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Advance publication (published online immediately after acceptance)

Volume E95-A No.9  (Publication Date:2012/09/01)

    Special Section on Software Reliability Engineering

    Tadashi DOHI  


  • On Optimization of Minimized Assumption Generation Method for Component-Based Software Verification

    Ngoc Hung PHAM  Viet Ha NGUYEN  Toshiaki AOKI  Takuya KATAYAMA  



    The minimized assumption generation has been recognized as an important improvement of the assume-guarantee verification method in order to generate minimal assumptions. The generated minimal assumptions can be used to recheck the whole component-based software at a lower computational cost. The method is not only fitted to component-based software but also has a potential to solve the state space explosion problem in model checking. However, the computational cost for generating the minimal assumption is very high so the method is difficult to be applied in practice. This paper presents an optimization as a continuous work of the minimized assumption generation method in order to reduce the complexity of the method. The key idea of this method is to find a smaller assumption in a sub-tree of the search tree containing the candidate assumptions using the depth-limited search strategy. With this approach, the improved method can generate assumptions with a lower computational cost and consumption memory than the minimized method. The generated assumptions are also effective for rechecking the systems at much lower computational cost in the context of software evolution. An implemented tool supporting the improved method and experimental results are also presented and discussed.

  • Exponential Regression-Based Software Reliability Model and Its Computational Aspect

    Shinya IKEMOTO  Tadashi DOHI  



    An exponential regression-based model with stochastic intensity is developed to describe the software reliability growth phenomena, where the software testing metrics depend on the intensity process. For such a generalized modeling framework, the common maximum likelihood method cannot be applied any more to the parameter estimation. In this paper, we propose to use the pseudo maximum likelihood method for the parameter estimation and to seek not only the model parameters but also the software reliability measures approximately. It is shown in numerical experiments with real software fault data that the resulting software reliability models based on four parametric approximations provide the better goodness-of-fit performance than the common non-homogeneous Poisson process models without testing metric information.

  • Markovian Modeling for Operational Software Reliability Evaluation with Systemability

    Koichi TOKUNO  Shigeru YAMADA  



    In this paper, we discuss the stochastic modeling for operational software reliability measurement, assuming that the testing environment is originally different from the user operation one. In particular, we introduce the concept of systemability which is defined as the reliability characteristic subject to the uncertainty of the field operational environment into the model. First we introduce the environmental factor to consistently bridge the gap between the software failure-occurrence characteristics during the testing and the operation phases. Then we consider the randomness of the environmental factor, i.e., the environmental factor is treated as a random-distributed variable. We use the Markovian imperfect debugging model to describe the software reliability growth phenomena in the testing and the operation phases. We derive the analytical solutions of the several operational software reliability assessment measures which are given as the functions of time and the number of debuggings. Finally, we show several numerical illustrations to investigate the impacts of the consideration of systemability on the field software reliability evaluation.

  • An Algorithm for Gradual Patch Acceptance Detection in Open Source Software Repository Mining

    Passakorn PHANNACHITTA  Akinori IHARA  Pijak JIRAPIWONG  Masao OHIRA  Ken-ichi MATSUMOTO  



    Nowadays, software development societies have given more precedence to Open Source Software (OSS). There is much research aimed at understanding the OSS society to sustain the OSS product. To lead an OSS project to a successful conclusion, researchers study how developers change source codes called patches in project repositories. In existing studies, we found an argument in the conventional patch acceptance detection procedure. It was so simplified that it omitted important cases from the analysis, and would lead researchers to wrong conclusions. In this research, we propose an algorithm to overcome the problem. To prove out our algorithm, we constructed a framework and conducted two case studies. As a result, we came to a new and interesting understanding of patch activities.

  • Software Failure Time Data Analysis via Wavelet-Based Approach

    Xiao XIAO  Tadashi DOHI  



    The non-homogeneous Poisson process (NHPP) has been applied successfully to model nonstationary counting phenomena for a large class of problems. In software reliability engineering, the NHPP-based software reliability models (SRMs) are of a very important class. Since NHPP is characterized by its rate (intensity) function, which is known as the software failure rate of NHPP-based SRM, it is of great interest to estimate accurately the rate function from observed software failure data. In the existing work the same authors introduced a Haar-wavelet-based technique for this problem and found that the Haar wavelet transform provided a very powerful performance in estimating software failure rate. In this paper, we consider the application potentiality of a Daubechies wavelet estimator in the estimation of software failure rate, given the software failure time data. We give practical solutions by overcoming technical difficulties in applying the Daubechies wavelet estimator to the real software failure time data.

  • A Feature Analysis of Co-changed Code Clone by Using Clone Metrics

    Myrizki SANDHI YUDHA  Ryohei ASANO  Hirohisa AMAN  



    Code clones are duplicated or similar code fragments, and they have been known as major entities affecting the software maintainability. Sometimes there are “co-changes” in pair of code clones: when a code fragment is changed, the clone of the fragment is also changed. Such a co-change is one of key event to discuss the successful management of code clone. This paper analyzes the trends of co-changed code clones by using the length and the content of code clones. The empirical results show that: (1) there would be a specific length of clone to be mostly co-changed (around 60-100 tokens), and (2) code clones without any “control flow keywords” have a higher possibility to be co-changed than the others.

  • Using Satisfiability Solving for Pairwise Testing in the Presence of Constraints

    Toru NANBA  Tatsuhiro TSUCHIYA  Tohru KIKUNO  



    This letter discusses the applicability of boolean satisfiability (SAT) solving to pairwise testing in practice. Due to its recent rapid advance, using SAT solving seems a promising approach for search-based testing and indeed has already been practiced in test generation for pairwise testing. The previous approaches use SAT solving either for finding a small test set in the absence of parameter constraints or handling constraints, but not for both. This letter proposes an approach that uses a SAT solver for constructing a test set for pairwise testing in the presence of parameter constraints. This allows us to make full use of SAT solving for pairwise testing in practice.

  • Regular Section
  • An Efficient Variance Estimator for the Hurst Exponent of Discrete-Time Fractional Gaussian Noise

    Yen-Ching CHANG  Liang-Hwa CHEN  Li-Chun LAI  Chun-Ming CHANG  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing


    Discrete-Time fractional Brownian motion (DFBM) and its increment process, called discrete-time fractional Gaussian noise (DFGN), are usually used to describe natural and biomedical phenomena. These two processes are dominated by one parameter, called the Hurst exponent, which needs to be estimated in order to capture the characteristics of physical signals. In the previous work, a variance estimator for estimating the Hurst exponent directly via DFBM was provided, and it didn't consider point selection for linear regression. Since physical signals often appear to be DFGN-type, not DFBM-type, it is imperative to first transform DFGN into DFBM in real applications. In this paper, we show that the variance estimator possesses another form, which can be estimated directly via the autocorrelation functions of DFGN. The above extra procedure of transforming DFGN into DFBM can thus be avoided. On the other hand, the point selection for linear regression is also considered. Experimental results show that 4-point linear regression is almost optimal in most cases. Therefore, our proposed variance estimator is more efficient and accurate than the original one mentioned above. Besides, it is also superior to AR and MA methods in speed and accuracy.

  • Optimal Control of Probabilistic Boolean Networks Using Polynomial Optimization

    Koichi KOBAYASHI  Kunihiko HIRAISHI  

    PAPER-Systems and Control


    In this paper, the optimal control problem of a probabilistic Boolean network (PBN), which is one of the significant models in gene regulatory networks, is discussed. In the existing methods of optimal control for PBNs, it is necessary to compute state transition diagrams with 2n nodes for a given PBN with n states. To avoid this computation, a polynomial optimization approach is proposed. In the proposed method, a PBN is transformed into a polynomial system, and the optimal control problem is reduced to a polynomial optimization problem. Since state transition diagrams are not computed, the proposed method is convenient for users.

  • Improved Via-Programmable Structured ASIC VPEX3 and Its Evaluation

    Ryohei HORI  Tatsuya KITAMORI  Taisuke UEOKA  Masaya YOSHIKAWA  Takeshi FUJINO  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD


    Various kinds of structured ASICs have been proposed that can customize logic functions using a few photomasks, which decreases the initial cost, especially that of expensive photo-masks. In the past, we have developed a via programmable structured ASIC “VPEX2” (Via Programmable logic device using EXclusive-or array) that is capable of changing logics on 2 via (the 1st and 3rd via) layers. The logic element (LE) of VPEX2 is composed of EXOR gate and 2 NOT gates. However, “VPEX2” architecture has the two important penalty, the area penalty is 5-6 times that of the ASIC and wiring congestion by detouring wires to avoid I/O terminals. In this paper, we propose a new architecture “VPEX3” in order to achieve the practical structures. In VPEX3, we applied three techniques for decrease area penalty and higher wiring efficiency: (1) LE area is reduced approximately 60% by omitting 1 NOT gate on a LE and the gate width reduction, (2) the kinds of configurable logic function on a single LE is increased from 13 to 22 by introducing “flexible AOI gate technique” and (3) flexible I/O terminal by introducing 2nd via as a programmable layers. Furthermore, the delay model for via programmable wiring is necessary in order to evaluate via programmable wiring architecture compared to standard cell ASIC. We extracted wiring delay characteristics from the ring oscillator test circuit using both of normal wiring and via-programmable wiring. These three new architectures and via programmable wiring-delay-model revealed that an area-delay product of “VPEX3” is as small as twice that of ASIC. Chip-cost estimation among FPGA, “VPEX2”, “VPEX3” and ASIC revealed that the “VPEX3” is the most cost-effective architecture for Systems-on-chips (SoCs) whose production volume is from one thousand to several tens of thousands units.

  • Floorplanning for High Utilization of Heterogeneous FPGAs

    Nan LIU  Song CHEN  Takeshi YOSHIMURA  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD


    Heterogeneous resources such as configurable logic blocks (CLBs), multiplier blocks (MULs) and RAM blocks (RAMs) where millions of logic gates are included have been added to field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). The fixed-outline floorplanning used by the existing methods always has a big penalty item in the objective function to ensure all the modules are placed in the specified chip region, which maybe greatly degrade the wirelength. This paper presents a three-phase floorplanning method for heterogeneous FPGAs. First, a non-slicing free-outline floorplanning method is used to optimize the wirelength, however, in this phase, the satisfaction of resource requirements from functional modules might fail. Second, a min-cost-max-flow algorithm is used to tune the assignment of CLBs to functional modules, and assign contiguous regions to each module so that all the functional modules satisfy CLB requirements. Finally, the MULs and RAMs are allocated to modules by a network flow model. CLBs hold the maximum quantity among all the resources. Therefore, making a high utilization of them means an enhancement of the FPGA densities. The proposed method can improve the utilization of CLBs, hence, much larger circuits could be mapped to the same FPGA chip. The results show that about 7–85% wirelength reduction is obtained, and CLB utilization is improved by about 25%.

  • A Locality-Aware Hybrid NoC Configuration Algorithm Utilizing the Communication Volume among IP Cores

    Seungju LEE  Masao YANAGISAWA  Nozomu TOGAWA  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD


    Network-on-chip (NoC) architectures have emerged as a promising solution to the lack of scalability in multi-processor systems-on-chips (MPSoCs). With the explosive growth in the usage of multimedia applications, it is expected that NoC serves as a multimedia server supporting multi-class services. In this paper, we propose a configuration algorithm for a hybrid bus-NoC architecture together with simulation results. Our target architecture is a hybrid bus-NoC architecture, called busmesh NoC, which is a generalized version of a hybrid NoC with local buses. In our BMNoC configuration algorithm, cores which have a heavy communication volume between them are mapped in a cluster node (CN) and connected by a local bus. CNs can have communication with each other via edge switches (ESes) and mesh routers (MRs). With this hierarchical communication network, our proposed algorithm can improve the latency as compared with conventional methods. Several realistic applications applied to our algorithm illustrate the better performance than earlier studies and feasibility of our proposed algorithm.

  • Known-Key Attacks on Generalized Feistel Schemes with SP Round Function

    HyungChul KANG  Deukjo HONG  Dukjae MOON  Daesung KWON  Jaechul SUNG  Seokhie HONG  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security


    We present attacks on the generalized Feistel schemes, where each round function consists of a subkey XOR, S-boxes, and then a linear transformation (i.e. a Substitution-Permutation (SP) round function). Our techniques are based on rebound attacks. We assume that the S-boxes have a good differential property and the linear transformation has an optimal branch number. Under this assumption, we firstly describe known-key distinguishers on the type-1, -2, and -3 generalized Feistel schemes up to 21, 13 and 8 rounds, respectively. Then, we use the distinguishers to make several attacks on hash functions where Merkle-Damgård domain extender is used and the compression function is constructed with Matyas-Meyer-Oseas or Miyaguchi-Preneel hash modes from generalized Feistel schemes. Collision attacks are made for 11 rounds of type-1 Feistel scheme. Near collision attacks are made for 13 rounds of type-1 Feistel scheme and 9 rounds of type-2 Feistel scheme. Half collision attacks are made for 15 rounds of type-1 Feistel scheme, 9 rounds of type-2 Feistel scheme, and 5 rounds of type-3 Feistel scheme.

  • A Numerical Evaluation of Entanglement Sharing Protocols Using Quantum LDPC CSS Codes

    Masakazu YOSHIDA  Manabu HAGIWARA  Takayuki MIYADERA  Hideki IMAI  

    PAPER-Information Theory


    Entangled states play crucial roles in quantum information theory and its applied technologies. In various protocols such as quantum teleportation and quantum key distribution, a good entangled state shared by a pair of distant players is indispensable. In this paper, we numerically examine entanglement sharing protocols using quantum LDPC CSS codes. The sum-product decoding method enables us to detect uncorrectable errors, and thus, two protocols, Detection and Resending (DR) protocol and Non-Detection (ND) protocol are considered. In DR protocol, the players abort the protocol and repeat it if they detect the uncorrectable errors, whereas in ND protocol they do not abort the protocol. We show that DR protocol yields smaller error rate than ND protocol. In addition, it is shown that rather high reliability can be achieved by DR protocol with quantum LDPC CSS codes.

  • Equivalent Conditions to Determine the GEKs by the LEKs in a Convolutional Network Code over a Cyclic Network

    Xubo ZHAO  Wangmei GUO  

    PAPER-Coding Theory


    In this paper, the correspondence between the weighted line graph and the Mason signal flow graph (MSFG) has been established, which gives an interpretation of a convolutional network code (CNC) over a cyclic network from a different perspective. Furthermore, by virtue of Mason theorem, we present two new equivalent conditions to evaluate whether the global encoding kernels (GEKs) can be uniquely determined by the given complete set of local encoding kernels (LEKs) in a CNC over a cyclic network. These two new equivalent conditions turn out to be more intuitive. Moreover, we give an alternative simple proof of an existing result.

  • A New Method for Constructing Asymmetric ZCZ Sequence Sets

    Hideyuki TORII  Takahiro MATSUMOTO  Makoto NAKAMURA  

    PAPER-Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications


    The present paper proposes a new method for constructing polyphase asymmetric zero-correlation zone (A-ZCZ) sequence sets. The proposed method can generate A-ZCZ sequence sets that cannot be obtained from methods proposed by other researchers and is a generalized version of our previously proposed method. An A-ZCZ sequence set can be regarded as a ZCZ sequence set. The newly obtained A-ZCZ sequence sets include quasi-optimal ZCZ sequence sets of which the zero-cross-correlation zone (ZCCZ) length between different sequence subsets is larger than the mathematical upper bound of conventional ZCZ sequence sets. A new method for extending the A-ZCZ sequence sets is also presented in the present paper.

  • Microscopic Local Binary Pattern for Texture Classification

    Jiangping HE  Wei SONG  Hongwei JI  Xin YANG  



    This paper presents a Microscopic Local Binary Pattern (MLBP) for texture classification. The conventional LBP methods which rely on the uniform patterns discard some texture information by merging the nonuniform patterns. MLBP preserves the information by classifying the nonuniform patterns using the structure similarity at microscopic level. First, the nonuniform patterns are classified into three groups using the macroscopic information. Second, the three groups are individually divided into several subgroups based on the microscopic structure information. The experiments show that MLBP achieves a better result compared with the other LBP related methods.

  • Swift Communication Range Recognition Method for Quick and Accurate Position Estimation of Passive RFID Tags

    Manato FUJIMOTO  Tomotaka WADA  Atsuki INADA  Kouichi MUTSUURA  Hiromi OKADA  

    PAPER-Measurement Technology


    Radio frequency identification (RFID) system has gained attention as a new identification source that achieves a ubiquitous environment. Each RFID tag has a unique ID and is attached to an object. A user reads the unique ID of an RFID tag by using RFID readers and obtains the information on the object. One of the important technologies that use the RFID systems is the position estimation of RFID tags. Position estimation means estimating the location of the object with the RFID tag. Acquiring the location information of the RFID tag can be very useful. If a user can know the position of the RFID tag, the position estimation can be applied to a navigation system for walkers. In this paper, we propose a new position estimation method named Swift Communication Range Recognition (S-CRR) as an extended improvement on previous CRR that shortens the estimation delay. In this method, the position of an RFID tag is estimated by selecting the communication area model that corresponds to its boundary angles. We evaluated its performance by experiments and simulations of the RFID system. As the results, we found that S-CRR can estimate the position of an RFID tag comparatively accurately and quickly.

  • Voice-Activity Detection Using Long-Term Sub-Band Entropy Measure

    Kun-Ching WANG  

    LETTER-Engineering Acoustics


    A novel long-term sub-band entropy (LT-SubEntropy) measure, which uses improved long-term spectral analysis and sub-band entropy, is proposed for voice activity detection (VAD). Based on the measure, we can accurately exploit the inherent nature of the formant structure on speech spectrogram (the well-known as voiceprint). Results show that the proposed VAD is superior to existing standard VAD methods at low SNR levels, especially at variable-level noise.

  • Polyphonic Music Transcription by Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Harmonicity and Temporality Criteria

    Sang Ha PARK  Seokjin LEE  Koeng-Mo SUNG  

    LETTER-Engineering Acoustics


    Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) is widely used for music transcription because of its efficiency. However, the conventional NMF-based music transcription algorithm often causes harmonic confusion errors or time split-up errors, because the NMF decomposes the time-frequency data according to the activated frequency in its time. To solve these problems, we proposed an NMF with temporal continuity and harmonicity constraints. The temporal continuity constraint prevented the time split-up of the continuous time components, and the harmonicity constraint helped to bind the fundamental with harmonic frequencies by reducing the additional octave errors. The transcription performance of the proposed algorithm was compared with that of the conventional algorithms, which showed that the proposed method helped to reduce additional false errors and increased the overall transcription performance.

  • Blind Preprocessing of Multichannel Feedforward ANC in Frequency Domain

    Min ZHU  Huigang WANG  Guoyue CHEN  Kenji MUTO  

    LETTER-Noise and Vibration


    It is shown that simple preprocessing on the reference signals in multichannel feedforward ANC system can improve the convergence performance of the adaptive ANC algorithm. A fast and efficient blind preprocessing algorithm in frequency domain is proposed to reduce the computational complexity even that the reference sensors are located far from the noise sources. The permutation problem at different frequency bin is also addressed and solved by an independent vector analysis algorithm. The basic principle and performance comparison are given to verify our conclusion.

  • Successive SLNR Precoding with GMD for Downlink Multi-User Multi-Stream MIMO Systems

    Xun-yong Zhang  Chen HE  Ling-ge JIANG  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing


    In this paper, we propose a successive signal-to-leakage-plus-noise ratio (SLNR) based precoding with geometric mean decomposition (GMD) for the downlink multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO) systems. The known leakages are canceled at the transmit side, and SLNR is calculated with the unknown leakages. GMD is applied to cancel the known leakages, so the subchannels for each receiver have equal gain. We further improve the proposed precoding scheme by ordering users. Simulation results show that the proposed schemes have a considerable bit error rate (BER) improvement over the original SLNR scheme.

  • Measurement Output Feedback Control with a Switching Gain-Scaling Factor for a Chain of Integrators under Sensor Noise

    Hyun-Do KIM  Ho-Lim CHOI  

    LETTER-Systems and Control


    In this letter, we consider a control problem of a chain of integrators by output feedback under sensor noise. First, we introduce a measurement output feedback controller which drives all states and output of the considered system to arbitrarily small bounds. Then, we suggest a measurement output feedback controller coupled with a switching gain-scaling factor in order to improve the transient response and retain the same arbitrarily small ultimate bounds as well. An example is given to show the advantage of the proposed control method.

  • Reweighted Least Squares Heuristic for SARX System Identification

    Katsumi KONISHI  

    LETTER-Systems and Control


    This letter proposes a simple heuristic to identify the discrete-time switched autoregressive exogenous (SARX) systems. The goal of the identification is to identify the switching sequence and the system parameters of all submodels simultaneously. In this letter the SARX system identification problem is formulated as the l0 norm minimization problem, and an iterative algorithm is proposed by applying the reweighted least squares technique. Although the proposed algorithm is heuristic, the numerical examples show its efficiency and robustness for noise.

  • On the Security of Luo et al.'s Fully Secure Hierarchical Identity Based Encryption Scheme

    Kwangsu LEE  Jong Hwan PARK  Dong Hoon LEE  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security


    Recently, Luo et al. proposed an efficient hierarchical identity based encryption (HIBE) scheme with constant size of ciphertexts, and proved its full security under standard assumptions. To construct the scheme, they used the dual system encryption technique of Waters, and devised a method that compresses the tag values of dual system encryption. In this paper, we show that the security proof of Luo et al. is wrong since there exists an algorithm that distinguishes whether it is a simulation or not.

  • Computing the k-Error Linear Complexity of q-Ary Sequences with Period 2pn

    Zhihua NIU  Zhe LI  Zhixiong CHEN  Tongjiang YAN  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security


    The linear complexity and its stability of periodic sequences are of fundamental importance as measure indexes on the security of stream ciphers and the k-error linear complexity reveals the stability of the linear complexity properly. Recently, Zhou designed an algorithm for computing the k-error linear complexity of 2pn periodic sequences over GF(q). In this paper, we develop a genetic algorithm to confirm that one can't get the real k-error linear complexity for some sequenes by the Zhou's algorithm. Analysis indicates that the Zhou's algorithm is unreasonable in some steps. The corrected algorithm is presented. Such algorithm will increase the amount of computation, but is necessary to get the real k-error linear complexity. Here p and q are odd prime, and q is a primitive root (mod p2).

  • Opportunistic Cooperative Positioning in OFDMA Systems

    Ziming HE  Yi MA  Rahim TAFAZOLLI  

    LETTER-Information Theory


    This letter presents a novel opportunistic cooperative positioning approach for orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA) systems. The basic idea is to allow idle mobile terminals (MTs) opportunistically estimating the arrival timing of the training sequences for uplink synchronization from active MTs. The major advantage of the proposed approach over state-of-the-arts is that the positioning-related measurements among MTs are performed without the paid of training overhead. Moreover, Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) is utilized to derive the positioning accuracy limit of the proposed approach, and the numerical results show that the proposed approach can improve the accuracy of non-cooperative approaches with the a-priori stochastic knowledge of clock bias among idle MTs.

  • A New Construction of Optimal LCZ Sequence Sets

    Yubo LI  Chengqian XU  Kai LIU  Gang LI  Sai YU  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals


    In this correspondence, we devise a new method for constructing a ternary column sequence set of length 3m+1-1 form ternary sequences of period 3m-1 with ideal autocorrelation, and the ternary LCZ sequence set of period 3n-1 is constructed by using the column sequence set when (m+1)|n. In addition, the method is popularized to the p-ary LCZ sequence. The resultant LCZ sequence sets in this paper are optimal with respect to the Tang-Fan-Matsufuji bound.

  • Intelligent Traffic Control Systems Based on IEEE 802.11 DCF/PCF

    Chanwoo PARK  Jungwoo LEE  

    LETTER-Intelligent Transport System


    The research on driverless cars has been making much progress lately. In this paper, we propose a new traffic control system without traffic lights at an intersection. We assume a system with fully autonomous driverless cars, and infrastructure to avoid collision completely. When automobiles approach an intersection, they communicates with the access point in both random access mode and polling mode, and the movement of the automobiles will be coordinated by the infra structure (access point). Traffic congestion is very difficult to predict and deal with because it is a function of many unknown factors such as number of cars, weather, road conditions, accidents, etc. The proposed algorithm is designed for urban road networks to ease the congestion, and make it more predictable at the same time. A key idea of this paper is that IEEE 802.11 DCF/PCF mechanisms are used to control traffic flow for driverless cars when there are no traffic lights at an intersection. The algorithm uses the concept of contention/contention-free period of IEEE 802.11 to find a balance between the efficiency of traffic flow and the fairness between users.

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