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Advance publication (published online immediately after acceptance)

Volume E89-A No.5  (Publication Date:2006/05/01)

    Special Section on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications

    Satoshi FUJITA  


  • A Steepest Descent Algorithm for M-Convex Functions on Jump Systems

    Kazuo MUROTA  Ken'ichiro TANAKA  



    The concept of M-convex functions has recently been generalized for functions defined on constant-parity jump systems. The b-matching problem and its generalization provide canonical examples of M-convex functions on jump systems. In this paper, we propose a steepest descent algorithm for minimizing an M-convex function on a constant-parity jump system.

  • Using Linear Hybrid Cellular Automata to Attack the Shrinking Generator




    The aim of this research is the efficient cryptanalysis of the Shrinking Generator through its characterization by means of Linear Hybrid Cellular Automata. This paper describes a new known-plaintext attack based on the computation of the characteristic polynomials of sub-automata and on the generation of the Galois field associated to one of the Linear Feedback Shift Registers components of the generator. The proposed algorithm allows predicting with absolute certainty, many unseen bits of the keystream sequence, thanks to the knowledge of both registers lengths, the characteristic polynomial of one of the registers, and the interception of a variable number of keystream bits.

  • Balanced C4-Trefoil Decomposition of Complete Multi-Graphs

    Kazuhiko USHIO  Hideaki FUJIMOTO  



    We show that the necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a balanced C4-trefoil decomposition of the complete multi-graph λKn is λ(n-1) ≡ 0 (mod 24) and n ≥ 10. Decomposition algorithms are also given.

  • Coding Floorplans with Fewer Bits

    Katsuhisa YAMANAKA  Shin-ichi NAKANO  



    A naive coding of floorplans needs 2m bits for each floorplan. In this paper we give a new simple coding of floorplans, which needs only 5m/3 bits for each floorplan.

  • Competitive Analysis of Multi-Queue Preemptive QoS Algorithms for General Priorities

    Toshiya ITOH  Noriyuki TAKAHASHI  



    The recent burst growth of the Internet use overloads networking systems and degrades the quality of communications, e.g., bandwidth loss, packet drops, delay of responses, etc. To overcome such degradation of communication quality, the notion of Quality of Service (QoS) has received attention in practice. In general, QoS switches have several queues and each queue has several slots to store arriving packets. Since network traffic changes frequently, QoS switches need to control arriving packets to maximize the total priorities of transmitted packets, where the priorities are given by nonnegative values and correspond to the quality of service required to each packet. In this paper, we first derive the upper bounds for the competitive ratio of multi-queue preemptive QoS problem with priority between 1/α and 1, i.e., for any α ≥ 1, the algorithm TLH is (3-1/α)-competitive. This is a generalization of known results--for the case that packets have only priority 1 (α =1), the algorithm GREEDY (or TLH) is 2-competitive; for the case that packets have priorities between 0 and 1 (α = ∞), the algorithm TLH is 3-competitive. Then we consider the lower bounds for the competitive ratio of multi-queue preemptive QoS problem with priority between 0 and 1, and show that the competitive ratio of any multi-queue preemptive QoS algorithm is at least 1.514.

  • Bounds on the Client-Server Incremental Computing

    Cho-chin LIN  Da-wei WANG  Tsan-sheng HSU  



    We discuss the problem of finding a dominant sequence for sending input data items from a low-end client to a server for computational intensive tasks under the realistic assumption of unpredictable communication behavior. Under this assumption, the client has to send the input data items using a specified sequence to maximize the number of computations performed by the server at any time. The sequence-finding problem is NP-hard for the general case. In this paper, we address three fundamental and useful applications: the product of two polynomials, matrices multiplication and Fast Fourier Transform. We show that the sequence-finding problems of the three applications can be solved optimally in linear time. However, we also show counter examples to rule out any possibility of finding a dominant sequence for sparse cases of the three applications. Finally, a simulation is conducted to show the usefulness of our method.

  • On Reconfiguring Radial Trees

    Yoshiyuki KUSAKARI  



    A linkage is a collection of line segments, called bars, possibly joined at their ends, called joints. We consider flattening a tree-like linkage, that is, a continuous motion of their bars from an initial configuration to a final configuration looking like a"straight line segment," preserving the length of each bar and not crossing any two bars. In this paper, we introduce a new class of linkages, called "radial trees," and show that there exists a radial tree which cannot be flattened.

  • Dynamic Programming and Clique Based Approaches for Protein Threading with Profiles and Constraints

    Tatsuya AKUTSU  Morihiro HAYASHIDA  Dukka Bahadur K.C.  Etsuji TOMITA  Jun'ichi SUZUKI  Katsuhisa HORIMOTO  



    The protein threading problem with profiles is known to be efficiently solvable using dynamic programming. In this paper, we consider a variant of the protein threading problem with profiles in which constraints on distances between residues are given. We prove that protein threading with profiles and constraints is NP-hard. Moreover, we show a strong hardness result on the approximation of an optimal threading satisfying all the constraints. On the other hand, we develop two practical algorithms: CLIQUETHREAD and BBDPTHREAD. CLIQUETHREAD reduces the threading problem to the maximum edge-weight clique problem, whereas BBDPTHREAD combines dynamic programming and branch-and-bound techniques. We perform computational experiments using protein structure data in PDB (Protein Data Bank) using simulated distance constraints. The results show that constraints are useful to improve the alignment accuracy of the target sequence and the template structure. Moreover, these results also show that BBDPTHREAD is in general faster than CLIQUETHREAD for larger size proteins whereas CLIQUETHREAD is useful if there does not exist a feasible threading.

  • Topological Book Embedding of Bipartite Graphs

    Miki MIYAUCHI  



    A topological book embedding of a graph is an embedding in a book that carries the vertices in the spine of the book and the edges in the pages so that edges are allowed to cross the spine. Recently, the author has shown that for an arbitrary graph G with n vertices there exists a d+1-page book embedding of G in which each edge crosses the spine logd n times. This paper improves the result for the case of bipartite graphs and shows that there exists a d+1-page book embedding of a bipartite graph Gn1,n2 having two partite sets with n1 and n2 vertices respectively (n1n2) in which each edge crosses the spine logd n2 -1 times.

  • The Symmetric Quadratic Semi-Assignment Polytope

    Hiroo SAITO  



    We deal with quadratic semi-assignment problems with symmetric distances. This symmetry reduces the number of variables in its mixed integer programming formulation. We investigate a polytope arising from the problem, and obtain some basic polyhedral properties, the dimension, the affine hull, and certain facets through an isomorphic projection. We also present a class of facets.

  • Taxonomical Security Consideration of OAEP Variants

    Yuichi KOMANO  Kazuo OHTA  



    We first model the variants of OAEP and SAEP by changing a construction and position of a redundancy, and establish a universal proof technique in the random oracle model, the comprehensive event dividing tree. We then make a taxonomical security consideration of the variants of OAEP and SAEP, based on the assumptions of one-wayness and partial-domain one-wayness of the encryption permutation, by applying the tree. Furthermore, we demonstrate the concrete attack procedures against all insecure schemes; we insist that the security proof failure leads to some attacks. From the security consideration, we find that one of the variants leads to a scheme without the redundancy; the scheme is not PA (plaintext aware) but IND-CCA2 secure. Finally, we conclude that some of them are practical in terms of security tightness and short bandwidth.

  • A Weil Descent Attack against Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems over Quartic Extension Fields

    Seigo ARITA  Kazuto MATSUO  Koh-ichi NAGAO  Mahoro SHIMURA  



    This paper proposes a Weil descent attack against elliptic curve cryptosystems over quartic extension fields. The scenario of the attack is as follows: First, one reduces a DLP on a Weierstrass form over the quartic extention of a finite field k to a DLP on a special form, called Scholten form, over the same field. Second, one reduces the DLP on the Scholten form to a DLP on a genus two hyperelliptic curve over the quadratic extension of k. Then, one reduces the DLP on the hyperelliptic curve to one on a Cab model over k. Finally, one obtains the discrete-log of original DLP by applying the Gaudry method to the DLP on the Cab model. In order to carry out the scenario, this paper shows that many of elliptic curve discrete-log problems over quartic extension fields of odd characteristics are reduced to genus two hyperelliptic curve discrete-log problems over quadratic extension fields, and that almost all of the genus two hyperelliptic curve discrete-log problems over quadratic extension fields of odd characteristics come under Weil descent attack. This means that many of elliptic curve cryptosystems over quartic extension fields of odd characteristics can be attacked uniformly.

  • Practical Application of Lattice Basis Reduction Algorithm to Side-Channel Analysis on (EC)DSA

    Katsuyuki TAKASHIMA  



    In this paper, we will report practical modifications of the side-channel analysis to (EC)DSA [1],[2],[5],[34] that Leadbitter et al. have proposed in [16]. To apply the analyses, we assume that the window method is used in the exponentiation or elliptic curve (EC) scalar multiplication and the side-channel information described in Sect. 3.2 can be collected. So far, the method in [16] hasn't been effective when the size q of a cyclic group used in (EC)DSA is 160 bit long and the window size w < 9. We show that the modified method we propose in this paper is effective even when q is 160 bit long and w=4. This shows that our method is effective for various practical implementations, e.g., that in resource restricted environment like IC card devises. First, we estimate the window size w necessary for the proposed analyses (attacks) to succeed. Then by experiment of the new method, we show that private keys of (EC)DSA can be obtained under the above assumptions, in practical time and with sufficient success rate. The result raises the necessity of countermeasures against the analyses (attacks) in the window method based implementation of (EC)DSA.

  • A Fast Edge-Splitting Algorithm in Edge-Weighted Graphs

    Hiroshi NAGAMOCHI  



    Let H be a graph with a designated vertex s, where edges are weighted by nonnegative reals. Splitting edges e={u,s} and e'={s,v} at s is an operation that reduces the weight of each of e and e' by a real δ>0 while increasing the weight of edge {u,v} by δ. It is known that all edges incident to s can be split off while preserving the edge-connectivity of H and that such a complete splitting is used to solve many connectivity problems. In this paper, we give an O(mn+n2log n) time algorithm for finding a complete splitting in a graph with n vertices and m edges.

  • A Minimum Feedback Vertex Set in the Trivalent Cayley Graph

    Yuuki TANAKA  Yukio SHIBATA  



    In this paper, we study the feedback vertex set problem for trivalent Cayley graphs, and construct a minimum feedback vertex set in trivalent Cayley graphs using the result on cube-connected cycles and the Cayley graph representation of trivalent Cayley graphs.

  • Group Signature Schemes with Membership Revocation for Large Groups




    Group signature schemes with membership revocation have been intensively researched. However, signing and/or verification of some existing schemes have computational costs of O(R), where R is the number of revoked members. Existing schemes using a dynamic accumulator or a similar technique have efficient signing and verifications with O(1) complexity. However, before signing, the signer has to modify his secret key with O(N) or O(R) complexity, where N is the group size. Therefore, for larger groups, signers suffer from enormous costs. On the other hand, an efficient scheme for middle-scale groups with about 1,000 members is previously proposed, where the signer need not modify his secret key. However this scheme also suffers from heavy signing/verification costs for larger groups with more than 10,000 members. In this paper, we adapt the middle-scale scheme to larger groups ranging from 1,000 to 1,000,000 members. At the sacrifice of the group manager's slight cost, our signing/verification is sufficiently efficient.

  • Construction of Classifiers by Iterative Compositions of Features with Partial Knowledge

    Kazuya HARAGUCHI  Toshihide IBARAKI  



    We consider the classification problem to construct a classifier c:{0,1}n{0,1} from a given set of examples (training set), which (approximately) realizes the hidden oracle y:{0,1}n{0,1} describing the phenomenon under consideration. For this problem, a number of approaches are already known in computational learning theory; e.g., decision trees, support vector machines (SVM), and iteratively composed features (ICF). The last one, ICF, was proposed in our previous work (Haraguchi et al., (2004)). A feature, composed of a nonempty subset S of other features (including the original data attributes), is a Boolean function fS:{0,1}S{0,1} and is constructed according to the proposed rule. The ICF algorithm iterates generation and selection processes of features, and finally adopts one of the generated features as the classifier, where the generation process may be considered as embodying the idea of boosting, since new features are generated from the available features. In this paper, we generalize a feature to an extended Boolean function fS:{0,1,*}S{0,1,*} to allow partial knowledge, where * denotes the state of uncertainty. We then propose the algorithm ICF* to generate such generalized features. The selection process of ICF* is also different from that of ICF, in that features are selected so as to cover the entire training set. Our computational experiments indicate that ICF* is better than ICF in terms of both classification performance and computation time. Also, it is competitive with other representative learning algorithms such as decision trees and SVM.

  • Efficient Methods for Determining DNA Probe Orders

    Hiro ITO  Kazuo IWAMA  Takeyuki TAMURA  



    In STS-based mapping, it is necessary to obtain the correct order of probes in a DNA sequence from a given set of fragments or an equivalently a hybridization matrix A. It is well-known that the problem is formulated as the combinatorial problem of obtaining a permutation of A's columns so that the resulting matrix has a consecutive-one property. If the data (the hybridization matrix) is error free and includes enough information, then the above column order uniquely determines the correct order of the probes. Unfortunately this does not hold if the data include errors, and this has been a popular research target in computational biology. Even if there is no error, ambiguities in the probe order may still remain. This in fact happens because of the lack of some information regarding the data, but almost no further investigation has previously been made. In this paper, we define a measure of such imperfectness of the data as the minimum amount of the additional fragments that are needed to uniquely fix the probe order. Polynomial-time algorithms to compute such additional fragments of the minimum cost are presented. A computer simulation using genes of human chromosome 20 is also noted.

  • Transformation of a Parity-Check Matrix for a Message-Passing Algorithm over the BEC

    Naoto KOBAYASHI  Toshiyasu MATSUSHIMA  Shigeichi HIRASAWA  



    We propose transformation of a parity-check matrix of any low-density parity-check code. A code with transformed parity-check matrix is an equivalent of a code with the original parity-check matrix. For the binary erasure channel, performance of a message-passing algorithm with a transformed parity-check matrix is better than that with the original matrix.

  • A Note on Construction of Orthogonal Arrays with Unequal Strength from Error-Correcting Codes

    Tomohiko SAITO  Toshiyasu MATSUSHIMA  Shigeichi HIRASAWA  



    Orthogonal Arrays (OAs) have been playing important roles in the field of experimental design. It has been known that OAs are closely related to error-correcting codes. Therefore, many OAs can be constructed from error-correcting codes. But these OAs are suitable for only cases that equal interaction effects can be assumed, for example, all two-factor interaction effects. Since these cases are rare in experimental design, we cannot say that OAs from error-correcting codes are practical. In this paper, we define OAs with unequal strength. In terms of our terminology, OAs from error-correcting codes are OAs with equal strength. We show that OAs with unequal strength are closer to practical OAs than OAs with equal strength. And we clarify the relation between OAs with unequal strength and unequal error-correcting codes. Finally, we propose some construction methods of OAs with unequal strength from unequal error-correcting codes.

  • Enhanced Exhaustive Search Attack on Randomized BSD Type Countermeasure

    Dong-Guk HAN  Katsuyuki OKEYA  Tae Hyun KIM  Yoon Sung HWANG  Beomin KIM  Young-Ho PARK  



    We propose a new analysis technique against a class of countermeasure using randomized binary signed digit (BSD) representations. We also introduce some invariant properties between BSD representations. The proposed analysis technique can directly recover the secret key from power measurements without information for algorithm because of the invariant properties of BSD representation. Thus the proposed attack is applicable to all countermeasures using BSD representations. Finally, we give the simulation results against some countermeasures using BSD representation such as Ha-Moon method, Ebeid-Hasan method, and the method of Agagliate et al. The results show that the proposed attack is practical analysis method.

  • An Efficient Group Signature Scheme from Bilinear Maps

    Jun FURUKAWA  Hideki IMAI  



    We propose a new group signature scheme which is secure if we assume the Decision Diffie-Hellman assumption, the q-Strong Diffie-Hellman assumption, and the existence of random oracles. The proposed scheme is the most efficient among the all previous group signature schemes in signature length and in computational complexity. This paper is the full version of the extended abstract appeared in ACISP 2005 [17].

  • Signature Scheme in Multi-User Setting

    Chik-How TAN  



    Recently, Boneh and Boyen proposed a new provably secure short signature scheme under the q-strong Diffie-Hellman assumption without random oracles. This scheme is based on bilinear map which is different from Cramer-Shoup signature scheme (which is based on the strong RSA assumption). However, Tan [17] showed that Boneh- Boyen scheme is subjected to key substitution attacks in the multi-user setting. In this paper, we propose a new signature scheme. We prove that the proposed scheme is provably secured against existential forgery under adaptive chosen message attack in the standard model and also secure against key substitution attacks.

  • An Energy Efficient Ranking Protocol for Radio Networks

    Koji NAKANO  



    A radio network (RN for short) is a distributed system with no central arbiter, consisting of n radio transceivers, henceforth referred to as stations. We assume that the stations run on batteries and expends power while broadcasting/receiving a data packet. Thus, the most important measure to evaluate protocols on the radio network is the number of awake time slots, in which a station is broadcasting/receiving a data packet. We also assume that the stations are identical and have no unique ID number, and no station knows the number n of the stations. For given n keys one for each station, the ranking problem asks each station to determine the number of keys in the RN smaller than its own key. The main contribution of this paper is to present an optimal randomized ranking protocol on the k-channel RN. Our protocol solves the ranking problem, with high probability, in O(+log n) time slots with every station being awake for at most O(log n) time slots. We also prove that any randomized ranking protocol is required to run in expected Ω(+log n) time slots with at least one station being awake for expected Ω(log n) time slots. Therefore, our ranking protocol is optimal.

  • An Energy Efficient Leader Election Protocol for Radio Network with a Single Transceiver

    Jacir Luiz BORDIM  Yasuaki ITO  Koji NAKANO  



    In this work we present an energy efficient leader election protocol for anonymous radio network populated with n mobile stations. Previously, Nakano and Olariu have presented a leader election protocol that terminates, with probability exceeding 1- (f ≥ 1), in log log n+o(log log n)+O(log f) time slots [14]. As the above protocol works under the assumption that every station has the ability to transmit and monitor the channel at the same time, it requires every station to be equipped with two transceivers. This assumption, however, is unrealistic for most mobile stations due to constraints in cost, size, and energy dissipation. Our main contribution is to show that it is possible to elect a leader in an anonymous radio network where each station is equipped with a single transceiver. Quite surprisingly, although every station has only one transceiver, our leader election protocol still runs, with probability exceeding 1- (f ≥ 1), in log log n+o(log log n)+O(log f) time slots. Moreover, our leader election protocol needs only expected O(n) total awake time slots, while Nakano and Olariu's protocol needs expected O(nlog log n) total awake time slots. Since every leader election protocol needs at least Ω(n) awake time slots, our leader election protocol is optimal in terms of the expected awake time slots.

  • Defeating Simple Power Analysis on Koblitz Curves

    Camille VUILLAUME  Katsuyuki OKEYA  Tsuyoshi TAKAGI  



    Koblitz curves belong to a special class of binary curves on which the scalar multiplication can be computed very efficiently. For this reason, they are suitable candidates for implementations on low-end processors. However, such devices are often vulnerable to side channel attacks. In this paper, we propose a new countermeasure against side channel attacks on Koblitz curves, which utilizes a fixed-pattern recoding to defeat simple power analysis. We show that in practical cases, the recoding can be performed from left to right, and can be easily stored or even randomly generated.

  • Maximum-Cover Source-Location Problems

    Kenya SUGIHARA  Hiro ITO  



    Given a graph G=(V,E), a set of vertices SV covers vV if the edge connectivity between S and v is at least a given number k. Vertices in S are called sources. The source location problem is a problem of finding a minimum-size source set covering all vertices of a given graph. This paper presents a new variation of the problem, called maximum-cover source-location problem, which finds a source set S with a given size p, maximizing the sum of the weight of vertices covered by S. It presents an O(np + m + nlog n)-time algorithm for k=2, where n=|V| and m=|E|. Especially it runs linear time if G is connected. This algorithm uses a subroutine for finding a subtree with the maximum weight among p-leaf trees of a given vertex-weighted tree. For the problem we give a greedy-based linear-time algorithm, which is an extension of the linear-time algorithm for finding a longest path of a given tree presented by E. W. Dijkstra around 1960. Moreover, we show some polynomial solvable cases, e.g., a given graph is a tree or (k-1)-edge-connected, and NP-hard cases, e.g., a vertex-cost function is given or G is a digraph.

  • A Quantum Protocol to Win the Graph Colouring Game on All Hadamard Graphs

    David AVIS  Jun HASEGAWA  Yosuke KIKUCHI  Yuuya SASAKI  



    This paper deals with graph colouring games, an example of pseudo-telepathy, in which two players can convince a verifier that a graph G is c-colourable where c is less than the chromatic number of the graph. They win the game if they convince the verifier. It is known that the players cannot win if they share only classical information, but they can win in some cases by sharing entanglement. The smallest known graph where the players win in the quantum setting, but not in the classical setting, was found by Galliard, Tapp and Wolf and has 32,768 vertices. It is a connected component of the Hadamard graph GN with N=c=16. Their protocol applies only to Hadamard graphs where N is a power of 2. We propose a protocol that applies to all Hadamard graphs. Combined with a result of Frankl, this shows that the players can win on any induced subgraph of G12 having 1609 vertices, with c=12. Moreover combined with a result of Godsil and Newman, our result shows that all Hadamard graphs GN (N ≥ 12) and c=N yield pseudo-telepathy games.

  • Visual Secret Sharing Schemes for Multiple Secret Images Allowing the Rotation of Shares

    Mitsugu IWAMOTO  Lei WANG  Kazuki YONEYAMA  Noboru KUNIHIRO  Kazuo OHTA  



    In this paper, a method is proposed to construct a visual secret sharing (VSS) scheme for multiple secret images in which each share can be rotated with 180 degrees in decryption. The proposed VSS scheme can encrypt more number of secret images compared with the normal VSS schemes. Furthermore, the proposed technique can be applied to the VSS scheme that allows to turn over some shares in decryption. From the theoretical point of view, it is interesting to note that such VSS schemes cannot be obtained from so-called basis matrices straightforwardly.

  • A Provably Secure Refreshable Partially Anonymous Token and Its Applications




    The first refreshable anonymous token scheme proposed in [1] enables one to provide services in such a way that each of its users is allowed to enjoy only a fixed number of services at the same time. In this paper, we show that the scheme in [1] is insecure and propose a provably secure refreshable partial anonymous token scheme which is a generalization of the previous scheme. The new scheme has an additional ability to control the anonymity level of users. We also propose a formal model and security requirements of the new scheme.

  • Dependent Randomized Rounding to the Home-Away Assignment Problem in Sports Scheduling

    Ayami SUZUKA  Ryuhei MIYASHIRO  Akiko YOSHISE  Tomomi MATSUI  



    Suppose that we have a timetable of a round-robin tournament with a number of teams, and distances among their homes. The home-away assignment problem is to find a home-away assignment that minimizes the total traveling distance of the teams. We propose a formulation of the home-away assignment problem as an integer program, and a rounding algorithm based on Bertsimas, Teo and Vohra's dependent randomized rounding method [2]. Computational experiments show that our method quickly generates feasible solutions close to optimal.

  • Sublogarithmic Space-Bounded Multi-Inkdot Alternating Turing Machines with Only Existential (Universal) States

    Tsunehiro YOSHINAGA  Jianliang XU  Katsushi INOUE  



    This paper investigates the accepting powers of two-way alternating Turing machines (2ATM's) with only existential (universal) states which have inkdots and sublogarithmic space. It is shown that for sublogarithmic space-bounded computations, (i) multi-inkdot 2ATM's with only existential states and the ones with only universal states are incomparable, (ii) k-inkdot 2ATM's are better than k-inkdot 2ATM's with only existential (universal) states, k ≥ 0, and (iii) the class of sets accepted by multi-inkdot 2ATM's with only existential (universal) states is not closed under complementation.

  • Maurer-Yacobi ID-Based Key Distribution Revisited

    Noboru KUNIHIRO  Wataru ABE  Kazuo OHTA  



    Maurer and Yacobi proposed an ID-Based key distribution scheme in 1991. In this scheme, the private key for each user is generated by solving discrete logarithm problem. We examine the realizability of this scheme. We show that this scheme can be practical by appropriate parameter setting.

  • Inapproximability of the Edge-Contraction Problem

    Hideaki OTSUKI  Tomio HIRATA  



    For a property π on graphs, the edge-contraction problem with respect to π is defined as a problem of finding a set of edges of minimum cardinality whose contraction results in a graph satisfying the property π. This paper gives a lower bound for the approximation ratio for the problem for any property π that is hereditary on contractions and determined by biconnected components.

  • Regular Section
  • MEG Analysis with Spatial Filtered Reconstruction

    Shinpei OKAWA  Satoshi HONDA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing


    Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is a method to measure a magnetic field generated by electrical neural activity in a brain, and it plays increasingly important role in clinical diagnoses and neurophysiological studies. However, in MEG analysis, the estimation of the brain activity, of the electric current density distribution in a brain which is represented by current dipoles, is problematic. A spatial filter and subsequent reconstruction of the current density distribution estimated by the spatial filter (spatial filtered reconstruction: SFR) are proposed. The spatial filter is designed to be used without prior or temporal information. The proposed spatial filter ensures that it concentrates the current distribution around the activated sources in the conductor. The current distribution estimated by the spatial filter is reconstructed by multiple linear regression. Redundant current dipoles are eliminated, and the current distribution is optimized in the sense of the Mallows Cp statistic. Numerical studies are demonstrated and show successful estimation by SFR in multiple-dipole cases. In single-dipole cases with SNRs of 101 and more, the location of the true dipole was successfully estimated for about 80% of the simulations. The reconstruction with multiple linear regression corrected the location of the maximum current density estimated by the proposed spatial filtering. The dipole on the correct position contributes to more than 70% of the total dipoles in the estimated current distribution in those cases. These results show that the current distribution is effectively localized by SFR. We also investigate the differences among SFR, the LCMV (linearly constrained minimum variance) beamformer and the SAM (synthetic aperture magnetometry), the representatives of spatial filters in MEG analyses. It is indicated that spatial resolution is improved by avoiding dependence on temporal information.

  • Perfect Tracking Control of Nonminimum Phase Systems in Magnetic Levitation System

    Feng LI  Jianming LU  Xueqin ZHAO  Takashi YAHAGI  

    PAPER-Systems and Control


    In this paper, we study the problem of perfect tracking control of nonminimum phase systems in magnetic levitation system. Generally, perfect tracking control schemes cannot be applied to nonminimum phase plants because of unstable pole-zero cancellations. Although the method of state matching using multirate feedforward control to realize perfect tracking control have been proposed, the oscillation restraint and the feasibility in nonminimum phase system cannot be satisfied at same time. We propose a method using the difference of state variables to generate a smooth desired state variable trajectory in the discrete-time systems. The techniques we proposed are applicable to nonminimum phase discrete-time systems and the oscillations between the sampling points are well restrained. We will show that the structure of the proposed perfect tracking controller is very simple and clear. Finally, computer simulations and experiment results based on magnetic levitation apparatus are presented.

  • Control Performance of Discrete-Time Fuzzy Systems Improved by Neural Networks

    Chien-Hsing SU  Cheng-Sea HUANG  Kuang-Yow LIAN  

    PAPER-Systems and Control


    A new control scheme is proposed to improve the system performance for discrete-time fuzzy systems by tuning control grade functions using neural networks. According to a systematic method of constructing the exact Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy model, the system uncertainty is considered to affect the membership functions. Then, the grade functions, resulting from the membership functions of the control rules, are tuned by a back-propagation network. On the other hand, the feedback gains of the control rules are determined by solving a set of LMIs which satisfy sufficient conditions of the closed-loop stability. As a result, both stability guarantee and better performance are concluded. The scheme applied to a truck-trailer system is verified by satisfactory simulation results.

  • Performance Analysis of MIMO Systems in Spatially Correlated Fading Using Matrix-Monotone Functions

    Eduard A. JORSWIECK  Holger BOCHE  

    PAPER-Information Theory


    The average performance of a single-user MIMO system under spatially correlated fading and with different types of CSI at the transmitter and with perfect CSI at the receiver was studied in recent work. In contrast to analyzing a single performance metric, e.g. the average mutual information or the average bit error rate, we study an arbitrary representative of the class of matrix-monotone functions. Since the average mutual information as well as the average normalized MSE belong to that class, this universal class of performance functions brings together the information theoretic and signal processing performance metric. We use Lowner's representation of operator monotone functions in order to derive the optimum transmission strategies as well as to characterize the impact of correlation on the average performance. Many recent results derived for average mutual information generalize to arbitrary matrix-monotone performance functions, e.g. the optimal transmit strategy without CSI at the transmitter is equal power allocation. The average performance without CSI is a Schur-concave function with respect to transmit and receive correlation. In addition to this, we derive the optimal transmission strategy with long-term statistics knowledge at the transmitter and propose an efficient iterative algorithm. The beamforming-range is the SNR range in which only one data stream spatially multiplexed achieves the maximum average performance. This range is important since it has a simple receiver structure and well known channel coding. We entirely characterize the beamforming-range. Finally, we derive the generalized water-filling transmit strategy for perfect CSI and characterize its properties under channel correlation.

  • A Software Definable Architecture for Adaptive Space Diversity at Handsets in MC-CDMA Systems

    K. Robert LAI  Yuan-Lung CHANG  

    PAPER-Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications


    Software-Defined Radio (SDR) represents a major paradigm shift in the design of radios, allowing a large fraction of the functionality to be implemented through programmable signal processing devices, enabling the radio to change its operating parameters to accommodate new air interface, features and capabilities. However, the actual realization of innovative and software-reconfigurable receiver diversity at mobile handsets in intermediate frequency band to provide wide-ranging benefits, including more effective filtered result, less cost of the mixed channel access, improved capacity, better link reliability, and reduced power consumption, has been slowed down largely due to an absence of effective architecture reducing the complexity of adaptive combining algorithms. This paper proposes a novel reconfigurable architecture for adaptive space diversity at handsets in MC-CDMA (multicode code-division multiple-access) systems. The key to which is the development of a valid and effective alternative to the time-consuming multiplication operation and despreading acquisition. A software definable algorithm can become a multiplier-free architecture if it can restrict the weight factors to power-of-two values and repetitive gradient search procedure to contain shift operations and predicate functions. The results of numerical simulation and experimentation confirm the expectation that the constrained approach should perform comparably to, but not better than the traditional diversity algorithm. That is, the feasibility of SDR depends on its trading some performance for reduced computational complexity, improved area efficiency and less power consumption.

  • 2-D Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares Lattice Algorithm and Its Application to Defect Detection in Textured Images

    Ruen MEYLAN  Cenker ODEN  Ayn ERTUZUN  Aytul ERÇL  



    In this paper, a 2-D iteratively reweighted least squares lattice algorithm, which is robust to the outliers, is introduced and is applied to defect detection problem in textured images. First, the philosophy of using different optimization functions that results in weighted least squares solution in the theory of 1-D robust regression is extended to 2-D. Then a new algorithm is derived which combines 2-D robust regression concepts with the 2-D recursive least squares lattice algorithm. With this approach, whatever the probability distribution of the prediction error may be, small weights are assigned to the outliers so that the least squares algorithm will be less sensitive to the outliers. Implementation of the proposed iteratively reweighted least squares lattice algorithm to the problem of defect detection in textured images is then considered. The performance evaluation, in terms of defect detection rate, demonstrates the importance of the proposed algorithm in reducing the effect of the outliers that generally correspond to false alarms in classification of textures as defective or nondefective.

  • Robust Blind Equalization Algorithms Based on the Constrained Maximization of a Fourth-Order Cumulant Function

    Kiyotaka KOHNO  Mitsuru KAWAMOTO  Asoke K. NANDI  Yujiro INOUYE  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing


    The present letter deals with the blind equalization problem of a single-input single-output infinite impulse response (SISO-IIR) channel with additive Gaussian noise. To solve the problem, we propose a new criterion for maximizing constrainedly a fourth-order cumulant. The algorithms derived from the criterion have such a novel property that even if Gaussian noise is added to the output of the channel, an effective zero-forcing (ZF) equalizer can be obtained with as little influence of Gaussian noise as possible. To show the validity of the proposed criterion, some simulation results are presented.

  • 2-D Laplace-Z Transformation

    Yang XIAO  Moon Ho LEE  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing


    Based on recent results for 2-D continuous-discrete systems, this paper develops 2-D Laplace-z transform, which can be used to analyze 2-D continuous-discrete signals and system in Laplace-z hybrid domain. Current 1-D Laplace transformation and z transform can be combined into the new 2-D s-z transform. However, 2-D s-z transformation is not a simple extension of 1-D transform, in 2-D case, we need consider the 2-D boundary conditions which don't occur in 1-D case. The hybrid 2-D definitions and theorems are given in the paper. To verify the results of this paper, we also derived a numerical inverse 2-D Laplace-z transform, applying it to show the 2-D pulse response of a stable 2-D continuous-discrete system.

  • An Enhanced Time-Domain Circuit Simulation Technique Based on LIM

    Hidemasa KUBOTA  Yuichi TANJI  Takayuki WATANABE  Hideki ASAI  

    LETTER-Numerical Analysis and Optimization


    In this paper, we show the generalized method of the time-domain circuit simulation based on LIM. Our method is applicable to any structure of circuits by combination with the SPICE-like method. In order to show the validity and efficiency of our method, an example circuit is simulated and the proposed method is compared with the conventional ones.

  • Solving the Graph Planarization Problem Using an Improved Genetic Algorithm

    Rong-Long WANG  Kozo OKAZAKI  

    LETTER-Numerical Analysis and Optimization


    An improved genetic algorithm for solving the graph planarization problem is presented. The improved genetic algorithm which is designed to embed a graph on a plane, performs crossover and mutation conditionally instead of probability. The improved genetic algorithm is verified by a large number of simulation runs and compared with other algorithms. The experimental results show that the improved genetic algorithm performs remarkably well and outperforms its competitors.

  • The Characteristic Generators for a Group Code

    Haibin KAN  Xuefei LI  Hong SHEN  

    LETTER-Coding Theory


    In this letter, we discussed some properties of characteristic generators for a finite Abelian group code, proved that any two characteristic generators can not start (end) at the same position and have the same order of the starting (ending) components simultaneously, and that the number of all characteristic generators can be directly computed from the group code itself. These properties are exactly the generalization of the corresponding trellis properties of a linear code over a field.

  • Evaluation of the T-DMB Standard and the Transmission System by Using Ensemble Remultiplexer

    Byungjun BAE  Joungil YUN  Chunghyun AHN  Soo-In LEE  Kyu-Ik SOHNG  

    LETTER-Multimedia Environment Technology


    This paper briefly introduces the T-DMB standard based on Eureka-147 DAB and presents a new T-DMB transmission system, which uses a device called the Ensemble Remultiplexer, for mobile multimedia broadcasting service. And we verify the T-DMB standard by using the new transmission system with commercial equipment in the laboratory and in the field as moving on a car in high speed around urban districts surrounded by high buildings.

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