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Advance publication (published online immediately after acceptance)

Volume E81-A No.7  (Publication Date:1998/07/25)

    Special Section on Fundamentals of Multi-dimensional Mobile Information Network

    Mitsutoshi HATORI  Susumu YOSHIDA  


  • Principles of Turbo Codes and Their Application to Mobile Communications

    Akihisa USHIROKAWA  Toshihiko OKAMURA  Norifumi KAMIYA  Branka VUCETIC  



    This paper gives an overview of Turbo codes principles, performance, and design issues for practical application. As fundamentals of Turbo codes, encoder structure, interleaver, and iterative decoding are explained. The performance is analyzed through their weight distribution, and the analysis gives code design rules for component codes. Practical decoding algorithms are presented in addition to MAP algorithm. Design issues are discussed for mobile communications as an example of practical application. Finally, research trends are briefly mentioned.

  • Spectrum Resources Management on Two-Tier Cellular Networks

    Isman BAZAR  Yoshikuni ONOZATO  



    For two-tier cellular network design, resource management between tiers is an important issue to be studied. In this paper, in order to use the network resources preciously, we considered sharing of the available spectrum between the tiers. We evaluate this sharing for two network architectures. In the first architecture, called System I, DS-CDMA is deployed in both tiers. In the second architecture, called System II, TDMA is deployed for users in the microcell tier and CDMA for macrocell users. Using analytically evaluated intercell interference for a two-tier cellular system, we will show the performance and the allowable system capacity for the above systems.

  • An Adaptive Permission Probability Control Method for Integrated Voice/Data CDMA Packet Communications

    Kazuo MORI  Koji OGURA  



    This paper proposes an adaptive permission probability control method for the CDMA/PRMA access protocol. The proposed method is effective to the uplink channels of the integrated voice and data wireless system. The proposed method uses the R-ALOHA protocol with end-of-use flags in order to avoid the reservation cancellations caused by excessive multiple-access interference. Also, a higher priority at packet transmission is given to voice compared with data so that the real-time transmission of voice packets can be guaranteed. Priority is controlled by suitably varying permission probabilities. Permission probabilities are adaptively calculated according to both the channel load and the channel capacities. The usefulness of this proposed method is ensured through computer simulation in an isolated cell environment. Moreover, various applications to cellular environments are investigated. The calculated results indicate that transmission efficiency has been improved compared with the conventional CDMA/PRMA protocol.

  • A Random Access Micro-Cellular System Based on CSMA and Power Control

    Satoru KUBOTA  Kouichi MUTSUURA  Osamu AKIZUKI  Shinjirou OOSHITA  



    A random access micro-cellular system based on CSMA (RAMCS/CSMA) is proposed. On uplink in RAMCS/ CSMA, packets are transmitted by means of CSMA at the same carrier frequency in any cell. On downlink, packets are broadcast conforming to TDMA, also at the same carrier frequency in any cell. In RAMCS/CSMA, deployed microcells produce higher system capacity. Nevertheless, " handoff on a terminal " isn't required. In this paper, overview of the system, fundamental uplink performance, and two kinds of power control methods are presented. As for the control methods, one is control according to packet priority. The other is a way according to location of a mobile terminal. By means of CSMA, throughput performance on uplink becomes great and is saturated at 0. 39 per cell. And the performance strongly depends on the threshold level on carrier sense. Such a throughput performance is peculiar to RAMCS/CSMA and different from an ordinary CSMA system. The optimum threshold is also indicated here. Furthermore, it is clarified that both power control methods highly improve the throughput performance. As a result, it is found that RAMCS/CSMA is excellent for mobile communications.

  • A Dynamic Timeslot Assignment Algorithm for Asymmetric Traffic in Multimedia TDMA/TDD Mobile Radio

    Lan CHEN  Susumu YOSHIDA  Hidekazu MURATA  Shouichi HIROSE  



    Personal communication systems are increasingly required to accommodate not only voice traffic, but also various types of data traffic. Generally speaking, voice traffic is symmetric between uplink and downlink, while data traffic can be highly asymmetric. It is therefore inefficient to accommodate data in a conventional TDMA/TDD system with fixed TDD boundary. In this paper, focusing on the continuous data traffic which requires multi-slots in a circuit based TDMA/TDD system, an algorithm is proposed in which the TDD boundary are moved adaptively to accommodate data traffic efficiently. Comparing with the boundary-fixed conventional algorithm, computer simulations confirm that the proposed algorithm has superior performance in the excessive transmission delay of data while maintaining the performance of voice. The intercell interference between mobiles due to different TDD boundaries is also confirmed to be negligible. Moreover, almost the similar performance improvements of the proposed algorithm are confirmed for two different average message sizes of data calls.

  • Evaluation of a CDMA Cell Design Algorithm Considering Non-Uniformity of Traffic and Base Station Locations

    Kohji TAKEO  Shinichi SATO  



    Non-uniform traffic can affect communications quality in microcell systems, and this disparity in communications quality between base stations (BSs) lowers the system efficiency in CDMA systems. If traffic distribution and propagation conditions are already known during the introduction of a CDMA system, it is desirable to design cell areas according to the non-uniformity of traffic distribution and BS locations. Cell area is determined by the transmission power of the pilot-signal from the BS and it is necessary to control the transmission power of mobile stations in the uplink, which is determined by the desired power level at the BS, according to the cell area. The disparity in communications quality can be rectified by optimally designing the two parameters of the pilot-signal power and desired power level. This paper describes an algorithm for setting both the pilot-signal power and the desired power level during the cell design stage in CDMA systems. The proposed algorithm operates that the communications qualities of all BSs in the system converge to average quality by adjusting the two parameters. The parameters of all BSs in the whole system can be determined through computer calculation. Through performance evaluations, we confirmed that the average SIRs of all BSs attained almost the same value and the variance between the BSs was less than half by adopting the cell design algorithm when there was dispersion in BS placement. This algorithm is also effective using the actual measured SIR after a system has been established.

  • Media Synchronization Control Based on Buffer Occupancy for Stored Media Transmission in PHS

    Masami KATO  Noriyoshi USUI  Shuji TASAKA  



    This paper proposes a scheme for synchronization of stored video and audio streams in PHS. A video stream of H. 263 is transmitted over a PHS channel with ARQ control, while an audio stream of 32 kbit/s ADPCM is sent on another channel without any control. In order to preserve the temporal constraints within the video stream as well as the relationship between the video and audio streams, we adopt a new control scheme which modifies the target output time according to the amount of video data in the receive-buffer. Through simulation we assess the characteristics of this scheme in both random and burst error environments and confirm the effectiveness of the scheme.

  • An Information Announcement System Based on WWW for Mobile Computers

    Shigeaki TAGASHIRA  Keniti NAGATOMO  Keizo SAISHO  Akira FUKUDA  



    With the advance of computer technologies, mobile computers can hold many local resources in themselves. In many cases it is impossible to announce local resources on them because almost information announcement systems are not designed for them. In this paper, an information announcement system for mobile computers based on WWW is proposed. The system efficiently announces resources on mobile computers independently of whether they are connected to a network or not, and wherever they are connected. The system can also select suitable announcement methods according to the type of resources. We implement a prototype of proposed system and evaluate it. The result of evaluation confirms effectiveness of the proposed system.

  • Proposal of Chirp Multiplexing Transform/Intensity Modulation/Direct Detection System for Radio Highway Networks

    Yozo SHOJI  Katsutoshi TSUKAMOTO  Shozo KOMAKI  



    This paper newly proposes the CMT/IM/DD system for universal radio access networks where radio base stations (RBSs) and an optic backbone network are universally available among different radio services and providers. In the proposed system, the Chirp Fourier transformer at an RBS, converts the received FDM multiple radio service signals into optical TDM format signals, then transfers them over the optic fiber-link. This paper is focused on the discussion about the performance on the up-link of the CMT/IM/DD system. A new type of the configuration of CMT and the direct demodulation for the CMT signal are also proposed, and the SNR considering inter-symbol and inter-channel interferences caused by the CMT is theoretically analyzed. Analysis results show that the overall SNR performance of the CMT system is superior to the conventional SCM system when the number of radio channels is more than 26.

  • Comparative Evaluation between Parallel Combinatory CDMA and Direct Sequence CDMA for High Speed Radio Communication

    Osamu KATO  Masaki HAYASHI  Mitsuru UESUGI  Koichi HOMMA  



    Comparative performance evaluation between parallel combinatory CDMA (PC-CDMA) and Direct Sequence CDMA (DS-CDMA) has been conducted for high speed radio communication up to 2 Mbps under a multipath Rayleigh fading environment. For both DS-CDMA and PC-CDMA, user information rate per code of 128 kbps, convolutional code with 1/2 coding rate, the same bit interleaving and QPSK data modulation are applied to get transmission symbol rate of 128 ksps. The chip rate of 4. 096 Mcps is used to investigate the possibility of 2 Mbps transmission using only 5 MHz bandwidth. So the spreading factor of the spreading code is 32 for DS-CDMA. In PC-CDMA, 128 ksps data stream is divided into four 32 ksps data streams and according to the every four bits pattern, corresponding spreading code of spreading factor of 128 and its polarity are selected out of eight candidate spreading codes. In soft decision Viterbi decoding applied to PC-CDMA, branch metric is calculated for every bit by weighting the output levels of the PC-CDMA correlators for eight candidate spreading codes. By computer simulation under vehicular environment model with six multipaths, it has been shown that PC-CDMA can offer more capacity approximately by double than DS-CDMA for both downlink and uplink under the condition such as for vehicular for BER of 10-3, and 2 Mbps transmission per cell for downlink is possible not only in isolated cell condition but also in omni cell condition by PC-CDMA.

  • Power Distribution Algorithm in DS/CDMA Distributed Power Cellular System

    Hiroshi TAJIRI  Shin'ichi TACHIKAWA  



    In this paper, we propose a novel power distribution method which can be adopted in case of the nonuniform distribution for mobiles in DS/CDMA distributed power cellular system. DS/SS distributed power cellular system has been proposed for achieving RAKE reception in micro-cellular environment. In forward link of this system, optimum power distribution method which can minimize the required total transmitting power has been discussed. The performance of this system has been shown in case of the uniform distribution for mobiles. In this paper, first, we propose a novel method in case of the nonuniform distribution. In the proposed method, replacing the path and its combinations of signals from base stations successively, we can find a new condition of less power distribution which is passed over in a conventional distribution method. We adopt simple distribution models for mobiles and compare the proposed method with the other methods by computing the total transmitting power and the quantity of calculations. As a result, we show that it is possible to almost obtain optimum power distribution by using the proposed method. Next, we adopt a nonuniform distribution model, in which the difference of the number of users exists only in the center cell. Using this model, we compare the proposed method with the other methods by computing the total transmitting power, the quantity of calculations, and a probability of impossible power distribution. Finally, in order to simplify and decrease the quantity of calculations of the proposed method, we propose a modified calculation algorithm which is applicable in case of that a new mobile station has increased. And we show the performance of this algorithm.

  • Improvement Methods of Propagation Error for Multiple Access Interference Successive Cancellation Techniques in DS/CDMA

    Hideo FUJII  Shin'ichi TACHIKAWA  



    In this paper, we propose several novel methods to decrease propagation error for multiple access interference cancellation techniques in asynchronous DS/CDMA. To increase spectral efficiency, the system wherein transmitting signal power of each user is assigned with exponential law and multiple access interference successive cancellation is used in the receiver has been discussed. However, when the number of active users is increased, propagation error occurs in the receiver. Thus, the improvement effect of spectral efficiency in the system has been degraded. In this paper, we propose novel methods to decrease these propagation errors for the system. These novel methods are quasi-maximum likelihood method that means maximum likelihood in considering the signal of the next user when the signal of the arbitrary user is demodulated, feedback method that means the demodulation error of the stronger users in transmitting signal power is estimated after several users, demodulations and the error is corrected, and combination method that is a combination of quasi-maximum likelihood method and feedback method. And we evaluate their performances by computer simulation and show that the combination method is effective for the reduction of the propagation error.

  • Delayed Symbol Combining Interference Canceller for Multi Rate DS-CDMA in Mobile Radio Environment

    Eisuke KUDOH  Shigeaki OGOSE  



    Direct sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) is attractive for mobile radio use because of its inherently high capacity. There is great demand for mobile radio to offer multimedia services. This means that various service rates and qualities should be supported. DS-CDMA systems are flexible and can accommodate various user rates easily so these demands can be met. As many users will occupy the same frequency band simultaneously, the traffic capacity of a DS-CDMA system is determined by interference power. Interference cancellation is one of the important techniques in decreasing interference power at the demodulation stage and thus increasing traffic capacity. In this paper, we propose the delayed symbol combining interference canceller which can suppress the interference from various users sending at different information rates. Performance of the proposed method is calculated by computer simulations. Furthermore, the effect of adding forward error correction to the proposed canceller is also evaluated by computer simulations. In the quasi static flat fading environment, it is found that the Eb/No degradation due to interference is suppressed to 3 dB at BER=10-3 with 24 users. In the quasi static frequency selective fading environment, it is found that the required Eb/No of the frequency selective fading canceller is about 11 dB better than that of the flat fading canceller for the target BER of 10-3. It is found that BER<10-3 is achieved with forward error correction and bit interleaving even when the maximum Doppler frequency normalized by low data bit rate is 0. 0008 and Eb/No is 20 [dB] in frequency selective fading and 30 [dB] in flat fading.

  • The Effects of Rain Attenuation in a Quasi-Synchronous CDMA Return Link for a Ka-Band Satellite Communication System

    Seung-Hoon HWANG  Jae-Young AHN  Tae-Joong KIM  Keum-Chan WHANG  



    Future satellite communication systems will be developed at Ka-band (20/30 GHz) owing to the relatively wide frequency allocation and current freedom from terrestrial interference for multimedia services. A serious disadvantage of the Ka-band, however, is the very high atmospheric attenuation in rainy weather. Quasi-synchronous CDMA drastically reduces the effect of self-noise with several interesting features of CDMA for mobile communications such as flexible frequency reuse, the capability of performing soft-handover and a lower sensitivity to interference. This paper evaluates the performance of a quasi-synchronous CDMA return link for a Ka-band geostationary satellite communication system. For a fixed satellite channel whose characteristics depend on weather conditions, the signal envelope and phase for this channel is modeled as Gaussian. The bit error and outage probability, and the detection loss due to imperfect chip timing synchronization is analytically evaluated and the system capacity degradation due to the weather condition is estimated. Two cases of general and worst conditions are evaluated, in which i) rain attenuation ii) nonlinearity of transponder are considered. The two cases consist of the general case in which all users are affected by rainy weather, and the worst case in which only the user of interest, not multiple access interferers, is affected by rain attenuation. The results for the two cases of rainy weather clearly show that quasi-synchronous CDMA eases the power control requirements and has less sensitivity to imperfect power control. When dealing with the impact of the satellite transponder nonlinearity in addition to the rain attenuation, the shift of optimum amplifier operating point is shown so that [Eb/N0]sat, defined as the sum of the Eb/N0 value required to obtain a BER equal to Pb at a given output backoff (OBO) and the value of the OBO itself, tends to decrease, and higher BER impairment is given, since the rain attenuation results in the same effect as the additive input backoff (IBO) at the satellite transponder input. As the BER increases, the optimum [Eb/N0]sat and IBO decrease that result in the shift of optimum operating point.

  • Propagation-Loss Prediction Using Ray Tracing with a Random-Phase Technique

    Satoshi TAKAHASHI  Yoshihide YAMADA  



    For mobile telecommunication systems, it is important to accurately predict the propagation-path loss in terms of the estimation of the radiowave coverage area. The propagation-path loss has been estimated in a median obtained spatially from many received amplitudes (envelopes) within a region of several tens times as long as the wavelength, rather than in the envelopes themselves. Although ray tracing can obtain the envelopes and their median that reflect the site-dependent characteristics, the estimated median sometimes does not agree with the measured one. Therefore, the accuracy improvement has been expected. In this paper, an accuracy improvement is achieved by substituting a median with random phases for the median obtained spatially from many envelopes. The characteristic function method is used to obtain the cumulative distribution function and the median analytically where the phases are randomized. In a multipath environment, the phase-estimation error accompanying the location error of the ray tracing input influences the spatially obtained median. The phase-randomizing operation reduces the effects of the phase-estimation error on the median prediction. According to our estimation, improvements in accuracy of 4. 9 dB for the maximum prediction error and 2. 9 dB for the RMS prediction error were achieved. In addition, a probability-based cell-design method that takes the radiowave arrival probability and the interference probability into consideration is possible by using the percentiles obtained by the characteristic function method and the cell-design examples are shown in this paper.

  • Bit-Stream-Arranged Weighted Modulation Scheme for Low Delay Spread Frequency Selective Fading Channels

    Kiyoshi KOBAYASHI  Shuji KUBOTA  



    This paper proposes a bit-stream-arranged weighted modulation scheme to improve voice quality in low delay spread frequency selective fading channels. The proposed modulation scheme employs an input bit stream arrangement method that changes the bit stream order for significant bits so that they are not adjacent to each other over time; a mapping method that controls the amplitude of the modulation signals according to the importance of the bits; and modified differential encoding to prevent the error propagation from insignificant to significant bits. Computer simulations clarify that the proposed bit-stream-arranged weighted modulation scheme shows a S/N improvement of 8 dB in an 8-bit linear pulse code modulation (PCM) voice signal compared with the conventional non-weighted π/4-shift quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) modulation scheme. The proposed scheme also shows 3. 5 dB improvement in a 4-bit adaptive differential pulse code modulation (ADPCM) voice signal. In this case, occurence of 'click noise' in recovered voice signal is halved. Although the proposed scheme increases the peak power of the modulated signals, the non-linearity of the power amplifier is not fatal.

  • Comparative Evaluation of Rate 3/4 Trellis-Coded Modulation Schemes

    Shigeo NAKAJIMA  



    A deterministic simulation method is investigated for rate 3/4 trellis-coded (TC) 16PSK, TC-16QAM and TC partially overlapped (PO) 12QAM schemes. The BER performance of these schemes are evaluated on realistic channels with the same transmisson parameters, and are compared with BER values obtained from a distance spectrum expression. The results of this study show that the BER values obtained by the deterministic simulation coincide well with those from the distance spectrum method, and that TC-16PSK is superior to both TC-16QAM and TC-PO-12QAM in terms of BER performance over linear and nonlinear channels. The BER degradation caused by a nonlinear amplifier and the BER difference between two mapping methods ( Gray code and natural binary code mapping) are also clarified.

  • A Fast Frequency Switching Synthesizer with a Digitally Controlled Delay Generator

    Hideyuki NOSAKA  Tadao NAKAGAWA  Akihiro YAMAGISHI  



    We have developed a new type of phase interpolation DDS with a digitally controlled delay generator. The new DDS is similar to a sine output DDS in that it produces low spurious signals, but it does not require a sine look-up table. Periodic jitter in the MSB of the DDS accumulator is reduced with the digitally controlled delay generator. Experimental results confirm successful frequency synthesizer operation in which the spurious signal level is successfully reduced to less than that the MSB of the accumulator.

  • CDMA Slotted ALOHA System with Finite Buffers

    Hiraku OKADA  Takaya YAMAZATO  Masaaki KATAYAMA  Akira OGAWA  



    In this paper, CDMA slotted ALOHA system with finite size of buffers is proposed. To analyze the system performance, we use the linear approximate solution based on restricted occupancy urn models. We evaluate the system performance in terms of throughput, average delay, and rejection probability and clarify the effect of buffer capacity.

  • BER Analysis of Asynchronous DS-CDMA over a Rician Fading Channel

    Chankil LEE  Youngsik JEON  



    The final closed-form expression of the bit error rate (BER) is presented for a DS-CDMA system using a maximal ratio combining (MRC) diversity in conjunction with simple channel coding over a Rician fading channel. The accuracy of the BER evaluated by this expression is verified through comparison with a semi-analytic simulation result. The effect of diversity order and channel coding on the bit error rate performance is also considered for typical multipath delay profiles with different Rician ratios.

  • Some Topological Properties of Fuzzy Values

    Qihao CHEN  Shin KAWASE  

    PAPER-General Fundamentals and Boundaries


    Fuzzy value is a Fuzzy set the α-cuts of which are closed intervals. Let [0,1] be the set of Fuzzy values on [0,1]. We introduce two kinds of metric D and D1 in it, and investigate some topological properties.

  • Direct Calculation Methods for Parameter Estimation in Statistical Manifolds of Finite Discrete Distributions

    Yukio HAYASHI  

    PAPER-General Fundamentals and Boundaries


    From an information geometric viewpoint, we investigate a characteristic of the submanifold of a mixture or exponential family in the manifold of finite discrete distributions. Using the characteristic, we derive a direct calculation method for an em-geodesic in the submanifold. In this method, the value of the primal parameter on the geodesic can be obtained without iterations for a gradient system which represents the geodesic. We also derive the similar algorithms for both problems of parameter estimation and functional extension of the submanifold for a data in the ambient manifold. These theoretical approaches from geometric analysis will contribute to the development of an efficient algorithm in computational complexity.

  • A Complementary Pair LMS Algorithm for Adaptive Filtering

    Min-Soo PARK  Woo-Jin SONG  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing


    This paper presents a new algorithm that can solve the problem of selecting appropriate update step size in the LMS algorithm. The proposed algorithm, called a Complementary Pair LMS (CP-LMS) algorithm, consists of two adaptive filters with different update step sizes operating in parallel, one filter re-initializing the other with the better coefficient estimates whenever possible. This new algorithm provides the faster convergence speed and the smaller steady-state error than those of a single filter with a fixed or variable step size.

  • A Novel Variable-Rate Classified Vector Quantizer Design Algorithm for Image Coding

    Wen-Jyi HWANG  Yue-Shen TU  Yeong-Cherng LU  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing


    This paper presents a novel classified vector quantizer (CVQ) design algorithm which can control the rate and storage size for applications of image coding. In the algorithm, the classification of image blocks is based on the edge orientation of each block in the wavelet domain. The algorithm allocates the rate and storage size available to each class of the CVQ optimally so that the average distortion is minimized. To reduce the arithmetic complexity of the CVQ, we employ a partial distance codeword search algorithm in the wavelet domain. Simulation results show that the CVQ enjoys low average distortion, low encoding complexity, high visual perception quality, and is well-suited for very low bit rate image coding.

  • Controlling Chaos in a Hogg-Huberman Model of a Manufacturing System

    Toshimitsu USHIO  Nobuyoshi MOTONAKA  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems


    Hogg and Huberman have proposed a strategy for stabilizing chaotic multi-agent systems. This paper applies their strategy to a resource allocation problem in a manufacturing system consisting of two machines and two types of parts. These part-types conflict each other over resource allocation. We introduce a discrete-time model of the system by using game theory, and examine stability and bifurcation phenomena of its fixed point. We show by computer simulation that chaotic behaviors are observed after successive occurrence of period-doubling bifurcations. It is also shown that the optimal state of the system is stabilized by a reward mechanism.

  • A Digital 1/f Noise Generator Utilizing Probabilistic Cellular Automata

    Mitsuhiro YAMADA  Masahiro AGU  

    PAPER-Modeling and Simulation


    A simple digital circuit based on the probabilistic cellular automata is proposed whose temporal evolution generates 1/f noise over many frequency decades. The N cells with internal states form a one-dimensional network and probabilistically interact with nearest-neighbor ones. The internal state of the cell is either the stable state or the unstable state. Each cell obeys simple rules as follows. When the excitatory signal is applied to the cell in the stable state, the state changes to the unstable state. On the other hand, when the state is unstable, the state changes to the stable state, and then the cell generates the excitatory signal. The excitatory signal is applied to the cell which is randomly chosen between the right side cell and the left side cell. The edge condition of the network is open, so that the excitatory signal can leave both the first edge and the last edge. The excitatory signal is randomly added to the first edge of the network at intervals of T time. Then the sequential interactions may occur like avalanche breakdown. After the interactions, the network goes to the equilibrium state. Considering that the breakdown happen simultaneously and assigning the stable state and the unstable state to 0 and 1, respectively, one can get the random pulse stream on the internal state of each cell. The power spectra of pulse streams are Lorentzian with various pole frequencies. The probability distribution of the pole frequency is inversely proportional to the frequency, i. e. , obeys Zipf law. Then the total sum of the internal states of all cells fluctuates following 1/f power law. The frequency range following 1/f power law can be easily varied by changing the number of the cells for the summation. A prototype generator using 15 cells generates 1/f noise over 3 frequency decades. This simple circuit is composed of only full adders and needs not complex components such as multipliers. Fine-tuning of any parameters and precise components also are not needed. Therefore integration into one chip using standard CMOS process is easy.

  • Binary Component Codes Construction of Multilevel Block Modulation Codes with a Large Minimum Euclidean Distance

    Hidehiko TANABE  Mohammad Abdus SALAM  Masayasu MITAMURA  Hiroyuki UMEDA  

    PAPER-Information Theory and Coding Theory


    In multilevel block modulation codes for QPSK and 8-PSK modulation, a construction of binary component codes is given. These codes have a good minimum Euclidean distance by using different forms of the dependency properties of the binary component codes. Interdependency among component codes is formed by using the binary component subcodes which are derived by the coset decomposition of the binary component codes. The algebraic structures of the codes are investigated to find out how interdependency among component codes gives a good minimum Euclidean distance. First, it is shown that cyclic codes over ZM for M-PSK (M=4,8), where the coding scheme is given by Piret, can be constructed by forming specific interdependency among binary component codes for proposed multilevel coding method. Furthermore, it is shown that better minimum Euclidean distance than above can be obtained by modifying the composition of interdependency among binary component codes. These proposed multilevel codes have algebraic structure of additive group and cyclic property over GF(M). Finally, error performances are compared with those of some code's reference modulation scheme for transmitting the same number of information bits.

  • Transformation of Normalized ARMA Lattice Filters for the Purpose of Signal Synthesis


    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing


    This letter proposes a method to transform normalized ARMA lattice filters, which are originally realized for signal analysis, into signal synthesis lattice filters. Although the transformation method has been proposed for normalized ARMA lattice filters with the MA order which is greater than or equal to the AR order, it has not been done when the AR order is greater than the MA order. With the proposed method, once an ARMA lattice filter with the AR order greater than the MA order is realized, then it can be transformed to the signal synthesis filter.

  • A Design of CMOS Chua-Type Analog Chaos Circuit Based on a Signal Flow Graph

    Kazuya KOTAKA  Takahiro INOUE  Akio TSUNEDA  

    LETTER-Nonlinear Problems


    This paper presents a design of CMOS Chua-type analog chaos circuit by using a signal-flow-graph (SFG) method. In this circuit, the transmittance of a nonlinear element is realized by an OTA with a feedback resistor, and other linear elements are realized by op-amp based circuits. The proposed circuit is insensitive to the finite admittance of OTA's and to the parasitics of resistors except a feedback resistor in the nonlinear element. The performance and chaotic behavior of the proposed circuit are confirmed by SPICE simulations.

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