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Advance publication (published online immediately after acceptance)

Volume E88-D No.5  (Publication Date:2005/05/01)

    Special Section on Cyberworlds

    Yoshinori HATORI  


  • Cyberworlds--Theory, Design and Potential--

    Tosiyasu L. KUNII  



    Cyberworlds are being formed in cyberspaces as computational spaces. Now cyberspaces are rapidly expanding on the Web either intentionally or spontaneously, with or without design. Widespread and intensive local activities are melting each other on the web globally to create cyberworlds. The major key players of cyberworlds include e-finance that trades a GDP-equivalent a day and e-manufacturing that is transforming industrial production into Web shopping of product components and assembly factories. Lacking proper theory and design, cyberworlds have continued to grow chaotic and are now out of human understanding and control. This research first presents a generic theoretical framework and design based on algebraic topology, and also provides an axiomatic approach to theorize the potentials of cyberworlds.

  • A Dialogue-Based Information Retrieval Assistant Using Shallow NLP Techniques in Online Sales Domains

    Harksoo KIM  Choong-Nyoung SEON  Jungyun SEO  



    Most of commercial websites provide customers with menu-driven navigation and keyword search. However, these inconvenient interfaces increase the number of mouse clicks and decrease customers' interest in surfing the websites. To resolve the problem, we propose an information retrieval assistant using a natural language interface in online sales domains. The information retrieval assistant has a client-server structure; a system connector and a NLP (natural language processing) server. The NLP server performs a linguistic analysis of users' queries with the help of coordinated NLP agents that are based on shallow NLP techniques. After receiving the results of the linguistic analysis from the NLP server, the system connector interacts with outer information provision systems such as conventional information retrieval systems and relational database management systems according to the analysis results. Owing to the client-server structure, we can easily add other information provision systems to the information retrieval assistant with trivial modifications of the NLP server. In addition, the information retrieval assistant guarantees fast responses because it uses shallow NLP techniques. In the preliminary experiment, as compared to the menu-driven system, we found that the information retrieval assistant could reduce the bothersome tasks such as menu selecting and mouse clicking because it provides a convenient natural language interface.

  • Extensible Task Simulation with Motion Archive

    Shigeru KURIYAMA  Tomohiko MUKAI  Yusuke IRINO  Kazuyuki ANDA  Toyohisa KANEKO  



    This paper proposes a new framework to produce humanoid animations for simulating human tasks. Natural working movements are generated via management of motion capture data with our simulation package. An extensible middleware controls reactive human behaviors, and all processes of simulation in a cyber factory are controlled through XML documents including motions, scene objects, and behaviors. This package displays simulation using Web3D technology and X3D specifications which can supply a common interface for customizing cyberworlds.

  • A Computer-Based Clinical Teaching-Case System with Emulation of Time Sequence for Medical Education

    Lih-Shyang CHEN  Yuh-Ming CHENG  Sheng-Feng WENG  Chyi-Her LIN  Yong-Kok TAN  



    In medical education, many of computerized Problem-Based Learning (PBL) systems are used into their training curricula. But these systems do not truly reflect the situations which practitioners may actually encounter in a real medical environment, and hence their effectiveness as learning tools is somewhat limited. Therefore, the present study analyzes the computerized PBL teaching case, and considers how a clinical teaching case can best be presented to the student. Specifically, this paper attempts to develop a web-based PBL system which emulates the real clinical situation by introducing the concept of a "time sequence" within each teaching case. The proposed system has been installed in the medical center of National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan for testing purposes. The participants in this study were 50 of 5th grade (equivalent to 1st grade students in a medical school of the American medical education system) students for the evaluation process. Some experiments are conducted to verify the advantages of designing teaching cases with the concept of the "time sequence."

  • A Deformable Fast Computation Elastic Model Based on Element Reduction and Reconstruction

    Shinya MIYAZAKI  Mamoru ENDO  Masashi YAMADA  Junichi HASEGAWA  Takami YASUDA  Shigeki YOKOI  



    This paper presents a deformable fast computation elastic model for real-time processing applications. 'Gradational element resolution model' is introduced with fewer elements for fast computation, in which small elements are laid around the object surface and large elements are laid in the center of the object. Elastic element layout is changed dynamically according to the deformation of cutting or tearing objects. The element reconstruction procedure is applied little by little for each step of the recursive motion generation process to avoid an increase in motion computation time.

  • Web-based Constructive Shape Modeling Using Real Distance Functions

    Pierre-Alain FAYOLLE  Benjamin SCHMITT  Yuichiro GOTO  Alexander PASKO  



    We present an approach and a web-based system implementation for modeling shapes using real distance functions. The system consists of an applet supporting the HyperFun modeling language. The applet is extended with primitives defined by Euclidean distance from a point to the surface of the shape. Set-theoretic operations (union, intersection, difference) that provide an approximation of the Euclidean distance to a shape built in a constructive way are introduced. Such operations have a controllable error of the exact Euclidean distance to the shape and preserve C1 continuity of the overall function, which is an important condition for further operations and applications. The proposed system should help model various shapes, store them in a concise form, and exchange them easily between different entities on a network. The applet offers also the possibility to export the models defined in the HyperFun language to other formats for raytracing or rapid prototyping.

  • Visualization of Text-Based Dialog in a Virtual Classroom for e-Learning

    Kyoko ARIYASU  Ichiro YAMADA  Hideki SUMIYOSHI  Masahiro SHIBATA  Nobuyuki YAGI  



    We have developed a visualization system for dialog text exchanged in e-learning virtual classrooms. In this system, text-based online discussions among learners are effectively visualized as discussions held in a virtual classroom in cyberspace. Discussion participants are displayed as avatars. The virtual classroom maintains the interest of learners because it incorporates professional camerawork and switching know-how based on rules derived from an analysis of 42 TV programs. The gestures of the CG avatar depend on the dialog text. A series of virtual classroom experiments confirmed that elementary and junior high school students maintained an interest in using the system.

  • Efficient Web Browsing with Semantic Annotation: A Case Study of Product Images in E-Commerce Sites

    Jason J. JUNG  Kee-Sung LEE  Seung-Bo PARK  Geun-Sik JO  



    Web browsing task is based on depth-first searching scheme, so that searching relevant information from Web may be very tedious. In this paper, we propose personal browsing assistant system based on user intentions modeling. Before explicitly requested by a user, this system can analyze the prefetched resources from the hyperlinked Webpages and compare them with the estimated user intention, so that it can help him to make a better decision like which Webpage should be requested next. More important problem is the semantic heterogeneity between Web spaces. It makes the understandability of locally annotated resources more difficult. We apply semantic annotation, which is a transcoding procedure with the global ontology. Therefore, each local metadata can be semantically enriched, and efficiently comparable. As testing bed of our experiment, we organized three different online clothes stores whose images are annotated by semantically heterogeneous metadata. We simulated virtual customers navigating these cyberspaces. According to the predefined preferences of customer models, they conducted comparison-shopping. We have shown the reasonability of supporting the Web browsing, and its performance was evaluated as measuring the total size of browsed hyperspace.

  • Sense of Virtual Reality: Effectiveness of Replacing 3D Imagery with 2D/3D Hybrid Imagery

    Shinji TASAKI  Takehisa MATSUSHITA  Kazuhiro KOSHI  Chikamune WADA  Hiroaki KOGA  



    This paper proposed the advantages of using a 2D/3D hybrid imagery system over the use of 3D by itself. A hybrid imagery system was created by projecting a 3D (stereo) image in between and overlapping onto two adjacent 2D images. The negative effect where 2D and 3D images overlap was studied and resolved. Then sensations subject experienced from the visual cues under the different conditions were attained. Participant's sensations while looking at the different forms of imagery on both a flat screen and a flat/inclined screen combination were then attained. The data for the 2D/3D hybrid system were compared with that attained for a 3D image system on its own (without 2D images). Results indicate that there are benefits to using a 2D/3D hybrid system over 3D by itself.

  • A Network Game Based on Fair Random Numbers

    Masaru KAMADA  Kaoru KUROSAWA  Yasuhiro OHTAKI  Shusuke OKAMOTO  



    A compromising technique is proposed for deterring clients from cheating by robot players in skill-based real-time network games. This technique is to inject a fair random noise into the manual input for a real-time game modeled as a chaotic dynamical system. The fair random noise is determined by means of the bit commitment protocol so that neither host nor client can control the noise in their favor. A scenario possibly plotted by a robot player for its victory may be spoiled by slight noise injection because of the sensitivity of chaotic systems to the input. The noise injection brings a luck-based factor into a skill-based game. In this sense, the technique proposed in this paper is not a solution but a compromise for the inherent problem of robot players with the skill-based network games. An example implementation of pinball is presented.

  • New Goal Selection Scheme for Behavioral Animation of Intelligent Virtual Agents

    Andres IGLESIAS  Francisco LUENGO  



    One of the most challenging tasks in computer graphics and cyberworlds is the realistic animation of the behavior of virtual agents emulating human beings and evolving within virtual 3D worlds. In a previous paper, the authors presented a new, sophisticated behavioral system that allows the agents to take intelligent decisions by themselves. A central issue of this process is the adequate choice of appropriate mechanisms for goal selection. This is actually the aim of the present contribution. In this paper a new scheme for goal selection is described. According to it, the goal's priority is calculated as a combination of different agent's internal states (given by mathematical functions also described in this paper) and external factors (which will determine the goal's feasibility). The architecture of the goal selection module as well as its simulation flow are also analyzed in this paper. Finally, the excellent performance of this new scheme is enlightened by means of a simple yet illustrative example.

  • InCom: Support System for Informal Communication in 3D Virtual Worlds Generated from HTML Documents

    Yuusuke NAKANO  Koji TSUKADA  Saeko TAKAGI  Kei IWASAKI  Fujiichi YOSHIMOTO  



    The importance of informal communication on the Internet has been increasing in recent years. Several systems for informal communication have been developed. These systems, however, require a particular server and/or specialized 3D contents. In this paper, we propose a system, named InCom, for informal communication in a 3D virtual environment. Browsers which are component of InCom generate 3D virtual worlds from existing common 2D HTML documents. Browsers communicate in a peer-to-peer manner. Using avatars makes gaze awareness smooth. Our results show that users shared interests by gaze awareness.

  • Corporate Knowledge in Cyberworlds

    Pierre MARET  Jacques CALMET  



    The aim of this paper is to propose a modeling of corporate knowledge in cyberworlds. An enterprise is considered in the framework of multiagent methodology as a distributed computational system. The Agent-Oriented Abstraction paradigm was proposed earlier to describe in a fully generic way agents and societies of agents. In this paper, we are investigating the application of this paradigm to the abstract modeling of corporate knowledge, extending the scope of traditional knowledge management approaches. We show that such an abstraction mechanism leads to very practical applications for cyberworlds whether on the web or on any other medium. Our approach covers the broader possible scope of corporate knowledge, emphasizing the distributivity and autonomy of agents within cyber systems. This approach can be further used to better simulate and support knowledge management processes.

  • Immersive Multi-Projector Display on Hybrid Screens with Human-Scale Haptic Interface

    Seungzoo JEONG  Naoki HASHIMOTO  Makoto SATO  



    Many immersive displays developed in previous researches are strongly influenced by the design concept of the CAVE, which is the origin of the immersive displays. In the view of human-scale interactive system for virtual environment (VE), the existing immersive systems are not enough to use the potential of a human sense further extent. The displays require more complicated structure for flexible extension, and are more restrictive to user's movement. Therefore we propose a novel multi-projector display for immersive VE with haptic interface for more flexible and dynamic interaction. The display part of our system named "D-vision" has a hybrid curved screen which consist of compound prototype with flat and curve screen. This renders images seamlessly in real time, and generates high-quality stereovision by PC cluster and two-pass technology. Furthermore a human-scale string-based haptic device will integrate with the D-vision for more interactive and immersive VE. In this paper, we show an overview of the D-vision and technologies used for the human-scale haptic interface.

  • A Remote Diagnosis System for Rotating Machinery Using Virtual Reality

    Moez BELLAMINE  Norihiro ABE  Kazuaki TANAKA  Hirokazu TAKI  



    It is important to look for alternative forms of physical movement of people and equipments in order to assure diagnosis and maintenance tasks, especially in an environment where workers are subject to danger. An evident and classical solution is the use of the tele-operation and tele-robotics. If the tele-operation helps to solve a lot of real and technical problems, it still remains insufficient to assure an appropriate remote diagnosis and maintenance. The use of virtual reality techniques with the tele-operation can be the solution for an effective remote maintenance and diagnosis. In this paper we show the inefficiency occurred with the use of only tele-operation in the remote maintenance, we introduce our original new system where we use virtual reality techniques and 2D-3D matching (2D camera image-3D virtual objects) with tele-operation to remotely collect machinery vibration data. We explain its structure, implementation and its advantages. We finished by experimenting the system, measuring the different operating times and precision and discuss the results.

  • A Method for Fast Rendering of Caustics from Refraction by Transparent Objects

    Kei IWASAKI  Fujiichi YOSHIMOTO  Yoshinori DOBASHI  Tomoyuki NISHITA  



    Caustics are patterns of light focused by reflective or refractive objects. Because of their visually fascinating patterns, several methods have been developed to render caustics. We propose a method for the quick rendering of caustics formed by refracted and converged light through transparent objects. First, in the preprocess, we calculate sampling rays incident on each vertex of the object, and trace the rays until they leave the object taking refraction into account. The position and direction of each ray that finally transmits the transparent object are obtained and stored in a lookup table. Next, in the rendering process, when the object is illuminated, the positions and directions of the rays leaving the object are calculated using the lookup table. This makes it possible to render refractive caustics due to transparent objects at interactive frame rates, allowing us to change the light position and direction, and translate and rotate the object.

  • "Web-Com": Interactive Browser for Web-Based Education

    Kazuki HIRAKI  Tatsuhiro YONEKURA  Susumu SHIBUSAWA  



    We developed a Web-based education system called "Web-Com". It supports synchronous and asynchronous learning. It consists of an interactive web browser and voice server. Web-Com provides a multi-layer drawable canvas on which the user can draw annotations. Each layer can be shared with other users in real-time via the Internet to enable synchronous learning. In conjunction with the voice server, Web-Com can support voice communication. It can also replay the process of annotation in order, which enables asynchronous learning. Finally, a subject experiment is conducted to evaluate the scheme's workability and explore various issues that arise during the course of learning. The experimental results show that learners can learn fairly interactively with an instructor in a Web-Based class using Web-Com's synchronous style.

  • A Protocol for Real-Time Remote Musical Session

    Masahiro YOSHIDA  Yuka OBU  Tatsuhiro YONEKURA  



    Performing a musical session via networks requires real-time interaction. There exists, however, the problem of delay between the network nodes, which causes musical sessions become an impediment. To overcome this problem, we have proposed a new protocol for musical session called Mutual Anticipated Session (M.A.S.), which is a type of ensemble that controls appropriate timing of sounds. In the M.A.S, one player's performance precedes the other players', thus this performance is called a "precedent musical performance," and we call a time lapse between the players' performance as "precedent time." In the current M.A.S, it is assumed that the tempo during the performance is constant. In such a case, however, players' requirements to perform more expressively or more emotionally by varying the tempo are sacrificed. Thus, in this paper, enhancement of function that accommodates changes of the tempo by predicting tendency of it is realized. Finally we evaluate the enhancement both by system performance test and by task performance of subject experiments.

  • A Protocol for Peer-to-Peer Multi-Player Networked Virtual Ball Game

    Tatsuhiro YONEKURA  Yoshihiro KAWANO  



    This paper reports our study of how to gain consistency of states in a ball-game typed Distributed Virtual Environment (DVE) with lag, in peer-to-peer (P2P) architecture. That is, we are studying how to reduce in real-time the difference of states between the participating terminals in a virtual ball game caused by transmission lag or update interval. We are also studying how to control shared objects in real-time in a server-less network architecture. Specifically, a priority field called Allocated Topographical Zone (AtoZ) is used in P2P for DVE. By implementing this function, each terminal can compute which avatar holds the ownership of a shared object by calculating mutually the state of the local avatar predicted by the remote terminals. The region for ownership determined by AtoZ allows an avatar to access and control an object dominantly, so that a geometrical property is dynamically changed depending upon the relative arrangement between the object and avatars. Moreover considering the critical case, defined as inconsistent phenomena between the peers, caused by the network latency, a stricter ownership determination algorithm, called dead zone is introduced. By using these protocols in combination, a robust and effective scheme is achieved for a virtual ball game. As an example of the application, a real-time networked doubles air-hockey is implemented for evaluation of the influence of these protocols on interactivity and on consistency.

  • A Framework of Time, Place, Purpose and Personal Profile Based Recommendation Service for Mobile Environment

    Sineenard PINYAPONG  Toshikazu KATO  



    Nowadays more people have started using their mobile phone to access information they need from anywhere at anytime. In advanced mobile technology, Location Service allows users to quickly pinpoint their location as well as makes a recommendation to fascinating events. However, users desire more appropriate recommendation services. In other words, the message service should push a message at a proper place in time. In consequence, customers obtain a higher level of satisfaction. In this paper, we propose a framework of time, place, purpose and personal profile based recommendation service. We illustrate scenarios in "push", "pull" and "don't disturb" services, where our DB queries can recommend the relevant message to users. The three factors: time, place and purpose are mutually dependent and the basic rules to analyze the essential data are summarized. We also create algorithms for DB query. We are filtering messages by one important factor: personal profile such as user's preference and degree of preference. Furthermore, we discuss an implementation of the prototype system, including results of experimental evaluation.

  • Visual-Dimension Interact System (VIS)

    Atsushi ONDA  Tomoyuki OKU  Eddie YU  Yoshie LEE  Ikuro CHOH  Pei-Yi CHIU  Jun OHYA  



    In this paper we describe a mixed reality-supported interactive viewing enhancement museum display system: Visual-dimension Interact System (VIS). With a transparent interactive interface, the museum visitor is able to see, manipulate, and interact with the physical exhibit and its virtual information, which are overlapped on one other. Furthermore, this system provides the possibility for visitor to experience the creation process in an environment as close as possible to the real process. This has the function of assisting the viewer in understanding the exhibit and most importantly, gaining a so-to-speak hands-on experience of the creation process itself leading to a deeper understanding of it.

  • Design of Realtime 3-D Sound Processing System

    Kosuke TSUJINO  Kazuhiko FURUYA  Wataru KOBAYASHI  Tomonori IZUMI  Takao ONOYE  Yukihiro NAKAMURA  



    An interactive 3-D sound processing system and its implementation is described, which is to provide virtual auditory environments to listeners. While conventional 3-D sound processing systems require high performance workstations or large DSP arrays, the proposed system is reduced in hardware size for practical applications. The proposed system is implemented using a prevailing IBM-compatible PC and a single DSP. Since the organization of the proposed system is independent of implementation details such as operation precision and number of audio tracks, the proposed system can be ported to various hardware entities. In addition, an easy-to-use user interface is also implemented on PC software for realtime input of 3-D sound movement. Owing to these features, the presented system is valuable as a prototype for various implementation of 3-D sound processing systems, while the current implementation is useful as a 3-D sound content production system.

  • Scale-Space Processing of Point-Sampled Geometry for Efficient 3D Object Segmentation

    Hamid LAGA  Hiroki TAKAHASHI  Masayuki NAKAJIMA  



    In this paper, we present a novel framework for analyzing and segmenting point-sampled 3D objects. Our algorithm computes a decomposition of a given point set surface into meaningful components, which are delimited by line features and deep concavities. Central to our method is the extension of the scale-space theory to the three-dimensional space to allow feature analysis and classification at different scales. Then, a new surface classifier is computed and used in an anisotropic diffusion process via partial differential equations (PDEs). The algorithm avoids the misclassifications due to fuzzy and incomplete line features. Our algorithm operates directly on points requiring no vertex connectivity information. We demonstrate and discuss its performance on a collection of point sampled 3D objects including CAD and natural models. Applications include 3D shape matching and retrieval, surface reconstruction and feature preserving simplification.

  • Regular Section
  • Automatic Repair Mechanism of Secret Sharing Storage System

    Daisuke HAYASHI  Toshiyuki MIYAMOTO  Shinji DOI  Sadatoshi KUMAGAI  



    For mission-critical and safety-critical systems such as medical, financial, or administrative information systems, a secure and reliable storage system is indispensable. The main purpose of our research is to develop a highly secure and highly reliable storage system. We have proposed a storage system that utilizes a secret sharing scheme. The storage system is called the Secret Sharing Storage System. So far, we have developed a prototype of the storage system. In this paper, we propose an automatic repair mechanism, and an interval decision method for this system.

  • Video Data Transmission Protocol "SVFTP" Using Multiple TCP Connections and Its Application

    Shigeyuki SAKAZAWA  Yasuhiro TAKISHIMA  Yoshinori KITATSUJI  Yasuyuki NAKAJIMA  Masahiro WADA  Kazuo HASHIMOTO  



    This paper presents a novel data transmission protocol "SVFTP," which enables high-speed and error-free video data transmission over IP networks. A video transmission system based on SVFTP is also presented. While conventional protocols are designed for file transmission, SVFTP focuses on video data as a continuous media. In order to fit a flexible video transmission system, SVFTP achieves higher throughput on the long distance link as well as transmission interruption/resumption and progressive download and play back. In addition, a rate shaping mechanism for SVFTP is introduced in order to control greediness and burst traffic of multiple-TCP sessions. Laboratory and field transmission experiments show that SVFTP achieves high performance and functionality.

  • Hybrid Pattern BIST for Low-Cost Core Testing Using Embedded FPGA Core

    Gang ZENG  Hideo ITO  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing


    In the Reconfigurable System-On-a-Chip (RSOC), an FPGA core is embedded to improve the design flexibility of SOC. In this paper, we demonstrate that the embedded FPGA core is also feasible for use in implementing the proposed hybrid pattern Built-In Self-Test (BIST) in order to reduce the test cost of SOC. The hybrid pattern BIST, which combines Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) with the proposed on-chip Deterministic Test Pattern Generator (DTPG), can achieve not only complete Fault Coverage (FC) but also minimum test sequence by applying a selective number of pseudorandom patterns. Furthermore, the hybrid pattern BIST is designed under the resource constraint of target FPGA core so that it can be implemented on any size of FPGA core and take full advantage of the target FPGA resource to reduce test cost. Moreover, the reconfigurable core-based approach has minimum hardware overhead since the FPGA core can be reconfigured as normal mission logic after testing such that it eliminates the hardware overhead of BIST logic. Experimental results for ISCAS 89 benchmarks and a platform FPGA chip have proven the efficiency of the proposed approach.

  • Acquisition and Maintenance of Knowledge for Online Navigation Suggestions

    Juan D. VELASQUEZ  Richard WEBER  Hiroshi YASUDA  Terumasa AOKI  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science


    The Internet has become an important medium for effective marketing and efficient operations for many institutions. Visitors of a particular web site leave behind valuable information on their preferences, requirements, and demands regarding the offered products and/or services. Understanding these requirements online, i.e., during a particular visit, is both a difficult technical challenge and a tremendous business opportunity. Web sites that can provide effective online navigation suggestions to their visitors can exploit the potential inherent in the data such visits generate every day. However, identifying, collecting, and maintaining the necessary knowledge that navigation suggestions are based on is far from trivial. We propose a methodology for acquiring and maintaining this knowledge efficiently using data mart and web mining technology. Its effectiveness has been shown in an application for a bank's web site.

  • CHQ: A Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Scheme for Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes

    Hiroshi OSADA  Satoshi FUJITA  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science


    In this paper, we propose a new reinforcement learning scheme called CHQ that could efficiently acquire appropriate policies under partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDP) involving probabilistic state transitions, that frequently occurs in multi-agent systems in which each agent independently takes a probabilistic action based on a partial observation of the underlying environment. A key idea of CHQ is to extend the HQ-learning proposed by Wiering et al. in such a way that it could learn the activation order of the MDP subtasks as well as an appropriate policy under each MDP subtask. The goodness of the proposed scheme is experimentally evaluated. The result of experiments implies that it can acquire a deterministic policy with a sufficiently high success rate, even if the given task is POMDP with probabilistic state transitions.

  • The Real-Time Haptic Simulation of a Biomedical Volumetric Object with Shape-Retaining Chain Linked Model

    Sang-Youn KIM  Jinah PARK  Dong-Soo KWON  

    PAPER-Human-computer Interaction


    This paper presents a new model which computes the deformation and the feedback force of high-resolution biomedical volumetric objects consisting of hundreds of thousands of volume elements. The main difficulty in the simulation of these high-resolution volumetric objects is to compute and generate stable feedback force from the objects within a haptic update time (1 msec). In our model, springs are used in order to represent material properties of volume elements and cylinders are used to activate corresponding springs according to the amount of deformation. Unlike in a mass-spring model, springs in our model have constraint conditions. In our model, the deformation is calculated locally and then is propagated outward through object's volume as if a chain is pulled or pushed. The deformed configuration is then used to compute the object's internal potential energy that is reflected to the user. The simple nature of our model allows the much faster calculation of the deformation and the feedback force from the volumetric deformable object than the conventional model (an FEM or a mass-spring model). Experiments are conducted with homogenous and non-homogenous volumetric cubic objects and a volumetric human liver model obtained from CT data at a haptic update rate of 1000 Hz and a graphic update rate of 100 Hz to show that our model can be utilized in the real-time volume haptic rendering. We verify that our model provides a realistic haptic feeling for the user in real time through comparative study.

  • Efficient Wavelet-Based Image Retrieval Using Coarse Segmentation and Fine Region Feature Extraction

    Yongqing SUN  Shinji OZAWA  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing


    Semantic image segmentation and appropriate region content description are crucial issues for region-based image retrieval (RBIR). In this paper, a novel region-based image retrieval method is proposed, which performs fast coarse image segmentation and fine region feature extraction using the decomposition property of image wavelet transform. First, coarse image segmentation is conducted efficiently in the Low-Low(LL) frequency subband of image wavelet transform. Second, the feature vector of each segmented region is hierarchically extracted from all different wavelet frequency subbands, which captures the distinctive feature (e.g., semantic texture) inside one region finely. Experiment results show the efficiency and the effectiveness of the proposed method for region-based image retrieval.

  • Video Post-Processing with Adaptive 3-D Filters for Wavelet Ringing Artifact Removal

    Boštjan MARUŠI  Primo SKOIR  Jurij TASI  Andrej KOŠIR  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing


    This paper reports on the suitability of the SUSAN filter for the removal of artifacts that result from quantization errors in wavelet video coding. In this paper two extensions of the original filter are described. The first uses a combination of 2-D spatial filtering followed by 1-D temporal filtering along motion trajectories, while the second extension is a pure 3-D motion compensated SUSAN filter. The SUSAN approach effectively reduces coding artifacts, while preserving the original signal structure, by relying on a simple pixel-difference-based classification procedure. Results reported in the paper clearly indicate that both extensions efficiently reduce ringing that is the prevalent artifact perceived in wavelet-based coded video. Experimental results indicate an increase in perceptual as well as objective (PSNR) decoded video quality, which is competitive with state-of-the-art post-processing algorithms, especially when low computational demands of the proposed approach are taken into account.

  • Selective-Attention Correlation Measure for Precision Video Tracking

    Jae-Soo CHO  Byoung-Ju YUN  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision


    In this paper, the false-peaks problem of the conventional correlation-based video tracking is investigated using a simple mathematical analysis. To reduce the false detection problem, a selective-attention correlation measure is proposed. The problem with the conventional correlation measures is that all pixels in the reference block image are equally treated in the computation of the correlation measures irrespective of target or background pixels. Therefore, the more the reference block image includes background pixels, the higher probability of false-peaks is introduced due to the correlation between the background pixels of the reference block and those of the input search image. The proposed selective-attention correlation measure has different consideration according to target and background pixels in the matching process, which conform with the selective-attention property of human visual system. Various computer simulations validated these analyses and confirmed that the proposed selective-attention measure is effective to reduce considerably the probability of the false-peaks.

  • Determining Front-Facing Polygons for Dynamic and Deformable Objects

    Hsien-Hsi HSIEH  Wen-Kai TAI  

    PAPER-Computer Graphics


    In this paper, we present a simple and practical method for determining the front-facing polygons for static, dynamic, and deformable objects. The object space is considered a set of open-frustum regions. A bit string associated with each region records polygons for their extended positive half space intersecting the corresponding region. For a given viewpoint, the bit string of the set of the front facing polygons can be determined in a constant time. While objects continuously keep deforming and/or remain in motion in each frame, we update set of bit strings, determined as minimal as possible by the spatial coherence, making our method still perform efficiently.

  • Formulation of Mobile Agent Allocation and Its Strong NP-Completeness

    Atsushi SASAKI  Tadashi ARARAGI  Shigeru MASUYAMA  Keizo MIYATA  

    LETTER-Complexity Theory


    We formally define the mobile agent allocation problem from a system-wide viewpoint and then prove that it is strongly NP-complete even if each agent communicates only with two agents. This is the first formal definition for scheduling mobile agents from the viewpoint of load balancing, which enables us to discuss its properties on a rigorous basis. The problem is recognized as preemptive scheduling with independent tasks that require mutual communication. The result implies that almost all subproblems of mobile agent allocation, which require mutual communication of agents, are strongly NP-complete.

  • Speculative Branch Folding for Pipelined Processors

    Sang-Hyun PARK  Sungwook YU  Jung-Wan CHO  

    LETTER-Computer Systems


    This paper proposes an effective branch folding technique which combines branch instructions with predicted instructions. This technique can be implemented using an instruction queue, which buffers prefetched instructions. Most of the instructions in the instruction queue are forwarded to the execution unit in sequence. Branch instructions, however, are combined with predicted instructions in the instruction queue and these folded instructions are forwarded to the execution unit. Miss-prediction can be recovered by flushing folded instructions without processor state recovery and by restarting from the other path. Simulation and implementation results show that both performance and power consumption are significantly improved with little additional hardware cost.

  • Torus Ring: Improving Interconnection Network Performance by Modifying Hierarchical Ring

    Jong Wook KWAK  Hyong Jin BAN  Chu Shik JHON  

    LETTER-Computer Systems


    In this letter, we propose "Torus Ring", which is a modified version of 2-level hierarchical ring. The Torus Ring has the same complexity as the hierarchical rings, since the only difference is the way it connects the local rings. It has an advantage over the hierarchical ring when the destination of a packet is the adjacent local ring, especially to the backward direction. Although we assume that the destination of a network packet is uniformly distributed across the processing nodes, the average number of hops in Torus Ring is equal to that of the hierarchical ring. However, the performance gain of the Torus Ring is expected to increase, due to the spatial locality of the application programs in the real parallel programming environment. In the simulation results, latencies of the interconnection network are reduced by up to 19%, with moderate ring utilization ratios.

  • An Improved Neighbor Selection Algorithm in Collaborative Filtering

    Taek-Hun KIM  Sung-Bong YANG  

    LETTER-Contents Technology and Web Information Systems


    Nowadays, customers spend much time and effort in finding the best suitable goods since more and more information is placed on-line. To save their time and effort in searching the goods they want, a customized recommender system is required. In this paper we present an improved neighbor selection algorithm that exploits a graph approach. The graph approach allows us to exploit the transitivity of similarities. The algorithm searches more efficiently for set of influential customers with respect to a given customer. We compare the proposed recommendation algorithm with other neighbor selection methods. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms other methods.

  • An Efficient Mobile Code Authentication Scheme that Permits Overlapping of Execution and Downloading

    JaeYong JEONG  Yongsu PARK  Yookun CHO  



    When an application code is downloaded from an unknown server to the mobile device, it is important to authenticate the code. Usually, code execution is overlapped with downloading to reduce transfer/invocation delay. In this letter, we present an efficient code authentication scheme that permits overlapping of execution and downloading when the sequence of code execution is determined during the execution time. The proposed scheme is based on authentication trees. Compared with the tree chaining scheme, the proposed scheme has lower communication overhead and shorter average verification delay. Also, the computation cost of the proposed scheme on the receiver is much smaller than that of the tree chaining scheme.

  • Increased Video Compression with Error-Resilience Capability Based on Macroblock Processing

    Tanzeem MUZAFFAR  Tae-Sun CHOI  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing


    The rapid growth of multimedia applications has increased interest in the compression of video data. This paper presents a new method for improving the compression ratio of video data, which can be easily used in a multilayer environment for error resilience applications as well. Data of four luminance blocks in a macroblock are processed and arranged in such a way that important macroblock data is compressed in one block(A), while the rest of the three remaining data blocks(H,V,D) are given difference values in the horizontal, vertical and diagonal directions. This results in a reduced bitstream size because of the low-valued data present in the three blocks(H,V,D), giving better compression at low bitrates. In an error resilient environment, the important data block in a macroblock is transmitted in a secure channel while the remaining three blocks with difference data are sent via a lossy channel. If error occurs in the lossy channel, picture can still be reconstructed with reasonably good quality using only the block data that is transmitted in the secure channel.

  • Unified Approach to Image Distortion: D-U and U-D Models

    Toru TAMAKI  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision


    We propose a unified view to deal with two formulations of image distortion and a method for estimating the distortion parameters for both of the formulations; So far the formulations have been developed separately. The proposed method is based on image registration and consists of nonlinear optimization to estimate parameters including view change and radial distortion. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach can deal with the two formulations simultaneously.

  • Topic Document Model Approach for Naive Bayes Text Classification

    Sang-Bum KIM  Hae-Chang RIM  Jin-Dong KIM  

    LETTER-Natural Language Processing


    The multinomial naive Bayes model has been widely used for probabilistic text classification. However, the parameter estimation for this model sometimes generates inappropriate probabilities. In this paper, we propose a topic document model for the multinomial naive Bayes text classification, where the parameters are estimated from normalized term frequencies of each training document. Experiments are conducted on Reuters 21578 and 20 Newsgroup collections, and our proposed approach obtained a significant improvement in performance compared to the traditional multinomial naive Bayes.

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