • Offset Beam Planar Antenna Employing Low Loss Triangular Dielectric Phase Shifter

    Naoki HONMA  Fumio KIRA  Tamami MARUYAMA  Keizo CHO  Hideki MIZUNO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation


    Employing a triangular dielectric phase shifter simplifies the beam forming network of an offset beam array antenna because this structure achieves phase control in a single configuration. This paper proposes a design method for a low loss offset beam planar antenna that incorporates a triangular dielectric plate phase shifter on parallel microstrip feedlines. Our design method reduces the loss of the phase shifter by optimizing the microstrip line width. By using the proposed design equation, the optimum low loss phase shifter configuration can be easily established. In addition, this paper presents the actual design of a triangular plate considering size reduction. The results of experiments of the offset beam antenna indicate that our design method is effective in obtaining a simple, low loss, and compact configuration.

  • Millimeter-Wave Microstrip Array Antenna for Automotive Radars

    Hideo IIZUKA  Toshiaki WATANABE  Kazuo SATO  Kunitoshi NISHIKAWA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation


    A microstrip array antenna with 45-degree inclined linear polarization is proposed for automotive radars. The proposed antenna has the advantages of high aperture efficiency, low profile and ease of manufacture. The rectangular radiating elements inclined at 45 degrees to the straight microstrip line are directly connected to it at their corners in the proposed array antenna. The radiating element has a feature that radiation conductance for co-polarization is controlled widely enough to set desired amplitude distribution keeping excited mode for cross-polarization negligibly small. The feed line loss of the linear array antenna having 15 wavelengths is estimated 0.9 dB in the design taking the loss of the microstrip line into account. The performance of two types of developed antennas, for electrical and mechanical scanning radars, is presented. The fan beam subarray antenna for electrical scanning radars has an aperture efficiency of 53% with gain of 22.5 dBi at 76.5 GHz. For mechanical scanning radars, the two-stage series feeding circuit is also proposed for lower feed line loss and setting desired amplitude distribution. The pencil beam array antenna has an aperture efficiency of 39% with gain of 32.2 dBi at 76.5 GHz.

  • Broad-Band Design of Ferrite Absorber in Cross-Shaped Projection Type

    Dong Il KIM  Chong-Goo PARK  June Young SON  Jae Young BAE  Jae Man SONG  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)


    With the progress of the electronics industry and radio communication technology, humans enjoy greater freedom in communicating. On the other hand, certain problems, such as electromagnetic interference (EMI), have arisen due to the increased use of electromagnetic (EM) waves. EM wave absorbers are used for constructing an anechoic chamber to test and measure EMI and electromagnetic susceptibility (EMS). Prior to 1998, international standards for anechoic chambers required that EM wave absorbers should absorb more 20 dB in the bandwidth from 30 MHz to 1,000 MHz. Since November 1998, however, the Comit International Special des Perturbations Radioelectrigne (CISPR) has required that the frequency bandwidth be extended from 1 GHz to 18 GHz for EMI measurement by the CISPR11. In this work, wide-band EM wave absorbers were designed by a theoretical model using the equivalent material constants method (EMCM). We designed a cross-shaped absorber which has a bandwidth from 30 MHz to above 2 GHz under the tolerance limit of -20 dB in reflection, the results of which were compared with the results analyzed using the finite-difference time-domain method (FDTD). The tapered cross-shaped absorber was also designed, which has a bandwidth from 30 MHz to 26 GHz under the same tolerance limit.

  • Reduction of the Induction Field on Overhead Transmission Lines Caused by Resonance with an MF Broadcast Wave by Using the Method of Selecting Grounding Points

    Takayuki SASAMORI  Teruo TOBANA  Kohshi ABE  Kunio SAWAYA  Saburo ADACHI  Kohji ARITA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)


    A new method is proposed in this paper for reducing the MF broadcast wave induction field on overhead power transmission lines during maintenance and inspection work of the line. Power transmission usually has to be stopped in the circuit being worked on, and the conductors are grounded to the steel towers at both ends of the worked section of the line to prevent electric shocks that may be caused by the commercial frequency induction field induced by the current running through the transmission circuit. In these situations, a very strong RF induction field is sometimes observed in the circuit undergoing maintenance work when a high power MF broadcast antenna is located near the transmission line. It has been found that this strong RF induction is caused by the resonance of one or two wavelengths in the closed loop circuit consisting of the conductors and the steel towers (including the ground), and that the strong induction due to the MF field can be avoided by inserting induction coils of appropriate values between the conductors and the steel towers. In this paper, a simple alternative method for reducing the MF induction field by carefully selecting appropriate towers for the grounding is proposed. In this method, the two towers to be grounded are chosen from among the four towers adjacent to the towers that are being worked on. By selecting the correct two towers to be grounded we can ensure that the resonance frequency does not correspond with the frequency of the broadcast wave, and we demonstrate that the RF induction field can be considerably reduced.

  • Integrated Pre-Fetching and Replacing Algorithm for Graceful Image Caching

    Zhou SU  Teruyoshi WASHIZAWA  Jiro KATTO  Yasuhiko YASUDA  

    PAPER-Multimedia Systems


    The efficient distribution of stored information has become a major concern in the Internet. Since the web workload characteristics show that more than 60% of network traffic is caused by image documents, how to efficiently distribute image documents from servers to end clients is an important issue. Proxy cache is an efficient solution to reduce network traffic. And it has been shown that an image caching method (Graceful Caching) based on hierarchical coding format performs better than conventional caching schemes in recent years. However, as the capacity of the cache is limited, how to efficiently allocate the cache memory to achieve a minimum expected delay time is still a problem to be resolved. This paper presents an integrated caching algorithm to deal with the above problem for image databases, web browsers, proxies and other similar applications in the Internet. By analyzing the web request distribution of the Graceful Caching, both replacing and pre-fetching algorithms are proposed. We also show that our proposal can be carried out based on information readily available in the proxy server; it flexibly adapts its parameters to the hit rates and access pattern of users' requesting documents in the Graceful Caching. Finally we verify the performance of this algorithm by simulations.

  • An Analog/Digital Mixed-Mode Audio Power Amplifier with Novel Ripple Feedback Filter

    Nam-In KIM  Sang-Hwa JUNG  Gyu-Hyeong CHO  

    LETTER-Communication Devices/Circuits


    A digital power amplifier is combined with an analog power amplifier via a new ripple feedback filter for high power audio amplifier. Both high fidelity and high efficiency are achieved owing to the proposed filter in combination with a dynamic control of switching frequency. A prototype having a rated power of 2 kW is built for live concert use and tested successfully.

  • Voice over DSL with Splitting Two Sublayers in AAL2

    Sang-Kil LEE  Myung-Ryul CHOI  

    LETTER-Transmission Systems and Transmission Equipment


    This letter proposes that by separating the two sublayers within AAL2 for VoDSL, a non-ATM-based IAD at customer premises can support AAL2 service through a DSLAM including new functions at the central office. To achieve this goal, AAL2 SSCS for bearer channels is located at the CPE. Also, AAL2 CPS and AAL2 SSCS for frame mode service including SSSAR and SSTED are located at the DSLAM. By doing so, one endpoint of an ATM connection at the customer side moves to the DSLAM. All bearer channels, CAS or CCS signaling and DSS1 relay messages from the customer side are transmitted to voice gateway transparently. As a result, the ATM connection using AAL2 can multiplex CPS packets from more AAL2 users, which improves multiplexing gain, minimizes waiting probability, and significantly decreases the number of cells into ATM networks. The simulation shows that the proposed method results in less ATM traffic and padded cell ratio, compared with the existing method.

  • Capacity Estimation of SIR-Based Power Controlled CDMA Cellular Systems in Presence of Power Control Error

    Lin WANG  A. Hamid AGHVAMI  Williams G. CHAMBERS  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology


    Power control error is well known for its negative effects on CDMA system capacity. In this Letter, an analytical model is developed to estimate the uplink capacity for a SIR-based power controlled CDMA cellular system. The voice capacity reduction due to power control error is numerically examined with this model.

  • Construction of Sequences for Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum Multiple Access (FH-SSMA) Communication System

    Seong-Bok PARK  Kwang-Eog LEE  Soon-Ja KIM  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology


    In generating Frequency-Hopping (FH) sequences for Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum Multiple Access (FH-SSMA) applications, binary maximal-length sequences (m-sequences) over GF(2m) have been preferred because of their characteristics of good Hamming correlation property, long period capability and high speed generation in association with simple hardware implementation based on Feedback Shift Registers (FSR). In practice, however, one difficulty of applying such sequences into the FH-SSMA communication systems with a wide bandwidth such as Military Satellite Communication (MilSatCom) is that the number of hopping frequency slots available may be far from a power of 2 in proportion to the spreading bandwidth. In that case, we can not make good use of the spreading bandwidth. In this paper, we propose a construction of some favorable FH sequences which deals effectively with the above difficulty using FSR and some nonlinear logic by introducing a re-mapping method. We show that the resulting sequences satisfy the (almost) uniform symbol distribution in one period and preserve a reasonably good Hamming correlation property so that they are appropriate for FH-SSMA applications.

  • Frequency-Domain Rake Combining for Antenna Diversity Reception of DS-CDMA Signals

    Fumiyuki ADACHI  Takeshi ITAGAKI  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology


    Frequency-domain representation of the well-known time-domain rake combining for the antenna diversity reception of DS-CDMA signals is derived. Two receiver structures using frequency-domain rake combining are presented. Frequency-domain rake combining can alleviate the complexity problem of the time-domain rake arising from too many paths in a severe frequency selective fading channel at the cost of guard interval insertion. The results shown in this paper show a possibility that a DS-CDMA approach still remain to be promising for broadband wireless access technique.

  • An Interference-Canceller-Aided Code Acquisition Scheme for DS-CDMA Systems with Interference Cancellation

    Jong Bin LEE  Seong Keun OH  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology


    We propose an interference-canceller-aided (ICA) code timing acquisition scheme, code acquisition in short subsequently, for initial synchronization of direct sequence-code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) systems with interference cancellation (IC). The scheme removes completely or partially multiple access interference (MAI) due to the already-synchronized users from the received signal prior to code acquisition of a desired user. Code acquisition is then performed using the MAI-reduced signal. We compare the ICA code acquisition scheme with the conventional non-ICA scheme in terms of the probability of correct acquisition and the code timing accuracy. Simulation results shows that the proposed scheme can accommodate many more users than the conventional one and provide reliable code timing estimates even under many more interfering users.

  • Channel Estimation Based on Trigonometric Polynomial Approximation in OFDM Systems with Transmit Diversity

    Sang-Mun LEE  Hyung-Jin CHOI  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology


    In this letter, we propose an efficient channel estimation scheme using trigonometric polynomial approximation for OFDM systems with transmit diversity. While the conventional channel estimation scheme has a high computational complexity in given channel delay profiles, the proposed scheme is efficient in the computational complexity. Especially, for channels with smaller rms delay spreads, the proposed scheme has improved BER performance and complexity reduction. In addition, we evaluate the performance of maximum delay spread estimation in unknown channel. The performance of the proposed scheme is evaluated by computer simulation in various multi-path fading environments.

  • A Unified Linear Multiuser Receiver for CDMA Systems

    Ha H. NGUYEN  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology


    A unified linear multiuser receiver that minimizes a weighted sum of the multiple access interference (MAI) and the background noise is introduced. The proposed receiver includes the three popular linear receivers, namely the matched-filter, the decorrelating and the minimum mean-square-error receivers as special cases. Furthermore, by tuning a single weighting factor, it is possible to improve the performance of the proposed receiver over that of any of the above mentioned linear receivers.

  • Performance of a Multicell MC-CDMA System with Power Control Errors in Nakagami Fading Channels

    Zexian LI  Matti LATVA-AHO  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology


    The bit error rate (BER) for an uplink multicell multicarrier code-division multiple-access (MC-CDMA) system in Nakagami-m fading channels is derived and expressed in the form of a single integral. The result is obtained without the approximation for the ratio of the interference power from other-cell to the power from the user-of-interest. Numerical results demonstrate the impacts of other-cell interference and power control errors on the BER.

  • A New Doppler Spread Estimation Using FFT

    Goo-Hyun PARK  Daesik HONG  Chang-Eon KANG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology


    In this letter, a novel maximum Doppler spread estimation algorithm for mobile communication systems is proposed. The proposed method uses an average power spectrum of the received signal. The fast Fourier transform (FFT) of received pilot signal, which is related with the maximum Doppler frequency is used for obtaining an instantaneous power spectrum. The proposed algorithm shows a good performance over wide Doppler frequency in low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR<10 dB). Especially, in the proposed method, any other channel information such as SNR is not required.

  • A Simple PAR Reduction Scheme for OFDM-CDMA

    Hyeok-Koo JUNG  Young-Hwan YOU  Yong-Soo CHO  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology


    This letter investigates the peak-to-average power ratio (PAR) reduction scheme employing a simple symbol transform in OFDM-CDMA systems. This approach is very simple because of no additional complexity and works with arbitrary numbers of subcarriers and without restriction on the allocation of spreading code, maintaining an original transmission efficiency. Simulation results show that the investigated scheme gives the PAR reduction gain of 2-3 dB compared to the original OFDM and OFDM-CDMA signals, and can provide the further PAR reduction by combing the partial transmit sequence (PTS) scheme, which is less complex compared to the ordinary PTS approach.

  • GSIC Receiver with Adaptive MMSE Detection for Dual-Rate DS-CDMA System

    Seung Hee HAN  Jae Hong LEE  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology


    In this letter, we present groupwise successive interference cancellation (GSIC) receiver with adaptive minimum mean squared error (MMSE) detection and extended GSIC (EGSIC) receiver with adaptive MMSE detection for dual-rate DS-CDMA system. The receivers are GSIC receiver and EGSIC receiver combined with adaptive MMSE detection which is introduced to make initial bit detection more reliable. Furthermore, a multi-user detection scheme is introduced to mitigate the effect of multiple access interference (MAI) between users in a group which is usually ignored in conventional GSIC receiver and EGSIC receiver. Specifically, parallel interference cancellation (PIC) is adopted as a multi-user detection scheme within a group. It is shown that performance of the GSIC receiver and EGSIC receiver is significantly improved by employing adaptive MMSE detection. It is also shown that the performance of the receivers can be improved further by using PIC within a group.

  • Interlaced Frequency Division Duplexing Scheme for OFDM Systems Using Feedback Information

    Hongku KANG  Yeyun KHO  Kanghee KIM  Kiseon KIM  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology


    In this letter, we propose a robust IFDD scheme employing an interference canceller, which is used for mitigating interferences from the transmitting signal instead of complex filter bank to reduce the complexity, for the OFDM system using feedback information. According to simulation results, the proposed IFDD OFDM system does not show significant performance degradation but maintains the robustness against the fast time-varying multipath channel, while the TDD OFDM system estimating feedback information from receiving block makes serious performance degradation.

  • Performance Impairment of Transmit Diversity OFCDM Systems due to Carrier Frequency Offset

    Kyung-Geun LEE  Hyoung-Kyu SONG  Mi-Jeong KIM  Young-Hwan YOU  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology


    This letter addresses the performance degradation due to carrier frequency offset in an orthogonal frequency and code division multiplexing (OFCDM) systems with multiple transmit antennas. For the performance evaluation, the average bit error rate (BER) expression is derived taking account of the effect of a carrier frequency offset. Derived results show that the BER performance of the space-time coded OFCDM system is less sensitive to a frequency offset, compared to the normal OFCDM system.

  • A NLMS Algorithm for Frequency Offset Estimation of OFDM Communications

    Ann-Chen CHANG  Zhi-Feng HUANG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology


    In this letter, we present a normalized least-mean-square algorithm of blind estimator for carrier frequency offset estimation of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing systems. In conjunction with the closed-loop estimate structure, the proposed efficient algorithm eliminates the inter-carrier interference for time varying carrier frequency offset. The proposed algorithm offers faster convergence speed and more accuracy to the carrier frequency offset estimate. Several computer simulation examples are presented for illustrating and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

  • Performance Analysis of Handoff for Virtual Cellular Network with Centralized/Distributed Resource Control

    Jumin LEE  Hyun-Ho CHOI  Jemin CHUNG  Dong-Ho CHO  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Switching


    A Virtual Cellular Network (VCN) is a wireless cellular network wherein a single Mobile Station (MS) can communicate simultaneously with more than one Base Station (BS). In this paper, we analyze handoff for two kinds of VCN: a 'Distributed Resource-control VCN' (DR-VCN) and a 'Centralized Resource-control VCN' (CR-VCN). A VCN can take advantage of the fact that the same data is received by multiple base stations. The DR-VCN is a system in which every BS controls its own channels, while the CR-VCN is a system wherein a central station controls all system channels. Results from analysis and simulation show that both the new call drop rate and handoff refusal rate of the CR-VCN are much lower than those of the DR-VCN.

  • Cumulative Wavelength Insertion Technique for Reducing Four-Wave Mixing Noise in Multifiber Linear-Lightwave WDM Ring Networks

    Hitoshi OBARA  



    This paper describes how four-wave mixing (FWM) noise within multifiber linear-lightwave WDM ring networks is reduced due to their thin wavelength density. Preliminary numerical analysis for a full-mesh connection pattern shows that a simple wavelength insertion technique can improve FWM noise performance as high as about 10 dB.

  • An Adaptive Beamforming Technique for Smart Antennas in WCDMA System

    Weon-cheol LEE  Seungwon CHOI  Jinho CHOI  Minsoo SUK  

    LETTER-Antennas and Propagation


    A new beamforming technique based on the power method is proposed in this paper. We show that the new technique is quite robust to the angular spread in the received signals making it particularly useful for smart antennas in WCDMA systems. The proposed technique utilizes two primary eigenvectors of the autocovariance matrix of the received data to form the weight vector of a smart antenna. An efficient adaptive procedure combining the power method and deflation method is given to compute the first and second largest eigenvalues with a reasonable complexity and accuracy. To demonstrate the proposed technique, it has been applied to WCDMA signal environment showing its robust and improved performance.

  • Bandwidth of Electronically Steerable Parasitic Array Radiator Antennas in Single Beam Scanning

    Katsuhisa ITO  Akira AKIYAMA  Makoto ANDO  

    LETTER-Antennas and Propagation


    ESPAR (Electronically Steerable Passive Array Radiator) antennas were proposed as candidates for low-cost analog adaptive beamforming. The radiation pattern is controlled in an azimuthal plane by variable reactors loaded on each passive element. This paper estimates the frequency bandwidth of an ESPAR antenna in a single beam scanning operation. Bandwidth in terms of gain is predicted statistically as functions of beam direction and dynamic range of variable reactance. The -3 dB bandwidth of 7-element ESPAR antennas can be about 30%, 25% and 15% for the range of reactance of -100Ω Xn 100Ω, -50Ω Xn 50Ω and -100Ω Xn 0Ω, respectively, while the improper choice of reactance sets results in narrow bandwidth less than 5%.

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