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Advance publication (published online immediately after acceptance)

Volume E89-A No.10  (Publication Date:2006/10/01)

    Special Section on Information Theory and Its Applications

    Hiroyoshi MORITA  


  • Asymptotical Optimality of Two Variations of Lempel-Ziv Codes for Sources with Countably Infinite Alphabet

    Tomohiko UYEMATSU  Fumio KANAYA  

    PAPER-Source Coding


    This paper considers the universal coding problem for stationary ergodic sources with countably infinite alphabets. We propose modified versions of LZ77 and LZ78 codes for sources with countably infinite alphabets. Then, we show that for any source µ with Eµ[log X1]<∞, both codes are asymptotically optimum, i.e. the code length per input symbol approaches its entropy rate with probability one. Further, we show that we can modify LZ77 and LZ78 codes so that both are asymptotically optimal for a family of ergodic sources satisfying Kieffer's condition.

  • State-Complexity Reduction for Convolutional Codes Using Trellis-Module Integration

    Masato TAJIMA  Koji OKINO  Takashi MIYAGOSHI  

    PAPER-Coding Theory


    Assume that G(D) is a k0n0 canonical generator matrix. Let G(L)(D) be the generator matrix obtained by integrating L consecutive trellis-modules associated with G(D). We also consider a modified version of G(L)(D) using a column permutation. Then take notice of the corresponding minimal trellis-module T(L). In this paper, we show that there is a case where the minimum number of states over all levels in T(L) is less than the minimum attained for the minimal trellis-module associated with G(D). In this case, combining with a shifted sectionalization of the trellis, we can construct a trellis-module with further reduced number of states. We actually present such an example. We also clarify the mechanism of state-space reduction. That is, we show that trellis-module integration combined with an appropriate column permutation and a shifted sectionalization of the trellis is equivalent to shifting some particular bits of the original code bits by L time units.

  • A Note on Error Correction Schemes with a Feedback Channel

    Naoto KOBAYASHI  Daiki KOIZUMI  Toshiyasu MATSUSHIMA  Shigeichi HIRASAWA  

    PAPER-Coding Theory


    We propose a new fixed-rate error correction system with a feedback channel. In our system, the receiver transmits a list of positions of unreliable information bits based on the log a-posteriori probability ratios by outputs of a soft-output decoder to the transmitter. This method is just like that of the reliability-based hybrid ARQ scheme. To dynamically select an appropriate interleaving function with feedback information is a key feature of our system. By computer simulations, we show that the performance of a system with a feedback channel is improved by dynamically selecting an appropriate interleaving function.

  • A New Class of Binary Constant Weight Codes Derived by Groups of Linear Fractional Mappings

    Jun IMAI  Yoshinao SHIRAKI  

    PAPER-Coding Theory


    Let A(n, d, w) denote the maximum possible number of code words in binary (n,d,w) constant weight codes. For smaller instances of (n, d, w)s, many improvements have occurred over the decades. However, unknown instances still remain for larger (n, d, w)s (for example, those of n > 30 and d > 10). In this paper, we propose a new class of binary constant weight codes that fill in the remaining blank instances of (n, d, w)s. Specifically, we establish several new non-trivial lower bounds such as 336 for A(64, 12, 8), etc. (listed in Table 2). To obtain these results, we have developed a new systematic technique for construction by means of groups acting on some sets. The new technique is performed by considering a triad (G, Ω, f) := ("Group G," "Set Ω," "Action f on Ω") simultaneously. Our results described in Sect. 3 are obtained by using permutations of the elements of a set that include ∞ homogeneously like the other elements, which play a role to improve their randomness. Specifically, in our examples, we adopt the following model such as (PGL2(Fq), P1(Fq), "linear fractional action of subgroups of PGL2(Fq) on P1(Fq)") as a typical construction model. Moreover, as an application, the essential examples in [7] constructed by using an alternating group are again reconstructed with our new technique of a triad model, after which they are all systematically understood in the context of finite subgroups that act fractionally on a projective space over a finite field.

  • Rate Compatible Low-Density Parity-Check Codes Based on Progressively Increased Column Weights

    Chen ZHENG  Noriaki MIYAZAKI  Toshinori SUZUKI  

    PAPER-Coding Theory


    Effective and simply realizable rate compatible low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes are proposed. A parity check matrix is constructed with the progressively increased column weights (PICW) order and adopted to achieve a punctured LDPC coding scheme for a wide range of the code rates of the rate compatible systems. Using the proposed rate compatible punctured LDPC codes, low complex adaptive communication systems, such as wireless communication systems, can be achieved with the reliable transmissions.

  • A Modification Method for Constructing Low-Density Parity-Check Codes for Burst Erasures

    Gou HOSOYA  Hideki YAGI  Toshiyasu MATSUSHIMA  Shigeichi HIRASAWA  

    PAPER-Coding Theory


    We study a modification method for constructing low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes for solid burst erasures. Our proposed modification method is based on a column permutation technique for a parity-check matrix of the original LDPC codes. It can change the burst erasure correction capabilities without degradation in the performance over random erasure channels. We show by simulation results that the performance of codes permuted by our method are better than that of the original codes, especially with two or more solid burst erasures.

  • Encoding LDPC Codes Using the Triangular Factorization

    Yuichi KAJI  

    PAPER-Coding Theory


    An algorithm for encoding low-density parity check (LDPC) codes is investigated. The algorithm computes parity check symbols by solving a set of sparse equations, and the triangular factorization is employed to solve the equations efficiently. It is shown analytically and experimentally that the proposed algorithm is more efficient than the Richardson's encoding algorithm if the code has a small gap.

  • Average Coset Weight Distribution of Multi-Edge Type LDPC Code Ensembles

    Kenta KASAI  Yuji SHIMOYAMA  Tomoharu SHIBUYA  Kohichi SAKANIWA  

    PAPER-Coding Theory


    Multi-Edge type Low-Density Parity-Check codes (MET-LDPC codes) introduced by Richardson and Urbanke are generalized LDPC codes which can be seen as LDPC codes obtained by concatenating several standard (ir)regular LDPC codes. We prove in this paper that MET-LDPC code ensembles possess a certain symmetry with respect to their Average Coset Weight Distributions (ACWD). Using this symmetry, we drive ACWD of MET-LDPC code ensembles from ACWD of their constituent ensembles.

  • A Co-channel Interference Cancellation Method Using Low Dimensional Sphere Decoding for MIMO Communication Systems

    Masatsugu HIGASHINAKA  Akihiro OKAZAKI  Katsuyuki MOTOYOSHI  Takayuki NAGAYASU  Hiroshi KUBO  Akihiro SHIBUYA  

    PAPER-Coding Theory


    This paper proposes a co-channel interference cancellation method for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless communication systems. Maximum-likelihood multi-user detection (ML-MUD), which is one of the co-channel interference cancellation methods at a receiver side, has excellent bit error rate (BER) performance. However, computational complexity of the ML-MUD is prohibitive, because the ML-MUD must search for the most probable symbol vector from all candidates of the transmitted signals. We apply sphere decoding (SD) to the ML-MUD in order to reduce the computational complexity of the ML-MUD, and moreover we propose a modified version of the SD suitable for the ML-MUD. The proposed method extracts desired signal components from a received signal vector and a channel matrix decomposed the upper triangular form, and then performs the SD to the low dimensional model in order to detect the transmitted signals of the desired user. Computer simulation confirms that the proposed method can suppress the undesired signals and detect the desired signals, offering significant reduction of the computational complexity of the conventional method.

  • Layer Error Characteristics of Lattice-Reduction Aided V-BLAST Detectors

    Tien Duc NGUYEN  Xuan Nam TRAN  Tadashi FUJINO  

    PAPER-Coding Theory


    Recently, lattice reduction aided (LRA) detectors have been introduced into Vertical Bell-Labs Layered Space-Time (V-BLAST) systems to obtain nearly optimal bit error rate (BER) performance for only small additional complexity. In this paper, the layer error characteristics of LRA-V-BLAST detectors are investigated and compared with those of conventional V-BLAST ones. Two important conclusions are drawn for the LRA-V-BLAST detectors. First, the variation of their mean square error (MSE) within each detection iteration is not as large as in conventional V-BLAST detectors. Second, thanks to lattice reduction there exists an inherent sub-optimal detection order from the last to the first layer. These conclusions allow LRA-V-BLAST detectors to avoid optimal ordering to further reduce the complexity. LRA-V-BLAST detectors without optimal ordering are shown to obtain almost the same BER performance of LRA-V-BLAST detector with optimal ordering.

  • Frequency Offset Compensation Scheme Using Interference Cancellation in Reverse Link of OFDM/SDMA Systems

    Naoto EGASHIRA  Takahiko SABA  

    PAPER-Coding Theory


    In the reverse link of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)/ space division multiple access (SDMA) systems, each receive antenna of a base station receives a multiplexed version of signals transmitted from users, where the transmitted signals have individual amounts of frequency offset. Therefore, a frequency offset compensation scheme which is different from those used in general OFDM systems is required. For this requirement, frequency offset compensation schemes using the feedback transmission from the base station to user terminals have been proposed for multiuser OFDM systems. These schemes work with good precision when the feedback information is correct and is transmitted without errors. However, when the offset information is incorrectly received at user terminals, the frequency offset is not accurately compensated for. In OFDM/SDMA systems, one user is enough for causing inter-carrier interference to all users. Therefore, a frequency offset compensation scheme without feedback transmission is sometimes preferable. In this paper, we propose a frequency offset compensation scheme without feedback transmission. To compensate for frequency offset in every transmitted signal, the multiplexed received signals must be separated into each user's component before the offset compensation. Thus, we adopt the principle of the parallel interference cancellation (PIC). By employing PIC, the received signals can be separated before the offset compensation. Thus, the frequency offset of every user's signal can be compensated for. Simulation results show the bit error rate performance of the proposed scheme attains almost the same as that of the conventional scheme using the feedback transmission without errors.

  • Frequency-Domain Equalization Incorporated with Frequency-Domain Redundancy for OFDM Systems

    Akihiro OKAZAKI  Katsuyuki MOTOYOSHI  Masatsugu HIGASHINAKA  Takayuki NAGAYASU  Hiroshi KUBO  Akihiro SHIBUYA  

    PAPER-Coding Theory


    This paper proposes a frequency-domain equalizer (FEQ) which utilizes not only guard interval but also redundancy in the frequency domain to eliminate inter-symbol and inter-carrier interferences. The proposed FEQ employs the hybrid criterion, i.e., the zero-forcing (ZF) criterion for compensating desired subcarriers and the minimum mean square error (MMSE) criterion for suppressing interference. The proposed Hybrid-FEQ achieves a good equalization performance, because it can suppress the noise enhancement caused by the ZF criterion with relatively small computational complexity exploiting soft-decision forward error correction (FEC). In this paper, we show its equalization performance and complexity compared with the conventional FEQs.

  • A Novel RMS Delay Spread Estimation for Wireless OFDM Systems

    Xiaodong XU  Ya JING  Xiaohu YOU  Junhui ZHAO  

    PAPER-Coding Theory


    Multipath search based instantaneous root-mean-squared (RMS) delay spread (RDS) estimators mainly depend on path detection or multipath search. This paper proposes a novel method for multipath search through Minimum Descriptive Length (MDL) criterion, and hence a novel instantaneous RDS estimation method for wireless OFDM systems. compared with the conventional multipath search based instantaneous RDS estimators, the proposed estimator doesn't need any a priori information about the noise variance and the channel power delay profile (PDP) while the performance is improved. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed estimator is also insensitive to the variance of SNR and robust against the frequency selectivity, as well as the vehicle speed.

  • Filtering for Simple Threshold Systems: Self-Tuning, Mutual Information and Applications

    Takahiro HADA  Toyonori MUNAKATA  

    PAPER-Signal Processing


    In this paper we discuss an adaptive process, which is based on the so-called self-tuning mechanism. We simplify this mechanism and apply it to a threshold system. From view points of information quantity and estimation accuracy we show this mechanism enhances information transmission through the threshold system. In addition we extend our theory so that it could be applied to a truncation coding.

  • A Security Analysis of Double-Block-Length Hash Functions with the Rate 1

    Shoichi HIROSE  



    In this article, the security of double-block-length hash functions with the rate 1 is analyzed, whose compression functions are composed of block ciphers with their key length twice larger than their block length. First, the analysis by Satoh, Haga and Kurosawa is investigated, and it is shown that there exists a case uncovered by their analysis. Second, a large class of compression functions are defined, and it is shown that they are at most as secure as those of single-block-length hash functions. Finally, some candidate hash functions are given which are possibly optimally collision-resistant.

  • On the S-Box Architectures with Concurrent Error Detection for the Advanced Encryption Standard

    Shee-Yau WU  Huang-Ting YEN  



    In this paper, we present a new low-cost concurrent error detection (CED) S-Box architecture for the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Because the complexity and the nonlinearity, it is difficult to develop error detection algorithms for the S-Box. Conventionally, a parity checked S-Box is implemented with ROM (read only memory). In some applications, for example, smart cards, both chip size and fault detection are demanded seriously. ROM-based parity checking cannot meet the demands. We propose our CED S-Box (CEDSB) architecture for two reasons. The first is to design a S-Box without ROM. The second is to obtain a compact S-Box with real time error detection. Based on the composite field, we develop the CEDSB architecture to implement the fault detection for the S-Box. The overhead of the CED for the S-Boxes in GF((24)2) and in GF(((22)2)2) are 152 and 132 NAND gates respectively. The amount of extra gates used for the CEDSB is nearly equal to that of the ROM-based CED S-Box (131 NAND gates). The chip area of the ROM-based CED S-Box, the CEDSBs in GF((24)2), and in GF(((22)2)2) are 2996, 558, and 492 NAND gates separately. The chip area of the CEDSB is more compact than a ROM-based CED S-Box.

  • Secret Key Capacity and Advantage Distillation Capacity

    Jun MURAMATSU  Kazuyuki YOSHIMURA  Peter DAVIS  



    Secret key agreement is a procedure for agreeing on a secret key by exchanging messages over a public channel when a sender, a legitimate receiver (henceforth referred to as a receiver), and an eavesdropper have access to correlated sources. Maurer [6] defined secret key capacity, which is the least upper bound of the key generation rate of the secret key agreement, and presented an upper and a lower bound for the secret key capacity. The advantage distillation capacity is introduced and it is shown that this quantity equals to the secret key capacity. Naive information theoretical expressions of the secret key capacity and the advantage distillation capacity are also presented. An example of correlated sources, for which an analytic expression of the secret key capacity can be obtained, is also presented.

  • Fingerprinting Protocol Based on Distributed Providers Using Oblivious Transfer

    Urara SHINMYO  Minoru KURIBAYASHI  Masakatu MORII  Hatsukazu TANAKA  



    For the construction of a large fingerprinting system, conventional protocols need many computations to provide each fingerprinted contents to each user. In order to reduce the computational cost, we introduce a new concept of distributed providers in the fingerprinting protocol. Before a sale, our practical fingerprinting protocol using a concept of secure oblivious transfer is performed between a contents supplier and each provider. Then each provider obtains fingerprinted contents such that each bit of fingerprinting information is embedded in each segment of the contents. When a user orders some contents to the supplier, each segment of the contents is distributed from each provider specified by the supplier. The selection of providers who distribute the segments of contents is executed based on the user's identity so that the sequence of embedded bits in the collected segments may indicate the user's identity.

  • Soft Decision Decoding of Boneh-Shaw Fingerprinting Codes

    Hans Georg SCHAATHUN  Marcel FERNANDEZ  



    Collusion-secure codes are used for digital fingerprinting and for traitor tracing. In both cases, the goal is to prevent unauthorized copying of copyrighted material, by tracing at least one guilty user when illegal copies appear. The most well-known collusion-secure code is due to Boneh and Shaw (1995/98). In this paper we improve the decoding algorithm by using soft output from the inner decoder, and we show that this permits using significantly shorter codewords.

  • DS-CDMA Non-linear Interference Canceller with Multiple-Beam Reception

    Kazuto YANO  Susumu YOSHIDA  

    PAPER-Spread Spectrum


    In this paper, a multistage parallel interference canceller (MPIC) with multiple-beam reception for a DS-CDMA system is proposed to suppress multiple access interference (MAI) effectively. Its aim is to reduce the computational complexity of the conventional MPIC cascaded with an adaptive array antenna. It employs multiple fixed beams based on phased array and selects suitable beams to demodulate the transmitted signal of each user. Then it suppresses residual interference signals by the MPIC cascaded with multiple-beam receiver. Its bit error rate (BER) performance is evaluated by computer simulations assuming an uplink single-chip-rate multiple-spreading-factor DS-CDMA system over both exponentially decaying 5-path and equal average power 2-path Rayleigh distributed channels. When there are 16 users in an 120-sectored single cell, the proposed receiver with 6-element array antenna and 2-stage MPIC shows better or comparable BER performance compared with that of the conventional receiver. Moreover, the proposed receiver with 8 beams can reduce the number of complex multiplications to about 40% of that of the complexity-reduced conventional receiver over 5-path channels.

  • Tree Search Detection Based on LLR Using M Algorithm in MC-CDMA Systems

    Yoshihito MORISHIGE  Masahiro FUJII  Makoto ITAMI  Kohji ITOH  

    PAPER-Spread Spectrum


    In this paper, we propose a new multiuser detection scheme using Maximum Likelihood (ML) criterion and the M algorithm for Multi Carrier (MC)-Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) systems in the down-link channel. We first describe an implementation of ML detection separating In- and Quadrature-phase components and using well-known linear filters. In the proposed algorithm, we produce hypothesis symbol vectors in a tree structure by partly changing the sub-optimum hard decisions based on the linear filter output. At each stage, we adopt the best M likely paths with respect to the true log likelihood or distance function as survivors. We determine the symbol vector which minimizes the distance function at the final stage. Although the complexity of ML detector is exponentially increasing as a function of the number of users, the proposed scheme requires by far less complexity. We demonstrate that the proposed scheme achieves equivalent Bit Error Rate (BER) performance with lower complexity in comparison with ML detector by computer simulations. Moreover we compare the proposed detection scheme with QRD-M algorithm which is based on QR decomposition combined with M algorithm.

  • Two-Stage Random-Access Using Two-Hop Relay for Multi-Hop Systems


    PAPER-Spread Spectrum


    Higher transmission rates are one of the main characteristics of the fourth-generation (4G*) of mobile communications. These systems are expected to operate at higher frequency bands, which experience larger propagation loss. This results in larger required transmission power, which causes several problems, particularly for uplink communications, as the typical mobile station (MS) has limited transmission power. Multi-hop systems have been proposed to address this problem. In this paper, we consider the issue of random-access (RA) in a multi-hop system. It is clear that a two-hop mobile communication system requires a two-stage RA process. In this paper, we propose a two-stage RA process that is an extension of the RA process of the CDMA-based 3GPP standard. The proposed method uses a hybrid of code division multiple access (CDMA) and Slotted-ALOHA. To realize the proposed two-hop RA, we dedicate one slot for second-hop transmissions in each interval (predefined); we refer to this as the interval slots allocation (ISsA) technique. Numerical analyses and simulations are conducted to evaluate its basic performance in a multi-hop system. The results demonstrate the superior throughput-delay performance of the proposed two-stage RA multi-hop system with ISsA.

  • Multiple L-Shift Complementary Sequences

    Yan XIN  Ivan J. FAIR  



    We introduce an extension of Golay complementary sequences in which, for each sequence, there exists another sequence such that the sum of aperiodic autocorrelation functions of these two sequences for a given multiple L-shift (L≥1) is zero except for the zero shift. We call these sequences multiple L-shift complementary sequences. It is well-known that the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) value of any Golay complementary sequence is less than or equal to 2. In this paper, we show that the PAPR of each multiple L-shift complementary sequence is less than or equal to 2L. We also discuss other properties of the sequences and consider their construction.

  • Binary Zero-Correlation Zone Sequence Set Construction Using a Cyclic Hadamard Sequence

    Takafumi HAYASHI  



    The present paper introduces a new construction of a class of binary periodic sequence set having a zero-correlation zone (hereinafter binary ZCA sequence set). The cross-correlation function and the side-lobe of the auto-correlation function of the proposed sequence set is zero for the phase shifts within the zero-correlation zone. The present paper shows that such a construction generates a binary ZCA sequence set by using a cyclic difference set and a collection of mutually orthogonal complementary sets.

  • A New Construction of Optimal p2-Ary Low Correlation Zone Sequences Using Unified Sequences

    Ji-Woong JANG  Jong-Seon NO  Habong CHUNG  



    In this paper, given an integer e and n such that e|n, and a prime p, we propose a method of constructing optimal p2-ary low correlation zone (LCZ) sequence set with parameters (pn-1, pe-1, (pn -1)/(pe -1), 1) from a p-ary sequence of the same length with ideal autocorrelation. The resulting p2-ary LCZ sequence set can be viewed as the generalization of the optimal quaternary LCZ sequence set by Kim, Jang, No, and Chung in respect of the alphabet size. This generalization becomes possible due to a completely new proof comprising any prime p. Under this proof, the quaternary case can be considered as a specific example for p = 2.

  • Analysis System of Endoscopic Image of Early Gastric Cancer

    Kwang-Baek KIM  Sungshin KIM  Gwang-Ha KIM  

    PAPER-Image Processing


    Gastric cancer is a great part of the cancer occurrence and the mortality from cancer in Korea, and the early detection of gastric cancer is very important in the treatment and convalescence. This paper, for the early detection of gastric cancer, proposes the analysis system of an endoscopic image of the stomach, which detects abnormal regions by using the change of color in the image and by providing the surface tissue information to the detector. While advanced inflammation or cancer may be easily detected, early inflammation or cancer is difficult to detect and requires more attention to be detected. This paper, at first, converts an endoscopic image to an image of the IHb (Index of Hemoglobin) model and removes noises incurred by illumination and, automatically detects the regions suspected as cancer and provides the related information to the detector, or provides the surface tissue information for the regions appointed by the detector. This paper does not intend to provide the final diagnosis of abnormal regions detected as gastric cancer, but it intends to provide a supplementary mean to reduce the load and mistaken diagnosis of the detector, by automatically detecting the abnormal regions not easily detected by the human eye and this provides additional information for diagnosis. The experiments using practical endoscopic images for performance evaluation showed that the proposed system is effective in the analysis of endoscopic images of the stomach.

  • Modified Algorithm on Maximum Detected Bit Flipping Decoding for High Dimensional Parity-Check Code

    Yuuki FUNAHASHI  Shogo USAMI  Ichi TAKUMI  Masayasu HATA  

    LETTER-Coding Theory


    We have researched high dimensional parity-check (HDPC) codes that give good performance over a channel that has a very high error rate. HDPC code has a little coding overhead because of its simple structure. It has hard-in, maximum detected bit flipping (MDBF) decoding that has reasonable decoding performance and computational cost. In this paper, we propose a modified algorithm for MDBF decoding and compare the proposed MDBF decoding with conventional hard-in decoding.

  • Fast Algorithm for Generating Candidate Codewords in Reliability-Based Maximum Likelihood Decoding

    Hideki YAGI  Toshiyasu MATSUSHIMA  Shigeichi HIRASAWA  

    LETTER-Coding Theory


    We consider the reliability-based heuristic search methods for maximum likelihood decoding, which generate test error patterns (or, equivalently, candidate codewords) according to their heuristic values. Some studies have proposed methods for reducing the space complexity of these algorithms, which is crucially large for long block codes at medium to low signal to noise ratios of the channel. In this paper, we propose a new method for reducing the time complexity of generating candidate codewords by storing some already generated candidate codewords. Simulation results show that the increase of memory size is small.

  • On Waters' Signature Scheme

    Chik-How TAN  



    Recently, Waters proposed a provably secure signature schemes in the standard model. In this letter, we analyse the security of this signature scheme. We found that the signature scheme is subjected to key substitution attack and is malleable.

  • A Blind Adaptive Decorrelating Detector Using Spatial Signature Estimation

    Yuji KIMURA  Koji SHIBATA  Takakazu SAKAI  Atsushi NAKAGAKI  

    LETTER-Spread Spectrum


    The decorrelating detector is one of the detecting methods in a direct sequence code division multiple access systems. We investigate the blind adaptive decorrelating detector (BADD) using only the signature of the desired user (DU) according to the assumption that the algorithm is used in downlink. When the BADD is constructed with an antenna array, both the spatial and temporal signature must be taken into consideration for signal detection. We propose the BADD incorporated with the blind estimation of spatial signature (SS) of the DU only from the received signals. As the estimation procedure of SS, the orthogonal projection approximation and subspace tracking algorithm is adopted. The proposed BADD presented the BER improvement with using antenna array. The BER performance has a lower limit with increasing the number of antenna array elements.

  • Special Section on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications

    Shin'ichi OISHI  Joos VANDEWALLE  


  • A Refined Theory for Available Operation of Extremely Complicated Large-Scale Network Systems

    Kazuo HORIUCHI  

    PAPER-Modelling, Systems and Simulation


    In this paper, we shall describe about a refined theory based on the concept of set-valued operators, suitable for available operation of extremely complicated large-scale network systems. The deduction of theory is accomplished in a weak topology introduced into the Banach space. Fundamental conditions for availability of system behaviors of such network systems are clarified, as a result, in a form of fixed point theorem for system of set-valued operators.

  • Analysis of Discretely Controlled Continuous Systems by means of Embedded Maps

    Jorg KRUPAR  Jan LUNZE  Axel SCHILD  Wolfgang SCHWARZ  

    PAPER-Modelling, Systems and Simulation


    Discretely controlled continuous systems are characterised by their interacting continuous and discrete dynamics, where the continuous subsystem usually represents the system to be controlled and the discrete part describes the controller that switches the continuous system among different operation modes. This paper analyses systems where a perpetual switching of the operation mode has to occur in order to maintain the system's state in a prescribed operating region. It is shown how the analysis of the overall hybrid system can be simplified by using an embedded map that determines the behaviour at the switching instants.

  • The Multiple Point Global Lanczos Method for Multiple-Inputs Multiple-Outputs Interconnect Order Reductions

    Chia-Chi CHU  Ming-Hong LAI  Wu-Shiung FENG  

    PAPER-Modelling, Systems and Simulation


    The global Lanczos algorithm for solving the RLCG interconnect circuits is presented in this paper. This algorithm is an extension of the standard Lanczos algorithm for multiple-inputs multiple-outputs (MIMO) systems. A new matrix Krylov subspace will be developed first. By employing the congruence transformation with the matrix Krylov subspace, the two-side oblique projection-based method can be used to construct a reduced-order system. It will be shown that the system moments are still matched. The error of the 2q-th order system moment will be derived analytically. Furthermore, two novel model-order reduction techniques called the multiple point global Lanczos (MPGL) method and the adaptive-order global Lanczos (AOGL) method which are both based on the multiple point moment matching are proposed. The frequency responses using the multiple point moment matching method have higher coherence to the original system than those using the single point expansion method. Finally, simulation results on frequency domain will illustrate the feasibility and the efficiency of the proposed methods.

  • Multi-Population Replicator Dynamics with Changes of Interpretations of Strategies

    Takafumi KANAZAWA  Toshimitsu USHIO  

    PAPER-Modelling, Systems and Simulation


    If some differences of perceptions arise between populations, then strategies which are regarded as the same strategy in a population may be perceived distinguishably in the other populations. To discuss such a situation, replicator dynamics for multi-population hypergames has been proposed. However, it is assumed that players' perceptions are given and fixed. In this paper, we consider that each population has various interpretation functions and choose one of them depending on payoffs, and we propose a hybrid system representation of replicator dynamics with changes of interpretation functions. Moreover, we apply our proposed model to a well-known example of a hypergame "Soccer Hooliganism" and show that behaviors converging to heteroclinic orbits can appear by the changes of the interpretation functions.

  • An Effective Pseudo-Transient Algorithm for Finding DC Solutions of Nonlinear Circuits

    Hong YU  Yasuaki INOUE  Yuki MATSUYA  Zhangcai HUANG  

    PAPER-Modelling, Systems and Simulation


    The pseudo-transient method is discussed in this paper as one of practical methods to find DC operating points of nonlinear circuits when the Newton-Raphson method fails. The mathematical description for this method is presented and an effective pseudo-transient algorithm utilizing compound pseudo-elements is proposed. Numerical examples are demonstrated to prove that our algorithm is able to avoid the oscillation problems effectively and also improve the simulation efficiency.

  • A 15-bit 10-Msample/s Pipelined A/D Converter Based on Incomplete Settling Principle

    Shuaiqi WANG  Fule LI  Yasuaki INOUE  

    PAPER-Modelling, Systems and Simulation


    This paper proposes a 15-bit 10-MS/s pipelined ADC based on the incomplete settling principle. The traditional complete settling stage is improved to the incomplete settling structure through dividing the sampling clock of the traditional stage into two parts for discharging the sampling and feedback capacitors and completing the sampling, respectively. The proposed ADC verifies the correction and validity of optimizing ADCs' conversion speed without additional power consumption through the incomplete settling. This ADC employs scaling-down scheme to achieve low power dissipation and utilizes full-differential structure, bottom-plate-sampling, and capacitor-sharing techniques as well as bit-by-bit digital self-calibration to increase the ADC's linearity. It is processed in 0.18 µm 1P6M CMOS mixed-mode technology. Simulation results show that 82 dB SNDR and 87 dB SFDR are obtained at the sampling rate of 10 MHz with the input sine frequency of 100 kHz and the whole static power dissipation is 21.94 mW.

  • Local Partial Least Squares Multi-Step Model for Short-Term Load Forecasting

    Zunxiong LIU  Xin XIE  Deyun ZHANG  Haiyuan LIU  

    PAPER-Modelling, Systems and Simulation


    The multi-step prediction model based on partial least squares (PLS) is established to predict short-term load series with high embedding dimension in this paper, which refrains from cumulative error with local single-step linear model, and can cope with the multi-collinearity in the reconstructed phase space. In the model, PLS is used to model the dynamic evolution between the phase points and the corresponding future points. With research on the PLS theory, the model algorithm is put forward. Finally, the actual load series are used to test this model, and the results show that the model plays well in chaotic time series prediction, even if the embedding dimension is selected a big value.

  • Proportion Regulation in Task Allocation Systems

    Tsuyoshi MIZUGUCHI  Ken SUGAWARA  

    PAPER-Modelling, Systems and Simulation


    Designable task allocation systems which consist of identical agents using stochastic automata are suggested. From the viewpoint of the group response and the individual behavior, the performances of a simple model and an improved one are compared numerically. Robots experiments are performed to compare between the two models.

  • Adomian Decomposition for Studying Hyperchaotic 2D-Scroll Attractors with Application to Synchronization

    Donato CAFAGNA  Giuseppe GRASSI  

    PAPER-Oscillation, Dynamics and Chaos


    In this paper the attention is focused on the numerical study of hyperchaotic 2D-scroll attractors via the Adomian decomposition method. The approach, which provides series solutions of the system equations, is first applied to weakly-coupled Chua's circuits with Hermite interpolating polynomials. Then the method is successfully utilized for achieving hyperchaos synchronization of two coupled Chua's circuits. The reported examples show that the approach presents two main features, i.e., the system nonlinearity is preserved and the chaotic solution is provided in a closed form.

  • Structurally Stable PWL Approximation of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems Admitting Limit Cycles: An Example

    Marco BERGAMI  Federico BIZZARRI  Andrea CARLEVARO  Marco STORACE  

    PAPER-Oscillation, Dynamics and Chaos


    In this paper, we propose a variational method to derive the coefficients of piecewise-linear (PWL) models able to accurately approximate nonlinear functions, which are vector fields of autonomous dynamical systems described by continuous-time state-space models dependent on parameters. Such dynamical systems admit limit cycles, and the supercritical Hopf bifurcation normal form is chosen as an example of a system to be approximated. The robustness of the approximations is checked, with a view to circuit implementations.

  • Rich Superstable Phenomena in a Piecewise Constant Nonautonomous Circuit with Impulsive Switching

    Yusuke MATSUOKA  Toshimichi SAITO  

    PAPER-Oscillation, Dynamics and Chaos


    This paper studies rich superstable phenomena in a nonautonomous piecewise constant circuit including one impulsive switch. Since the vector field of circuit equation is piecewise constant, embedded return map is piecewise linear and can be described explicitly in principle. As parameters vary the map can have infinite extrema with one flat segment. Such maps can cause complicated periodic orbits that are superstable for initial state and are sensitive for parameters. Using a simple test circuit typical phenomena are verified experimentally.

  • Dynamical Behavior of Neural Networks with Anti-Symmetrical Cyclic Connections

    Shinya SUENAGA  Yoshihiro HAYAKAWA  Koji NAKAJIMA  

    PAPER-Oscillation, Dynamics and Chaos


    We show that a unit-grup, which represents a group of contiguous units with the same sign of output, is a dominant component for the dynamical behavior of a neural network with anti-symmetrical cyclie connections for the nearest neighbor connections and global connections. In transient state, it is shown that the unit-grup has the dynamics such that the amount n of units which belong to the unit-grup increases with time, and that the increasing rate of n decreases with increasing n. The dynamics cause the large difference of the number of limit-cycles between discrete and continuous time models. Additionally, the period of the limit-cycle depends on the size of the unit-grups. This dependency is obtained from computer simulations and two approximation methods. These approximations provide the lower and the upper bounds of the periods which depend on the gain of an activation function. Using these approximations, we also obtain detailed relations between a period and the other network parameters analytically.

  • Support Vector Machines Based Generalized Predictive Control of Chaotic Systems

    Serdar IPLIKCI  

    PAPER-Control, Neural Networks and Learning


    This work presents an application of the previously proposed Support Vector Machines Based Generalized Predictive Control (SVM-Based GPC) method [1] to the problem of controlling chaotic dynamics with small parameter perturbations. The Generalized Predictive Control (GPC) method, which is included in the class of Model Predictive Control, necessitates an accurate model of the plant that plays very crucial role in the control loop. On the other hand, chaotic systems exhibit very complex behavior peculiar to them and thus it is considerably difficult task to get their accurate model in the whole phase space. In this work, the Support Vector Machines (SVMs) regression algorithm is used to obtain an acceptable model of a chaotic system to be controlled. SVM-Based GPC exploits some advantages of the SVM approach and utilizes the obtained model in the GPC structure. Simulation results on several chaotic systems indicate that the SVM-Based GPC scheme provides an excellent performance with respect to local stabilization of the target (an originally unstable equilibrium point). Furthermore, it somewhat performs targeting, the task of steering the chaotic system towards the target by applying relatively small parameter perturbations. It considerably reduces the waiting time until the system, starting from random initial conditions, enters the local control region, a small neighborhood of the chosen target. Moreover, SVM-Based GPC maintains its performance in the case that the measured output is corrupted by an additive Gaussian noise.

  • An Efficient Method for Simplifying Decision Functions of Support Vector Machines

    Jun GUO  Norikazu TAKAHASHI  Tetsuo NISHI  

    PAPER-Control, Neural Networks and Learning


    A novel method to simplify decision functions of support vector machines (SVMs) is proposed in this paper. In our method, a decision function is determined first in a usual way by using all training samples. Next those support vectors which contribute less to the decision function are excluded from the training samples. Finally a new decision function is obtained by using the remaining samples. Experimental results show that the proposed method can effectively simplify decision functions of SVMs without reducing the generalization capability.

  • An Adaptive Manipulator Controller Based on Force and Parameter Estimation


    PAPER-Control, Neural Networks and Learning


    Consideration of manipulator dynamics and external disturbances in robot control system design can enhance the stability and performance properties of the whole system. In this paper, we present an approach to solve the control problem when the inertia parameters of robot are unknown, and at the same time robot is subjected to external force disturbances. This approach is based on simultaneous estimation of force signal and inertia parameters and utilizing them in the control law. The update laws and the control law are derived based on a single time-varying Lyapunov function, so that the global convergence of the tracking error is ensured. A theorem with a detailed proof is presented to guarantee the global uniform asymptotic stability of the whole system. Some simulations are made for a number of external forces to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

  • Geometric Properties of Quasi-Additive Learning Algorithms

    Kazushi IKEDA  

    PAPER-Control, Neural Networks and Learning


    The family of Quasi-Additive (QA) algorithms is a natural generalization of the perceptron learning, which is a kind of on-line learning having two parameter vectors: One is an accumulation of input vectors and the other is a weight vector for prediction associated with the former by a nonlinear function. We show that the vectors have a dually-flat structure from the information-geometric point of view, and this representation makes it easier to discuss the convergence properties.

  • Temporal Sequences of Patterns with an Inverse Function Delayed Neural Network

    Johan SVEHOLM  Yoshihiro HAYAKAWA  Koji NAKAJIMA  

    PAPER-Control, Neural Networks and Learning


    A network based on the Inverse Function Delayed (ID) model which can recall a temporal sequence of patterns, is proposed. The classical problem that the network is forced to make long distance jumps due to strong attractors that have to be isolated from each other, is solved by the introduction of the ID neuron. The ID neuron has negative resistance in its dynamics which makes a gradual change from one attractor to another possible. It is then shown that a network structure consisting of paired conventional and ID neurons, perfectly can recall a sequence.

  • Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for a 1-D DBCNN with an Input to Be Stable in terms of Connection Coefficients

    Tetsuo NISHI  Hajime HARA  Norikazu TAKAHASHI  

    PAPER-Control, Neural Networks and Learning


    We give necessary and sufficient conditions for a 1-D DBCNN (1-dimensional discrete-time binary cellular neural network) with an external input to be stable in terms of connection coefficients. The results are generalization of our previous one [18],[19] in which the input was assumed to be zero.

  • Synthesis of Nonautonomous Systems with Specified Limit Cycles

    Atsuko OHNO  Toshimitsu USHIO  Masakazu ADACHI  

    LETTER-Oscillation, Dynamics and Chaos


    This paper deals with a synthesis of a nonautonomous system with a stable limit cycle. We propose a synthesis method of a nonautonomous system whose transient trajectories converge to a prescribed limit cycle. We use receding horizon control to control a transient behavior of the nonautonomous system, and confirm its validity by simulation.

  • Regular Section
  • On a Blind Speech Dereverberation Algorithm Using Multi-Channel Linear Prediction

    Marc DELCROIX  Takafumi HIKICHI  Masato MIYOSHI  

    PAPER-Engineering Acoustics


    It is well known that speech captured in a room by distant microphones suffers from distortions caused by reverberation. These distortions may seriously damage both speech characteristics and intelligibility, and consequently be harmful to many speech applications. To solve this problem, we proposed a dereverberation algorithm based on multi-channel linear prediction. The method is as follows. First we calculate prediction filters that cancel out the room reverberation but also degrade speech characteristics by causing excessive whitening of the speech. Then, we evaluate the prediction-filter degradation to compensate for the excessive whitening. As the reverberation lengthens, the compensation performance becomes worse due to computational accuracy problems. In this paper, we propose a new computation that may improve compensation accuracy when dealing with long reverberation.

  • A Decomposition-Technique-Based Algorithm for Nonlinear Large Scale Mesh-Interconnected System and Application

    Shieh-Shing LIN  Huay CHANG  

    PAPER-Systems and Control


    In this paper, we propose two techniques to solve the nonlinear constrained optimization problem in large scale mesh-interconnected system. The first one is a diagram-method-based decomposition technique which decomposes the large scale system into some small subsystems. The second technique is a projected-Jacobi-based parallel dual-type method which can solve the optimization problems in the decomposed subsystems efficiently. We have used the proposed algorithm to solve numerous examples of large scale constrained optimization problems in power system. The test results show that the proposed algorithm has computational efficiency with respect to the conventional approach of the centralized Newton method and the state-of-the-art Block-Parallel Newton method.

  • Multi-Population Replicator Dynamics with Erroneous Perceptions

    Takafumi KANAZAWA  Toshimitsu USHIO  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems


    In evolutionary game theory, to the best of our knowledge, individuals' perceptions have not been taken into consideration explicitly. When an individual interacts with the other individual under coexistence of heterogeneous sub-populations, the individual may be willing to change his/her strategy depending on the sub-population the other individual belongs to. Moreover, in such a situation, each individual may make an error about the sub-population the other individual belongs to. In this paper, we propose a multi-population model with such erroneous perceptions. We define an evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) and formulate replicator dynamics in this model, and prove several properties of the proposed model. Moreover, we focus on a two-population chicken game with erroneous perceptions and discuss characteristics of equilibrium points of its replicator dynamics.

  • Tunable Wordlength Architecture for a Low Power Wireless OFDM Demodulator

    Shingo YOSHIZAWA  Yoshikazu MIYANAGA  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD


    We present a low power architecture that dynamically controls wordlengths in a wireless OFDM demodulator. Finding the optimum wordlength for digital circuit systems is difficult because the trade-off between the hardware cost and system performance is not conclusive. Actual circuit systems have large wordlengths at the circuit design level to avoid calculation errors caused by a lack of dynamic range. This indicates that power dissipation can still be reduced under better conditions. We propose a tunable wordlength architecture that dynamically changes its own wordlength according to the communication environment. The proposed OFDM demodulator measures error vector magnitudes (EVMs) from de-modulated signals and tunes the wordlength to satisfy the required quality of communication by monitoring the EVM performance. The demodulator can reduce dissipated energy by a maximum of 32 and 24% in AWGN and multipath fading channels.

  • A Hardware Algorithm for Integer Division Using the SD2 Representation

    Naofumi TAKAGI  Shunsuke KADOWAKI  Kazuyoshi TAKAGI  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD


    A hardware algorithm for integer division is proposed. It is based on the radix-2 non-restoring division algorithm. Fast computation is achieved by the use of the radix-2 signed-digit (SD2) representation. The algorithm does not require normalization of the divisor, and hence, does not require an area-consuming leading-one (or zero) detection nor shifts of variable-amount. Combinational (unfolded) implementation of the algorithm yields a regularly structured array divider, and sequential implementation yields compact dividers.

  • A New Evolutionary Approach for the Optimal Communication Spanning Tree Problem

    Sang-Moon SOAK  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures


    This paper deals with the Optimum Communication Spanning Tree Problem (OCST) which is well known as an NP-hard problem. For solving the problem, we uses an evolutionary approach. This paper presents a new effective tree encoding and proposes a tree construction routine (TCR) to generate a tree from the encoding. The basic principle is to break a cycle. We also propose a new crossover operator that focuses on the inheritance of parental information and the use of network information. Consequently, we confirm that the proposed algorithm is superior to other algorithms applied to the OCST problem or other tree problems. Moreover, our method can find a better solution than the solution which was previously known as the best solution. In addition, we analyzed the locality and diversity property of encoding and observed that the proposed method has high locality and at the same time it preserves population diversity for many generations. Finally, we conclude that these properties are the main reasons why the proposed method outperforms the other encodings.

  • Zero-Knowledge and Correlation Intractability

    Satoshi HADA  Toshiaki TANAKA  

    PAPER-Information Security


    The notion of correlation intractable function ensembles (CIFEs) was introduced in an attempt to capture the "unpredictability" property of random oracles [12]: If O is a random oracle then it is infeasible to find an input x such that the input-output pair (x,O(x)) has some desired property. In this paper, we observe relationships between zero-knowledge protocols and CIFEs. Specifically, we show that, in the non-uniform model, the existence of CIFEs implies that 3-round auxiliary-input zero-knowledge (AIZK) AM interactive proofs exist only for BPP languages. In the uniform model, we show that 3-round AIZK AM interactive proofs with perfect completeness exist only for easy-to-approximate languages. These conditional triviality results extend to constant-round AIZK AM interactive proofs assuming the existence of multi-input CIFEs, where "multi-input" means that the correlation intractability is satisfied with respect to multiple input-output pairs. Also, as a corollary, we show that any construction of uniform multi-input CIFEs from uniform one-way functions proves unconditionally that constant-round AIZK AM interactive proofs with perfect completeness only for easy-to-approximate languages.

  • Coding for Sources That Output Symbols According to Poisson Process

    Mikihiko NISHIARA  

    PAPER-Information Theory


    We consider coding for sources that output the symbols according to Poisson process from the viewpoint of real-time transmission. In order to reduce the transmission delay we avoid using input buffers. However, the lack of buffer causes overflow error. The theoretical relation between the transmission rate and the error probability is clarified. It is shown that the optimal code that minimizes the probability of error differs from the code that minimizes the expected codeword length. We also investigate the case of block coding as one of the applications of buffers.

  • Recursive Computation of Trispectrum

    Khalid Mahmood AAMIR  Mohammad Ali MAUD  Asim LOAN  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing


    If the signal is not Gaussian, then the power spectral density (PSD) approach is insufficient to analyze signals and we resort to estimate the higher order spectra of the signal. However, estimation of the higher order spectra is even more time consuming, for example, the complexity of trispectrum is O(N 4). This problem becomes even more serious when short time Fourier transform (STFT) is computed - computation of the trispectrum is required after every shift of the window. In this paper, a method to recursively compute trispectrum has been presented and it is shown that the computational complexity, for a window size of N, is reduced to be O(N 3) and is the same as the space complexity.

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