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[Keyword] superconductor(102hit)


  • Approaches to High Performance Terahertz-Waves Emitting Devices Utilizing Single Crystals of High Temperature Superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ Open Access

    Takanari KASHIWAGI  Genki KUWANO  Shungo NAKAGAWA  Mayu NAKAYAMA  Jeonghyuk KIM  Kanae NAGAYAMA  Takuya YUHARA  Takuya YAMAGUCHI  Yuma SAITO  Shohei SUZUKI  Shotaro YAMADA  Ryuta KIKUCHI  Manabu TSUJIMOTO  Hidetoshi MINAMI  Kazuo KADOWAKI  


    E106-C No:6

    Our group has developed terahertz(THz)-waves emitting devices utilizing single crystals of high temperature superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ (Bi2212). The working principle of the device is based on the AC Josephson effect which is originated in the intrinsic Josephson junctions (IJJs) constructed in Bi2212 single crystals. In principle, based on the superconducting gap of the compound and the AC Josephson effect, the emission frequency range from 0.1 to 15 THz can be generated by simply adjusting bias voltages to the IJJs. In order to improve the device performances, we have performed continuous improvement to the device structures. In this paper, we present our recent approaches to high performance Bi2212 THz-waves emitters. Firstly, approaches to the reduction of self Joule heating of the devices is described. In virtue of improved device structures using Bi2212 crystal chips, the device characteristics, such as the radiation frequency and the output power, become better than previous structures. Secondly, developments of THz-waves emitting devices using IJJs-mesas coupled with external structures are explained. The results clearly indicate that the external structures are very useful not only to obtain desired radiation frequencies higher than 1 THz but also to control radiation frequency characteristics. Finally, approaches to further understanding of the spontaneous synchronization of IJJs is presented. The device characteristics obtained through the approaches would play important roles in future developments of THz-waves emitting devices by use of Bi2212 single crystals.

  • Adiabatic Quantum-Flux-Parametron: A Tutorial Review Open Access

    Naoki TAKEUCHI  Taiki YAMAE  Christopher L. AYALA  Hideo SUZUKI  Nobuyuki YOSHIKAWA  


    E105-C No:6

    The adiabatic quantum-flux-parametron (AQFP) is an energy-efficient superconductor logic element based on the quantum flux parametron. AQFP circuits can operate with energy dissipation near the thermodynamic and quantum limits by maximizing the energy efficiency of adiabatic switching. We have established the design methodology for AQFP logic and developed various energy-efficient systems using AQFP logic, such as a low-power microprocessor, reversible computer, single-photon image sensor, and stochastic electronics. We have thus demonstrated the feasibility of the wide application of AQFP logic in future information and communications technology. In this paper, we present a tutorial review on AQFP logic to provide insights into AQFP circuit technology as an introduction to this research field. We describe the historical background, operating principle, design methodology, and recent progress of AQFP logic.

  • A 16-Bit Parallel Prefix Carry Look-Ahead Kogge-Stone Adder Implemented in Adiabatic Quantum-Flux-Parametron Logic

    Tomoyuki TANAKA  Christopher L. AYALA  Nobuyuki YOSHIKAWA  


    E105-C No:6

    Extremely energy-efficient logic devices are required for future low-power high-performance computing systems. Superconductor electronic technology has a number of energy-efficient logic families. Among them is the adiabatic quantum-flux-parametron (AQFP) logic family, which adiabatically switches the quantum-flux-parametron (QFP) circuit when it is excited by an AC power-clock. When compared to state-of-the-art CMOS technology, AQFP logic circuits have the advantage of relatively fast clock rates (5 GHz to 10 GHz) and 5 - 6 orders of magnitude reduction in energy before cooling overhead. We have been developing extremely energy-efficient computing processor components using the AQFP. The adder is the most basic computational unit and is important in the development of a processor. In this work, we designed and measured a 16-bit parallel prefix carry look-ahead Kogge-Stone adder (KSA). We fabricated the circuit using the AIST 10 kA/cm2 High-speed STandard Process (HSTP). Due to a malfunction in the measurement system, we were not able to confirm the complete operation of the circuit at the low frequency of 100 kHz in liquid He, but we confirmed that the outputs that we did observe are correct for two types of tests: (1) critical tests and (2) 110 random input tests in total. The operation margin of the circuit is wide, and we did not observe any calculation errors during measurement.

  • Review of Superconducting Nanostrip Photon Detectors using Various Superconductors Open Access

    Hiroyuki SHIBATA  


    E104-C No:9

    One of the highest performing single-photon detectors in the visible and near-infrared regions is the superconducting nanostrip photon detector (SNSPD or SSPD), which usually uses NbN or NbTiN as the superconductor. Using other superconductors may significantly improve, for example, the operating temperature and count rate characteristics. This paper briefly reviews the current state of the potential, characteristics, thin film growth, and nanofabrication process of SNSPD using various superconductors.

  • Single-Photon Measurement Techniques with a Superconducting Transition Edge Sensor Open Access

    Daiji FUKUDA  


    E102-C No:3

    The optical-transition edge sensors are single-photon detectors that can determine photon energies at visible to telecommunication wavelengths. They offer a high detection efficiency and negligible dark count, which are very attractive qualities for applications in quantum optics or bioimaging. This study reviews the operating principles of such detectors and the current status of their development.

  • Critical Current of Intrinsic Josephson Junctions in Co/Au/BSCCO/Au/Co Hybrid Structure

    Kenichiro MURATA  Kazuhiro YAMAKI  Akinobu IRIE  


    E101-C No:5

    We have investigated the influence of the ferromagnet magnetization on the transport properties of intrinsic Josephson junctions in Co/Au/BSCCO/Au/Co hybrid structure under applied magnetic fields. The current-voltage characteristic at 77K in a zero-field showed the multiple quasiparticle branches with hysteresis similar to that of conventional intrinsic Josephson junctions. On the other hand, it was observed that the critical current shows a clear asymmetric field dependence with respect to the direction of the field sweep, resulting in hysteretic behavior. By comparing the field dependence of critical current with magnetization curve of the sample, we found that the critical current is strongly suppressed in the antiparallel configuration of the relative magnetization orientation of two Co layers due to the accumulation of spin-polarized quasiparticles in intrinsic Josephson junctions. The observed suppression of the critical current is as large as more than 20%.

  • Development of an Advanced Circuit Model for Superconducting Strip Line Detector Arrays Open Access

    Ali BOZBEY  Yuma KITA  Kyohei KAMIYA  Misaki KOZAKA  Masamitsu TANAKA  Takekazu ISHIDA  Akira FUJIMAKI  


    E99-C No:6

    One of the fundamental problems in many-pixel detectors implemented in cryogenics environments is the number of bias and read-out wires. If one targets a megapixel range detector, number of wires should be significantly reduced. One possibility is that the detectors are serially connected and biased by using only one line and read-out is accomplished by on-chip circuitry. In addition to the number of pixels, the detectors should have fast response times, low dead times, high sensitivities, low inter-pixel crosstalk and ability to respond to simultaneous irradiations to individual pixels for practical purposes. We have developed an equivalent circuit model for a serially connected superconducting strip line detector (SSLD) array together with the read-out electronics. In the model we take into account the capacitive effects due to the ground plane under the detector, effects of the shunt resistors fabricated under the SSLD layer, low pass filters placed between the individual pixels that enable individual operation of each pixel and series resistors that prevents the DC bias current flowing to the read-out electronics as well as adjust the time constants of the inductive SSLD loop. We explain the results of investigation of the following parameters: Crosstalk between the neighbor pixels, response to simultaneous irradiation, dead times, L/R time constants, low pass filters, and integration with the SFQ front-end circuit. Based on the simulation results, we show that SSLDs are promising devices for detecting a wide range of incident radiation such as neurons, X-rays and THz waves in many-pixel configurations.

  • Low-Energy Optical-to-Electrical Converters Based on Superconducting Nanowire for Single-Flux-Quantum Circuits Open Access

    Kemmei KAJINO  Shigehito MIKI  Taro YAMASHITA  Hirotaka TERAI  


    E98-C No:3

    We report the energy-efficient optical input interface using NbN superconducting nanowire-based optical-to-electrical (SN-OE) converters for a single-flux-quantum (SFQ) data processing system. The SN-OE converters with small active areas ranging from 1$, imes,$1 to 10$, imes,$10,$mu$m$^2$ were fabricated to improve the recovery time by reducing the kinetic inductance of the nanowire. The SN-OE with the smallest area of 1$, imes,$1 $mu$m$^2$ showed the recovery time of around 0.3 ns, while its detection efficiency for a single photon was reduced below 0.1% due to insufficient coupling efficiency with a single-mode optical fiber. However, the optical power dependence of the error rate of this device showed that the required optical power to achieve the error rate below $10^{-12}$ at 10 GHz operation is as large as 70 $mu$W, which is still one order of magnitude lower than semiconductor photo diodes. We also demonstrated the operation of the SN-OE converters combined with the SFQ readout circuit and confirmed the operating speed up to 77~MHz.

  • High-Tc Superconducting Electronic Devices Based on YBCO Step-Edge Grain Boundary Junctions Open Access

    Shane T. KEENAN  Jia DU  Emma E. MITCHELL  Simon K. H. LAM  John C. MACFARLANE  Chris J. LEWIS  Keith E. LESLIE  Cathy P. FOLEY  


    E96-C No:3

    We outline a number of high temperature superconducting Josephson junction-based devices including superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) developed for a wide range of applications including geophysical exploration, magnetic anomaly detection, terahertz (THz) imaging and microwave communications. All these devices are based on our patented technology for fabricating YBCO step-edge junction on MgO substrates. A key feature to the successful application of devices based on this technology is good stability, long term reliability, low noise and inherent flexibility of locating junctions anywhere on a substrate.

  • Recent Developments of High-Tc Electronic Devices with Multilayer Structures and Ramp-Edge Josephson Junctions Open Access

    Seiji ADACHI  Akira TSUKAMOTO  Tsunehiro HATO  Joji KAWANO  Keiichi TANABE  


    E95-C No:3

    Recent developments of electronic devices containing Josephson junctions (JJ) with high-Tc superconductors (HTS) are reported. In particular, the fabrication process and the properties of superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) with a multilayer structure and ramp-edge-type JJs are described. The JJs were fabricated by recrystallization of an artificially deposited Cu-poor precursory layer. The formation mechanism of the junction barrier is discussed. We have fabricated various types of gradiometers and magnetometers. They have been actually utilized for several application systems, such as a non-destructive evaluation (NDE) system for deep-lying defects in a metallic plate and a reel-to-reel testing system for striated HTS-coated conductors.

  • Terahertz Radiation Emitted from Intrinsic Josephson Junctions in High-Tc Superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ Open Access

    Hidetoshi MINAMI  Manabu TSUJIMOTO  Takanari KASHIWAGI  Takashi YAMAMOTO  Kazuo KADOWAKI  


    E95-C No:3

    The present status of superconducting terahertz emitter using the intrinsic Josephson junctions in high-Tc superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ is reviewed. Fabrication methods of the emitting device, electrical and optical characteristics of them, synchronizing operation of two emitters and an example of applications to the terahertz imaging will be discussed. After the description of fabrication techniques by an Argon ion milling with photolithography or metal masks and by a focused ion beam, optical properties of radiation spectra, the line width, polarization and the spatial distribution of emission are presented with some discussion on the operation mechanism. For electrical properties, reversible and irreversible operations at high and low electrical currents, respectively, and electrical modulation of the radiation intensity for terahertz imaging are presented.

  • Evaluation of Two Methods for Suppressing Ground Current in the Superconducting Integrated Circuits

    Keisuke KUROIWA  Masataka MORIYA  Tadayuki KOBAYASHI  Yoshinao MIZUGAKI  


    E94-C No:3

    Although larger scale integration enhances the practicability of superconducting Josephson circuits, several technical problems begin to emerge during its progress. One of the problems is the increase of current through a ground plane (ground current). Excess ground current produces additional magnetic field and reduces operation margins of the circuits, because superconducting Josephson devices are very sensitive to magnetic field. In this paper, we evaluate current distribution in a superconducting ground plane by means of both experiments and numerical calculation. We also verify two methods for suppressing the ground current. One is a slot structure in the ground plane, and the other is alignment of the current-extraction point. Suppression of the ground current is quantitatively evaluated.

  • A Resonator for Tunable Superconducting Power Filters with Cavities for 5 GHz Band

    Kazunori YAMANAKA  Kazuaki KURIHARA  Akihiko AKASEGAWA  


    E93-C No:4

    A design of the tunable superconducting power filter is described. The filter consists of superconducting microwave cavities with a mechanical tuning method. The electromagnetic simulations using niobium cavity suggested that there were conditions where the resonator with high-unloaded Q can realize a fractional center frequency change of more than 10% by using a Nb rod moving in the cavity. The simulations approximated the resonant frequency dependence of the rod moved by a cryogenic actuator in the tunable cavity experiment. In addition, the simulation of the power handling capability showed a feasibility of the value more than 50 dBW.

  • Analytical Inductance Calculation of Superconducting Stripline by Use of Transformation into Perfect Conductor Model

    Yoshinao MIZUGAKI  Akio KAWAI  Ryuta KASHIWA  Masataka MORIYA  Tadayuki KOBAYASHI  


    E93-C No:4

    We present analytical expression for inductance of a superconducting stripline, a strip sandwiched by two superconducting ground planes. In our method, we utilize the analytical formula for a perfect-conducting stripline derived by Chang in 1976. To utilize Chang's formula, we first transform the structure of a superconducting stripline into that of a perfect-conducting stripline by reducing the thicknesses of the superconducting layers. The thickness reduction is "λ coth (t/λ)" for each (upper or lower) side, where λ and t are the field penetration depth and the layer thickness, respectively. Then, we apply Chang's formula to the transformed stripline model. The calculated results are in good agreement with the numerical and experimental results.

  • A Novel Filter Construction Utilizing HTS Reaction-Type Filter to Improve Adjacent Channel Leakage Power Ratio of Mobile Communication Systems

    Shunichi FUTATSUMORI  Takashi HIKAGE  Toshio NOJIMA  Akihiko AKASEGAWA  Teru NAKANISHI  Kazunori YAMANAKA  


    E92-C No:3

    We propose a new band selective stop filter construction to decrease the out of band intermodulation distortion (IMD) noise generated in the transmitting power amplifier. Suppression of IMD noise directly improves the adjacent channel leakage power ratio (ACLR). A high-temperature superconducting (HTS) device with extremely high-Q performance with very small hybrid IC pattern would make it possible to implement the proposed filter construction as a practical device. To confirm the effectiveness of the HTS reaction-type filter (HTS-RTF) in improving ACLR, investigations based on both experiments and numerical analyses are carried out. The structure of a 5-GHz split open-ring resonator is investigated; its targets include high-unload Q-factor, low current densities, and low radiation. A designed 5-GHz HTS-RTF with 4 MHz suppression bandwidth and more than 40 dB MHz-1 sharp skirt is fabricated and experimentally investigated. The measured ACLR values are improved by a maximum of 12.8 dB and are constant up to the passband signal power of 40 dBm. In addition, to examine the power efficiency improvement offered by noise suppression of the HTS-RTF, numerical analyses based on measured results of gallium nitride HEMT power amplifier characteristics are conducted. The analyzed results shows the drain efficiency of the amplifier can be improved to 44.2% of the amplifier with the filter from the 15.7% of the without filter.

  • High Tc SQUID Detector for Magnetic Metallic Particles in Products Open Access

    Saburo TANAKA  Tomonori AKAI  Yoshimi HATSUKADE  Shuichi SUZUKI  


    E92-C No:3

    High-Tc superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) is an ultra-sensitive magnetic sensor. After the discovery of the high-Tc superconducting materials, the performance of the high-Tc SQUID has been improved and stabilized. One strong candidate for application is a detection system of magnetic foreign matters in industrial products. There is a possibility that ultra-small metallic foreign matter has been accidentally mixed with industrial products such as lithium ion batteries. If this happens, the manufacturer of the product suffers a great loss recalling products. The outer dimension of metallic particles less than 100 micron cannot be detected using X-ray imaging, which is commonly used for the inspection. Therefore a highly sensitive system for small foreign matters is required. We developed detection systems based on high-Tc SQUID for industrial products. We could successfully detect small iron particles of less than 50 micron on a belt conveyer. These detection levels were hard to be achieved using conventional X-ray detection or other methods.

  • Research on Effect of Ferromagnetic Material on the Critical Current of Bi-2223 Tape

    Yi WU  Mingzhe RONG  Jian LI  Xiaohua WANG  

    PAPER-Contact Phenomena

    E91-C No:8

    In this paper we mainly focus on the effect of a ferromagnetic material on the critical current of Bi-2223 tape. The magnetic field distributions of tapes with several different layouts of a ferromagnetic material are investigated by calculation and the corresponding critical current is tested experimentally. The analysis indicates that the critical current of the tape can be improved effectively by laying the ferromagnetic material perpendicularly next to the tape edge. Furthermore, various other ferromagnetic parameters are also important for reducing the magnetic field induced by the current flowing through the tape.

  • Bringing Superconductor Digital Technology to the Market Place

    Martin NISENOFF  


    E91-C No:3

    The unique properties of superconductivity can be exploited to provide the ultimate in electronic technology for systems such as ultra-precise analogue-to-digital and digital-to-analogue converters, precise DC and AC voltage standards, ultra high speed logic circuits and systems (both digital and hybrid analogue-digital systems), and very high throughput network routers and supercomputers which would have superior electrical performance at lower overall electrical power consumption compared to systems with comparable performance which are fabricated using conventional room temperature technologies. This potential for high performance electronics with reduced power consumption would have a positive impact on slowing the increase in the demand for electrical utility power by the information technology community on the overall electrical power grid. However, before this technology can be successfully brought to the commercial market place, there must be an aggressive investment of resources and funding to develop the required infrastructure needed to yield these high performance superconductor systems, which will be reliable and available at low cost. The author proposes that it will require a concerted effort by the superconductor and cryogenic communities to bring this technology to the commercial market place or make it available for widespread use in scientific instrumentation.

  • Superconductor Digital Electronics Past, Present, and Future

    Theodore Van DUZER  


    E91-C No:3

    This paper presents the history of superconductor digital circuits starting from several years after the discovery of the Josephson junction in 1962. The first two decades were mainly devoted to developing voltage-state logic, which is similar to semiconductor logic. Research on circuits employing the manipulation of single magnetic flux quanta resulted in a form called RSFQ in the mid-1980s; this is the basis of superconductor logic systems of today. The more difficult problem of random access memory is reviewed. We analyze the present status of the field and outline the work that lies ahead to realize a successful superconductor digital technology.

  • Proposal of a Desk-Side Supercomputer with Reconfigurable Data-Paths Using Rapid Single-Flux-Quantum Circuits

    Naofumi TAKAGI  Kazuaki MURAKAMI  Akira FUJIMAKI  Nobuyuki YOSHIKAWA  Koji INOUE  Hiroaki HONDA  


    E91-C No:3

    We propose a desk-side supercomputer with large-scale reconfigurable data-paths (LSRDPs) using superconducting rapid single-flux-quantum (RSFQ) circuits. It has several sets of computing unit which consists of a general-purpose microprocessor, an LSRDP and a memory. An LSRDP consists of a lot of, e.g., a few thousand, floating-point units (FPUs) and operand routing networks (ORNs) which connect the FPUs. We reconfigure the LSRDP to fit a computation, i.e., a group of floating-point operations, which appears in a 'for' loop of numerical programs by setting the route in ORNs before the execution of the loop. We propose to implement the LSRDPs by RSFQ circuits. The processors and the memories can be implemented by semiconductor technology. We expect that a 10 TFLOPS supercomputer, as well as a refrigerating engine, will be housed in a desk-side rack, using a near-future RSFQ process technology, such as 0.35 µm process.


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