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Advance publication (published online immediately after acceptance)

Volume E76-A No.7  (Publication Date:1993/07/25)

    Special Section on Surveys of Researches in CAS Fields in the Last Two Decades, I

    Kazuo HORIUCHI  


  • Research Topics and Results on Analog Circuit Design for LSI

    Nobuo FUJII  



    More than 500 articles in the field of analog circuits in the last two decades are surveyed and about 170 of which are listed in the References. These are mainly included in the Transactions of IEICE. The survey are made on the five fields; general analog circuit technology, modeling and simulation, active RC filters, switched capacitor circuits, and A/D and D/A converters.

  • Research Topics and Results on Simulation for VLSI

    Isao SHIRAKAWA  Nagisa ISHIURA  



    The design of complex VLSI systems relies more and more heavily on scientific computing for numerical simulation and configuration/performance optimization. Especially, computer simulation is becoming a component of VLSI design methodology, for which a variety of computation evolutions have been accomplished for the past two decades. There are many different forms of simulation which are used for verification of VLSI design at various stages of the whole design process. They may be classified into functional or behavioral simulators, register transfer level (RTL) simulators, gate-level logic, or simply logic, simulators, timing simulator, circuit simulators, device simulator, and process simulators. Among these simulation tasks, a series of logic, timing, and circuit simulation is most strongly related to the design stage which deals with logic/electric waveform performance of VLSI circuits. This article surveys the state of the art of VLSI simulation, putting stress mainly on the domain of logic, timing, and circuit simulation, since the reader of the Transactions may be interested exclusively in this field.

  • Research Topics and Results on Nonlinear Circuits and Systems

    Tetsuo NISHI  



    This paper surveyed the research topics and results on nonlinear circuits and systems which have been achieved in Japan or by Japanese researchers (sometimes as co-authors) during the last 20 years. The particular emphasis is placed on the analysis of nonlinear resistive circuits and periodic dynamic circuits.

  • Research Topics and Results on Digital Signal Processing

    Masayuki KAWAMATA  Tatsuo HIGUCHI  



    This review presents research topics and results on digital signal processing in the last twenty years in Japan. The main parts of the review consist of design and analysis of multidimensional digital filters, multiple-valued logic circuits and number systems for signal processing, and general purpose signal processors.

  • Research Topics and Results on Analysis and Diagnosis of Linear Circuits by Japanese Researchers in These Twenty Years

    Shoji SHINODA  



    This paper reviews the historical aspect of contributions on the theory of analysis and diagnosis of linear circuits, which have been made by Japanese researchers in these twenty years. On papers of diagnosis, those related to element-value solvability (or determinability) are mainly reviewed. Some important problems are suggested.

  • Special Section of Letters Selected from the 1993 IEICE Spring Conference

    Shoji SHINODA  


  • An Estimation Method of Region Guaranteeing Existence of a Solution Path in Newton Type Homotopy Method

    Mitsunori MAKINO  Masahide KASHIWAGI  Shin'ichi OISHI  Kazuo HORIUCHI  



    An estimation method of region is presented, in which a solution path of the so-called Newton type homotopy equation in guaranteed to exist, it is applied to a certain class of uniquely solvable nonlinear equations. The region can be estimated a posteriori, and its upper bound also can be estimated a priori.

  • Numerical Verification of Algebraic Non-integrability for High Dimensional Dynamical Systems

    Hisa-Aki TANAKA  Shin'ichi OISHI  Atsushi OKADA  



    The singular point analysis, such as the Painlev test and Yoshida's test, is a computational method and has been implemented in a symbolic computational manner. But, in applying the singular point analysis to high dimensional and/or "complex" dynamical systems, we face with some computational difficulties. To cope with these difficulties, we propose a new numerical technique of the singular point analysis with the aid of the self-validating numerics. Using this technique, the singular point analysis can now be applicable to a wide class of high dimensional and/or "complex" dynamical systems, and in many cases dynamical properties such as the algebraic non-integrability can be proven for such systems.

  • Controlling Chaos in the Maxwell-Bloch Equations with Time Delay

    Keiji KONISHI  Yoshiaki SHIRAO  Hiroaki KAWABATA  Toshikuni NAGAHARA  Yoshio INAGAKI  



    A laser system which has a mirror outside of it to feedback a delayed output has been described by the Maxwell-Bloch equations with time delay. It is shown that a chaotic behavior in the equations can be controlled by using a OPF control algorithm. Our numerical simulation indicates that the chaotic behavior is stabilized on 1, 2 periodic unstable orbits.

  • Intermittent Chaos in the Thyristor

    Yoh YASUDA  Koichiro HOH  



    Intermittent chaos was observed in the silicon thyristor circuit without external elements of L and C, under the condition of ac excitation at the anode. Lorenz plot reconstructed from the experimental waveform and the numerical simulation of this kind of intermittency fairly agreed with each other.

  • Forced Formation of a Geometrical Feature Space by a Neural Network Model with Supervised Learning

    Toshiaki TAKEDA  Hiroki MIZOE  Koichiro KISHI  Takahide MATSUOKA  



    To investigate necessary conditions for the object recognition by simulations using neural network models is one of ways to acquire suggestions for understanding the neuronal representation of objects in the brain. In the present study, we trained a three layered neural network to form a geometrical feature representation in its output layer using back-propagation algorithm. After training using 73 learning examples, 65 testing patterns made by various combinations of above features could be recognized with the network at a rate of 95.3% appropriate response. We could classify four types of hidden layer units on the basis of effects on the output layer.

  • On an Optimum File Transfer on a File Transmission Net

    Yoshihiro KANEKO  Jiguang ZHANG  Shoji SHINODA  Kazuo HORIUCHI  



    In a file transmission net N with vertex set V and arc set B, copies of a file J are distributed from a vertex to every vertex, subject to certain rules on file transmission. A cost of making one copy of J at each vertex µ is called a copying cost at µ, a cost of transmitting one copy of J through each arc (x, y) is called a transmission cost (x, y), and the number of copies of J demanded at each vertex u in N is called a copy demand at u. A scheduling of distributing copies of J from a vertex, say s, to every vertex on N is called a file transfer from s. The vertex s is called the source of the file transfer. A cost of a file transfer is defined, a file transfer from s is said to be optimal if its cost is not larger than the cost of any other file transfer from s, and an optimal file transfer from s is said to be optimum on N if its cost is not larger than that of an optimal file transfer from any other vertex. In this note, it is proved that an optimal file transfer from a vertex with a minimum copying cost is optimum on N, if there holds M U where M and U are the mother vertex set and the positive demand vertex set of N, respectively. Also it is shown by using an example that an optimal file transfer from a vertex with a minimum copying cost is not always optimum on N when MU holds.

  • A Switched-Capacitor Capacitance Measurement Circuit with the Vernier Scale

    Kazuyuki KONDO  Kenzo WATANABE  



    To improve measurement accuracy and speed, a switched-capacitor capacitance measurement circuit with the vernier scale is developed. Its process consists of a coarse measurement by charge-balancing A-D conversion and a fine measurement by single-slope A-D conversion. a prototype using discrete components confirms the principles of operation.

  • Compensation for the Double-Talk Detection Delay in Echo Canceller Systems

    Kensaku FUJII  Juro OHGA  



    This letter presents a new algorithm for echo cancellers, which prevents the reduction of echo return loss due to a double-talk. The essence of the algorithm is to introduce signal delays to avoid the reduction. A convergence condition in the algorithm was examined by using the IIR filter expression of the NLMS algorithm, and it was concluded that the IIR filter should be a low pass filter with unity gain. The condition is accomplished by selecting a small step gain.

  • A Simplified Realization of Adaptive Notch Filter and Its Convergence Properties

    Shotaro NISHIMURA  



    In this letter, a new structure of adaptive IIR notch filter is presented. The structure is based on direct form realization and uses the similar adaptation algorithm given in Ref. (4). A quantitative analysis for convergence properties is developed. It is shown that the proposed structure shows superior performance comparing with previously proposed designs. The results of computer simulations are presented to substantiate the analysis.

  • Scale Factor of Resolution Conversion Based on Orthogonal Transforms

    Shogo MURAMATSU  Hitoshi KIYA  Masahiko SAGAWA  



    It is known that the resolution conversion based on orthogonal transform has a problem that is difference of luminance between the converted image and the original. In this paper, the scale factor of the system employing various orthogonal transforms is generally formulated by considering the DC gain, and the condition of alias free for DC component is indicated. If the condition is satisfied, then the scale factor is determined by only the basis functions.

  • Parameter Estimation of Uniform Image Blur Using DCT

    Yasuo YOSHIDA  Kazuyoshi HORIIKE  Kazuhiro FUJITA  



    The matrix whose eigenvectors are the basis vectors of the DCT is introduced. This matrix leads to a convolution-product property using the DCT. Based on the property, the parameter of uniform blur, such as motion blur or out-of-focus blur, is estimated from the local minima of the DCT energy spectrum of a blurred image. Computer experiments confirmed that the DCT is superior to the DFT for estimating the parameter.

  • Consideration of the Effectiveness of the Quasi-TEM Approximation on Microstrip Lines with Optically Induced Plasma Layer

    Yasushi HORII  Toshimitsu MATSUYOSHI  Takeshi NAKAGAWA  Sadao KURAZONO  



    In this letter, the effectiveness of the quasi-TEM approximation is studied for the microstrip line including optically induced semiconductor plasma region. This approximation is considered to be efficient under several restrictions such as the upper limit of the microwave frequency and the plasma density.

  • Discrete-Track Magnetic Disk Using Embossed Substrate

    Takehisa ISHIDA  Osamu MORITA  Makoto NODA  Satoru SEKO  Shoji TANAKA  Hideaki ISHIOKA  



    Embossed disks with discrete magnetic tracks and servo marks are proposed and evaluated. The tracks and the servo marks are made by etching the glass substrate. The guard band depth was decided to be 0.2 µm. Using the disks, the head positioning accuracy of 0.09µm (rms) and the recording density of 192 tracks per millimeter were demonstrated.

  • External Clocking PRML Magnetic Recording Channel for Discrete Track Media

    Hiroaki YADA  Takamichi YAMAKOSHI  Noriyuki YAMAMOTO  Murat ERKOCEVIC  Nobuhiro HAYASHI  



    A novel external clocking magnetic disk recording channel is proposed and examined. Timing not only for data recovery but for recording is given by a bit clock which is synchronized with dedicated clock marks on patterned discrete track media. Jitter of the bit clock is 2.5 ns (rms), which is good enough for data rates up to about 20 Mbit/s. Using an MR/Inductive head and PRML (Partial Response Maximum Likelihood) signal processing, an error rate of 110-6 is obtained at linear density 3146 bit/mm.

  • Development of a Magnetoresistive/Inductive Head and Low Noise Amplifier IC for High Density Rigid Disk Drives

    Norio SAITO  Munekatsu FUKUYAMA  Hideo SUYAMA  Yutaka SODA  Noboru WAKABAYASHI  Tetsuo SEKIYA  



    We have fabricated a thin head composed of a double layer magnetoresistive (MR) reproducing element and an inductive recording element for high density rigid disk drives. We have also developed a low noise reproducing amplifier IC whose input noise level is 0.3nV/Hz. Our experimental results indicate that equal electrical potential between the exposed area of the MR element and the medium's surface improves the durability of our MR head.

  • Holographic Pattern Measurement of Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Vibration due to Mounted Electromagnetic Relay Operation

    Masanari TANIGUCHI  Junichi FUKUDA  Tasuku TAKAGI  Isamu AKASAKI  



    The authors developed new measuring system (Holographic Pattern Measuring System [HPMS]), which is composed of both techniques of holography and graphic image processing, was used to measure the vibrations of a printed circuit board (PCB) due to operation of a mounted electromagnetic relay on it. The clear vibration patterns were obtained. By using pattern analysis processor, quantitative vibration patterns of the PCB surface were observed. Both the vibration patterns and displacements were changed by edge fixing way of the PCB.

  • An Implementation of a Dialogue Processing System COKIS Using a Corpus Extracted Knowledge

    Kotaro MATSUSAKA  Akira KUMAMOTO  



    This system called COKIS automatically extracts knowledge about C functions from the UNIX on-line manual by using its description paragraph and the user can interactively inquire to the system in order to know about UNIX C functions. The idea is motivated on the one side to free users from being involved in an exhaustive knowledge acquisition in the past, and to examine problems in understanding knowledge itself on the other. We propose Memory Processor which is implemented to realize extracting knowledges from corpus and processing dialogues in the inquiry system at the same modules.

  • Pitch Synchronous Innovation CELP (PSI-CELP)

    Takehiro MORIYA  Satoshi MIKI  Kazunori MANO  Hitoshi OHMURO  



    A speech coding scheme at 3.6 kbit/s has been proposed. The scheme is based on CELP (Code Excited Linear Prediction) with pitch synchronous innovation, which means even random codevectors as well as adaptive codevectors have pitch periodicity. The quality is comparable to 6.7 kbit/s VSELP coder for the Japanese cellular radio standard.

  • Coding of LSP Parameters Using Interframe Moving Average Prediction and Multi-Stage Vector Quantization

    Hitoshi OHMURO  Takehiro MORIYA  Kazunori MANO  Satoshi MIKI  



    This letter proposes an LSP quantizing method which uses interframe correlation of the parameters. The quantized parameters are represented as a moving average of code vectors. Using this method, LSP parameters are quantized efficiently and the degradation of decoded parameters caused by bit errors affects only a few following frames.

  • A Continuous Speech Recognition Algorithm Utilizing Island-Driven A* Search

    Yoshikazu YAMAGUCHI  Akio OGIHARA  Yasuhisa HAYASHI  Nobuyuki TAKASU  Kunio FUKUNAGA  



    We propose a continuous speech recognition algorithm utilizing island-driven A* search. Conventional left-to-right A* search is probable to lose the optimal solution from a finite stack if some obscurities appear at the start of an input speech. Proposed island-driven A* search proceeds searching forward and backward from the clearest part of an input speech, and thus can avoid to lose the optimal solution from a finite stack.

  • Method for Measuring Glossiness of Colored Specimens

    Teizo AIDA  



    The already reported physical glossiness such as Mirror glossiness, indistinctness-degree glossiness, etc. are not proportional to the psycological glossiness which is the standard of the gloss, in cases of various colored specimens. Thus, in order to obtain a glossiness proportional to the psycological glossiness, first, the brightness distribution of the colored specimens was measured. Then, it was transformed to bring the form of the measured brightness distribution close to the visual distinctness-begree distribution, by the expand-reduce transformation technique. From the transformed distribution curve, the new glossiness G(H, V, C) was defined as functions of hue H, lightness V, saturation C and the indistinctness-degree glossiness GID. This new glossiness G(H, V, C) was applied to the Munsell color atlas papers and the high glossy colored papers, and then it was confirmed to be in proportion to the psychological glossiness GPh.

  • A Trial on Distance Education and Training through the PARTNERS Network

    Masatomo TANAKA  



    Japan's PARTNERS Project, one of the programmes of ISY advocated by UN, has just started. This letter is a brief introduction of the trials being carried out by the partners in the University of Electro-communications under the Project. The focus is on the distance education and training via ETS-V overcoming the geographical extent and the cultural diversity of the Asia-Pacific Region.

  • A Discussion on the Feedback Strategies in Computerized Testing

    Takako AKAKURA  Keizo NAGAOKA  



    The authors examined the effect of feedbacking information on learners of their test results obtained through computerized tests. The learner's acceptability of computerized tests was revealed to be improved by distribution and explanation of newly devised feedback charts including data on one's response history and response latency during computerized testing that was carried out in formative evaluation. The feedback chart composed of graphic representation of relationship between degree of difficulty of each question and its response latency got a particularly high evaluation among learners. It was revealed that types of feedback chart that stood highest in learner's estimate varied with the learner traits. This observation will serve to develop educational systems that incorporate computerized tests into school lessons.

  • The Sensitivity of Finger due to Elecrtical Stimulus Pulse for a Tactile Vision Substitution System

    Seungjik LEE  Jaeho SHIN  Seiichi NOGUCHI  



    In this letter, we study on the sensitivity to the electrical stimulus pulse for biomedical electronics for the purpose to make a tactile vision substitution system for binds. We derive the equivalent circuit of finger by measuring sensitive voltages with various touch condition and various DC voltage. And we consider to the sensitivity of finger against electrical stimulus pulse. In order to convert the sense of sight to tactile sense, we consider four types of touch condition and various types of pulse. It is shown that the sensitivity of finger to electrical stimulus pulse is determined by duty-ratio, frequency, hight of pulse and the type of touch condition. In the case that duty-ratio is about 20%, frequency is within about 60-300Hz and touch condition is A-4 type, the sensitive voltage becomes the lowest. With this result, a tactile vision substitution system can be developed and the system will be used to transfer various infomations to blinds without paper.

  • A Copy-Learning Model for Recognizing Patterns Rotated at Various Angles

    Kenichi SUZAKI  Shinji ARAYA  Ryozo NAKAMURA  



    In this paper we discuss a neural network model that can recognize patterns rotated at various angles. The model employs copy learning, a learning method entirely different from those used in conventional models. Copy-Learning is an effective learning method to attain the desired objective in a short period of time by making a copy of the result of basic learning through the application of certain rules. Our model using this method is capable of recognizing patterns rotated at various angles without requiring mathematical preprocessing. It involves two processes: first, it learns only the standard patterns by using part of the network. Then, it copies the result of the learning to the unused part of the network and thereby recognizes unknown input patterns by using all parts of the network. The model has merits over the conventional models in that it substantially reduces the time required for learning and recognition and can also recognize the rotation angle of the input pattern.

  • Reconstruction Method of Limited Angle Reflection Mode Diffraction Tomography Using Maximum Entropy Method

    Kazuhiko HAMAMOTO  Tsuyoshi SHIINA  



    Reflection mode diffraction tomography is expected to reconstruct a higher resolution image than transmission mode. Its image reconstruction problem, however, in the many cases of practical uses becomes ill-posed one. In this paper, a new reconstruction method of limited angle reflection mode diffraction tomography using maximum entropy method is proposed. Results of simulation showed that the method was able to reconstruct the better quality images than IR method poposed by Kak, et al.

  • Regular Section
  • A New Planning Mechanism for Distribution Systems

    Jiann-Liang GHEN  Ronlon TSAI  

    PAPER-Distributed Systems


    Based on distributed artificial intelligence technology, the paper proposes a distributed expert system for distribution system planning. The developed expert system is made up of a set of problem-solving agents that autonomously process local tasks and cooperatively interoperate with each other by a shared database in order to reach a proper distribution plan. In addition, a two-level control mechanism composed of local-control and meta-control is also proposed to achieve a high degree of goodness in distribution system planning. To demonstrate its effect, the distributed expert system is implemented on basis of NASA's CLIPS and SUN's RPC and applied to the planning of distribution system in Taiwan. Test results indicate that the distributed expert system assists system planners in making an appropriate plan.

  • Constant Round Perfect ZKIP of Computational Ability

    Toshiya ITOH  Kouichi SAKURAI  

    PAPER-Information Security and Cryptography


    In this paper, we show that without any unproven assumption, there exists a "four" move blackbox simulation perfect zero-knowledge interactive proof system of computational ability for any random self-reducible relation R whose domain is in BPP, and that without any unproven assumption, there exists a "four" move blackbox simulation perfect zero-knowledge interactive proof system of knowledge on the prime factorization. These results are optimal in the light of the round complexity, because it is shown that if a relation R has a three move blackbox simulation (perfect) zero-knowledge interactive proof system of computational ability (or of knowledge), then there exists a probabilistic polynomial time algorithm that on input x ∈ {0, 1}*, outputs y such that (x, y)∈R with overwhelming probability if x ∈dom R, and outputs "⊥" with probability 1 if x dom R.

  • A Universal Coding Scheme Based on Minimizing Minimax Redundancy for Sources with an Unknown Model

    Joe SUZUKI  

    PAPER-Information Theory and Coding Theory


    This paper's main objective is to clearly describe the construction of a universal code for minimizing Davisson's minimax redundancy in a range where the true model and stochastic parameters are unknown. Minimax redundancy is defined as the maximum difference between the expected persymbol code length and the per-symbol source entropy in the source range. A universal coding scheme is here formulated in terms of the weight function, i.e., a method is presented for determining a weight function which minimizes the minimax redundancy even when the true model is unknown. It is subsequently shown that the minimax redundancy achieved through the presented coding method is upper-bounded by the minimax redundancy of Rissanen's semi-predictive coding method.

  • Evaluations for Estimation of an Information Source Based on State Decomposition

    Joe SUZUKI  

    PAPER-Information Theory and Coding Theory


    This paper's main objective is to analyze several procedures which select the model g among a set G of stochastic models to minimize the value of an information criterion in the form of L(g)H[g](zn)+(k(g)/2)c(n), where zn is the n observed data emitted by an information source θ which consists of the model gθG and k(gθ) mutually independent stochastic parameters in the model gθG, H[g](zn) is (-1) (the maximum log likelihood value of the data zn with respect to a model gG), and c(n) is a predetermined function (penalty function) of n which controls the amount of penalty for increasing the model size. The result is focused on specific performances when the information criteria are applied to the framework of so-called state decomposition. Especially, upper bounds are derived of the following two performance measures for each penalty function c(n): the error probability of the model selection, and the average Kullback-Leibler information between the true information source and the estimated information source.

  • An Estimation of Pressure and Flow in a Three-Dimensional Dynamic Model of the Larynx with Nonuniform Glottis by FVM

    Chengxiang LU  Takayoshi NAKAI  Hisayoshi SUZUKI  

    PAPER-Modeling and Simulation


    In order to describe the flow passing through the glottis, we constructed a dynamic three-dimensional finite element model of the human larynx. The transient flow fields in the laryngeal model were calculated to examine the dynamic effects generated by the vocal fold vibration. A phase difference between the upper and lower edges of the vocal folds was included in the model to investigate the effect of the glottal shapes on pressure-flow relationships in the larynx during the vocal fold vibration. Using STAR-CD thermofluids analysis system, which is capable of treating the transient flow in moving-boundary situations with finite volume method, we solved the viscous incompressible Navier-Stokes equations to investigate the glottal flows and transglottal pressures as a function of the vocal fold vibration. The results were compared to the uniform glottis model and the theoretical model proposed by Ishizaka and Matsudaira, respectively. The effects of dynamic factors on the pressure distributions and flow patterns in the larynx resulting from the vocal-fold vibration were also discussed.

  • Highly Reliable Jacket Cutter for Optical Fibers

    Hirotoshi NAGATA  Nobuhide MIYAMOTO  Ryosuke KAIZU  

    PAPER-Optical Communication


    A new type jacket cutter for optical fibers is designed, and it is confirmed experimentally that its performance is superior to those of the conventional cutters. Using this new cutter which is mainly consisted of a rotatable fiber holder and a pair of blades separated by a distance of 0.3-0.4mm, only the tight jacket is cut and removed while the primary coating and the fiber are kept intact. As the result, the probability of damage to the fiber surface during jacket removal is reduced to about 0% compared to 10% found in the case of a conventional cutter. This result is useful to increase the reliability of optical fibers during assembling efforts.

  • Invariant Object Recognition by Artificial Neural Network Using Fahlman and Lebiere's Learning Algorithm

    Kazuki ITO  Masanori HAMAMOTO  Joarder KAMRUZZAMAN  Yukio KUMAGAI  

    LETTER-Neural Networks


    A new neural network system for object recognition is proposed which is invariant to translation, scaling and rotation. The system consists of two parts. The first is a preprocessor which obtains projection from the input image plane such that the projection features are translation and scale invariant, and then adopts the Rapid Transform which makes the transformed outputs rotation invariant. The second part is a neural net classifier which receives the outputs of preprocessing part as the input signals. The most attractive feature of this system is that, by using only a simple shift invariant transformation (Rapid transformation) in conjunction with the projection of the input image plane, invariancy is achieved and the system is of reasonably small size. Experiments with six geometrical objects with different degrees of scaling and rotation shows that the proposed system performs excellent when the neural net classifier is trained by the Cascade-correlation learning algorithm proposed by Fahlman and Lebiere.

  • A Shift Down Test of Resonance Frequency for the Cascading Bifurcations to Chaos

    Mitsuo KONO  Akio KONORI  

    LETTER-Nonlinear Phenomena and Analysis


    A shift down of the resonance frequency is claimed to be used as a simple practical test for the onset of chaos based on a common feature of forced damped nonlinear oscillation systems which exhibit cascading bifurcations to chaos.

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