Xiaosheng YU Jianning CHI Ming XU
Accurate segmentation of fundus vessel structure can effectively assist doctors in diagnosing eye diseases. In this paper, we propose a fundus blood vessel segmentation network combined with cross-modal features and verify our method on the public data set OCTA-500. Experimental results show that our method has high accuracy and robustness.
Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing with index modulation (OFDM-IM) is a novel scheme where the information bits are conveyed through the subcarrier activation pattern (SAP) and the symbols on the active subcarriers. Specifically, the subcarriers are partitioned into many subblocks and the subcarriers in each subblock can have two states, active or idle. Unfortunately, OFDM-IM inherits the high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) problem from the classical OFDM. The OFDM-IM signal with high PAPR induces in-band distortion and out-of-band radiation when it passes through high power amplifier (HPA). Recently, there are attempts to reduce PAPR by exploiting the unique structure of OFDM-IM, which is adding dither signals in the idle subcarriers. The most recent work dealing with the dither signals is using dithers signals with various amplitude constraints according to the characteristic of the corresponding OFDM-IM subblock. This is reasonable because OFDM subblocks have distinct levels of robustness against noise. However, the amplitude constraint in the recent work is efficient for only additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels and cannot be used for maximum likelihood (ML) detection. Therefore, in this paper, based on pairwise error probability (PEP) analysis, a specific constraint for the dither signals is derived over a Rayleigh fading channel.
Risheng QIN Hua KUANG He JIANG Hui YU Hong LI Zhuan LI
This paper proposes a determination method of the cascaded number for lumped parameter models (LPMs) of the transmission lines. The LPM is used to simulate long-distance transmission lines, and the cascaded number significantly impacts the simulation results. Currently, there is a lack of a system-level determination method of the cascaded number for LPMs. Based on the theoretical analysis and eigenvalue decomposition of network matrix, this paper discusses the error in resonance characteristics between distributed parameter model and LPMs. Moreover, it is deduced that optimal cascaded numbers of the cascaded π-type and T-type LPMs are the same, and the Γ-type LPM has a lowest analog accuracy. The principle that the maximum simulation frequency is less than the first resonance frequency of each segment is presented. According to the principle, optimal cascaded numbers of cascaded π-type, T-type, and Γ-type LPMs are obtained. The effectiveness of the proposed determination method is verified by simulation.
The prediction of peak power load is a critical factor directly impacting the stability of power supply, characterized significantly by its time series nature and intricate ties to the seasonal patterns in electricity usage. Despite its crucial importance, the current landscape of power peak load forecasting remains a multifaceted challenge in the field. This study aims to contribute to this domain by proposing a method that leverages a combination of three primary models - the GRU model, self-attention mechanism, and Transformer mechanism - to forecast peak power load. To contextualize this research within the ongoing discourse, it’s essential to consider the evolving methodologies and advancements in power peak load forecasting. By delving into additional references addressing the complexities and current state of the power peak load forecasting problem, this study aims to build upon the existing knowledge base and offer insights into contemporary challenges and strategies adopted within the field. Data preprocessing in this study involves comprehensive cleaning, standardization, and the design of relevant functions to ensure robustness in the predictive modeling process. Additionally, recognizing the necessity to capture temporal changes effectively, this research incorporates features such as “Weekly Moving Average” and “Monthly Moving Average” into the dataset. To evaluate the proposed methodologies comprehensively, this study conducts comparative analyses with established models such as LSTM, Self-attention network, Transformer, ARIMA, and SVR. The outcomes reveal that the models proposed in this study exhibit superior predictive performance compared to these established models, showcasing their effectiveness in accurately forecasting electricity consumption. The significance of this research lies in two primary contributions. Firstly, it introduces an innovative prediction method combining the GRU model, self-attention mechanism, and Transformer mechanism, aligning with the contemporary evolution of predictive modeling techniques in the field. Secondly, it introduces and emphasizes the utility of “Weekly Moving Average” and “Monthly Moving Average” methodologies, crucial in effectively capturing and interpreting seasonal variations within the dataset. By incorporating these features, this study enhances the model’s ability to account for seasonal influencing factors, thereby significantly improving the accuracy of peak power load forecasting. This contribution aligns with the ongoing efforts to refine forecasting methodologies and addresses the pertinent challenges within power peak load forecasting.
Highly conflicting evidence that may lead to the counter-intuitive results is one of the challenges for information fusion in Dempster-Shafer evidence theory. To deal with this issue, evidence conflict is investigated based on belief divergence measuring the discrepancy between evidence. In this paper, the pignistic probability transform belief χ2 divergence, named as BBχ2 divergence, is proposed. By introducing the pignistic probability transform, the proposed BBχ2 divergence can accurately quantify the difference between evidence with the consideration of multi-element sets. Compared with a few belief divergences, the novel divergence has more precision. Based on this advantageous divergence, a new multi-source information fusion method is devised. The proposed method considers both credibility weights and information volume weights to determine the overall weight of each evidence. Eventually, the proposed method is applied in target recognition and fault diagnosis, in which comparative analysis indicates that the proposed method can realize the highest accuracy for managing evidence conflict.
Tetsushi YUGE Yasumasa SAGAWA Natsumi TAKAHASHI
This paper discusses the resilience of networks based on graph theory and stochastic process. The electric power network where edges may fail simultaneously and the performance of the network is measured by the ratio of connected nodes is supposed for the target network. For the restoration, under the constraint that the resources are limited, the failed edges are repaired one by one, and the order of the repair for several failed edges is determined with the priority to the edge that the amount of increasing system performance is the largest after the completion of repair. Two types of resilience are discussed, one is resilience in the recovery stage according to the conventional definition of resilience and the other is steady state operational resilience considering the long-term operation in which the network state changes stochastically. The second represents a comprehensive capacity of resilience for a system and is analytically derived by Markov analysis. We assume that the large-scale disruption occurs due to the simultaneous failure of edges caused by the common cause failures in the analysis. Marshall-Olkin type shock model and α factor method are incorporated to model the common cause failures. Then two resilience measures, “operational resilience” and “operational resilience in recovery stage” are proposed. We also propose approximation methods to obtain these two operational resilience measures for complex networks.
Pingping WANG Xinyi ZHANG Yuyan ZHAO Yueti LI Kaisheng XU Shuaiyin ZHAO
Leukemia is a common and highly dangerous blood disease that requires early detection and treatment. Currently, the diagnosis of leukemia types mainly relies on the pathologist’s morphological examination of blood cell images, which is a tedious and time-consuming process, and the diagnosis results are highly subjective and prone to misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis. This research suggests a blood cell image recognition technique based on an enhanced Vision Transformer to address these problems. Firstly, this paper incorporate convolutions with token embedding to replace the positional encoding which represent coarse spatial information. Then based on the Transformer’s self-attention mechanism, this paper proposes a sparse attention module that can select identifying regions in the image, further enhancing the model’s fine-grained feature expression capability. Finally, this paper uses a contrastive loss function to further increase the intra-class consistency and inter-class difference of classification features. According to experimental results, The model in this study has an identification accuracy of 92.49% on the Munich single-cell morphological dataset, which is an improvement of 1.41% over the baseline. And comparing with sota Swin transformer, this method still get greater performance. So our method has the potential to provide reference for clinical diagnosis by physicians.
The steady-state and convergence performances are important indicators to evaluate adaptive algorithms. The step-size affects these two important indicators directly. Many relevant scholars have also proposed some variable step-size adaptive algorithms for improving performance. However, there are still some problems in these existing variable step-size adaptive algorithms, such as the insufficient theoretical analysis, the imbalanced performance and the unachievable parameter. These problems influence the actual performance of some algorithms greatly. Therefore, we intend to further explore an inherent relationship between the key performance and the step-size in this paper. The variation of mean square deviation (MSD) is adopted as the cost function. Based on some theoretical analyses and derivations, a novel variable step-size algorithm with a dynamic limited function (DLF) was proposed. At the same time, the sufficient theoretical analysis is conducted on the weight deviation and the convergence stability. The proposed algorithm is also tested with some typical algorithms in many different environments. Both the theoretical analysis and the experimental result all have verified that the proposed algorithm equips a superior performance.
Gyulim KIM Hoojin LEE Xinrong LI Seong Ho CHAE
This letter studies the secrecy outage probability (SOP) and the secrecy diversity order of Alamouti STBC with decision feedback (DF) detection over the time-selective fading channels. For given temporal correlations, we have derived the exact SOPs and their asymptotic approximations for all possible combinations of detection schemes including joint maximum likehood (JML), zero-forcing (ZF), and DF at Bob and Eve. We reveal that the SOP is mainly influenced by the detection scheme of the legitimate receiver rather than eavesdropper and the achievable secrecy diversity order converges to two and one for JML only at Bob (i.e., JML-JML/ZF/DF) and for the other cases (i.e., ZF-JML/ZF/DF, DF-JML/ZF/DF), respectively. Here, p-q combination pair indicates that Bob and Eve adopt the detection method p ∈ {JML, ZF, DF} and q ∈ {JML, ZF, DF}, respectively.
Menglong WU Yongfa XIE Yongchao SHI Jianwen ZHANG Tianao YAO Wenkai LIU
Direct-current biased optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (DCO-OFDM) converts bipolar OFDM signals into unipolar non-negative signals by introducing a high DC bias, which satisfies the requirement that the signal transmitted by intensity modulated/direct detection (IM/DD) must be positive. However, the high DC bias results in low power efficiency of DCO-OFDM. An adaptively biased optical OFDM was proposed, which could be designed with different biases according to the signal amplitude to improve power efficiency in this letter. The adaptive bias does not need to be taken off deliberately at the receiver, and the interference caused by the adaptive bias will only be placed on the reserved subcarriers, which will not affect the effective information. Moreover, the proposed OFDM uses Hartley transform instead of Fourier transform used in conventional optical OFDM, which makes this OFDM have low computational complexity and high spectral efficiency. The simulation results show that the normalized optical bit energy to noise power ratio (Eb(opt)/N0) required by the proposed OFDM at the bit error rate (BER) of 10-3 is, on average, 7.5 dB and 3.4 dB lower than that of DCO-OFDM and superimposed asymmetrically clipped optical OFDM (ACO-OFDM), respectively.
Qingqing TU Zheng DONG Xianbing ZOU Ning WEI
Despite the appealing advantages of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS) aided mmWave communications, there remain practical issues that need to be addressed before the large-scale deployment of RISs in future wireless networks. In this study, we jointly consider the non-neglectable practical issues in a multi-RIS-aided mmWave system, which can significantly affect the secrecy performance, including the high computational complexity, imperfect channel state information (CSI), and finite resolution of phase shifters. To solve this non-convex challenging stochastic optimization problem, we propose a robust and low-complexity algorithm to maximize the achievable secrete rate. Specially, by combining the benefits of fractional programming and the stochastic successive convex approximation techniques, we transform the joint optimization problem into some convex ones and solve them sub-optimally. The theoretical analysis and simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithms could mitigate the joint negative effects of practical issues and yielded a tradeoff between secure performance and complexity/overhead outperforming non-robust benchmarks, which increases the robustness and flexibility of multiple RIS deployments in future wireless networks.
Rongqi ZHANG Chunyun PAN Yafei WANG Yuanyuan YAO Xuehua LI
With maturation of 5G technology in recent years, multimedia services such as live video streaming and online games on the Internet have flourished. These multimedia services frequently require low latency, which pose a significant challenge to compute the high latency requirements multimedia tasks. Mobile edge computing (MEC), is considered a key technology solution to address the above challenges. It offloads computation-intensive tasks to edge servers by sinking mobile nodes, which reduces task execution latency and relieves computing pressure on multimedia devices. In order to use MEC paradigm reasonably and efficiently, resource allocation has become a new challenge. In this paper, we focus on the multimedia tasks which need to be uploaded and processed in the network. We set the optimization problem with the goal of minimizing the latency and energy consumption required to perform tasks in multimedia devices. To solve the complex and non-convex problem, we formulate the optimization problem as a distributed deep reinforcement learning (DRL) problem and propose a federated Dueling deep Q-network (DDQN) based multimedia task offloading and resource allocation algorithm (FDRL-DDQN). In the algorithm, DRL is trained on the local device, while federated learning (FL) is responsible for aggregating and updating the parameters from the trained local models. Further, in order to solve the not identically and independently distributed (non-IID) data problem of multimedia devices, we develop a method for selecting participating federated devices. The simulation results show that the FDRL-DDQN algorithm can reduce the total cost by 31.3% compared to the DQN algorithm when the task data is 1000 kbit, and the maximum reduction can be 35.3% compared to the traditional baseline algorithm.
Yaokun HU Xuanyu PENG Takeshi TODA
The subject must be motionless for conventional radar-based non-contact vital signs measurements. Additionally, the measurement range is limited by the design of the radar module itself. Although the accuracy of measurements has been improving, the prospects for their application could have been faster to develop. This paper proposed a novel radar-based adaptive tracking method for measuring the heart rate of the moving monitored person. The radar module is fixed on a circular plate and driven by stepping motors to rotate it. In order to protect the user’s privacy, the method uses radar signal processing to detect the subject’s position to control a stepping motor that adjusts the radar’s measurement range. The results of the fixed-route experiments revealed that when the subject was moving at a speed of 0.5 m/s, the mean values of RMSE for heart rate measurements were all below 2.85 beat per minute (bpm), and when moving at a speed of 1 m/s, they were all below 4.05 bpm. When subjects walked at random routes and speeds, the RMSE of the measurements were all below 6.85 bpm, with a mean value of 4.35 bpm. The average RR interval time of the reconstructed heartbeat signal was highly correlated with the electrocardiography (ECG) data, with a correlation coefficient of 0.9905. In addition, this study not only evaluated the potential effect of arm swing (more normal walking motion) on heart rate measurement but also demonstrated the ability of the proposed method to measure heart rate in a multiple-people scenario.
Dongzhu LI Zhijie ZHAN Rei SUMIKAWA Mototsugu HAMADA Atsutake KOSUGE Tadahiro KURODA
A 0.13mJ/prediction with 68.6% accuracy wired-logic deep neural network (DNN) processor is developed in a single 16-nm field-programmable gate array (FPGA) chip. Compared with conventional von-Neumann architecture DNN processors, the energy efficiency is greatly improved by eliminating DRAM/BRAM access. A technical challenge for conventional wired-logic processors is the large amount of hardware resources required for implementing large-scale neural networks. To implement a large-scale convolutional neural network (CNN) into a single FPGA chip, two technologies are introduced: (1) a sparse neural network known as a non-linear neural network (NNN), and (2) a newly developed raster-scan wired-logic architecture. Furthermore, a novel high-level synthesis (HLS) technique for wired-logic processor is proposed. The proposed HLS technique enables the automatic generation of two key components: (1) Verilog-hardware description language (HDL) code for a raster-scan-based wired-logic processor and (2) test bench code for conducting equivalence checking. The automated process significantly mitigates the time and effort required for implementation and debugging. Compared with the state-of-the-art FPGA-based processor, 238 times better energy efficiency is achieved with only a slight decrease in accuracy on the CIFAR-100 task. In addition, 7 times better energy efficiency is achieved compared with the state-of-the-art network-optimized application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC).
The magnetic field resolution of the tunnel magneto-resistive (TMR) sensors has been improving and it reaches below 1.0 pT/Hz0.5 at low frequency. The real-time measurement of the magnetocardiography (MCG) and the measurement of the magnetoencephalography (MEG) have been demonstrated by developed TMR sensors. Although the MCG and MEG have been applied to diagnosis of diseases, the conventional MCG/MEG system using superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) cannot measure the signal by touching the body, the body must be fixed, and maintenance costs are huge. The MCG/MEG system with TMR sensors operating at room temperature have the potential to solve these problems. In addition, it has the great advantage that it does not require a special magnetic shielded room. Further developments are expected to progress to maximize these unique features of TMR sensors.
Mohd Mawardi SAARI Mohd Herwan SULAIMAN Toshihiko KIWA
In this work, the core size estimation technique of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) using the static magnetization curve obtained from a high-Tc SQUID magnetometer and a metaheuristic inversion technique based on the Particle Swarm Optimizer (PSO) algorithm is presented. The high-Tc SQUID magnetometer is constructed from a high-Tc SQUID sensor coupled by a flux transformer to sense the modulated magnetization signal from a sample. The magnetization signal is modulated by the lateral vibration of the sample on top of a planar differential detection coil of the flux transformer. A pair of primary and excitation coils are utilized to apply an excitation field parallel to the sensitive axis of the detection coil. Using the high-Tc SQUID magnetometer, the magnetization curve of a commercial MNP sample (Resovist) was measured in a logarithmic scale of the excitation field. The PSO inverse technique is then applied to the magnetization curve to construct the magnetic moment distribution. A multimodal normalized log-normal distribution was used in the minimization of the objective function of the PSO inversion technique, and a modification of the PSO search region is proposed to improve the exploration and exploitation of the PSO particles. As a result, a good agreement on the Resovist magnetic core size was obtained between the proposed technique and the non-negative least square (NNLS) inversion technique. The estimated core sizes of 8.0484 nm and 20.3018 nm agreed well with the values reported in the literature using the commercial low-Tc SQUID magnetometer with the SVD and NNLS inversion techniques. Compared to the NNLS inversion technique, the PSO inversion technique had merits in exploring an optimal core size distribution freely without being regularized by a parameter and facilitating an easy peak position determination owing to the smoothness of the constructed distribution. The combination of the high-Tc SQUID magnetometer and the PSO-based reconstruction technique offers a powerful approach for characterizing the MNP core size distribution, and further improvements can be expected from the recent state-of-the-art optimization algorithm to optimize further the computation time and the best objective function value.
Simple and quick tests at medical clinics have become increasingly important. Magnetic sensing techniques have been developed to detect biomarkers using magnetic nanoparticles in liquid-phase assays. We developed a biomarker assay that involves using an alternating current (AC) susceptibility measurement system that uses functional magnetic particles and magnetic sensing technology. We also developed compact biomarker measuring equipment to enable quick testing. Our assay is a one-step homogeneous assay that involves simply mixing a sample with a reagent, shortening testing time and simplifying processing. Using our compact measuring equipment, which includes anisotropic magneto resistance (AMR) sensors, we conducted high-sensitivity measurements of extremely small amounts of two biomarkers (C-reactive protein, CRP and α-Fetoprotein, AFP) used for diagnosing arteriosclerosis and malignant tumors. The results indicate that an extremely small amount of CRP and AFP could be detected within 15 min, which demonstrated the possibility of a simple and quick high-sensitivity immunoassay that involves using an AC-susceptibility measurement system.
Modern high-level programming languages have a wide variety of grammar and can implement the required functionality in different ways. The authors believe that a large amount of code that implements the same functionality in different ways exists even in open source software where the source code is publicly available, and that by collecting such code, a useful data set can be constructed for various studies in software engineering. In this study, we construct a dataset of pairs of Java methods that have the same functionality but different structures from approximately 314 million lines of source code. To construct this dataset, the authors used an automated test generation technique, EvoSuite. Test cases generated by automated test generation techniques have the property that the test cases always succeed. In constructing the dataset, using this property, test cases generated from two methods were executed against each other to automatically determine whether the behavior of the two methods is the same to some extent. Pairs of methods for which all test cases succeeded in cross-running test cases are manually investigated to be functionally equivalent. This paper also reports the results of an accuracy evaluation of code clone detection tools using the constructed dataset. The purpose of this evaluation is assessing how accurately code clone detection tools could find the functionally equivalent methods, not assessing the accuracy of detecting ordinary clones. The constructed dataset is available at github (https://github.com/YoshikiHigo/FEMPDataset).
Haochen LYU Jianjun LI Yin YE Chin-Chen CHANG
The purpose of Facial Beauty Prediction (FBP) is to automatically assess facial attractiveness based on human aesthetics. Most neural network-based prediction methods do not consider the ranking information in the task. For scoring tasks like facial beauty prediction, there is abundant ranking information both between images and within images. Reasonable utilization of these information during training can greatly improve the performance of the model. In this paper, we propose a novel end-to-end Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model based on ranking information of images, incorporating a Rank Module and an Adaptive Weight Module. We also design pairwise ranking loss functions to fully leverage the ranking information of images. Considering training efficiency and model inference capability, we choose ResNet-50 as the backbone network. We conduct experiments on the SCUT-FBP5500 dataset and the results show that our model achieves a new state-of-the-art performance. Furthermore, ablation experiments show that our approach greatly contributes to improving the model performance. Finally, the Rank Module with the corresponding ranking loss is plug-and-play and can be extended to any CNN model and any task with ranking information. Code is available at https://github.com/nehcoah/Rank-Info-Net.
Guangwei CONG Noritsugu YAMAMOTO Takashi INOUE Yuriko MAEGAMI Morifumi OHNO Shota KITA Rai KOU Shu NAMIKI Koji YAMADA
Wide deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) is inducing exponentially growing energy consumption. Traditional digital platforms are becoming difficult to fulfill such ever-growing demands on energy efficiency as well as computing latency, which necessitates the development of high efficiency analog hardware platforms for AI. Recently, optical and electrooptic hybrid computing is reactivated as a promising analog hardware alternative because it can accelerate the information processing in an energy-efficient way. Integrated photonic circuits offer such an analog hardware solution for implementing photonic AI and machine learning. For this purpose, we proposed a photonic analog of support vector machine and experimentally demonstrated low-latency and low-energy classification computing, which evidences the latency and energy advantages of optical analog computing over traditional digital computing. We also proposed an electrooptic Hopfield network for classifying and recognizing time-series data. This paper will review our work on implementing classification computing and Hopfield network by leveraging silicon photonic circuits.