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Advance publication (published online immediately after acceptance)

Volume E90-A No.11  (Publication Date:2007/11/01)

    Special Section on Wideband Systems

    Takehiko KOBAYASHI  


  • Ultra-Wideband Time-of-Arrival and Angle-of-Arrival Estimation Using a Signal Model Based on Measurements

    Naohiko IWAKIRI  Takehiko KOBAYASHI  



    This paper presents an ultra wideband (UWB) channel sounding scheme with a technique for estimating time of arrival (TOA) and angle of arrival (AOA) using measurement signals. Since the power spectrum over the UWB bandwidth can be measured in advance, we propose a signal model using the measurement power spectrum to design the proper UWB signals model. This signal model is more similar to measurement signals than the flat spectrum model which is an ideal model. If more than three waves impinge on a receiver, we must determine the proper grouping of the elements of TOA vector and AOA vector. It is difficult to determine the grouping using only measurement signals because of many degradation factors. We also propose pairing the elements of TOA vector and that of AOA vector using correlation method based on measurement signals and the proposed signal model. This technique is available for more than the case of three paths if pairing the estimated TOAs and AOAs of measurement signals is not accurately determined. We evaluated the proposed techniques for a vector network analyzer (VNA) with a three-dimensional virtual antenna array.

  • Experimental Investigation of an IR-UWB Positioning System with Comparators

    Koichi KITAMURA  Yukitoshi SANADA  



    Impulse Radio (IR)-Ultra Wideband (UWB) enables accurate ranging due to very short duration pulses. Therefore, UWB may provide accurate positioning capability. In order to relax the complexity in circuit implementation, UWB system with low resolution analog digital converters (ADCs) has been investigated. In this paper, the accuracy of UWB positioning with comparators is investigated through experiment. The accuracy of positioning with comparators is compared to that with 8 [bit] ADCs, and effectiveness of the system with the comparators is confirmed within the area of 1.81.8 [m].

  • Doppler Diversity in MC-CDMA Systems with T-ZCZ Sequences for Doppler Spread Cancelation

    Xiaoming TAO  Chao ZHANG  Jianhua LU  



    Doppler diversity has been proven effective to combat time variation caused by Doppler spread in single carrier systems. However, it is not efficient to directly apply Doppler diversity into Multi-Carrier Code Division Multiple Access (MC-CDMA) systems because Inter-Carrier-Interference (ICI) increases with the artificial frequency shifts in diversity branches. In this paper, a novel Doppler diversity scheme in MC-CDMA with Three Zero Correlation Zones (T-ZCZ) sequences is proposed to further improve the performance of Doppler diversity. Particularly, zero correlation zones are employed in frequency domain for ICI cancelation caused by Doppler spread, which confirms the validity of the contribution to the wideband wireless communications in high speed mobile environment.

  • A Novel Single Carrier Space-Time Block-Coded CDMA System with Iterative Receiver

    Der-Feng TSENG  Wei-Yu LAI  



    In this paper, we employ time-reversal space-time block coding (TR-STBC) in single-carrier direct sequence code-division multiple access (DS-CDMA) block transmission in the presence of multiple access interference (MAI) as well as intersymbol interference (ISI), which is subject to fairly long delay spread. We introduce the transmission rate improvement by capitalizing on the assignment of additional spreading codes to each user so as to expand the cardinality of space-time code matrix with no sacrifice of diversity order. Given perfect channel state information at the receiver, a simple linear frequency-domain interference suppression scheme on a basis of symbol-by-symbol processing is developed under certain circumstances. A "turbo principle" receiver is facilitated by exploiting the serially concatenated structure at the transmitter to further enhance system performance. Simulation results justify the efficacy of our proposed system and also present performance comparisons with some existing systems in terms of bit error rate (BER).

  • A Tree-Structured Blind Algorithm for Joint Parametric Channel Estimation and Non-coherent Data Detection in an OFDM-CDMA Wireless System with Antenna Arrays

    Yung-Yi WANG  Shih-Jen YANG  Jiunn-Tsair CHEN  



    A blind joint parametric channel estimation and non-coherent data detection algorithm is proposed for the downlink of an orthogonal-frequency-division-multiplexing code-division-multiple-access (OFDM-CDMA) system with multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) antenna arrays. To reduce the computational complexity, we first develop a tree-structured algorithm to estimate high dimensional parameters predominantly describing the involved multipath channels by employing several stages of low dimensional parameter estimation algorithms. In the tree structure, to exploit the space-time distribution of the receive multipath signals, spatial beamformers and spectral filters are adopted for clustered-multipath grouping and path isolation. In conjunction with the multiple access interference (MAI) suppression techniques, the proposed tree architecture algorithm jointly estimates the direction of arrivals, propagation delays, carrier frequency offsets and fading amplitudes of the downlink wireless channels in a MIMO OFDM-CDMA system. With the outputs of the tree architecture, the signals of interest can then be naturally detected with a path-wise maximum ratio combining scheme.

  • OFDM Interference Suppression for DS/SS Systems Using Complex FIR Filter

    Yuki SHIMIZU  Yukitoshi SANADA  



    In this paper, the performance of narrow band interference (NBI) rejection scheme for direct sequence spread spectrum (DS/SS) is analyzed. A 2-tapped complex FIR filter is used for filtering a chip code to suppress NBI. In this system, the spectrum of transmitted signal has a null at an arbitrary frequency. By choosing filter coefficients, the authors place this null at NBI center frequency to mitigate the effect of NBI. In this paper, an OFDM signal is considered as NBI. The performance of this scheme is theoretically analyzed by introducing Queueing model, and validated via simulation.

  • Finite Parameter Model for Doubly-Selective Channel Estimation in OFDM

    Kok Ann Donny TEO  Shuichi OHNO  



    To describe joint time- and frequency-selective (doubly-selective) channels in mobile broadband wireless communications, we propose to use the finite parameter model based on the same Bessel functions for each tap (Bessel model). An expression of channel estimation mean squared error (MSE) based on the finite parameter models in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) systems is derived. Then, our Bessel model is compared with commonly used finite parameter models in terms of the channel estimation MSE. Even if the channel taps have different channel correlations and some of the taps do not coincide with the Bessel function, the channel estimation MSE of the Bessel model is shown to be comparable or outperform existing models as validated by Monte-Carlo simulations over an ensemble of channels in typical urban and suburban environments.

  • Relay Method of Sending Soft Decision Symbol Based on the Result of Error Detecting Code in Cooperative Communication

    Yuki FUKUYAMA  Osamu TAKYU  Koichi ADACHI  Masao NAKAGAWA  



    Transmit diversity gain can be obtained in cooperative communication by cooperating the multiple users with single antenna. In cooperative communication, in the first step, each mobile station (MS) transmits its own data to both the base station (BS) and the other MS. In the second step, each MS's data is transmitted from the other MS to BS. As a result, transmit diversity gain can be obtained without implementing multiple transmit antennas at MS. In the conventional relay method, if error is detected within the received packet by using cyclic redundancy check (CRC) code, MS transmits its own data to BS instead of relaying the other MS's data in the second step. As a result, transmit diversity gain cannot be obtained. In this paper, we propose a novel cooperative method. In the proposed method, if the CRC decoder detects error within the received packet, MS transmits soft decision symbol which is obtained from the decoded data in second step. As a result, the transmit diversity gain always can be obtained. From the computer simulation, we show that the proposed method can achieve the better error rate performance than the conventional one.

  • A Study on Link Adaptation Scheme with Multiple Code Words for Spectral Efficiency Improvement on OFDM-MIMO Systems

    Yasuaki YUDA  Katsuhiko HIRAMATSU  Masayuki HOSHINO  Koichi HOMMA  



    In this paper, we propose the stream multiplexing scheme to achieve the high spectral efficiency on OFDM-MIMO system considering (a) the effects of the inter-stream interference suppression techniques, (b) the influence of the quality measurement in the receiver to select the modulation and coding scheme (MCS) and (c) the influence of the signaling overheads to the spectral efficiency. Two kinds of schemes for stream multiplexing, namely Multiple CodeWord (MCW) and Single CodeWord (SCW) are investigated and compared. In the simulations, we assume real channel estimation for SINR measurement for MCS selection and we compare the schemes with the spectral efficiency taking into account overheads. In consequence, it is presented that MCW can achieve the higher efficiency than SCW in the middle to high SINR region. Moreover, in 44 antenna configuration, a 2CW-MCW scheme where 2 codewords mapped onto 4 streams according to SINR of each streams is proposed. The scheme gives higher throughput by improving the MCS selection in the low SINR region due to increase of data length per a codeword and by reducing the signaling overhead due to the decrease of the number of codewords. As a result, the proposed scheme achieves spectral efficiency improvement in whole SINR region.

  • Experimental Studies on a Decision-Feedback Channel Tracking Scheme Implemented in FPGA for MIMO-OFDM Systems

    Yusuke ASAI  Wenjie JIANG  Takeshi ONIZAWA  



    This paper describes the experimental evaluation of a testbed with a simple decision-feedback channel tracking scheme for MIMO-OFDM systems. The channel tracking scheme periodically estimates the channel state matrix for each subcarrier from received signals and replicas of the transmitted signal. The estimated channel state matrices, which are obtained at mutually different timings, are combined based on maximum ratio combining and used for MIMO signal detection. The testbed was implemented on field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) of 1/5 scale, which confirms the implementation feasibility of the channel tracking scheme. The packet error rate (PER) and mobility performance of the testbed were measured. The testbed employed a 22 MIMO channel, zero-forcing algorithm for MIMO signal detection, 16QAM for the subcarrier modulation scheme, and coding rate of 1/2. The proposed scheme suppressed the increase in the required SNR for PER of 10-2 to less than 1 dB when the relative velocity between the transmitter and the receiver was less than 45 km/h assuming 5 GHz band operation. In addition, the proposed scheme offers 6.3% better throughput than the conventional scheme. The experimental results demonstrate that the channel tracking scheme implemented in the testbed effectively tracks the fluctuation of a MIMO channel.

  • Broadband MIMO Communication Systems Using Spatio-Temporal Processing in Transmitter and Receiver Sides

    Tetsuki TANIGUCHI  Hoang Huy PHAM  Nam Xuan TRAN  Yoshio KARASAWA  



    This paper presents a mathematically simple method of maximum SINR (Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio) design of broadband MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) communication systems adopting TDL (Tapped Delay Line) structure for spatio-temporal processing in both transmitter and receiver sides. The weight vectors in both ends are determined alternately, optimizing one side by fixing the other, and this operation is repeated until the SINR converges. The performance of MIMO systems using the proposed approach is investigated through computer simulations, and it is demonstrated that, though it requires high computational cost, the TDL structure brings high ability to mitigate the influence of frequency selective fading, particularly when the duration of the delay profile is long. Moreover, experimental results show that the equable distribution of the resources (weights and delay units) to both arrays is better choice than the concentration of them to one side of the transmitter or receiver.

  • A Novel NBI Suppression Scheme in UWB Ranging Systems

    Weihua ZHANG  Hanbing SHEN  Zhiquan BAI  Kyung-sup KWAK  



    Due to the ultra low power spectral desity of the ultra-wide band (UWB), narrow band interference (NBI) with high-level emission power will degrade the accuracy of UWB ranging system. We propose a novel waveform to suppress the accuracy degradation by NBI with a given frequency. In addition, we compare the ranging error ratio (RER) of the proposed scheme with the traditional one with Gaussian monocycle in this letter.

  • Special Section on Concurrent/Hybrid Systems: Theory and Applications

    Kunihiko HIRAISHI  


  • Future Direction and Roadmap of Concurrent System Technology

    Naoshi UCHIHIRA  



    Recently, technology roadmaps have been actively constructed by various organizations such as governments, industry segments, academic societies and companies [1]. While the common basic purpose of these roadmaps is sharing common recognition of the technology among stakeholders, there exists a specific role for each organization. One of the important roles of academic societies is to show the directions in which society is moving. The IEICE technical group on Concurrent System Technology (CST) established in 1993 stands at a turning point and needs to move forward in new directions after more than a decade of activities and contributions. However, neither top-down (market-pull/requirements-pull) nor bottom-up (technology-push) roadmapping is suitable for CST because CST is a kind of systems engineering. This paper proposes a new technology roadmapping methodology (middle-up-down technology roadmapping) for systems engineering and shows three future directions of CST and one roadmap for service systems that integrate CST and services science.

  • Bio-Inspired Deployment of Software over Distributed Systems

    Ichiro SATOH  



    This paper presents a middleware system for multi-agents on a distributed system as a general test-bed for bio-inspired approaches. The middleware is unique to other approaches, including distributed object systems, because it can maintain and migrate a dynamic federation of multiple agents on different computers. It enables each agent to explicitly define its own deployment policy as a relocation between the agent and another agent. This paper describes a prototype implementation of the middleware built on a Java-based mobile agent system and its practical applications that illustrates the utility and effectiveness of the approach in real distributed systems.

  • An Optimal Share Transfer Problem on Secret Sharing Storage Systems

    Toshiyuki MIYAMOTO  Sadatoshi KUMAGAI  



    We have been developing a secure and reliable distributed storage system, which uses a secret sharing scheme. In order to efficiently store data in the system, this paper introduces an optimal share transfer problem, and proves it to be, generally, NP-hard. It is also shown that the problem can be resolved into a Steiner tree problem. Finally, through computational experiments we perform the comparison of heuristic algorithms for the Steiner tree problem.

  • An Initial Assignment Method for Tasks Assignment and Routing Problem of Autonomous Distributed AGVs

    Yusuke MORIHIRO  Toshiyuki MIYAMOTO  Sadatoshi KUMAGAI  



    This paper discusses an on-line Tasks Assignment and Routing Problem (TARP) for Autonomous Transportation Systems (ATSs) in manufacturing systems. The TARP results in a constrained version of the Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows (PDPTW). As an approach to this problem, a cooperative algorithm with autonomous distributed agents has been proposed. The algorithm is able to plan deadlock-free routes even though the buffer capacity is less, but includes reformability at the point that computation time of that case increases drastically. This paper proposes an initial task assignment method to reduce computation time on planning routes. Results of computational experiments show effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Controllability Measure of Piecewise Affine Systems and Its Applications to the Luminescence Bacterium

    Daijiroh SUGIYAMA  Jun-ichi IMURA  



    This paper proposes a notion of a controllability measure of discrete-time piecewise affine systems, which is a natural extension of the controllability gramian of linear systems. Although this measure is calculated in a probabilistic way, it may be applied to control of biological systems for providing a policy to experiments for pharmaceutical developments. Thus an application to gene regulatory control of luminescence in the marine bacterium modeled by the piecewise affine system is discussed in this paper.

  • Using Sum of Squares Decomposition for Stability of Hybrid Systems




    This paper deals with stability analysis of hybrid systems. Such systems are characterized by a combination of continuous dynamics and logic based switching between discrete modes. Lyapunov theory is a well known methodology for the stability analysis of linear and nonlinear systems in control system literature. Construction of Lyapunov functions for hybrid systems is generally a difficult task, but once these functions are defined, stabilization of the system is straight-forward. The sum of squares (SOS) decomposition and semidefinite programming has also provided an efficient methodology for analysis of nonlinear systems. The computational method used in this paper relies on the SOS decomposition of multivariate polynomials. By using SOS, we construct a (some) Lyapunov function(s) for the hybrid system. The reduction techniques provide numerical solution of large-scale instances; otherwise they will be practically unsolvable. The introduced method can be used for hybrid systems with linear or nonlinear vector fields. Some examples are given to demonstrate the capabilities of the proposed approach.

  • Fault Detection and Diagnosis of Manipulator Based on Probabilistic Production Rule

    Shinkichi INAGAKI  Koudai HAYASHI  Tatsuya SUZUKI  



    This paper presents a new strategy to detect and diagnose fault of a manipulator based on the expression with a Probabilistic Production Rule (PPR). Production Rule (PR) is widely used in the field of computer science as a tool of formal verification. In this work, first of all, PR is used to represent the mapping between highly quantized input and output signals of the dynamical system. By using PR expression, the fault detection and diagnosis algorithm can be implemented with less computational effort. In addition, we introduce a new system description with Probabilistic PR (PPR) wherein the occurrence probability of PRs is assigned to them to improve the robustness with small computational burden. The probability is derived from the statistic characteristics of the observed input and output signals. Then, the fault detection and diagnosis algorithm is developed based on calculating the log-likelihood of the measured data for the designed PPR. Finally, some experiments on a controlled manipulator are demonstrated to confirm the usefulness of the proposed method.

  • Regular Section
  • The Optimal H Norm of a Parametric System Achievable Using a Static Feedback Controller

    Takuya KITAMOTO  Tetsu YAMAGUCHI  

    PAPER-Systems and Control


    In recent years, algorithms based on Computer Algebra ([1]-[3]) have been introduced into a range of control design problems because of the capacity to handle unknown parameters as indeterminates. This feature of algorithms in Computer Algebra reduces the costs of computer simulation and the trial and error process involved, enabling us to design and analyze systems more theoretically with the behavior of given parameters. In this paper, we apply Computer Algebra algorithms to H control theory, representing one of the most successful achievements in post-modern control theory. More specifically, we consider the H norm minimization problem using a state feedback controller. This problem can be formulated as follows: Suppose that we are given a plant described by the linear differential equation = Ax + B1w + B2u, z = Cx + Du, where A,B1,B2,C,D are matrices whose entries are polynomial in an unknown parameter k. We apply a state feedback controller u = -F x to the plant, where F is a design parameter, and obtain the system = (A - B2F)x + B1w, z =(C - DF)x. Our task is to compute the minimum H norm of the transfer function G(s)(=(C - DF)(sI - A + B2F)-1B1) from w to z achieved using a static feedback controller u = -Fx, where F is a constant matrix. In the H control theory, it is only possible to check if there is a controller such that ||G(s)|| < γ is satisfied for a given number γ, where ||G(s)|| denotes the H norm of the transfer function G(s). Thus, a typical procedure to solve the H optimal problem would involve a bisection method, which cannot be applied to plants with parameters. In this paper, we present a new method of solving the H norm minimization problem that can be applied to plants with parameters. This method utilizes QE (Quantifier Elimination) and a variable elimination technique in Computer Algebra, and expresses the minimum of the H norm as a root of a bivariate polynomial. We also present a numerical example to illustrate each step of the algorithm.

  • Analysis of Second-Order Modes of Linear Discrete-Time Systems under Bounded-Real Transformations

    Shunsuke KOSHITA  Masahide ABE  Masayuki KAWAMATA  

    PAPER-Systems and Control


    This paper discusses the behavior of the second-order modes (Hankel singular values) of linear discrete-time systems under bounded-real transformations, where the transformations are given by arbitrary transfer functions with magnitude bounded by unity. Our main result reveals that the values of the second-order modes are decreased under any of the above-mentioned transformations. This result is the generalization of the theory of Mullis and Roberts, who proved that the second-order modes are invariant under any allpass transformation, i.e. any lossless bounded-real transformation. We derive our main result by describing the controllability/observability Gramians of transformed systems with the help of the discrete-time bounded-real lemma.

  • Enhanced Entrainment of Synchronous Inverters for Distributed Power Sources

    Takashi HIKIHARA  Tadashi SAWADA  Tsuyoshi FUNAKI  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems


    Synchronization has gained attention in science recently. In electrical engineering, a power network requires generators and loads to be in synchronization. The increase in distributed dc power sources without sophisticated controls has made synchronization more difficult. This paper proposes a synchronous inverter designed for linking distributed power sources within a power network. The linkage inverters should have high confidential characteristics to keep the network stable. The frequency and phase synchronization between synchronous generators in power network has been acheived through power transmission systems. The synchronous inverters contribute in the development of the sophisticated power networks by providing distributed power sources that maintain synchronous operation.

  • Long-Point FFT Processing Based on Twiddle Factor Table Reduction

    Ji-Hoon KIM  In-Cheol PARK  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD


    In this paper, we present a new fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm to reduce the table size of twiddle factors required in pipelined FFT processing. The table size is large enough to occupy significant area and power consumption in long-point FFT processing. The proposed algorithm can reduce the table size to half, compared to the radix-22 algorithm, while retaining the simple structure. To verify the proposed algorithm, a 2048-point pipelined FFT processor is designed using a 0.18 µm CMOS process. By combining the proposed algorithm and the radix-22 algorithm, the table size is reduced to 34% and 51% compared to the radix-2 and radix-22 algorithms, respectively. The FFT processor occupies 1.28 mm2 and achieves a signal-to-quantization-noise ratio (SQNR) of more than 50 dB.

  • On the Construction of an Antidictionary with Linear Complexity Using the Suffix Tree

    Takahiro OTA  Hiroyoshi MORITA  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures


    The antidictionary of a string is the set of all words of minimal length that never appear in this string. Antidictionaries are in particular useful for source coding. We present a fast and memory-efficient algorithm to construct an antidictionary using a suffix tree. It is proved that the complexity of this algorithm is linear in space and time, and its effectiveness is demonstrated by simulation results.

  • Support by Warning or by Action: Which is Appropriate under Mismatches between Driver Intent and Traffic Conditions?

    Toshiyuki INAGAKI  Makoto ITOH  Yoshitomo NAGAI  

    PAPER-Reliability, Maintainability and Safety Analysis


    This paper tries to answer the following question: What type of support should be given to an automobile driver when it is determined, via some method to monitor the driver's behavior and the traffic environment, that the driver's intent may not be appropriate to a traffic condition? With a medium fidelity, moving-base driving simulator, three conditions were compared: (a) Warning type support in which an auditory warning is given to the driver to enhance his/her situation recognition, (b) action type support in which an autonomous safety control action is executed to avoid an accident, and (c) the baseline condition in which no driver support is given. Results were as follows: (1) Either type of driver support was effective in accident prevention. (2) Acceptance of driver support functions varied context dependently. (3) Participants accepted a system-initiated automation invocation as long as no automation surprises were possible to occur.

  • A New Ordered Decision Feedback Equalization Algorithm for Spatial Multiplexing Systems in MIMO Channel

    Wenjie JIANG  Yusuke ASAI  Takeshi ONIZAWA  Satoru AIKAWA  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals


    In rich scattering environments, multiple antenna systems designed to accomplish spatial multiplexing have enormous potential of lifting the capacity of corresponding multiple input multiple output channels. In this paper, we present a new low complexity algorithm for decision feedback equalization detector in the SM scheme. The basic idea is to reduce the joint optimization problem to separate optimization problems to achieve better performance-complexity tradeoffs. Concretely, we separately optimize the detection order and the detector filters so that the complexity of the entire signal detection task is reduced. The new order search rule approximates the optimal Bell Labs layered space time (BLAST) approach from a geometrical perspective, and the detector filters are derived using a Cholesky based QR decomposition. The new algorithm is able to switch from zero forcing to minimum mean square error without additional operations and the computational effort is a small fraction of that in the optimal BLAST algorithm. Despite its low complexity, the error performance of new detector closely approximates that of the standard BLAST.

  • A Novel Modulation with Parallel Combinatory and High Compaction Multi-Carrier Modulation

    Yafei HOU  Masanori HAMAMURA  

    PAPER-Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications


    In this paper, we propose a new modulation named parallel combinatory/high compaction multi-carrier modulation (PC/HC-MCM) using the techniques of parallel combinatory orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (PC-OFDM) and high compaction multi-carrier modulation (HC-MCM). Two types of PC/HC-MCM systems, which are named as modulated PC/HC-MCM system and (unmodulated) PC/HC-MCM system, can be designed. The modulated PC/HC-MCM system achieves better bit-error rate (BER) performance than that of HC-MCM system with equal bandwidth efficiency (BWE). The PC/HC-MCM system can obtain the better peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) characteristics by selecting appropriate constellation for each subcarrier. On the other hand, since PC/HC-MCM can divide the PC-OFDM symbol duration into multiple time-slots, the advantages of frequency hopping (FH) can be applied in the PC/HC-MCM system. Therefore, we also combine the PC/HC-MCM and frequency hopping multiple access (FHMA) to propose a novel multiple access (MA) system. It can simultaneously transmit multiple users' data within one symbol duration of PC-OFDM.

  • Cross-Correlation Distribution of p-Ary m-Sequence and Its p + 1 Decimated Sequences with Shorter Period

    Eun-Young SEO  Young-Sik KIM  Jong-Seon NO  Dong-Joon SHIN  

    PAPER-Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications


    In this paper, the cross-correlation distribution between a p-ary m-sequence s(t) and its p + 1 distinct decimated sequences s(dt + l) is derived. For an odd prime p, an even integer n, and d = pk +1 with gcd(n, k) = 1, there are p + 1 distinct decimated sequences s(dt + l), 0 ≤ l < p + 1, for a p-ary m-sequence s(t) of period pn -1 because gcd(d, pn - 1) = p + 1. The maximum magnitude of their cross-correlation values is 1 + p if l ≡ 0 mod p + 1 for n ≡ 0 mod 4 or l ≡ (p + 1)/2 mod p + 1 for n ≡ 2 mod 4 and otherwise, 1 + . Also by using s(t) and s(dt + l), a new family of p-ary sequences of period pn -1 is constructed, whose family size is pn and Cmax is 1 + p.

  • A High-Performance Architecture of Motion Adaptive De-interlacing with Reliable Interfield Information

    Chung-chi LIN  Ming-hwa SHEU  Huann-keng CHIANG  Chih-Jen WEI  Chishyan LIAW  



    Scene changes occur frequently in film broadcasting, and tend to destabilize the performance with blurred, jagged, and artifacts effects when de-interlacing methods are utilized. This paper presents an efficient VLSI architecture of video de-interlacing with considering scene change to improve the quality of video results. This de-interlacing architecture contains three main parts. The first is scene change detection, which is designed based on examining the absolute pixel difference value of two adjacent even or odd fields. The second is background index mechanism for classifying motion and non-motion pixels of input field. The third component, spatial-temporal edge-based median filter, is used to deal with the interpolation for those motion pixels. Comparing with the existed de-interlacing approaches, our architecture design can significantly ameliorate the PSNRs of the video sequences with various scene changes; for other situations, it also maintains better performances. The proposed architecture has been implemented as a VLSI chip based on UMC 0.18-µm CMOS technology process. The total gate count is 30114 and its layout area is about 710 710-µm. The power consumption is 39.78 mW at working frequency 128.2 MHz, which is able to process de-interlacing for HDTV in real-time.

  • Analytic Optimization of Adaptive Ridge Parameters Based on Regularized Subspace Information Criterion

    Shun GOKITA  Masashi SUGIYAMA  Keisuke SAKURAI  

    PAPER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering


    In order to obtain better learning results in supervised learning, it is important to choose model parameters appropriately. Model selection is usually carried out by preparing a finite set of model candidates, estimating a generalization error for each candidate, and choosing the best one from the candidates. If the number of candidates is increased in this procedure, the optimization quality may be improved. However, this in turn increases the computational cost. In this paper, we focus on a generalization error estimator called the regularized subspace information criterion and derive an analytic form of the optimal model parameter over a set of infinitely many model candidates. This allows us to maximize the optimization quality while the computational cost is kept moderate.

  • Coloured Petri Net Based Modelling and Analysis of Multiple Product FMS with Resource Breakdowns and Automated Inspection

    Tauseef AIZED  Koji TAKAHASHI  Ichiro HAGIWARA  

    PAPER-Concurrent Systems


    The objective of this paper is to analyze a pull type multi-product, multi-line and multi-stage flexible manufacturing system whose resources are subject to planned and unplanned breakdown conditions. To ensure a continual supply of the finished products, under breakdown conditions, parts/materials flow through alternate routes exhibiting routing flexibility. The machine resources are flexible in this study and are capable of producing more than one item. Every machining and assembly station has been equipped with automated inspection units to ensure the quality of the products. The system is modelled through coloured Petri net methodology and the impact of input factors have been shown on the performance of the system. The study has been extended to explore near-optimal conditions of the system using design of experiment and response surface methods.

  • Improved Variant of Pisarenko Harmonic Decomposition for Single Sinusoidal Frequency Estimation

    Kenneth Wing-Kin LUI  Hing-Cheung SO  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing


    It is well known that Pisarenko's frequency estimate for a single real tone can be computed easily using the sample covariance with lags 1 and 2. In this Letter, we propose to use alternative covariance expressions, which are inspired from the modified covariance (MC) frequency estimator, in Pisarenko's algorithm. Computer simulations are included to corroborate the theoretical development of the variant and to demonstrate its superiority over the MC and Pisarenko's methods.

  • A Novel Five-Point Algorithm of Phase Noise Cancellation in DTMB

    Yun CHEN  Xiaoyang ZENG  An PAN  Jing WANG  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing


    A novel five-point algorithm to remove phase noise in Chinese digital terrestrial media broadcasting system is proposed under the assumption that the bandwidth of phase noise is narrow. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method can provide 1-3 dB gains in AWGN and 1-4 dB in multi-path compared with those without compensation.

  • Schur Stability of Convex Combinations of Complex Polynomials

    Younseok CHOO  Gin Kyu CHOI  

    LETTER-Systems and Control


    This letter concerns the Schur stability of convex combinations of complex polynomials. For given two Schur stable complex polynomials, a sufficient condition is given such that the convex combination of polynomials is also Schur stable.

  • Generalized Predictive Control in Fast-Rate Single-Rate and Dual-Rate Systems

    Takao SATO  Akira INOUE  

    LETTER-Systems and Control


    This paper discusses design of Generalized Predictive Control (GPC) scheme. GPC is designed in two cases; the first is a dual-rate (DR) system, where the sampling interval of a plant output is an integer multiple of the holding interval of a control input, and the second is a fast-rate single-rate (FR-SR) system, where both the holding and sampling intervals are equal to the holding interval of the DR system. Furthermore, the relation between them is investigated, and this study gives the conditions that FR-SR and DR GPC become equivalent. To this end, a future reference trajectory of DR GPC is rewritten, and a future predictive output of the FR-SR GPC is rearranged.

  • On Robust Approximate Feedback Linearization with Triangular and Feedforward Forms

    Ho-Lim CHOI  Jong-Tae LIM  

    LETTER-Systems and Control


    In this letter, we consider a class of approximately feedback linearized systems that contain both triangular and feedforward forms. With a utilization of the transformation scaling factor, we analytically show that the considered system can be globally exponentially stabilized, globally bounded, or locally stabilized depending on the shapes of triangular and feedforward forms. Our new method broadens a class of nonlinear systems under consideration over the existing results.

  • Security Analysis of an ID-Based Key Agreement for Peer Group Communication

    Duc-Liem VO  Kwangjo KIM  

    LETTER-Information Security


    Pairing based cryptography has been researched intensively due to its beneficial properties. In 2005, Wu et al. [3] proposed an identity-based key agreement for peer group communication from pairings. In this letter, we propose attacks on their scheme, by which the group fails to agree upon a common communication key.

  • On the Strong Forward Secrecy of the Improved Chikazawa-Yamagishi ID-Based Key Sharing

    Ik Rae JEONG  Jeong Ok KWON  Dong Hoon LEE  

    LETTER-Information Security


    In this letter, we show that Jung's ID-based scheme, which is the improved version of the Chikazawa-Yamagishi scheme, satisfies only the weak forward secrecy. But the weak forward secrecy is not quite realistic, since it is not sufficient for modeling the real attacks. To address this problem, the strong forward secrecy has been pursued, which is modeling the more realistic attacks. We then suggest a modification of Jung's ID-based scheme to provide the strong forward secrecy.

  • Minimal Code(Error)-Trellis Module Construction for Rate-k/n Convolutional Codes: Extension of Yamada-Harashima-Miyakawa's Construction

    Masato TAJIMA  Koji OKINO  Takashi MIYAGOSHI  

    LETTER-Coding Theory


    Yamada, Harashima, and Miyakawa proposed to use a trellis constructed based on a syndrome former for the purpose of Viterbi decoding of rate-(n-1)/n convolutional codes. In this paper, we extend their code-trellis construction to general rate-k/n convolutional codes. We show that the extended construction is equivalent to the one proposed by Sidorenko and Zyablov. Moreover, we show that the proposed method can also be applied to an error-trellis construction with minor modification.

  • A New Fair Queueing Algorithm with Dynamic Service Probability Adjustment

    Debin YIN  Jianying XIE  Xun FAN  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals


    This letter proposes a new weighted fair queueing algorithm, which adjusts dynamically each flow's service probability according to its weight and average packet length and then uses the service probability parameters to implement fair queueing. This solves the main drawback of traditional weighted fair queueing algorithms--the packet-based tracing of weight parameters. In addition, this letter proposes a novel service probability calculation method which solves the unfairness problem induced by the variable packet length.

  • Accurate Channel Identification with Time-Frequency Interferometry for OFDM

    Chang-Jun AHN  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals


    In OFDM systems, the pilot signal averaging channel estimation is generally used to identify the channel state information (CSI). In this case, large pilot symbols are required for obtaining an accurate CSI. As a result, the total transmission rate is degraded due to large number of pilot symbols transmission. To reduce this problem, in this paper, we propose time-frequency interferometry (TFI) for OFDM to achieve an accurate CSI.

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