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Advance publication (published online immediately after acceptance)

Volume E89-A No.3  (Publication Date:2006/03/01)

    Special Section on Multidimensional Signal Processing and Its Application

    Tetsuro FUJII  


  • Wideband Signal DOA Estimation Based on Modified Quantum Genetic Algorithm

    Feng LIU  Shaoqian LI  Min LIANG  Laizhao HU  



    A new wideband signal DOA estimation algorithm based on modified quantum genetic algorithm (MQGA) is proposed in the presence of the errors and the mutual coupling between array elements. In the algorithm, the narrowband signal subspace fitting method is generalized to wideband signal DOA finding according to the character of space spectrum of wideband signal, and so the rule function is constructed. Then, the solutions is encoded onto chromosomes as a string of binary sequence, the variable quantum rotation angle is defined according to the distribution of optimization solutions. Finally, we use the MQGA algorithm to solve the nonlinear global azimuths optimization problem, and get optimization azimuths by fitness values. The computer simulation results illustrated that the new algorithm have good estimation performance.

  • Visible Light Communication with LED Traffic Lights Using 2-Dimensional Image Sensor

    Haswani BINTI CHE WOOK  Shinichiro HARUYAMA  Masao NAKAGAWA  



    We propose a new receiving method for an information-providing system that uses LED-based traffic lights as the transmitter. We analyzed the improvements obtained when 2-dimentional image sensor replaced the conventional single-element photodiode. First, we discuss the maximum receiver's field of view (FOV) when using the 2-dimentional image sensor at a particular focal length. We analyzed the best vertical inclination for both lanes and quantified the improvements in terms of the enhancement of received signal-noise ratio (SNR) when different numbers of pixels were applied. Our results indicate that using more pixels increases the received SNR and the service area becomes wider compared to the conventional single-element system. Consequently, receivable information within the service area also increased. We also found that the optimum number of pixels to accomplish a reliable communication system is 5050 because performance degradation occured with a larger number of pixels.

  • An Adaptive Frame-Based Interpolation Method of Channel Estimation for Space-Time Block Codes in Moderate Fading Channels

    Gabriel Porto VILLARDI  Giuseppe Thadeu Freitas de ABREU  Ryuji KOHNO  



    The application of Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes (O-STBC) as the encoding scheme in the presence of "non-quasi-static" fading was considered. A simple and efficient adaptive method of channel estimation based on the interpolation of estimates acquired at the pre-amble and post-amble of framed blocks of information is developed. Moreover, the proposed method is proven, both theoretically and by simulations, to outperform the alternative of channel tracking, despite its significant low complexity.

  • Design of MIMO Communication Systems Using Tapped Delay Line Structure in Receiver Side

    Tetsuki TANIGUCHI  Hoang Huy PHAM  Nam Xuan TRAN  Yoshio KARASAWA  



    This paper presents a simple method to determine weights of single carrier multiple input multiple output (MIMO) broadband communication systems adopting tapped delay line (TDL) structure in receiver side for the effective communication under frequency selective fading (FSF) environment. First, assuming the perfect knowledge of the channel matrix in both arrays, an iterative design method of transmitter and receiver weights is proposed. In this approach, both weights are determined alternately to maximize signal to noise plus interference ratio (SINR) by fixing the weight of one side while optimizing the other, and this operation is repeated until SINR converges. Next, considering the case of uninformed transmitter, maximum SINR design method of MIMO system is extended for space time block coding (STBC) scheme working under FSF. Through computer simulations, it is demonstrated that the proposed schemes achieves higher SINR than conventional method with delay-less structure, particularly for the fading with long duration.

  • High Speed 3D IR Scanner for Home Service Robots

    Jehyuk RYU  Sungho YUN  Kyungjin SONG  Jundong CHO  Jongmoo CHOI  Sukhan LEE  

    PAPER-Image/Vision Processing


    This paper introduces the hardware platform of the structured light processing based on depth imaging to perform a 3D modeling of cluttered workspace for home service robots. We have discovered that the degradation of precision and robustness comes mainly from the overlapping of multiple codes in the signal received at a camera pixel. Considering the criticality of separating the overlapped codes to precision and robustness, we proposed a novel signal separation code, referred to here as "Hierarchically Orthogonal Code (HOC)," for depth imaging. The proposed HOC algorithm was implemented by using hardware platform which applies the Xilinx XC2V6000 FPGA to perform a real time 3D modeling and the invisible IR (Infrared) pattern lights to eliminate any inconveniences for the home environment. The experimental results have shown that the proposed HOC algorithm significantly enhances the robustness and precision in depth imaging, compared to the best known conventional approaches. Furthermore, after we processed the HOC algorithm implemented on our hardware platform, the results showed that it required 34 ms of time to generate one 3D image. This processing time is about 24 times faster than the same implementation of HOC algorithm using software, and the real-time processing is realized.

  • A High-Accuracy Passive 3D Measurement System Using Phase-Based Image Matching

    Mohammad Abdul MUQUIT  Takuma SHIBAHARA  Takafumi AOKI  

    PAPER-Image/Vision Processing


    This paper presents a high-accuracy 3D (three-dimen-sional) measurement system using multi-camera passive stereo vision to reconstruct 3D surfaces of free form objects. The proposed system is based on an efficient stereo correspondence technique, which consists of (i) coarse-to-fine correspondence search, and (ii) outlier detection and correction, both employing phase-based image matching. The proposed sub-pixel correspondence search technique contributes to dense reconstruction of arbitrary-shaped 3D surfaces with high accuracy. The outlier detection and correction technique contributes to high reliability of reconstructed 3D points. Through a set of experiments, we show that the proposed system measures 3D surfaces of objects with sub-mm accuracy. Also, we demonstrate high-quality dense 3D reconstruction of a human face as a typical example of free form objects. The result suggests a potential possibility of our approach to be used in many computer vision applications.

  • Extended Multiresolution Lossless Video Coding Using In-Band Spatio-Temporal Prediction

    Takayuki NAKACHI  Tomoko SAWABE  Tetsuro FUJII  

    PAPER-Image/Vision Processing


    Lossless video coding is required in the fields of archiving and editing digital cinema or digital broadcasting contents. This paper combines a discrete wavelet transform and adaptive inter/intra-frame prediction in the wavelet transform domain to create multiresolution lossless video coding. Based on the image statistics of the wavelet transform domains in successive frames, inter/intra frame adaptive prediction is applied to the appropriate wavelet transform domain. This adaptation offers superior compression performance. A progressive transmission scheme is also proposed for effective resolution scalability. Experiments on test sequences confirm the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

  • Robust Beamforming of Microphone Array Using H Adaptive Filtering Technique

    Jwu-Sheng HU  Wei-Han LIU  Chieh-Cheng CHENG  

    PAPER-Speech/Audio Processing


    In ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) applications, one of the most important issues in the real-time beamforming of microphone arrays is the inability to capture the whole acoustic dynamics via a finite-length of data and a finite number of array elements. For example, the reflected source signal impinging from the side-lobe direction presents a coherent interference, and the non-minimal phase channel dynamics may require an infinite amount of data in order to achieve perfect equalization (or inversion). All these factors appear as uncertainties or un-modeled dynamics in the receiving signals. Traditional adaptive algorithms such as NLMS that do not consider these errors will result in performance deterioration. In this paper, a time domain beamformer using H filtering approach is proposed to adjust the beamforming parameters. Furthermore, this work also proposes a frequency domain approach called SPFDBB (Soft Penalty Frequency Domain Block Beamformer) using H filtering approach that can reduce computational efforts and provide a purified data to the ASR application. Experimental results show that the adaptive H filtering method is robust to the modeling errors and suppresses much more noise interference than that in the NLMS based method. Consequently, the correct rate of ASR is also enhanced.

  • Interface for Barge-in Free Spoken Dialogue System Using Nullspace Based Sound Field Control and Beamforming

    Shigeki MIYABE  Hiroshi SARUWATARI  Kiyohiro SHIKANO  Yosuke TATEKURA  

    PAPER-Speech/Audio Processing


    In this paper, we describe a new interface for a barge-in free spoken dialogue system combining multichannel sound field control and beamforming, in which the response sound from the system can be canceled out at the microphone points. The conventional method inhibits a user from moving because the system forces the user to stay at a fixed position where the response sound is reproduced. However, since the proposed method does not set control points for the reproduction of the response sound to the user, the user is allowed to move. Furthermore, the relaxation of strict reproduction for the response sound enables us to design a stable system with fewer loudspeakers than those used in the conventional method. The proposed method shows a higher performance in speech recognition experiments.

  • Separation of Mixed Audio Signals by Decomposing Hilbert Spectrum with Modified EMD

    Md. Khademul Islam MOLLA  Keikichi HIROSE  Nobuaki MINEMATSU  

    PAPER-Speech/Audio Processing


    The Hilbert transformation together with empirical mode decomposition (EMD) produces Hilbert spectrum (HS) which is a fine-resolution time-frequency representation of any nonlinear and non-stationary signal. The EMD decomposes the mixture signal into some oscillatory components each one is called intrinsic mode function (IMF). Some modification of the conventional EMD is proposed here. The instantaneous frequency of every real valued IMF component is computed with Hilbert transformation. The HS is constructed by arranging the instantaneous frequency spectra of IMF components. The HS of the mixture signal is decomposed into subspaces corresponding to the component sources. The decomposition is performed by applying independent component analysis (ICA) and Kulback-Leibler divergence based K-means clustering on the selected number of bases derived from HS of the mixture. The time domain source signals are assembled by applying some post processing on the subspaces. We have produced experimental results using the proposed separation technique.

  • A Shortest Path Search Algorithm Using an Excitable Digital Reaction-Diffusion System

    Koichi ITO  Masahiko HIRATSUKA  Takafumi AOKI  Tatsuo HIGUCHI  

    PAPER-Signal Processing Algorithm


    This paper presents a shortest path search algorithm using a model of excitable reaction-diffusion dynamics. In our previous work, we have proposed a framework of Digital Reaction-Diffusion System (DRDS)--a model of a discrete-time discrete-space reaction-diffusion system useful for nonlinear signal processing tasks. In this paper, we design a special DRDS, called an "excitable DRDS," which emulates excitable reaction-diffusion dynamics and produces traveling waves. We also demonstrate an application of the excitable DRDS to the shortest path search problem defined on two-dimensional (2-D) space with arbitrary boundary conditions.

  • Fast Multiple Reference Frame Selection Method Using Correlation of Sequence in JVT/H.264

    Jae-Sik SOHN  Duk-Gyoo KIM  

    LETTER-Image/Vision Processing


    H.264 video coding standard has a significant performance better than the other standards are the adoption of variable block sizes, multiple reference frames, and the consideration of rate distortion optimization within the codec. However, these features incur a considerable complexity in the encoder for motion estimation. As for the multiple reference frames motion estimation, the increased computation is in proportion to the number of searched reference frames. In this paper, a fast multiple frame reference frames selection method is proposed for H.264 video coding. The proposed algorithm can efficiently determine the best reference frame from the allowed five reference frames. As determine the number of reference frames to search the motion using the correlation of the different block between the block of current frame and that of previous frame, this scheme can efficiently reduce the computational cost while keeping the similar quality and bit-rate. Simulation results show that the speed of the proposed method is faster than that of the original scheme adapted in JVT reference software JM95 while keeping the similar video quality and bit-rate.

  • Detection of Moving Cast Shadows for Traffic Monitoring System

    Jeong-Hoon CHO  Dae-Geun JANG  Chan-Sik HWANG  

    LETTER-Image/Vision Processing


    Shadow detection and removal is important to deal with traffic image sequences. Cast shadow of vehicle may lead to an inaccurate object feature extraction and erroneous scene analysis. Furthermore, separate vehicles can be connected through shadow. Both can confuse object recognition systems. In this paper, a robust method is proposed for detecting and removing active cast shadow in monocular color image sequences. Background subtraction method is used to extract moving blobs in color and gradient dimensions, and the YCrCb color space is adopted for detecting and removing the cast shadow. Even when shadows link different vehicles, it can detect the each vehicle figure using modified mask by shadow bar. Experimental results from town scenes show that proposed method is effective and the classification accuracy is sufficient for general vehicle type classification.

  • Regular Section
  • Design of Equiripple Minimum Phase FIR Filters with Ripple Ratio Control

    Masahiro OKUDA  Masaaki IKEHARA  Shin-ichi TAKAHASHI  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing


    In this paper, we present a numerical method for the equiripple approximation of minimum phase FIR digital filters. Many methods have been proposed for the design of such filters. Many of them first design a linear phase filter whose length is twice as long, and then factorize the filter to obtain the minimum phase. Although these methods theoretically guarantee its optimality, it is difficult to control the ratio of ripples between different bands. In the conventional lowpass filter design, for example, when different weights are given for its passband and stopband, one needs to iteratively design the filter by trial and error to achieve the ratio of the weights exactly. To address this problem, we modifies well-known Parks-McClellan algorithm and make it possible to directly control the ripple ratios. The method iteratively solves a set of linear equations with controlling the ratio of ripples. Using this method, the equiripple solutions are obtained quickly.

  • Detection of Bearing Faults Using Haar Wavelets

    Mohammad Hossein KAHAEI  Mehdi TORBATIAN  Javad POSHTAN  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing


    This paper presents a new bearing fault detection algorithm based on analyzing singular points of vibration signals using the Haar wavelet. The proposed Haar Fault Detection (HFD) algorithm is compared with a previously-developed algorithm associated with the Morlet wavelet. We also substitute the Haar wavelet with Daubechies wavelets with larger compact supports and evaluate the results. Simulations carried on real data demonstrate that the HFD algorithm achieves a comparable accuracy while having a lower computational cost. This makes the HFD algorithm an appropriate candidate for fast processing of bearing faults.

  • Analysis of Reactance Oscillators Having Multi-Mode Oscillations

    Yoshihiro YAMAGAMI  Yoshifumi NISHIO  Akio USHIDA  

    PAPER-Circuit Theory


    We consider oscillators consisting of a reactance circuit and a negative resistor. They may happen to have multi-mode oscillations around the anti-resonant frequencies of the reactance circuit. This kind of oscillators can be easily synthesized by setting the resonant and anti-resonant frequencies of the reactance circuits. However, it is not easy to analyze the oscillation phenomena, because they have multiple oscillations whose oscillations depend on the initial guesses. In this paper, we propose a Spice-oriented solution algorithm combining the harmonic balance method with Newton homotopy method that can find out the multiple solutions on the homotopy paths. In our analysis, the determining equations from the harmonic balance method are given by modified equivalent circuit models of "DC," "Cosine" and "Sine" circuits. The modified circuits can be solved by a simulator STC (solution curve tracing circuit), where the multiple oscillations are found by the transient analysis of Spice. Thus, we need not to derive the troublesome circuit equations, nor the mathematical transformations to get the determining equations. It makes the solution algorithms much simpler.

  • A Plan-Generation-Evaluation Framework for Design Space Exploration of Digital Systems Design

    Jun Kyoung KIM  Tag Gon KIM  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD


    Modern digital systems design requires us to explore a large and complex design space to find a best configuration which satisfies design requirements. Such exploration requires a sound representation of design space from which design candidates are efficiently generated, each of which then is evaluated. This paper proposes a plan-generation-evaluation framework which supports a complete process of such design space exploration. The plan phase constitutes a design space of all possible design alternatives by means of a formally defined representation scheme of attributed AND-OR graph. The generation phase generates a set of candidates by algorithmic pruning of the design space in an attributed AND-OR graph with respect to design requirements as well as architectural constraints. Finally, the evaluation phase measures performance of design candidates in a pruned graph to select a best one. A complete process of cache design is exemplified to show the effectiveness of the proposed framework.

  • Low-Power Hybrid Turbo Decoding Based on Reverse Calculation

    Hye-Mi CHOI  Ji-Hoon KIM  In-Cheol PARK  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD


    As turbo decoding is a highly memory-intensive algorithm consuming large power, a major issue to be solved in practical implementation is to reduce power consumption. This paper presents an efficient reverse calculation method to lower the power consumption by reducing the number of memory accesses required in turbo decoding. The reverse calculation method is proposed for the Max-log-MAP algorithm, and it is combined with a scaling technique to achieve a new decoding algorithm, called hybrid log-MAP, that results in a similar BER performance to the log-MAP algorithm. For the W-CDMA standard, experimental results show that 80% of memory accesses are reduced through the proposed reverse calculation method. A hybrid log-MAP turbo decoder based on the proposed reverse calculation reduces power consumption and memory size by 34.4% and 39.2%, respectively.

  • A Hybrid Fine-Tuned Multi-Objective Memetic Algorithm

    Xiuping GUO  Genke YANG  Zhiming WU  Zhonghua HUANG  

    PAPER-Numerical Analysis and Optimization


    In this paper, we propose a hybrid fine-tuned multi-objective memetic algorithm hybridizing different solution fitness evaluation methods for global exploitation and exploration. To search across all regions in objective space, the algorithm uses a widely diversified set of weights at each generation, and employs a simulated annealing to optimize each utility function. For broader exploration, a grid-based technique is adopted to discover the missing nondominated regions on existing tradeoff surface, and a Pareto-based local perturbation is performed to reproduce incrementing solutions trying to fill up the discontinuous areas. Additional advanced feature is that the procedure is made dynamic and adaptive to the online optimization conditions based on a function of improvement ratio to obtain better stability and convergence of the algorithm. Effectiveness of our approach is shown by applying it to multi-objective 0/1 knapsack problem (MOKP).

  • Two Schemes for an Overloaded Space-Time Spreading System over a Flat Rayleigh Fading MIMO Channel

    Dianjun CHEN  Takeshi HASHIMOTO  

    PAPER-Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications


    We propose two sequence design schemes for an overloaded space-time spreading system with multiple antennas. One scheme is for a system in which the amplitude of user signals needs not be adjusted and provides tradeoffs between the user capacity and diversity order. This scheme has a certain similarity to time-sharing, but its performance is further improved by time-diversity. Another is to achieve full diversity order by varying user signal amplitudes. The diversity orders of the respective schemes are theoretically proved and their performances are demonstrated by simulation.

  • An Efficient Method for Converting Polygonal Models into Displaced Subdivision Representation

    Muhammad HUSSAIN  Yoshihiro OKADA  Koichi NIIJIMA  

    PAPER-Computer Graphics


    Displaced subdivision surface representation [13] is a new form of representing a polygonal surface model, where a detailed surface model is defined as a scaler-valued displacement map over a smooth domain surface; it puts forth a number of attractive features for editing, geometry compression, animation, scalability, and adaptive rendering of polygonal models. The construction of the smooth domain surface is a challenging task in the conversion process of a detailed polygonal surface model into this representation. In this paper, we propose a new efficient method for defining the smooth domain surface based on -subdivision scheme. The proposed algorithm not only performs better in terms of the quality of the generated surfaces but is computationally more efficient and occupies less memory as compared to the original algorithm [13] and generates surfaces with more levels of detail due to the specific nature of -subdivision when the prescribed target complexity of the generated mesh must not be exceeded. To corroborate the efficiency and the quality of the new technique, the conversion results for several public domain models have been presented.

  • On the Number of Integrators Needed for Dynamic Observer Error Linearization via Integrators

    Kyungtak YU  Nam-Hoon JO  Jin Heon SEO  

    LETTER-Systems and Control


    In this letter, an illustrative example is given, which shows that the number of integrators needed for the dynamic observer error linearization using integrators can not be bounded by a function of the dimension of the system and the number of outputs in contrast to dynamic feedback linearization results.

  • Cryptanalysis of Tzeng-Tzeng Forward-Secure Signature Schemes

    Hong WANG  Gang QIU  Deng-Guo FENG  Guo-Zhen XIAO  

    LETTER-Information Security


    In PKC'01, Tzeng et al. proposed two robust forward-secure signature schemes with proactive security: one is an efficient scheme, but it requires a manager; the other scheme is a new construction based on distributed multiplication procedures. In this paper, we point out their new distributed multiplication procedure is not secure, thus making the whole new construction insecure. Finally, we present an improved forward-secure signature scheme without a manager.

  • An Attack on the Identity-Based Key Agreement Protocols in Multiple PKG Environment

    JoongHyo OH  SangJae MOON  Jianfeng MA  

    LETTER-Information Security


    Lee et al. recently proposed the first identity-based key agreement protocols for a multiple PKG environment where each PKG has different domain parameters in ICCSA 2005. However, this letter demonstrates that Lee et al.'s scheme does not include the property of implicit key authentication which is the fundamental security requirement, making it vulnerable to an impersonation attack.

  • New Structures of Packet/Frame Synchronizer for MB-OFDM UWB

    Heon-Uk LEE  Sang-Hun YOON  Kyung-Kuk LEE  Jong-Wha CHONG  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals


    In this letter, we suggest two new efficient hardware structures of correlators for packet and frame synchronization of MB-OFDM UWB. In the proposed structure 1, we suggest a hierarchical structure composed of 8 and 16 tap sub-correlators instead of ordinary 128 tap correlators. In the proposed structure 2, we suggest a structure which uses quantized coefficients and simplified multipliers. Results of simulations indicates that the hardware complexities of proposed structures are reduced to about 54% and 31% with minor performance loss, compared with a conventional method.

  • Quarternary Signal Sets for Digital Communications with Nonuniform Sources


    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals


    This letter considers the signal design problems for quaternary digital communications with nonuniform sources. The designs are considered for both the average and equal energy constraints and for a two-dimensional signal space. A tight upper bound on the bit error probability (BEP) is employed as the design criterion. The optimal quarternary signal sets are presented and their BEP performance is compared with that of the standard QPSK and the binary signal set previously designed for nonuniform sources. Results shows that a considerable saving in the transmitted power can be achieved by the proposed average-energy signal set for a highly nonuniform source.

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